using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Utilities { //Static class with extra functions public static class F { private static Vector3[] m_fourCornersArray = new Vector3[4]; //Returns the number with the greatest absolute value public static float MaxAbs(params float[] nums) { float result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) { if (Mathf.Abs(nums[i]) > Mathf.Abs(result)) { result = nums[i]; } } return result; } //Returns the topmost parent with a certain component public static Component GetTopmostParentComponent(Transform tr) where T : Component { Component getting = null; while (tr.parent != null) { if (tr.parent.GetComponent() != null) { getting = tr.parent.GetComponent(); } tr = tr.parent; } return getting; } public static Mesh GetSharedMesh(this Collider col) { if (col is MeshCollider) { return ((MeshCollider)col).sharedMesh; } else { // WIP: Depending on the collider generate a diferent shape MeshFilter f = col.gameObject.GetComponent(); return f != null ? f.sharedMesh : null; } } public static bool BetweenInclusive(this float v, float min, float max) { return v >= min && v <= max; } public static bool BetweenExclusive(this float v, float min, float max) { return v > min && v < max; } public static int RoundToInt(this float f) { return Mathf.RoundToInt (f); } public static double DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(this DateTime dateTime) { return (TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds; } public static string CurrentDateForLogging { get { try { return System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM HH:mm:ss"); } catch { return ""; } } } public static string Nl2Br(this string str) { return str.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "
"); } public static string OptimizeHTML(this string str) { return str.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">").Nl2Br().Replace("
", "[br]"); } public static string CleanElement(this string html, string element) { string orEl = string.Format(@"\[{0}\]", element); return Regex.Replace(html, orEl, (m) => { return Callback(m, element, html); }); } private static string Callback(Match match, string element, string html) { int oc = FindOccurrences(html.Substring(0, match.Index + 1), match.Index); string befChar = html.Substring(match.Index - (element.Length + 3), 1); string sep = new string(Convert.ToChar(9), oc); return string.Format("{3}<{0}>{1}{2}", element, Environment.NewLine, sep, befChar.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ").IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? sep : ""); } private static int FindOccurrences(string str, int maxIndex) { int lio = str.LastIndexOf("(this T obj) { return typeof(T).ToString(); } public static T GetComponentWithName(this Component root, string name) where T : Component { return root.GetComponentsInChildren().FirstOrDefault(x => == name); } public static T GetOrAddComponent (this GameObject go) where T : Component { T comp = go.GetComponent (); if (null == comp) comp = go.AddComponent (); return comp; } public static T GetComponentOrThrow (this GameObject go) where T : Component { T comp = go.GetComponent (); if (null == comp) throw new MissingComponentException (string.Format ("Failed to get component of type: {0}, on game object: {1}", typeof(T),; return comp; } public static T GetComponentOrThrow (this Component comp) where T : Component { return comp.gameObject.GetComponentOrThrow (); } public static T GetComponentOrLogError (this GameObject go) where T : Component { T comp = go.GetComponent (); if (null == comp) Debug.LogErrorFormat ("Failed to get component of type: {0}, on game object: {1}", typeof(T),; return comp; } public static T GetComponentOrLogError (this Component comp) where T : Component { return comp.gameObject.GetComponentOrLogError (); } public static void DestroyComponent (this GameObject go) where T : Component { T comp = go.GetComponent (); if (comp != null) UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(comp); } public static void MakeChild(this Transform parent, GameObject[] children) { MakeChild(parent, children, null); } //Make the game objects children of the parent. public static void MakeChild(this Transform parent, GameObject[] children, Action actionPerLoop) { foreach (GameObject child in children) { child.transform.parent = parent; if (actionPerLoop != null) actionPerLoop(parent, child); } } public static IEnumerable GetAllParents(this Transform tr) { Transform currentParent = tr.parent; while (currentParent != null) { yield return currentParent; currentParent = currentParent.parent; } } public static bool IsParentOf(this Transform tr, Transform child) { return child.GetAllParents().Any(p => p == tr); } public static IEnumerable GetFirstLevelChildren(this Transform tr) { for (int i = 0; i < tr.childCount; i++) { yield return tr.GetChild(i); } } public static void SetY(this Transform t, float yPos) { Vector3 pos = t.position; pos.y = yPos; t.position = pos; } public static float Distance(this Transform t, Vector3 pos) { return Vector3.Distance (t.position, pos); } public static Quaternion CreateRotationAroundAxes (Vector3 degrees) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (degrees.x != 0) rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (degrees.x, Vector3.right); if (degrees.y != 0) rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (degrees.y, Vector3.up); if (degrees.z != 0) rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (degrees.z, Vector3.forward); return rotation; } public static Vector3 TransformDirection (this Quaternion rot, Vector3 dir) { return rot * dir; } /// /// Transforms the rotation from local space to world space. /// public static Quaternion TransformRotation (this Transform tr, Quaternion rot) { Vector3 localForward = rot * Vector3.forward; Vector3 localUp = rot * Vector3.up; return Quaternion.LookRotation (tr.TransformDirection (localForward), tr.TransformDirection (localUp)); } public static void SetGlobalScale (this Transform tr, Vector3 globalScale) { Vector3 parentGlobalScale = tr.parent != null ? tr.parent.lossyScale :; tr.localScale = Vector3.Scale (globalScale, parentGlobalScale.Inverted () ); } public static Vector3 ClampDirection (Vector3 dir, Vector3 referenceVec, float maxAngle) { float angle = Vector3.Angle (dir, referenceVec); if (angle > maxAngle) { // needs to be clamped return Vector3.RotateTowards( dir, referenceVec, (angle - maxAngle) * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 0f ); // Vector3.Lerp( dir, referenceVec, ); } return dir; } public static void EnableRigidBody(Rigidbody rb) { rb.isKinematic = false; rb.detectCollisions = true; } public static void DisableRigidBody(Rigidbody rb) { rb.isKinematic = true; rb.detectCollisions = false; } public static object FromHex(this string hexString, Type type, CultureInfo info) { var argTypes = new[] { typeof(string), typeof(NumberStyles), typeof(IFormatProvider) }; var convert = type.GetMethod("Parse", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, argTypes, null); return convert.Invoke(null, new object[] { hexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, info }); } public static void SafeDestroy(this T obj) where T : Object { if (Application.isEditor) Object.DestroyImmediate(obj); else Object.Destroy(obj); } public static void SafeDestroyGameObject(this T component) where T : Component { if (component != null) SafeDestroy(component.gameObject); } public static string FirstCharToUpper(this string input) { switch (input) { case null: throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input)); case "": throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(input)} cannot be empty", nameof(input)); default: return input.First().ToString().ToUpper() + input.Substring(1); } } public static string GetGameObjectPath(this GameObject obj) { string path =; while (obj.transform.parent != null) { obj = obj.transform.parent.gameObject; path = "/" + + path; } return path; } public static float GetTimePerc (this AnimationState state) { return state.time / state.length; } public static void SetTimePerc (this AnimationState state, float perc) { state.time = state.length * perc; } public static void RunExceptionSafe (System.Action function) { try { function(); } catch(System.Exception ex) { try { Debug.LogException (ex); } catch {} } } public static void Invoke( this System.Object obj, string methodName, params object[] args ) { var method = obj.GetType().GetMethod( methodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public ); if(method != null) { method.Invoke( obj, args ); } } public static void InvokeExceptionSafe( this System.Object obj, string methodName, params object[] args ) { try { obj.Invoke( methodName, args ); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException (ex); } } /// /// Invokes all subscribed delegates, and makes sure any exception is caught and logged, so that all /// subscribers will get notified. /// public static void InvokeEventExceptionSafe( MulticastDelegate eventDelegate, params object[] parameters ) { RunExceptionSafe( () => { var delegates = eventDelegate.GetInvocationList (); foreach (var del in delegates) { if (del.Method != null) { try { del.Method.Invoke (del.Target, parameters); } catch(System.Exception ex) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogException (ex); } } } }); } public static void SendMessageToObjectsOfType (string msg, params object[] args) where T : UnityEngine.Object { var objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType (); foreach (var obj in objects) { obj.InvokeExceptionSafe (msg, args); } } public static bool IsCasteable(this object input) { try { Convert.ChangeType(input, typeof(T)); return true; } catch { return false; } } public static T[] AddValue(this T[] arr, T value) { return (new List(arr.ToList()) { value }).ToArray(); } public static T[] Add(this T[] target, T item) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); T[] result = new T[target.Length + 1]; target.CopyTo(result, 0); result[target.Length] = item; return result; } public static TNew[] ConvertArray(TOld[] array, Func selector) { int length = array.Length; TNew[] newArray = new TNew[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { newArray[i] = selector(array[i]); } return newArray; } public static IEnumerable DistinctBy(this IEnumerable enumerable, System.Func selector) { List> list = new List>(); foreach (var elem in enumerable) { var value = selector (elem); if (!list.Exists (item => item.Value.Equals (value))) list.Add (new KeyValuePair (elem, value)); } return list.Select (item => item.Key); } public static int FindIndex (this IEnumerable enumerable, System.Predicate predicate) { int i = 0; foreach (var elem in enumerable) { if (predicate (elem)) return i; i++; } return -1; } public static int IndexOf (this IEnumerable enumerable, T value) { return enumerable.FindIndex (elem => elem.Equals (value)); } public static bool AddIfNotPresent (this List list, T item) { if (!list.Contains (item)) { list.Add (item); return true; } return false; } public static T RandomElement (this IList list) { if (list.Count < 1) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("List has no elements"); return list [UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, list.Count)]; } public static int RemoveDeadObjects (this List list) where T : UnityEngine.Object { return list.RemoveAll(item => null == item); } private static Dictionary Texturemap = new Dictionary(); private static Texture2D Font; public static Color[] WriteLetterToTexture(this char chipName, int fontWidth = 12, int fontHeight = 18) { if (Font == null) { Debug.Log("Loaded chipfont!"); Font = Resources.Load("Textures/chipfont"); } // Copy each letter to the texture int cur_id = (int)(chipName - '0'); return Font.GetPixels(cur_id * fontWidth, 0, fontWidth, fontHeight); } // WIP: Vector2? offset = null public static Texture2D WriteTextToTexture(this string chipName, Texture2D texture, int fontWidth = 12, int fontHeight = 18) { if (Font == null) Font = Resources.Load("Textures/chipfont"); // If texture already exists, don't create it again int offset = 5; int offset_y = Font.height; // Copy each letter to the texture for (int i = 0; i < chipName.Length; i++) { int cur_id = (int)(chipName[i] - '0'); for (int y = 0; y < fontHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < fontWidth; x++) { Color tempColor = Font.GetPixel(cur_id * fontWidth + x, offset_y - y); texture.SetPixel(offset + x, offset_y - y + 10, tempColor); } } offset += fontWidth; } texture.Apply(); return texture; } public static Texture2D TextToTexture(this string chipName, int fontWidth = 12, int fontHeight = 18) { if (Font == null) Font = Resources.Load("Textures/chipfont"); // If texture already exists, don't create it again if (!Texturemap.ContainsKey(chipName)) { int textureWidth = 100; // Generate the texture var texture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, 100, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < textureWidth; x++) { texture.SetPixel(x, y, Color.clear); } } int offset = 5; int offset_y = Font.height; // Copy each letter to the texture for (int i = 0; i < chipName.Length; i++) { int cur_id = (int)(chipName[i] - '0'); for (int y = 0; y < fontHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < fontWidth; x++) { Color tempColor = Font.GetPixel(cur_id * fontWidth + x, offset_y - y); texture.SetPixel(offset + x, offset_y - y + 10, tempColor); } } offset += fontWidth; } // Apply all SetPixel calls texture.Apply(); Texturemap[chipName] = texture; } return Texturemap[chipName]; } public static Vector2 GetSize (this Texture2D tex) { return new Vector2 (tex.width, tex.height); } // Slow method public static int CountObjectsInLayer(int layer) { int i = 0; foreach (Transform t in Object.FindObjectsOfType()) if (t.gameObject.layer == layer) ++i; return i; } public static bool IsGreaterOrEqual(this Vector2 local, Vector2 other) { if (local.x >= other.x && local.y >= other.y) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsLesserOrEqual(this Vector2 local, Vector2 other) { if (local.x <= other.x && local.y <= other.y) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsGreater(this Vector2 local, Vector2 other, bool orOperator = false) { if (orOperator) { if (local.x > other.x || local.y > other.y) return true; else return false; } else { if (local.x > other.x && local.y > other.y) return true; else return false; } } public static bool IsLesser(this Vector2 local, Vector2 other, bool orOperator = false) { if (orOperator) { if (local.x < other.x || local.y < other.y) return true; else return false; } else { if (local.x < other.x && local.y < other.y) return true; else return false; } } public static Vector2 ToVec2WithXAndZ( this Vector3 vec3 ) { return new Vector2 (vec3.x, vec3.z); } public static Vector3 WithXAndZ( this Vector3 vec3 ) { return new Vector3 (vec3.x, 0f, vec3.z); } public static Vector3 WithY( this Vector3 vec3, float yValue ) { return new Vector3 (vec3.x, yValue, vec3.z); } public static Vector3 Inverted (this Vector3 vec3) { return new Vector3 (1.0f / vec3.x, 1.0f / vec3.y, 1.0f / vec3.z); } public static Color OrangeColor { get { return Color.Lerp (Color.yellow,, 0.5f); } } /// /// Clamps all coordinates between 0 and 1. /// public static Rect Clamp01(this Rect rect) { float xMin = rect.xMin; float xMax = rect.xMax; float yMin = rect.yMin; float yMax = rect.yMax; xMin = Mathf.Clamp01 (xMin); xMax = Mathf.Clamp01 (xMax); yMin = Mathf.Clamp01 (yMin); yMax = Mathf.Clamp01 (yMax); return new Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); } public static bool Contains(this Rect rect, Rect other) { return rect.xMax >= other.xMax && rect.xMin <= other.xMin && rect.yMax >= other.yMax && rect.yMin <= other.yMin; } public static Rect Intersection(this Rect rect, Rect other) { float xMax = Mathf.Min (rect.xMax, other.xMax); float yMax = Mathf.Min (rect.yMax, other.yMax); float xMin = Mathf.Max (rect.xMin, other.xMin); float yMin = Mathf.Max (rect.yMin, other.yMin); return new Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); } public static Rect Normalized(this Rect rect, Rect outter) { float xMin = (rect.xMin - outter.xMin) / outter.width; float xMax = (rect.xMax - outter.xMin) / outter.width; float yMin = (rect.yMin - outter.yMin) / outter.height; float yMax = (rect.yMax - outter.yMin) / outter.height; return new Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); } public static Rect CreateRect(Vector2 center, Vector2 size) { return new Rect (center - size / 2.0f, size); } public static Rect GetRect (this RectTransform rectTransform) { Vector3[] localCorners = m_fourCornersArray; rectTransform.GetLocalCorners (localCorners); float xMin = float.PositiveInfinity, yMin = float.PositiveInfinity; float xMax = float.NegativeInfinity, yMax = float.NegativeInfinity; for (int i = 0; i < localCorners.Length; i++) { Vector3 corner = localCorners [i]; if (corner.x < xMin) xMin = corner.x; else if (corner.x > xMax) xMax = corner.x; if (corner.y < yMin) yMin = corner.y; else if (corner.y > yMax) yMax = corner.y; } return new Rect (xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); } public static Texture2D CreateTexture (int width, int height, Color color) { Color[] pixels = new Color[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++) pixels [i] = color; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D (width, height); texture.SetPixels (pixels); texture.Apply (); return texture; } public static Ray GetRayFromCenter (this Camera cam) { Vector3 viewportPos = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0f); return cam.ViewportPointToRay (viewportPos); } public static Camera FindMainCameraEvenIfDisabled() { GameObject camObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); if (camObj != null) return camObj.GetComponentInChildren(true); return null; } public static void GizmosDrawLineFromCamera () { if (null == Camera.main) return; Ray ray = Camera.main.GetRayFromCenter (); Gizmos.DrawLine (ray.origin, ray.origin + ray.direction * Camera.main.farClipPlane); } public static void HandlesDrawText(Vector3 pos, string text, Color color) { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.Handles.color = color; UnityEditor.Handles.Label(pos, text); #endif } public static bool ScreenHasHighDensity => Application.isMobilePlatform; } }