# # filename: auxanimgrp.dat # description: This file describes additional anim association groups. # #format is # name, filename, animtype, numanims # animlist.... #end # # name: name of animation definition group # filename: name of file in which these animations occur (minus the IFP extension) # animtype: type of animations # numanims: number of animations in groups # default, ped, car, 12 CAR_sit CAR_sitp Drive_L Drive_R CAR_getin_LHS CAR_getin_RHS CAR_getout_LHS CAR_getout_RHS CAR_closedoor_LHS CAR_closedoor_RHS CAR_close_LHS CAR_close_RHS end default, ped, mywalkcycle, 4 IDLE_ARMED FUCKU GUN_STAND sprint_civi end default, ped, gun, 23 GunCrouchBwd GunCrouchFwd GunMove_BWD GunMove_FWD GunMove_L GunMove_R Gun_2_IDLE GUN_BUTT GUN_BUTT_crouch Gun_stand IDLE_armed run_1armed run_armed run_left run_right run_player sprint_civi WALK_armed WALK_start_armed SHOT_leftP SHOT_partial SHOT_partial_B SHOT_rightP end default, weapons, weapons, 17 SHP_1H_Lift SHP_1H_Lift_End SHP_1H_Ret SHP_1H_Ret_S SHP_2H_Lift SHP_2H_Lift_End SHP_2H_Ret SHP_2H_Ret_S SHP_Ar_Lift SHP_Ar_Lift_End SHP_Ar_Ret SHP_Ar_Ret_S SHP_G_Lift_In SHP_G_Lift_Out SHP_Tray_In SHP_Tray_Out SHP_Tray_Pose end default, colt45, colt45, 7 colt45_fire COLT45_RELOAD colt45_crouchfire colt45_fire_2hands 2guns_crouchfire colt45_crouchreload sawnoff_reload end default, silenced, silenced, 4 CrouchReload SilenceCrouchfire Silence_fire Silence_reload end default, python, python, 5 python_crouchfire python_crouchreload python_fire python_fire_poor python_reload end default, shotgun, shotgun, 3 shotgun_crouchfire shotgun_fire shotgun_fire_poor end default, buddy, buddy, 5 buddy_crouchfire buddy_crouchreload buddy_fire buddy_fire_poor buddy_fire_reload end default, tec, tec, 4 TEC_crouchfire TEC_crouchreload TEC_fire TEC_reload end default, uzi, uzi, 5 UZI_crouchfire UZI_crouchreload UZI_fire UZI_fire_poor UZI_reload end default, rifle, rifle, 5 RIFLE_crouchfire RIFLE_crouchload RIFLE_fire RIFLE_fire_poor RIFLE_load end default, rocket, rocket, 5 idle_rocket RocketFire run_rocket walk_rocket WALK_start_rocket end default, flame, flame, 1 FLAME_fire end default, grenade, grenade, 3 WEAPON_start_throw WEAPON_throw WEAPON_throwu end