#!/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/python3.5 # The main module that brings everything together. from sys import argv from database import Pokemon, Database import scripter def print_list(list_of_items): # Print all the items in a list. Used for printing each Pokemon from a particular region. for item in list_of_items: print(item) def print_columns(items): # Print a list as multiple columns instead of just one. rows = [] items_per_column = int(len(items) / 4) + 1 for index in range(0, len(items)): pokemon = items[index] if not pokemon.is_extra(): name = pokemon.get_id() + " " + str(pokemon.get_name()).capitalize() else: name = "--- " + pokemon.get_name() name = name.ljust(20) if len(rows) < items_per_column: rows.append(name) else: rows[index % items_per_column] += name print_list(rows) def prefix_search(db, arg): # Find all Pokemon in database, db, with the prefix, arg. result = db.names_with_prefix(arg) if len(result) == 0: print("No Pokemon found with prefix '" + arg + "'.") else: print_columns(result) def print_extra(db): # Print all the 'Extra' Pokemon from the 'Extra' folder. result = db.get_extra() if len(result) == 0: print("No Pokemon were found in Images/Extra.") else: print_columns(result) def print_usage(): # Print the instructions of usage. print( ''' Usage: pokemon [parameter] Parameters: [name] - Change the terminal background to the specified Pokemon. [index] - Change the terminal background to a Pokemon by its index. [region] - List all the Pokemon of the specified region. [one letter] - List all Pokemon who's names begin with a particular letter. [two letters] - List all Pokemon who's names begin with those two letters. Other Parameters: pokemon all - List all the Pokemon supported. pokemon random - Pick a Pokemon at random. pokemon ? - Identify the current Pokemon. pokemon regions - List all the available regions. pokemon slideshow - Iterate through each Pokemon. pokemon slideshow-kanto - Iterate through each Pokemon in the specified reigon. pokemon extra - List all the Pokemon from the 'Extra' folder. pokemon help - Display this menu. ''') def single_argument_handler(arg): # Handle the logic for when there is only one command line parameter inputted. db = Database() if len(arg) < 3 and arg.isalpha(): prefix_search(db, arg) elif arg == "extra" or arg == "custom": print_extra(db) elif arg == "regions": print_list(db.get_regions()) elif arg == "help" or arg == "--help" or arg == "-h": print_usage() elif arg == "kanto": print_columns(db.get_kanto()) elif arg == "johto": print_columns(db.get_johto()) elif arg == "hoenn": print_columns(db.get_hoenn()) elif arg == "sinnoh": print_columns(db.get_sinnoh()) elif arg == "all" or arg == "pokemon" or arg == "list": print_columns(db.get_all()) elif arg == "rand" or arg == "random": print(db.get_random()) else: scripter.change_terminal() if __name__ == "__main__": # Entrance to the program. if len(argv) == 1: print("No command line arguments specified. Try typing in a Pokemon name or number.") elif len(argv) == 2: single_argument_handler(argv[1].lower()) else: print("Only one command line argument is supported.")