using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Conversion; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours { public class MiniMap : MonoBehaviour { public const int tileEdge = 12; // width/height of map in tiles public const int tileCount = tileEdge * tileEdge; // number of tiles public const int mapEdge = 6000; // width/height of map in world coordinates public const int texSize = 128; // width/height of single tile in px public const int mapSize = tileEdge * texSize; // width/height of whole map in px public const int uiSize = 256, uiOffset = 10; private const bool outputChunks = false, outputImage = false; public static bool toggleMap; public Canvas outlineCanvas, iconCanvas, canvas; public Image northImage, playerImage, outlineImage, maskImage, mapImage; public RectTransform mapTransform, maskTransform, mapContainer; public float zoom = 1.3f; private const float scaleConst = 1f; public const float maxVelocity = 300f; public static float[] zooms = new float[10] { .5f, .75f, 1f, 1.2f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 2f, 2.5f, 3f, 5f }; // Why? [HideInInspector] [Obsolete] public float calibrator = 2.34f; public float zoomDuration = 1, mapZoomScaler = 1, mapMovement = 5; public bool debugActive = true; #region "Properties" public static MiniMap Instance { get; private set; } private float realZoom { get { return zoom * scaleConst; } set { zoom = value / scaleConst; } } private Vector3 pPos { get { if (m_ped != null) return m_ped.transform.position; if (Camera.main != null) return Camera.main.transform.position; return; } } private float _gTimer; private string _zName; private string ZoneName { get { if (_gTimer == 0) { Vector3 playerPos =; try { playerPos = pPos; } catch { } _zName = SZone.GetZoneName(ZoneHelpers.zoneInfoList, playerPos); } return _zName; } } public Texture2D NorthBlip { get { return this.northBlip; } } public Texture2D PlayerBlip { get { return this.playerBlip; } } public Texture2D WaypointTexture { get { return this.waypointTexture; } } public Texture2D VehicleTexture => this.vehicleTexture; public Texture2D MapTexture { get { return this.mapTexture; } } public Texture2D BlackPixel { get { return this.blackPixel; } } public Texture2D SeaPixel { get { return this.seaPixel; } } #endregion "Properties" public static void AssingMinimap() { GameObject UI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UI"); Transform root = UI != null ? UI.transform : null; GameObject minimap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Minimap"); if (minimap == null) { minimap = new GameObject(); = "Minimap"; minimap.tag = "Minimap"; minimap.transform.parent = root; } MiniMap map = minimap.GetComponent(); if (map == null) map = minimap.AddComponent(); if (!map.isSetup) map.Setup(); } private void loadTextures() { mapTexture = new Texture2D(mapSize, mapSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true); string folder = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "map-chunks"); if (outputChunks) { if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } Debug.Log("Merging all map sprites into one sprite."); for (int i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) { // Offset int y = ((i / tileEdge) + 1) * texSize, x = (i % tileEdge) * texSize; string name = "radar" + ((i < 10) ? "0" : "") + i; var texDict = TextureDictionary.Load(name); Texture2D tex = texDict.GetDiffuse(name).Texture; if (outputChunks) { string id = name.Substring(5); Texture2D image = new Texture2D(texSize, texSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); for (int xx = 0; xx < texSize; ++xx) for (int yy = 0; yy < texSize; ++yy) image.SetPixel(xx, texSize - yy - 1, tex.GetPixel(xx, yy)); image.Apply(); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(folder, string.Format("{0}.jpg", id)), ImageConversion.EncodeToPNG(image)); } for (int ii = 0; ii < texSize; ++ii) for (int jj = 0; jj < texSize; ++jj) mapTexture.SetPixel(x + ii, texSize - (y + jj) - 1, tex.GetPixel(ii, jj)); } Debug.Log("Finished merging minimap!"); mapTexture.Apply(); mapSprite = Sprite.Create(mapTexture, new Rect(0, 0, mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height), new Vector2(mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height) / 2); if (outputImage) File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "gta-map.png"), mapTexture.EncodeToPNG()); circleMask = Resources.Load("Sprites/MapCircle"); huds = TextureDictionary.Load("hud"); northBlip = huds.GetDiffuse("radar_north").Texture; playerBlip = huds.GetDiffuse("radar_centre").Texture; waypointTexture = huds.GetDiffuse("radar_waypoint").Texture; vehicleTexture = huds.GetDiffuse("radar_impound").Texture; Debug.Log("Finished loading minimap textures!"); } // -------------------------------- #region Private fields // Texture & control flags private Ped m_ped => Ped.Instance; private PlayerController playerController => PlayerController.Instance; private TextureDictionary huds; private Texture2D northBlip, playerBlip, waypointTexture, vehicleTexture, mapTexture; private Sprite mapSprite, circleMask; private Transform northPivot; // Flags private bool enableMinimap, isReady, isSetup; // Zoom vars public float curZoomPercentage; private float lastZoom, lastLerpedZoom, lerpedZoomCounter; private int zoomSelector = 2; private Coroutine zoomCoroutine; // Toggle flags private bool toggleInfo = true; // GUI Elements private Texture2D blackPixel, seaPixel; private float fAlpha = 1; private bool showZoomPanel; private Vector2 mapScroll, screenCenter, screenDims, //baseMapRect, windowSize, //constantMapRect, mapUpperLeftCorner, mapRect, mapMousePosition, mapZoomPos; //, baseMapSize; private const float mapMaxScale = 1f, mapMinScale = .25f, constZoom = 1.25f; private float curZoom = 1; //private float mapScale = mapMaxScale / 1.5f, // baseScale; #endregion Private fields private void Setup() { loadTextures(); if (canvas != null && canvas.enabled) canvas.enabled = false; if (iconCanvas != null && iconCanvas.enabled) iconCanvas.enabled = false; if (outlineCanvas != null && outlineCanvas.enabled) outlineCanvas.enabled = false; blackPixel = new Texture2D(1, 1); blackPixel.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(0, 0, 0, .5f)); blackPixel.Apply(); seaPixel = new Texture2D(1, 1); seaPixel.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(.45f, .54f, .678f)); seaPixel.Apply(); isSetup = true; isReady = true; Debug.Log("Finished minimap setup!"); } private void Awake() { Instance = this; if (!isReady) return; if (!isSetup) Setup(); } private void Update() { if (!isReady) return; if (!enableMinimap) { Debug.Log("Starting to enable minimap!"); string error = "{0} is null or disabled! (Please, keep it active!)"; if (canvas != null && !canvas.enabled) canvas.enabled = true; else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "Canvas"); if (iconCanvas != null && !iconCanvas.enabled) iconCanvas.enabled = true; else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "IconCanvas"); if (outlineCanvas != null && !outlineCanvas.enabled) outlineCanvas.enabled = true; else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "OutlineCanvas"); if (northBlip != null && northImage != null) northImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(northBlip, new Rect(0, 0, northBlip.width, northBlip.height), new Vector2(northBlip.width, northBlip.height) / 2); else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "NorthImage"); if (playerBlip != null && playerImage != null) playerImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(playerBlip, new Rect(0, 0, playerBlip.width, playerBlip.height), new Vector2(playerBlip.width, playerBlip.height) / 2); else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "PlayerImage"); if (mapImage != null) mapImage.sprite = mapSprite; if (maskImage != null && maskImage.sprite == null) maskImage.sprite = circleMask; if (mapContainer != null) mapContainer.sizeDelta = new Vector2(uiSize, uiSize); else Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "MapContainer"); if (maskTransform == null) Debug.LogErrorFormat(error, "MaskTransform"); curZoomPercentage = zooms[zoomSelector]; enableMinimap = true; // Must review: For some reason values are Y-axis inverted float left = Screen.width - uiSize - uiOffset, top = Screen.height - uiSize - uiOffset * 2; Vector3 globalPos = new Vector3(left, top, 0) / 2; if (maskTransform != null) maskTransform.localPosition = globalPos; if (playerImage != null) { playerImage.rectTransform.localPosition = globalPos; playerImage.rectTransform.localScale = * .2f; playerImage.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180); } if (northImage != null) { northPivot = northImage.rectTransform.parent; northImage.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, uiSize / 2, 0) / .2f; northImage.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0); } if (northPivot != null) { northPivot.localPosition = globalPos; northPivot.localScale = * .2f; } if (outlineImage != null) { outlineImage.rectTransform.localPosition = globalPos; outlineImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = * uiSize; outlineImage.rectTransform.localScale = * 1.05f; } //baseScale = Screen.width / (float)mapTexture.width; screenCenter = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height) / 2; screenDims = screenCenter * 2; windowSize = new Vector2(Screen.width - 120, Screen.height - 120); //baseMapRect = new Vector2(mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height) * (baseScale * (mapScale / mapMaxScale) * 2); // This value is constant //constantMapRect = new Vector2(mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height) * (baseScale * 2); mapUpperLeftCorner = * 60; Debug.Log("Minimap started!"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) ++zoomSelector; else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) --zoomSelector; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { if (zoomCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(zoomCoroutine); zoomCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ChangeZoom(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N))); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F8)) toggleInfo = !toggleInfo; //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) // toggleMap = !toggleMap; float mousePosY = screenDims.y - Input.mousePosition.y; Vector2 movement =, // WIP : + offset centerOffset = new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, Mathf.Clamp01((Input.mousePosition.x - mapUpperLeftCorner.x) / windowSize.x)), Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, Mathf.Clamp01((mousePosY - mapUpperLeftCorner.y) / windowSize.y))); /*if (Input.mousePosition.x < mapUpperLeftCorner.x) centerOffset.x = 0; else if (Input.mousePosition.x > windowSize.x) centerOffset.x = 1; if (mousePosY < mapUpperLeftCorner.y) centerOffset.y = 0; else if (mousePosY > windowSize.y) centerOffset.y = 1;*/ bool isScrolling = false; Vector2 realMousePos = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y); mapMousePosition = TransformPosition(new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, mousePosY) - mapUpperLeftCorner); if (Input.mouseScrollDelta != { //mapScale += Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * Time.fixedDeltaTime * mapZoomScaler; // WIP: I want to scroll to mouse position if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y > 0) { // WIP: I have to get the current map texture position (like a Raycast) and set the the center with this //mapScroll.x += centerOffset.x * mapMovement * 5; //mapScroll.y += centerOffset.y * mapMovement * 5; //mapZoomPos = mapMousePosition - windowSize / 2; //Vector2.Lerp(windowSize / 2 - baseMapRect / 2, mapMousePosition - windowSize / 2, curZoomPercentage); curZoom *= constZoom; mapZoomPos = realMousePos - constZoom * (realMousePos - mapZoomPos); } curZoom = Mathf.Clamp(curZoom, mapMinScale, mapMaxScale); isScrolling = true; } //Debug.LogFormat("Zoom Center: {0}, Mouse Pos: {1}; Map Scroll: {2}", centerOffset * mapRect, new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, mousePosY), mapScroll); if (!isScrolling) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { movement.x = centerOffset.x * mapMovement; movement.y = centerOffset.y * mapMovement; } else { movement.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * mapMovement; movement.y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * mapMovement; } mapScroll.x -= movement.x; mapScroll.y += movement.y; } } private Vector2 TransformPosition(Vector2 mousePos) { //Vector2 realMapScroll = new Vector2(-mapScroll.x, mapScroll.y); return mousePos - mapScroll; } public static Vector2 WorldPosToMapPos(Vector3 worldPos) { // map center is at (0,0) world coordinates // this, for example, means that the left edge of the world is at: -mapEdge / 2.0f // adjust world position, so that (0,0) world coordinates are mapped to (0,0) map coordinates worldPos += new Vector3(mapEdge / 2.0f, 0, mapEdge / 2.0f); float mul = mapSize / (float)mapEdge; return new Vector2(worldPos.x * mul, worldPos.z * mul); } public static Vector3 MapPosToWorldPos(Vector2 mapPos) { // adjust map position, so that (0,0) map coordinated are mapped to (0,0) world coordinates mapPos -= * (mapSize * 0.5f); float mul = mapEdge / (float)mapSize; return new Vector3(mapPos.x * mul, 0.0f, mapPos.y * mul); } private void FixedUpdate() { if (playerController != null && !GameManager.CanPlayerReadInput() && debugActive) return; if (playerController != null) realZoom = Mathf.Lerp(.9f * scaleConst, 1.3f * scaleConst, 1 - Mathf.Clamp(playerController.CurVelocity, 0, maxVelocity) / maxVelocity) * curZoomPercentage; _gTimer += Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (_gTimer > 1) _gTimer = 0; } private void LateUpdate() { if (!isReady) return; if (playerController != null && !GameManager.CanPlayerReadInput() && debugActive) return; if (mapTransform != null) { float deltaZoom = realZoom - lastZoom; mapTransform.localScale = new Vector3(realZoom, realZoom, 1); lastZoom = realZoom; } Vector3 defPos = (new Vector3(pPos.x, pPos.z, 0) * (uiSize / -1000f)) / scaleConst; // Why? // calibrator if (mapContainer != null) { // WIP: Make this static to avoid shakering float lerpedZoom = realZoom; //Mathf.Lerp(lastLerpedZoom, realZoom, lerpedZoomCounter); mapContainer.localPosition = new Vector3(defPos.x * lerpedZoom, defPos.y * lerpedZoom, 1); lerpedZoomCounter += Time.deltaTime; if (lerpedZoomCounter > 1) lerpedZoomCounter = 0; } float relAngle = Camera.main != null ? Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles.y : 0f; if (maskTransform != null) maskTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, relAngle); if (northPivot != null) northPivot.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, relAngle); if (playerImage != null && m_ped != null) playerImage.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, relAngle - (m_ped.transform.eulerAngles.y + 180)); } private IEnumerator ChangeZoom(bool isIncreasing) { showZoomPanel = true; fAlpha = 1; zoomSelector = GetClampedZoomSelector(zoomSelector); float curZoom = zooms[zoomSelector % zooms.Length], lastZoom = zooms[GetClampedZoomSelector(zoomSelector - 1 * (isIncreasing ? 1 : -1)) % zooms.Length]; float t = 0; while (t < zoomDuration) { curZoomPercentage = Mathf.Lerp(lastZoom, curZoom, t / zoomDuration); yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); t += Time.fixedDeltaTime; fAlpha -= Time.fixedDeltaTime / zoomDuration; } showZoomPanel = false; zoomCoroutine = null; } private int GetClampedZoomSelector(int? val = null) { int zoomVal = val == null ? zoomSelector : val.Value; if (zoomVal < 0) zoomVal = zooms.Length - 1; return zoomVal; } private void OnGUI() { if (!Loader.HasLoaded) return; if (!isReady || !toggleInfo) return; if (!toggleMap) { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - uiSize - 10, uiSize + 20, uiSize, 80)); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle("label") { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }; Vector2 labelSize = new Vector2(uiSize, 25); Rect labelRect = new Rect(, labelSize); // display player pos // GUI.DrawTexture(labelRect, blackPixel); // GUI.Label(labelRect, // string.Format("x: {0}, y: {1}, z: {2}", pPos.x.ToString("F2"), pPos.y.ToString("F2"), pPos.z.ToString("F2")), // style); // display current zone name Rect zoneRect = labelRect; //new Rect(uiSize / 2 - uiSize / (2 * 3), 25, uiSize / 3, 25); GUI.DrawTexture(zoneRect, blackPixel); GUI.Label(zoneRect, ZoneName, style); if (showZoomPanel) { Color previousColor = GUI.color; Rect zoomPanel = new Rect(uiSize / 2 - uiSize / (2 * 4), 55, uiSize / 4, 25); GUI.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, fAlpha); GUI.DrawTexture(zoomPanel, blackPixel); GUI.color = new Color(255, 255, 255, fAlpha); GUI.Label(zoomPanel, string.Format("x{0}", curZoomPercentage.ToString("F2")), style); GUI.color = previousColor; } GUILayout.EndArea(); } else { mapRect = new Vector2(mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height); //* (baseScale * (mapScale / mapMaxScale) * 2); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(50, 50, Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 100), blackPixel); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(mapUpperLeftCorner, windowSize), seaPixel); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(mapUpperLeftCorner, windowSize)); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(mapScroll, mapRect * curZoom)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(mapZoomPos, mapRect * curZoom), mapTexture); //if (Event.current.type.Equals(EventType.Repaint)) //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 100), mapTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(, * 16), blackPixel); // WIP: I have to load move cursor // WIP: I have to load map bars // WIP: I have to load marker // WIP: Draw player pointer & undescovered zones // + drag & drop GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } } } }