using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Conversion; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Definitions; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Placements; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World { public class StaticGeometry : MapObject { public static StaticGeometry Create() { return new GameObject().AddComponent(); } protected Instance Instance { get; private set; } private bool _canLoad; private bool _isGeometryLoaded = false; private bool _isVisible; private bool _isFading; public bool IsVisible { get { return _isVisible; } private set { if (_isVisible == value) return; _isVisible = value; gameObject.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine(Fade()); if (value && LodChild != null) { LodChild.Hide(); } } } public StaticGeometry LodParent { get; private set; } public StaticGeometry LodChild { get; private set; } public void Initialize(Instance inst, Dictionary dict) { Instance = inst; Instance.Object = Instance.Object ?? Item.GetDefinition(inst.ObjectId); Initialize(inst.Position, inst.Rotation); _canLoad = Instance.Object != null; name = _canLoad ? Instance.Object.ModelName : string.Format("Unknown ({0})", Instance.ObjectId); if (_canLoad && Instance.LodInstance != null) { LodChild = dict[Instance.LodInstance]; LodChild.LodParent = this; } _isVisible = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); gameObject.isStatic = true; } public bool ShouldBeVisible(Vector3 from) { if (!_canLoad) return false; var obj = Instance.Object; // if (obj.HasFlag (ObjectFlag.DisableDrawDist)) // return true; // var dist = Vector3.Distance(from, transform.position); var distSquared = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(from - transform.position); if (distSquared > Cell.Instance.maxDrawDistance * Cell.Instance.maxDrawDistance) return false; if (distSquared > obj.DrawDist * obj.DrawDist) return false; if (!HasLoaded || LodParent == null || !LodParent.IsVisible) return true; if (!LodParent.ShouldBeVisible(from)) return true; return false; // return (distSquared <= obj.DrawDist * obj.DrawDist || (obj.DrawDist >= 300 && distSquared < 2560*2560)) // && (!HasLoaded || LodParent == null || !LodParent.IsVisible || !LodParent.ShouldBeVisible(from)); } protected override float OnRefreshLoadOrder(Vector3 from) { var visible = ShouldBeVisible(from); if (!IsVisible) { return visible ? Vector3.SqrMagnitude(from - transform.position) : float.PositiveInfinity; } if (!visible) Hide(); return float.PositiveInfinity; } protected override void OnLoad() { if (!_canLoad) return; Profiler.BeginSample ("StaticGeometry.OnLoad", this); // this was previously placed after loading geometry Flags = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ObjectFlag)) .Cast() .Where(x => (Instance.Object.Flags & x) == x) .Select(x => x.ToString()) .ToList(); //var geoms = Geometry.Load(Instance.Object.ModelName, Instance.Object.TextureDictionaryName); //OnGeometryLoaded (geoms); // we could start loading collision model here // - we can't, because we don't know the name of collision file until clump is loaded Geometry.LoadAsync( Instance.Object.ModelName, new string[] {Instance.Object.TextureDictionaryName}, (geoms) => { if(geoms != null) { // we can't load collision model asyncly, because it requires a transform to attach to // but, we can load collision file asyncly Importing.Collision.CollisionFile.FromNameAsync( geoms.Collisions != null ? geoms.Collisions.Name : geoms.Name, (cf) => { OnGeometryLoaded (geoms); }); } }); Profiler.EndSample (); } private void OnGeometryLoaded (Geometry.GeometryParts geoms) { Profiler.BeginSample ("Add mesh", this); var mf = gameObject.AddComponent(); var mr = gameObject.AddComponent(); mf.sharedMesh = geoms.Geometry[0].Mesh; mr.sharedMaterials = geoms.Geometry[0].GetMaterials(Instance.Object.Flags, mat => mat.SetTexture(NoiseTexId, NoiseTex)); Profiler.EndSample (); geoms.AttachCollisionModel(transform); Profiler.BeginSample ("Set layer", this); if (Instance.Object.HasFlag(ObjectFlag.Breakable)) { gameObject.SetLayerRecursive(BreakableLayer); } Profiler.EndSample (); _isGeometryLoaded = true; } private void OnCollisionModelAttached () { } protected override void OnShow() { Profiler.BeginSample ("StaticGeometry.OnShow"); IsVisible = LodParent == null || !LodParent.IsVisible; Profiler.EndSample (); } private IEnumerator Fade() { if (_isFading) yield break; _isFading = true; // wait until geometry gets loaded while (!_isGeometryLoaded) yield return null; var mr = GetComponent(); if (mr == null) { _isFading = false; yield break; } const float fadeRate = 2f; var pb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); // continuously change transparency until object becomes fully opaque or fully transparent var val = IsVisible ? 0f : -1f; for (; ; ) { var dest = IsVisible ? 1f : 0f; var sign = Math.Sign(dest - val); val += sign * fadeRate * Time.deltaTime; if (sign == 0 || sign == 1 && val >= dest || sign == -1 && val <= dest) break; pb.SetFloat(FadeId, (float)val); mr.SetPropertyBlock(pb); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } mr.SetPropertyBlock(null); if (!IsVisible) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } _isFading = false; } public void Hide() { IsVisible = false; } } }