using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Mirror; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using System.Linq; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Net { public class Player : NetworkBehaviour { static List s_allPlayers = new List(); public static Player[] AllPlayers { get { return s_allPlayers.ToArray(); } } public static IEnumerable AllPlayersEnumerable { get { return s_allPlayers; } } /// Local player. public static Player Local { get; private set; } public static event System.Action onStart = delegate {}; [SyncVar(hook=nameof(OnOwnedGameObjectChanged))] GameObject m_ownedGameObject; Ped m_ownedPed; //public GameObject OwnedGameObject { get { return m_ownedGameObject; } internal set { m_ownedGameObject = value; } } public Ped OwnedPed { get { return m_ownedPed; } internal set { m_ownedPed = value; m_ownedGameObject = value != null ? value.gameObject : null; } } public static Player GetOwningPlayer(Ped ped) { if (null == ped) return null; return AllPlayersEnumerable.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OwnedPed == ped); } void OnEnable() { s_allPlayers.Add(this); } void OnDisable() { s_allPlayers.Remove(this); // kill player's ped if (NetStatus.IsServer) { if (this.OwnedPed) Destroy(this.OwnedPed.gameObject); } } public override void OnStartClient() { base.OnStartClient(); if (this.isServer) return; m_ownedPed = m_ownedGameObject != null ? m_ownedGameObject.GetComponent() : null; } public override void OnStartLocalPlayer() { base.OnStartLocalPlayer(); Local = this; } void Start() { // log some info if (NetStatus.IsServer && !this.isLocalPlayer) Debug.LogFormat("Player (netId={0}, addr={1}) connected, time: {2}", this.netId, this.connectionToClient.address, F.CurrentDateForLogging); F.InvokeEventExceptionSafe(onStart, this); } public override void OnNetworkDestroy() { base.OnNetworkDestroy(); // log some info about this if (NetStatus.IsServer && !this.isLocalPlayer) Debug.LogFormat("Player (netId={0}, addr={1}) disconnected, time: {2}", this.netId, this.connectionToClient.address, F.CurrentDateForLogging); } void OnOwnedGameObjectChanged(GameObject newGo) { Debug.LogFormat("Owned game object changed for player (net id {0})", this.netId); if (this.isServer) return; m_ownedGameObject = newGo; m_ownedPed = m_ownedGameObject != null ? m_ownedGameObject.GetComponent() : null; } void Update() { // Telepathy does not detect dead connections, so we'll have to detect them ourselves if (NetStatus.IsServer && !this.isLocalPlayer) { if (Time.time - this.connectionToClient.lastMessageTime > 6f) { // disconnect client this.connectionToClient.Disconnect(); } } } } }