using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.UI { public class ControlsWindow : PauseMenuWindow { ControlsWindow() { // set default parameters this.windowName = "Controls"; this.useScrollView = true; } void Start () { this.RegisterButtonInPauseMenu (); // adjust rect this.windowRect = Utilities.GUIUtils.GetCenteredRect(new Vector2(400, 450)); } protected override void OnWindowGUI () { GUILayout.Label ( GetControlsText() ); } public static string GetControlsText() { return "V - Spawn vehicle\n\n" + "P - Change ped model\n\n" + "W/A/S/D - Move ped\n\n" + "Space - Sprint\n\n" + "Alt - Walk\n\n" + "Left shift - Jump\n\n" + "Mouse scroll - Zoom in / out camera\n\n" + "E/Q - Next/previous weapon\n\n" + "Esc - Toggle pause menu\n\n" + (Utilities.NetUtils.IsServer ? ("T - Fly mode\n\n" + "R - Fly through mode\n\n") : "") + "Enter - Enter/exit vehicles\n\n" + "F10 - Toggle FPS counter\n\n" + "B - Zoom out minimap\n\n" + "N - Zoom in minimap\n\n" + "M - Open the entire map\n\n" + "F8 - Show more info in the minimap\n\n"; } } }