using UnityEngine; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; /* File browser for selecting files or folders at runtime. */ public enum FileBrowserType { File, Directory } public class FileBrowser { // Called when the user clicks cancel or select public delegate void FinishedCallback(string path); // Defaults to working directory public string CurrentDirectory { get { return m_currentDirectory; } set { SetNewDirectory(value); SwitchDirectoryNow(); } } protected string m_currentDirectory; // Optional pattern for filtering selectable files/folders. See: // // and // public string SelectionPattern { get { return m_filePattern; } set { m_filePattern = value; ReadDirectoryContents(); } } protected string m_filePattern; protected List m_drives = new List (); // Optional image for directories public Texture2D DirectoryImage { get { return m_directoryImage; } set { m_directoryImage = value; BuildContent(); } } protected Texture2D m_directoryImage; // Optional image for files public Texture2D FileImage { get { return m_fileImage; } set { m_fileImage = value; BuildContent(); } } protected Texture2D m_fileImage; // Browser type. Defaults to File, but can be set to Folder public FileBrowserType BrowserType { get { return m_browserType; } set { m_browserType = value; ReadDirectoryContents(); } } protected FileBrowserType m_browserType; protected string m_newDirectory; protected string[] m_currentDirectoryParts; protected string[] m_files; protected GUIContent[] m_filesWithImages; protected int m_selectedFile; protected string[] m_nonMatchingFiles; protected GUIContent[] m_nonMatchingFilesWithImages; protected int m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory; protected string[] m_directories; protected GUIContent[] m_directoriesWithImages; protected int m_selectedDirectory; protected string[] m_nonMatchingDirectories; protected GUIContent[] m_nonMatchingDirectoriesWithImages; protected bool m_currentDirectoryMatches; protected GUIStyle CentredText { get { if (m_centredText == null) { m_centredText = new GUIStyle(; m_centredText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; m_centredText.fixedHeight = this.ButtonStyle.fixedHeight; } return m_centredText; } } protected GUIStyle m_centredText; protected GUIStyle m_buttonStyle; protected GUIStyle ButtonStyle { get { if (null == m_buttonStyle) { // m_buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(; // m_buttonStyle.fixedHeight = 25; m_buttonStyle =; } return m_buttonStyle; } } protected string m_name; protected Rect m_screenRect; protected Vector2 m_scrollPosition; protected FinishedCallback m_callback; // Browsers need at least a rect, name and callback public FileBrowser(Rect screenRect, string name, FinishedCallback callback) { m_name = name; m_screenRect = screenRect; m_browserType = FileBrowserType.File; m_callback = callback; SetNewDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); SwitchDirectoryNow(); } protected void SetNewDirectory(string directory) { m_newDirectory = directory; } protected void SwitchDirectoryNow() { if (m_newDirectory == null || m_currentDirectory == m_newDirectory) { return; } m_currentDirectory = m_newDirectory; m_scrollPosition =; m_selectedDirectory = m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory = m_selectedFile = -1; ReadDirectoryContents(); } protected void ReadDirectoryContents() { // refresh list of drives try { m_drives.Clear (); m_drives.AddRange( GetDirectoriesForTopPanel() ); } catch { } if (m_currentDirectory == "/") { m_currentDirectoryParts = new string[] {""}; m_currentDirectoryMatches = false; } else { m_currentDirectoryParts = m_currentDirectory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (SelectionPattern != null) { string[] generation = GetDirectories( Path.GetDirectoryName(m_currentDirectory), SelectionPattern ); m_currentDirectoryMatches = Array.IndexOf(generation, m_currentDirectory) >= 0; } else { m_currentDirectoryMatches = false; } } if (BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File || SelectionPattern == null) { m_directories = GetDirectories(m_currentDirectory); m_nonMatchingDirectories = new string[0]; } else { m_directories = GetDirectories(m_currentDirectory, SelectionPattern); var nonMatchingDirectories = new List(); foreach (string directoryPath in GetDirectories(m_currentDirectory)) { if (Array.IndexOf(m_directories, directoryPath) < 0) { nonMatchingDirectories.Add(directoryPath); } } m_nonMatchingDirectories = nonMatchingDirectories.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < m_nonMatchingDirectories.Length; ++i) { int lastSeparator = m_nonMatchingDirectories[i].LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); m_nonMatchingDirectories[i] = m_nonMatchingDirectories[i].Substring(lastSeparator + 1); } Array.Sort(m_nonMatchingDirectories); } for (int i = 0; i < m_directories.Length; ++i) { m_directories[i] = m_directories[i].Substring(m_directories[i].LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1); } if (BrowserType == FileBrowserType.Directory || SelectionPattern == null) { m_files = GetFiles(m_currentDirectory); m_nonMatchingFiles = new string[0]; } else { m_files = GetFiles(m_currentDirectory, SelectionPattern); var nonMatchingFiles = new List(); foreach (string filePath in GetFiles(m_currentDirectory)) { if (Array.IndexOf(m_files, filePath) < 0) { nonMatchingFiles.Add(filePath); } } m_nonMatchingFiles = nonMatchingFiles.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < m_nonMatchingFiles.Length; ++i) { m_nonMatchingFiles[i] = Path.GetFileName(m_nonMatchingFiles[i]); } Array.Sort(m_nonMatchingFiles); } for (int i = 0; i < m_files.Length; ++i) { m_files[i] = Path.GetFileName(m_files[i]); } Array.Sort(m_files); BuildContent(); m_newDirectory = null; } static string[] GetFiles (string path, string searchPattern) { try { return Directory.GetFiles( path, searchPattern ); } catch { return new string[0]; } } static string[] GetFiles (string path) { try { return Directory.GetFiles( path ); } catch { return new string[0]; } } static string[] GetDirectories (string path, string searchPattern) { try { return Directory.GetDirectories( path, searchPattern ); } catch { return new string[0]; } } static string[] GetDirectories (string path) { try { return Directory.GetDirectories( path ); } catch { return new string[0]; } } static string[] GetDirectoriesForTopPanel() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { return new string[]{"/", "/sdcard/", "/storage/", "/storage/sdcard0/", "/storage/sdcard1/", "/storage/emulated/0/"}; } else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor) { return new string[]{"/", "/home/", "/mnt/", "/media/"}; } else { return Directory.GetLogicalDrives (); } } protected void BuildContent() { m_directoriesWithImages = new GUIContent[m_directories.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_directoriesWithImages.Length; ++i) { m_directoriesWithImages[i] = new GUIContent(m_directories[i], DirectoryImage); } m_nonMatchingDirectoriesWithImages = new GUIContent[m_nonMatchingDirectories.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nonMatchingDirectoriesWithImages.Length; ++i) { m_nonMatchingDirectoriesWithImages[i] = new GUIContent(m_nonMatchingDirectories[i], DirectoryImage); } m_filesWithImages = new GUIContent[m_files.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_filesWithImages.Length; ++i) { m_filesWithImages[i] = new GUIContent(m_files[i], FileImage); } m_nonMatchingFilesWithImages = new GUIContent[m_nonMatchingFiles.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nonMatchingFilesWithImages.Length; ++i) { m_nonMatchingFilesWithImages[i] = new GUIContent(m_nonMatchingFiles[i], FileImage); } } public void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginArea( m_screenRect, m_name, ); // display drives if (m_drives.Count > 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); foreach (var drive in m_drives) { if (GUILayout.Button (drive, this.ButtonStyle)) { SetNewDirectory (drive); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); } // display directory parts GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int parentIndex = 0; parentIndex < m_currentDirectoryParts.Length; ++parentIndex) { if (parentIndex == m_currentDirectoryParts.Length - 1) { GUILayout.Label(m_currentDirectoryParts[parentIndex], CentredText); } else if (GUILayout.Button(m_currentDirectoryParts[parentIndex], this.ButtonStyle)) { string parentDirectoryName = m_currentDirectory; for (int i = m_currentDirectoryParts.Length - 1; i > parentIndex; --i) { parentDirectoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(parentDirectoryName); } SetNewDirectory(parentDirectoryName); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); m_scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_scrollPosition, false, true,,, ); m_selectedDirectory = xGUILayout.SelectionList( m_selectedDirectory, m_directoriesWithImages, this.ButtonStyle, DirectoryDoubleClickCallback ); if (m_selectedDirectory > -1) { m_selectedFile = m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory = -1; } m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory = xGUILayout.SelectionList( m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory, m_nonMatchingDirectoriesWithImages, this.ButtonStyle, NonMatchingDirectoryDoubleClickCallback ); if (m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory > -1) { m_selectedDirectory = m_selectedFile = -1; } GUI.enabled = BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File; m_selectedFile = xGUILayout.SelectionList( m_selectedFile, m_filesWithImages, this.ButtonStyle, FileDoubleClickCallback ); GUI.enabled = true; if (m_selectedFile > -1) { m_selectedDirectory = m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory = -1; } GUI.enabled = false; xGUILayout.SelectionList( -1, m_nonMatchingFilesWithImages, this.ButtonStyle ); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (SanAndreasUnity.Utilities.GUIUtils.ButtonWithCalculatedSize("Cancel")) { m_callback(null); } if (BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File) { GUI.enabled = m_selectedFile > -1; } else { if (SelectionPattern == null) { GUI.enabled = true;//m_selectedDirectory > -1; } else { GUI.enabled = m_selectedDirectory > -1 || ( m_currentDirectoryMatches && m_selectedNonMatchingDirectory == -1 && m_selectedFile == -1 ); } } string selectButtonText = BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File ? "Select" : "Select current folder"; if (SanAndreasUnity.Utilities.GUIUtils.ButtonWithCalculatedSize (selectButtonText)) { if (BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File) { m_callback(Path.Combine(m_currentDirectory, m_files[m_selectedFile])); } else { // if (m_selectedDirectory > -1) { // m_callback(Path.Combine(m_currentDirectory, m_directories[m_selectedDirectory])); // } else { // m_callback(m_currentDirectory); // } m_callback(m_currentDirectory); } } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { SwitchDirectoryNow(); } } protected void FileDoubleClickCallback(int i) { if (BrowserType == FileBrowserType.File) { m_callback(Path.Combine(m_currentDirectory, m_files[i])); } } protected void DirectoryDoubleClickCallback(int i) { SetNewDirectory(Path.Combine(m_currentDirectory, m_directories[i])); } protected void NonMatchingDirectoryDoubleClickCallback(int i) { SetNewDirectory(Path.Combine(m_currentDirectory, m_nonMatchingDirectories[i])); } public static Vector2 GetRecommendedSize() { float width = Mathf.Max (Screen.width * 0.75f, 600); float height = width * 9f / 16f; return new Vector2(width, height); } }