using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Animation; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Weapons; using System.Linq; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using SanAndreasUnity.Net; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours { public class WeaponHolder : MonoBehaviour { private Ped m_ped; public PedModel PlayerModel { get { return m_ped.PlayerModel; } } public Camera Camera { get { return m_ped.Camera; } } private Weapon[] weapons = new Weapon[(int)WeaponSlot.Count]; public Weapon[] AllWeapons { get { return this.weapons.Where (w => w != null).ToArray (); } } private int currentWeaponSlot = 0; public int CurrentWeaponSlot { get { return this.currentWeaponSlot; } } public bool IsHoldingWeapon { get { return this.currentWeaponSlot > 0; } } public bool autoAddWeapon = false; #region Aiming // public bool IsAimOn { get; set; } // private bool m_isAiming = false; public bool IsAiming { get { return m_ped.CurrentState != null && m_ped.CurrentState is Peds.States.IAimState; } // private set { // if (value == m_isAiming) // return; // if (value) { // m_timeWhenStartedAiming = Time.time; // m_frameWhenStartedAiming = Time.frameCount; // } // m_isAiming = value; // } } // private float m_timeWhenStartedAiming = 0f; // public float TimeSinceStartedAiming { get { return Time.time - m_timeWhenStartedAiming; } } // private int m_frameWhenStartedAiming = 0; // public int NumFramesSinceStartedAiming { get { return Time.frameCount - m_frameWhenStartedAiming; } } public Vector3 AimDirection { get { if (m_ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer) { if (this.IsAiming && this.Camera != null) return this.Camera.transform.forward; else return this.transform.forward; } else { return m_ped.m_net_aimDir; } } set { m_ped.m_net_aimDir = value; } } //[SerializeField] [Range(0,1)] private float m_aimWithRifleMinAnimTime = 0.0f; //public float AimWithRifleMinAnimTime { get { return m_aimWithRifleMinAnimTime; } set { m_aimWithRifleMinAnimTime = value; } } [SerializeField] [Range(0,4)] private float m_aimWithRifleMaxAnimTime = 0.7f; public float AimWithRifleMaxAnimTime { get { return m_aimWithRifleMaxAnimTime; } set { m_aimWithRifleMaxAnimTime = value; } } // [SerializeField] [Range(0,1)] private float m_aimWithArmMaxAnimTime = 1.0f; public Vector3 cameraAimOffset = new Vector3 (0.7f, 0.2f, -1); #endregion #region Firing public bool IsFiring { get { return m_ped.CurrentState != null && m_ped.CurrentState is Peds.States.IFireState; } } // public bool IsFireOn { get; set; } // public float TimeWhenStartedFiring { get; private set; } // public float TimeSinceStartedFiring { get { return Time.time - this.TimeWhenStartedFiring; } } #endregion public Weapon CurrentWeapon { get => this.weapons[this.currentWeaponSlot]; } private Transform CurrentWeaponTransform { get { return CurrentWeapon != null ? CurrentWeapon.transform : null; } } private int m_frameWhenSwitchedWeapon = 0; public int NumFramesSinceSwitchedWeapon { get { return Time.frameCount - m_frameWhenSwitchedWeapon; } } public Vector3 SpineOffset; public enum WeaponAttachType { None, RightHand, BothFingers } public WeaponAttachType weaponAttachType = WeaponAttachType.RightHand; public bool rotatePlayerInDirectionOfAiming = true; private float m_timeSinceStartedReloading = 0; void Awake () { m_ped = this.GetComponent<Ped> (); } void OnDisable() { // destroy all weapons if (NetStatus.IsServer) { // we won't call RemoveAllWeapons() because it causes complications - it calls SwitchWeapon(), which // then calls StopFiring(), which then switches ped state, etc // no special reason for using AllWeapons foreach(var w in this.AllWeapons) { DestroyWeapon(w); } } } void Start () { PlayerModel.onLateUpdate += this.UpdateWeaponTransform; if (NetStatus.IsServer) { if (this.autoAddWeapon) { this.AddRandomWeapons(); this.SwitchWeapon(WeaponSlot.Pistol); } } } void Update () { if (!Loader.HasLoaded) return; // if current weapon was somehow destroyed, switch to Hand slot if (this.currentWeaponSlot > 0 && null == this.weapons[this.currentWeaponSlot]) { if (NetStatus.IsServer) this.currentWeaponSlot = 0; } //this.UpdateWeaponTransform (); if (CurrentWeapon != null) { CurrentWeapon.EnableOrDisableGunFlash (); CurrentWeapon.UpdateGunFlashRotation (); } // reload weapon ammo clip bool isReloadingNow = false; if (NetStatus.IsServer) { if (CurrentWeapon != null) { if (CurrentWeapon.AmmoClipSize > 0 && CurrentWeapon.AmmoInClip <= 0 && CurrentWeapon.AmmoOutsideOfClip > 0) { isReloadingNow = true; m_timeSinceStartedReloading += Time.deltaTime; if (m_timeSinceStartedReloading >= CurrentWeapon.ReloadTime) { m_timeSinceStartedReloading = 0; int amountToRefill = Mathf.Min(CurrentWeapon.AmmoClipSize, CurrentWeapon.AmmoOutsideOfClip); CurrentWeapon.AmmoInClip = amountToRefill; CurrentWeapon.AmmoOutsideOfClip -= amountToRefill; } } } } if (!isReloadingNow) m_timeSinceStartedReloading = 0; } void LateUpdate_jdghrjgjr() { // all things that manipulate skeleton must be placed in LateUpdate(), because otherwise Animator will // override them // order of these functions is important UpdateAnims (); // RotatePlayerInDirectionOfAiming (); // this should be done AFTER the player has rotated in direction of aiming RotateSpine (); // this should be done after all other skeleton changes // idk why this boolean has to be checked - there are some race conditions with animations // - if we don't check it, weapons will start shaking // if (this.IsAiming) UpdateWeaponTransform (); } private void UpdateAnims () { } private void RotateSpine () { } public void UpdateWeaponTransform () { // update transform of weapon if (CurrentWeaponTransform != null) { if (this.weaponAttachType == WeaponAttachType.BothFingers) { if (PlayerModel.RightFinger != null && PlayerModel.LeftFinger != null) { CurrentWeaponTransform.transform.position = PlayerModel.RightFinger.transform.position; Vector3 dir = (PlayerModel.LeftFinger.transform.position - PlayerModel.RightFinger.transform.position).normalized; Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation (dir, transform.up); Vector3 upNow = q * Vector3.up; dir = Quaternion.AngleAxis (-90, upNow) * dir; CurrentWeaponTransform.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (dir, transform.up); } } else if (this.weaponAttachType == WeaponAttachType.RightHand) { if (PlayerModel.RightHand != null) { Vector3 weaponPos = PlayerModel.RightHand.position; Transform rotationTr = PlayerModel.RightHand; // add aim offset // var aimOffset = CurrentWeapon.GunAimingOffset; // if (aimOffset != null) // weaponPos += rotationTr.forward * aimOffset.aimZ + rotationTr.right * aimOffset.aimX; CurrentWeaponTransform.transform.position = weaponPos; CurrentWeaponTransform.transform.rotation = rotationTr.rotation; } } } } public void SwitchWeapon( bool next ) { NetStatus.ThrowIfNotOnServer(); if (currentWeaponSlot < 0) currentWeaponSlot = 0; int delta = next ? 1 : -1; for (int i = currentWeaponSlot + delta, count = 0; i != currentWeaponSlot && count < weapons.Length; i += delta, count++) { if (i < 0) i = weapons.Length - 1; if (i >= weapons.Length) i = 0; if ( (int)WeaponSlot.Hand == i || weapons [i] != null ) { // this is a hand slot or there is a weapon in this slot // switch to it SwitchWeapon (i); break; } } } public void SwitchWeapon (int slotIndex) { if (slotIndex < 0) slotIndex = 0; if (slotIndex == this.currentWeaponSlot) return; if (this.CurrentWeapon != null) { // hide the weapon HideWeapon( this.CurrentWeapon ); } if (slotIndex >= 0) { //CurrentWeapon = weapons [slotIndex]; var w = this.weapons [slotIndex]; // show the weapon if (w != null) UnHideWeapon (w); } else { //CurrentWeapon = null; } this.currentWeaponSlot = slotIndex; m_frameWhenSwitchedWeapon = Time.frameCount; m_timeSinceStartedReloading = 0; if (NetStatus.IsServer) m_ped.StopFiring (); this.UpdateWeaponTransform (); } private static void HideWeapon (Weapon weapon) { //weapon.gameObject.SetActive (false); foreach (var r in weapon.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>()) { r.enabled = false; } } private static void UnHideWeapon (Weapon weapon) { //weapon.gameObject.SetActive (true); foreach (var r in weapon.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>()) { r.enabled = true; } } public void AddWeapon(Weapon weapon) { int slotIndex = weapon.SlotIndex; if (this.weapons[slotIndex] == weapon) // trying to add the weapon that already exists return; // destroy current weapon at this slot if (NetStatus.IsServer) { if (this.weapons [slotIndex] != null) { DestroyWeapon (this.weapons [slotIndex]); } } this.weapons [slotIndex] = weapon; weapon.PedOwner = m_ped; if (slotIndex == this.currentWeaponSlot) { // update current weapon variable //CurrentWeapon = weapons [slotIndex]; // update it's transform this.UpdateWeaponTransform (); } else { // hide the newly added weapon HideWeapon (weapon); } } public Weapon AddWeapon (int weaponId) { NetStatus.ThrowIfNotOnServer(); return Weapon.Create (weaponId, m_ped); } public Weapon GetWeaponAtSlot (int slotIndex) { return this.weapons [slotIndex]; } public void RemoveAllWeapons() { if (!NetStatus.IsServer) return; this.SwitchWeapon (-1); for (int i = 0; i < this.weapons.Length; i++) { if (this.weapons [i] != null) DestroyWeapon (this.weapons [i]); this.weapons [i] = null; } } private static void DestroyWeapon (Weapon w) { Destroy (w.gameObject); w.PedOwner = null; } public void AddRandomWeapons() { int[] slots = new int[] { WeaponSlot.Pistol, WeaponSlot.Shotgun, WeaponSlot.Submachine, WeaponSlot.Machine, WeaponSlot.Rifle, WeaponSlot.Heavy }; AddRandomWeapons(slots); } public void AddRandomWeapons (int[] slots) { if (!NetStatus.IsServer) return; var groups = WeaponData.LoadedWeaponsData.Where( wd => slots.Contains( wd.weaponslot ) ) .DistinctBy( wd => wd.weaponType ) .GroupBy( wd => wd.weaponslot ); foreach (var grp in groups) { int count = grp.Count (); if (count < 1) continue; int index = Random.Range (0, count); WeaponData chosenWeaponData = grp.ElementAt (index); this.AddWeapon (chosenWeaponData.modelId1); // add some ammo Weapon weapon = this.GetWeaponAtSlot( grp.Key ); weapon.AddRandomAmmoAmount(); } } void OnDrawGizmosSelected () { // draw gizmos for current weapon if (CurrentWeapon != null) { CurrentWeapon.OnDrawGizmosSelected (); } // draw line from camera F.GizmosDrawLineFromCamera (); } } }