using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Mirror; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Definitions; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Vehicles; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Net { public class NetworkedVehicleDetachedPart : NetworkBehaviour { public NetworkRigidBody NetworkRigidBody { get; private set; } [SyncVar] uint m_net_vehicleNetId; [SyncVar] int m_net_vehicleModelId; [SyncVar] string m_net_vehicleColors; [SyncVar] string m_net_frameName; [SyncVar] float m_net_mass; class VehicleInfo { public int numReferences; public FrameContainer frames; } static readonly Dictionary s_dummyObjectsPerVehicle = new Dictionary(); bool m_isReferencingFrame = false; void Awake() { this.NetworkRigidBody = this.GetComponentOrThrow(); } void OnDisable() { if (m_isReferencingFrame) { m_isReferencingFrame = false; if (s_dummyObjectsPerVehicle.TryGetValue(m_net_vehicleNetId, out VehicleInfo vehicleInfo)) { vehicleInfo.numReferences--; if (vehicleInfo.numReferences <= 0) { // TODO: check if it is null Object.Destroy(vehicleInfo.frames.gameObject); s_dummyObjectsPerVehicle.Remove(m_net_vehicleNetId); } } } } public void InitializeOnServer(uint vehicleNetId, int vehicleModelId, IReadOnlyList vehicleColors, string frameName, float mass, Rigidbody rigidbody) { NetStatus.ThrowIfNotOnServer(); m_net_vehicleNetId = vehicleNetId; m_net_vehicleModelId = vehicleModelId; m_net_vehicleColors = VehicleController.SerializeColors(vehicleColors); m_net_frameName = frameName; m_net_mass = mass; this.NetworkRigidBody.Rigidbody = rigidbody; this.NetworkRigidBody.UpdateServer(); } public override void OnStartClient() { if (NetStatus.IsServer) return; F.RunExceptionSafe(() => this.OnStartClientInternal()); } void OnStartClientInternal() { GameObject vehicleGo = NetManager.GetNetworkObjectById(m_net_vehicleNetId); if (null == vehicleGo) { // this should only happen when vehicle has been destroyed before client connected, but it's detached parts are still alive // load vehicle's model, and attach it's frames to dummy object, and detach a frame from that dummy object VehicleDef def = Item.GetDefinitionOrThrow(m_net_vehicleModelId); Color32[] colors = VehicleController.DeserializeColors(m_net_vehicleColors); var geometryParts = Vehicle.LoadGeometryParts(def); VehicleInfo vehicleInfo; if (s_dummyObjectsPerVehicle.TryGetValue(m_net_vehicleNetId, out vehicleInfo)) { // we already created dummy object for this vehicle vehicleInfo.numReferences++; } else { // need to create dummy object for this vehicle, and attach all vehicle's frames to it Transform transformDummy = new GameObject($"{def.GameName}_detached_part_{m_net_frameName}").transform; vehicleInfo = new VehicleInfo(); vehicleInfo.frames = geometryParts.AttachFrames(transformDummy, Importing.Conversion.MaterialFlags.Vehicle); SetColors(vehicleInfo.frames, colors); vehicleInfo.numReferences = 1; s_dummyObjectsPerVehicle.Add(m_net_vehicleNetId, vehicleInfo); } m_isReferencingFrame = true; Frame frame = vehicleInfo.frames.FirstOrDefault(f => == m_net_frameName); if (null == frame) throw new System.Exception($"Failed to find frame by name {m_net_frameName}"); // detach frame from dummy object Vehicle.DetachFrameFromTransformDuringExplosion(vehicleInfo.frames.transform, frame, m_net_mass, this.gameObject, m_net_vehicleNetId, m_net_vehicleModelId, colors); } else { Vehicle vehicle = vehicleGo.GetComponentOrThrow(); vehicle.DetachFrameDuringExplosion(m_net_frameName, m_net_mass, this.gameObject); } var rb = this.GetComponentInChildren(); if (rb != null) rb.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate; this.NetworkRigidBody.Rigidbody = rb; } private static void SetColors(FrameContainer frames, Color32[] colors) { Vehicle.UpdateMaterials(frames, colors, new []{ 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f }, new MaterialPropertyBlock()); } } }