2020-05-31 17:07:22 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using UnityEngine ;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities ;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World
public class Division : MonoBehaviour , IEnumerable < Division > , IComparable < Division >
private static readonly Comparison < MapObject > _sHorzSort =
( a , b ) = > Math . Sign ( a . CellPos . x - b . CellPos . x ) ;
private static readonly Comparison < MapObject > _sVertSort =
( a , b ) = > Math . Sign ( a . CellPos . y - b . CellPos . y ) ;
public static Division Create ( Transform parent )
var obj = new GameObject ( ) ;
var split = obj . AddComponent < Division > ( ) ;
obj . transform . SetParent ( parent ) ;
return split ;
private const int LeafObjectLimit = 127 ;
private Division _childA ;
private Division _childB ;
private List < MapObject > _objects ;
public int NumObjects { get { return _objects . Count ; } }
public int NumObjectsIncludingChildren
int count = _objects . Count ;
if ( _childA ! = null )
count + = _childA . NumObjectsIncludingChildren ;
if ( _childB ! = null )
count + = _childB . NumObjectsIncludingChildren ;
return count ;
private bool _isVertSplit ;
private float _splitVal ;
private Vector3 _lastRefreshPos ;
public Vector2 Min { get ; private set ; }
public Vector2 Max { get ; private set ; }
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private Bounds _bounds ;
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public bool IsSubdivided { get { return _objects = = null ; } }
internal float LoadOrder { get ; private set ; }
public void SetBounds ( Vector2 min , Vector2 max )
Min = min ;
Max = max ;
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_bounds = new Bounds ( ( ( this . Min + this . Max ) * 0.5f ) . ToVector3XZ ( ) , ( this . Max - this . Min ) . ToVector3XZ ( ) . WithY ( 10000f ) ) ;
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var mid = ( Max + Min ) * . 5f ;
if ( float . IsNaN ( mid . x ) | | float . IsInfinity ( mid . x ) )
mid . x = 0f ;
if ( float . IsNaN ( mid . y ) | | float . IsInfinity ( mid . y ) )
mid . y = 0f ;
transform . position = new Vector3 ( mid . x , 0f , mid . y ) ;
name = String . Format ( "Split {0}, {1}" , min , max ) ;
_objects = _objects ? ? new List < MapObject > ( ) ;
private void Subdivide ( )
if ( IsSubdivided )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Already subdivided" ) ;
if ( _objects . Count = = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Cannot subdivide an empty leaf" ) ;
var min = Max ;
var max = Min ;
foreach ( var obj in _objects )
var pos = obj . CellPos ;
min . x = Mathf . Min ( pos . x , min . x ) ;
min . y = Mathf . Min ( pos . y , min . y ) ;
max . x = Mathf . Max ( pos . x , max . x ) ;
max . y = Mathf . Max ( pos . y , max . y ) ;
_isVertSplit = max . x - min . x > = max . y - min . y ;
_objects . Sort ( _isVertSplit ? _sHorzSort : _sVertSort ) ;
_childA = Create ( transform ) ;
_childB = Create ( transform ) ;
var mid = _objects . Count / 2 ;
var median = ( _objects [ mid - 1 ] . CellPos + _objects [ mid ] . CellPos ) * . 5f ;
if ( _isVertSplit )
_splitVal = median . x ;
_childA . SetBounds ( Min , new Vector2 ( _splitVal , Max . y ) ) ;
_childB . SetBounds ( new Vector2 ( _splitVal , Min . y ) , Max ) ;
_splitVal = median . y ;
_childA . SetBounds ( Min , new Vector2 ( Max . x , _splitVal ) ) ;
_childB . SetBounds ( new Vector2 ( Min . x , _splitVal ) , Max ) ;
_childA . _objects = _objects ;
_childB . _objects = new List < MapObject > ( ) ;
_childB . _objects . AddRange ( _childA . _objects . Skip ( mid ) ) ;
_childA . _objects . RemoveRange ( mid , _objects . Count - mid ) ;
_objects = null ;
private void AddInternal ( MapObject obj )
if ( IsSubdivided )
var comp = _isVertSplit ? obj . CellPos . x : obj . CellPos . y ;
( comp < _splitVal ? _childA : _childB ) . AddInternal ( obj ) ;
return ;
_objects . Add ( obj ) ;
if ( _objects . Count > LeafObjectLimit ) Subdivide ( ) ;
public void Add ( MapObject obj )
AddInternal ( obj ) ;
UpdateParents ( ) ;
public void AddRange ( IEnumerable < MapObject > objs )
foreach ( var obj in objs . OrderBy ( x = > x . RandomInt ) )
AddInternal ( obj ) ;
UpdateParents ( ) ;
private void UpdateParents ( )
if ( IsSubdivided )
_childA . UpdateParents ( ) ;
_childB . UpdateParents ( ) ;
if ( _objects . Count = = 0 ) return ;
var sum = _objects . Aggregate ( new Vector2 ( ) , ( s , x ) = > s + x . CellPos ) ;
transform . position = new Vector3 ( sum . x / _objects . Count , 0f , sum . y / _objects . Count ) ;
foreach ( var obj in _objects )
obj . transform . SetParent ( transform , true ) ;
public bool Contains ( MapObject obj )
return Contains ( obj . CellPos ) ;
public bool Contains ( Vector3 pos )
return pos . x > = Min . x & & pos . z > = Min . y & & pos . x < Max . x & & pos . z < Max . y ;
public bool Contains ( Vector2 pos )
return pos . x > = Min . x & & pos . y > = Min . y & & pos . x < Max . x & & pos . y < Max . y ;
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected ( )
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Vector3 center = ( ( this . Min + this . Max ) * 0.5f ) . ToVector3XZ ( ) ;
Vector3 size = ( this . Max - this . Min ) . ToVector3XZ ( ) ;
size . y = 100 ;
Gizmos . color = Color . green ;
Gizmos . DrawWireCube ( center , size ) ;
F . HandlesDrawText ( center ,
string . Format ( "total objects {0}, my objects {1}, load order {2}" , _objects ! = null ? this . NumObjectsIncludingChildren : 0 , _objects ! = null ? this . NumObjects : 0 , this . LoadOrder ) ,
Color . green ) ;
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if ( ! IsSubdivided ) return ;
Gizmos . color = Color . green ;
var min = new Vector2 ( Math . Max ( Min . x , - 8192f ) , Math . Max ( Min . y , - 8192f ) ) ;
var max = new Vector2 ( Math . Min ( Max . x , + 8192f ) , Math . Min ( Max . y , + 8192f ) ) ;
if ( _isVertSplit )
Gizmos . DrawLine ( new Vector3 ( _splitVal , 0f , min . y ) , new Vector3 ( _splitVal , 0f , max . y ) ) ;
Gizmos . DrawLine ( new Vector3 ( min . x , 0f , _splitVal ) , new Vector3 ( max . x , 0f , _splitVal ) ) ;
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public float GetDistance ( Vector3 pos )
return Mathf . Sqrt ( GetDistanceSquared ( pos ) ) ;
public float GetDistanceSquared ( Vector3 pos )
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pos . y = 0f ; // only count X and Z axis
// get the closest point on bounds
// if position is inside bounds, the resulting distance will be 0
Vector3 closestPos = _bounds . ClosestPoint ( pos ) ;
return Vector3 . SqrMagnitude ( pos - closestPos ) ;
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public Vector3 GetClosestPosition ( List < Vector3 > positions )
Vector3 closestPos = positions [ 0 ] ;
float smallestDist2 = float . MaxValue ;
Vector2 center = ( this . Min + this . Max ) * 0.5f ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < positions . Count ; i + + )
float dist2 = Vector2 . SqrMagnitude ( positions [ i ] . ToVec2WithXAndZ ( ) - center ) ;
if ( dist2 < = smallestDist2 )
smallestDist2 = dist2 ;
closestPos = positions [ i ] ;
return closestPos ;
public bool RefreshLoadOrder ( Vector3 from , out int numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder )
UnityEngine . Profiling . Profiler . BeginSample ( "Division.RefreshLoadOrder" , this ) ;
var toLoad = false ;
numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder = 0 ;
if ( GetDistanceSquared ( from ) < = Cell . Instance . maxDrawDistance * Cell . Instance . maxDrawDistance )
float divisionRefreshDistanceDeltaSquared = Cell . Instance . divisionRefreshDistanceDelta * Cell . Instance . divisionRefreshDistanceDelta ;
// float factor = Cell.Instance.divisionLoadOrderDistanceFactor; //16;
// if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(from - _lastRefreshPos) > GetDistanceSquared(from) / (factor*factor)) {
if ( Vector3 . SqrMagnitude ( from - _lastRefreshPos ) > divisionRefreshDistanceDeltaSquared )
_lastRefreshPos = from ;
foreach ( var obj in _objects )
bool b = obj . RefreshLoadOrder ( from ) ;
if ( b )
toLoad = true ;
numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder + + ;
toLoad = _objects . Any ( x = > ! float . IsPositiveInfinity ( x . LoadOrder ) ) ;
if ( toLoad )
_objects . Sort ( ) ; // THIS MAY BE PERFORMANCE DROP
LoadOrder = _objects [ 0 ] . LoadOrder ;
LoadOrder = float . PositiveInfinity ;
UnityEngine . Profiling . Profiler . EndSample ( ) ;
return toLoad ;
public int LoadWhile ( Func < bool > predicate )
UnityEngine . Profiling . Profiler . BeginSample ( "LoadWhile" , this ) ;
int numLoaded = 0 ;
foreach ( var toLoad in _objects )
if ( float . IsPositiveInfinity ( toLoad . LoadOrder ) )
break ;
if ( toLoad . HasLoaded )
// this object is loaded, just show it
toLoad . Show ( ) ;
// this object is still not loaded from disk
// check if we should load it
if ( predicate ( ) )
toLoad . Show ( ) ;
numLoaded + + ;
UnityEngine . Profiling . Profiler . EndSample ( ) ;
// return predicate();
// return false ;
return numLoaded ;
public IEnumerator < Division > GetEnumerator ( )
if ( IsSubdivided )
return _childA . Concat ( _childB ) . GetEnumerator ( ) ;
return new [ ] { this } . AsEnumerable ( ) . GetEnumerator ( ) ;
IEnumerator IEnumerable . GetEnumerator ( )
return GetEnumerator ( ) ;
public int CompareTo ( Division other )
return LoadOrder > other . LoadOrder ? 1 : LoadOrder = = other . LoadOrder ? 0 : - 1 ;