using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World { public class DayTimeManager : MonoBehaviour { public static DayTimeManager Singleton { get; private set; } public AnimationCurve lightAngleCurve; public AnimationCurve lightIntensityCurve; public AnimationCurve nightColorsIntensityCurve; public Light directionalLight; public byte startTimeHours = 12; public byte startTimeMinutes = 0; public byte CurrentTimeHours { get; private set; } public byte CurrentTimeMinutes { get; private set; } public float CurrentCurveTime => (this.CurrentTimeHours + this.CurrentTimeMinutes / 60f) / 24f; private float m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced = 0; public float timeScale = 1; public float nightColorsMultiplier = 0.1f; private float m_originalSkyboxExposure; public bool controlLightIntensity = true; public bool disableLightDuringNight = true; public Color moonColor =; private Color m_originalLightColor; private static int s_exposurePropertyId = -1; public static int ExposurePropertyId => s_exposurePropertyId == -1 ? s_exposurePropertyId = Shader.PropertyToID("_Exposure") : s_exposurePropertyId; private static int s_nightMultiplierPropertyId = -1; public static int NightMultiplierPropertyId => s_nightMultiplierPropertyId == -1 ? s_nightMultiplierPropertyId = Shader.PropertyToID("_NightMultiplier") : s_nightMultiplierPropertyId; public event System.Action onTimeChanged = delegate {}; private void Awake() { Singleton = this; m_originalLightColor = this.directionalLight.color; m_originalSkyboxExposure = RenderSettings.skybox.GetFloat(ExposurePropertyId); } private void OnDisable() { // restore material settings if (Application.isEditor) RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat(ExposurePropertyId, m_originalSkyboxExposure); } private void Start() { if (NetUtils.IsServer) this.SetTime(this.startTimeHours, this.startTimeMinutes, false); } private void Update() { m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced += Time.deltaTime * this.timeScale; if (m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced >= 1 && NetUtils.IsServer) { m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced = 0; this.AdvanceTime(); } else { // light angle should be updated every frame this.UpdateLightAngle(this.CurrentCurveTime + m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced / 60f / 24f); } } void AdvanceTime() { int newHours = this.CurrentTimeHours; int newMinutes = this.CurrentTimeMinutes + 1; if (newMinutes >= 60) { newMinutes = 0; newHours++; if (newHours >= 24) newHours = 0; } this.SetTime((byte) newHours, (byte) newMinutes, false); } public void SetTime(byte hours, byte minutes, bool log) { hours = (byte) Mathf.Clamp(hours, 0, 23); minutes = (byte) Mathf.Clamp(minutes, 0, 59); this.CurrentTimeHours = hours; this.CurrentTimeMinutes = minutes; m_timeSinceTimeAdvanced = 0; float curveTime = this.CurrentCurveTime; float lightIntensity = this.lightIntensityCurve.Evaluate(curveTime); bool isNight = lightIntensity <= 0; if (this.controlLightIntensity) this.directionalLight.intensity = Mathf.Abs(lightIntensity); if (this.disableLightDuringNight) this.directionalLight.enabled = !isNight; else { this.directionalLight.enabled = true; this.directionalLight.color = isNight ? this.moonColor : m_originalLightColor; } float skyboxExposure = isNight ? 0f : m_originalSkyboxExposure * lightIntensity; RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat(ExposurePropertyId, skyboxExposure); float lightAngle = this.UpdateLightAngle(curveTime); float nightMultiplier = this.nightColorsIntensityCurve.Evaluate(curveTime) * this.nightColorsMultiplier; Shader.SetGlobalFloat(NightMultiplierPropertyId, nightMultiplier); if (log) { Debug.Log($"Time set to {hours}:{minutes}, curveTime {curveTime}, lightIntensity {lightIntensity}, lightAngle {lightAngle}, nightMultiplier {nightMultiplier}"); } F.InvokeEventExceptionSafe(this.onTimeChanged); } float UpdateLightAngle(float curveTime) { float lightAngle = this.lightAngleCurve.Evaluate(curveTime) * 180f; this.directionalLight.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lightAngle, Vector3.right); return lightAngle; } public static void CurveTimeToHoursAndMinutes(float curveTime, out byte hours, out byte minutes) { float hoursWithMinutes = curveTime * 24f; hours = (byte) Mathf.FloorToInt(hoursWithMinutes); float hourPerc = hoursWithMinutes - Mathf.Floor(hoursWithMinutes); minutes = (byte) Mathf.RoundToInt(60 * hourPerc); } } }