#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 """The main module that brings everything together.""" import os import random import sys import time from multiprocessing import Process from . import scripter from pokemonterminal.command_flags import parser, is_slideshow from pokemonterminal.database import Database from pokemonterminal.filters import Filter PIPE_PATH = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.pokemon-terminal-pipe" if not os.path.exists(PIPE_PATH): os.mkfifo(PIPE_PATH) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def daemon(time_stamp, pkmn_list): # TODO: Implement messaging, like status and curr pokemon pip = open(PIPE_PATH, 'r') while True: for msg in pip: msg = msg.strip() if msg == 'quit': print("Stopping the slideshow") sys.exit(0) pip = open(PIPE_PATH, 'r') def slideshow(filtered, delay, changer_func): pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: print(f"Starting slideshow with {len(filtered)}, pokemon " + f"and a delay of {delay} minutes between pokemon") print("Forked process to background with pid", pid, "you can stop it with -c") os.environ["POKEMON_TERMINAL_PID"] = str(pid) sys.exit(0) p = Process(target=daemon, args=(time.time(), filtered,)) p.daemon = True p.start() random.shuffle(filtered) queque = iter(filtered) while p.is_alive(): next_pkmn = next(queque, None) if next_pkmn is None: random.shuffle(filtered) queque = iter(filtered) continue changer_func(next_pkmn.get_path()) p.join(delay * 60) def main(argv): """Entrance to the program.""" if __name__ != "__main__": Filter.filtered_list = [pok for pok in Filter.POKEMON_LIST] # TODO Lower main() complexity with factory functions or something options = parser.parse_args(argv) # Parser is imported at top of file. try: options.id = int(options.id) except ValueError: options.name = options.id.lower() options.id = 0 Filter.filtered_list = [ x for x in Filter.filtered_list if options.name == x.get_name() ] size = len(Filter.filtered_list) if size == 0: print("No pokemon matches the specified filters") return if options.id <= 0: # TODO this doesn't account for the current set pokemon and might try # TODO to set the same pokemon again (essentially not doing anything) target = random.choice(Filter.filtered_list) else: options.id -= 1 if len(Filter.POKEMON_LIST) > options.id: if len(sys.argv) > 2: print("ID has been specified, ignoring all filters.") size = 1 target = Filter.POKEMON_LIST[options.id] Filter.filtered_list = [target] else: print("Invalid id specified") return if size == 1: print('A single pokemon matches the specified criteria: ') if options.dry_run: options.verbose = True if options.verbose: if size > Database.MAX_ID: print('No pokemon has been filtered...') else: # Print the list of filtered pokemon [ print("#%s - %s" % (pkmn.get_id(), pkmn.get_name().title())) for pkmn in Filter.filtered_list ] print("Total of %d pokemon matched the filters. Chose %s" % (size, target.get_name().title())) if options.dry_run: print("Dry run, exiting.") return if options.clear: pipe_out = os.open(PIPE_PATH, os.O_WRONLY) os.write(pipe_out, b"quit\n") os.close(pipe_out) scripter.clear_terminal() return if is_slideshow and options.id <= 0 and size > 1: if options.slideshow <= 0: print("Time has to be greater then 0. You can use decimal values.") return target_func = scripter.change_wallpaper if options.wallpaper else \ scripter.change_terminal slideshow(Filter.filtered_list, options.slideshow, target_func) return if options.wallpaper: scripter.change_wallpaper(target.get_path()) else: scripter.change_terminal(target.get_path()) if __name__ == "__main__": # Entrance to the program. main(sys.argv[1:])