2024-03-06 11:31:44 -05:00

2316 lines
150 KiB

import math, operator, os, re
from datetime import datetime
from modules import plex, ergast, util
from modules.util import Failed, NotScheduled, YAML
from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest
logger = util.logger
all_auto = ["genre", "number", "custom"]
ms_auto = [
"actor", "year", "content_rating", "original_language", "tmdb_popular_people", "trakt_user_lists", "studio",
"trakt_liked_lists", "trakt_people_list", "subtitle_language", "audio_language", "resolution", "decade", "imdb_awards"
auto = {
"Movie": ["tmdb_collection", "edition", "country", "director", "producer", "writer"] + all_auto + ms_auto,
"Show": ["network", "origin_country", "episode_year"] + all_auto + ms_auto,
"Artist": ["mood", "style", "country", "album_genre", "album_mood", "album_style", "track_mood"] + all_auto,
"Video": ["country", "content_rating"] + all_auto
dynamic_attributes = [
"type", "data", "exclude", "addons", "template", "template_variables", "other_template", "remove_suffix", "custom_keys",
"remove_prefix", "title_format", "key_name_override", "title_override", "test", "sync", "include", "other_name"
auto_type_translation = {
"content_rating": "contentRating", "subtitle_language": "subtitleLanguage", "audio_language": "audioLanguage",
"album_genre": "album.genre", "album_style": "", "album_mood": "album.mood", "track_mood": "track.mood",
"edition": "editionTitle", "episode_year": "episode.year"
default_templates = {
"original_language": {"plex_all": True, "filters": {"original_language": "<<value>>"}},
"origin_country": {"plex_all": True, "filters": {"origin_country": "<<value>>"}},
"tmdb_collection": {"tmdb_collection_details": "<<value>>", "minimum_items": 2},
"trakt_user_lists": {"trakt_list_details": "<<value>>"},
"trakt_liked_lists": {"trakt_list_details": "<<value>>"},
"tmdb_popular_people": {"tmdb_person": "<<value>>", "plex_search": {"all": {"actor": "tmdb"}}},
"trakt_people_list": {"tmdb_person": "<<value>>", "plex_search": {"all": {"actor": "tmdb"}}}
def get_dict(attribute, attr_data, check_list=None, make_str=False):
if check_list is None:
check_list = []
if attr_data and attribute in attr_data:
if attr_data[attribute]:
if isinstance(attr_data[attribute], dict):
new_dict = {}
for _name, _data in attr_data[attribute].items():
if make_str and str(_name) in check_list or not make_str and _name in check_list:
new_name = f'"{str(_name)}"' if make_str or not isinstance(_name, int) else _name
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Skipping duplicate {attribute[:-1] if attribute[-1] == 's' else attribute}: {new_name}")
elif _data is None:
elif attribute != "queues" and not isinstance(_data, dict):
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {attribute[:-1] if attribute[-1] == 's' else attribute}: {_name} must be a dictionary")
elif attribute == "templates":
new_dict[str(_name)] = (_data, {})
new_dict[str(_name) if make_str else _name] = _data
return new_dict
logger.error(f"Config Error: {attribute} must be a dictionary")
logger.error(f"Config Error: {attribute} attribute is blank")
return {}
class DataFile:
def __init__(self, config, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, data_type):
if file_type != "Data":"")"Loading {data_type} {file_type}: {path}")"")
self.config = config
self.library = None
self.type = file_type
self.path = path
self.temp_vars = temp_vars
self.language = "en"
if "language" in self.temp_vars and self.temp_vars["language"]:
if self.temp_vars["language"].lower() not in self.config.GitHub.translation_keys:
logger.warning(f"Config Error: Language: {self.temp_vars['language'].lower()} Not Found using en. Options: {', '.join(self.config.GitHub.translation_keys)}")
self.language = self.temp_vars["language"].lower()
self.asset_directory = asset_directory
self.data_type = ""
self.templates = {}
filename = self.get_file_name()
if config.requested_files and filename not in config.requested_files:
raise NotScheduled(filename)
def get_file_name(self):
data = f"{self.config.GitHub.configs_url}{self.path}.yml" if self.type == "GIT" else self.path
if "/" in data:
if data.endswith(".yml"):
return data[data.rfind("/") + 1:-4]
elif data.endswith(".yaml"):
return data[data.rfind("/") + 1:-5]
return data[data.rfind("/") + 1:]
elif "\\" in data:
if data.endswith(".yml"):
return data[data.rfind("\\") + 1:-4]
elif data.endswith(".yaml"):
return data[data.rfind("/") + 1:-5]
return data[data.rfind("\\") + 1:]
return data
def load_file(self, file_type, file_path, overlay=False, translation=False, images=False, folder=""):
if translation:
if file_path.endswith(".yml"):
file_path = file_path[:-4]
elif file_path.endswith(".yaml"):
file_path = file_path[:-5]
if not translation and not file_path.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")):
file_path = f"{file_path}.yml"
if file_type in ["URL", "Git", "Repo"] or (images and file_type == "PMM Default"):
if file_type == "Repo" and not self.config.custom_repo:
raise Failed("Config Error: No custom_repo defined")
if file_type == "URL":
content_path = file_path
elif file_type == "Repo":
content_path = f"{self.config.custom_repo}{file_path}"
elif file_type == "PMM Default":
content_path = f"{self.config.GitHub.images_raw_url}{folder}{file_path}"
content_path = f"{self.config.GitHub.configs_url}{file_path}"
dir_path = content_path
if translation:
content_path = f"{content_path}/default.yml"
response = self.config.get(content_path)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"URL Error: No file found at {content_path}")
yaml = YAML(input_data=response.content, check_empty=True)
if file_type == "PMM Default":
if not overlay and file_path.startswith(("movie/", "chart/", "award/")):
file_path = file_path[6:]
elif not overlay and file_path.startswith(("show/", "both/")):
file_path = file_path[5:]
elif overlay and file_path.startswith("overlays/"):
file_path = file_path[9:]
defaults_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), "defaults")
if overlay:
defaults_path = os.path.join(defaults_path, "overlays")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(defaults_path, file_path)):
file_path = os.path.join(defaults_path, file_path)
elif self.library:
for default_folder in [self.library.type.lower(), "both", "chart", "award"]:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(defaults_path, default_folder, file_path)):
file_path = os.path.join(defaults_path, default_folder, file_path)
content_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_path, "default.yml") if translation else file_path)
dir_path = file_path
if not os.path.exists(content_path):
if file_type == "PMM Default":
raise Failed(f"File Error: Default does not exist {file_path}")
raise Failed(f"File Error: File does not exist {content_path}")
yaml = YAML(path=content_path, check_empty=True)
if not translation:
logger.debug(f"File Loaded From: {content_path}")
if "translations" not in
raise Failed(f"URL Error: Top Level translations attribute not found in {content_path}")
translations = {k: {"default": v} for k, v in["translations"].items()}
lib_type = self.library.type.lower() if self.library else "item"
logger.trace(f"Translations Loaded From: {dir_path}")
key_names = {}
variables = {k: {"default": v[lib_type]} for k, v in["variables"].items()}
def add_translation(yaml_path, yaml_key, data=None):
yaml_content = YAML(input_data=data, path=yaml_path if data is None else None, check_empty=True)
if "variables" in and["variables"]:
for var_key, var_value in["variables"].items():
if lib_type in var_value:
if var_key not in variables:
variables[var_key] = {}
variables[var_key][yaml_key] = var_value[lib_type]
if "translations" in and["translations"]:
for translation_key in translations:
if translation_key in["translations"]:
translations[translation_key][yaml_key] =["translations"][translation_key]
logger.trace(f"Translation Error: translations attribute {translation_key} not found in {yaml_path}")
logger.trace(f"Config Error: Top Level translations attribute not found in {yaml_path}")
if "key_names" in and["key_names"]:
for kn, vn in["key_names"].items():
if kn not in key_names:
key_names[kn] = {}
key_names[kn][yaml_key] = vn
if file_type in ["URL", "Git", "Repo"]:
if "languages" in and isinstance(["language"], list):
for language in["language"]:
response = self.config.get(f"{dir_path}/{language}.yml")
if response.status_code < 400:
add_translation(f"{dir_path}/{language}.yml", language, data=response.content)
logger.error(f"URL Error: Language file not found at {dir_path}/{language}.yml")
for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
if file.endswith(".yml") and file != "default.yml":
add_translation(os.path.abspath(f"{dir_path}/{file}"), file[:-4])
return translations, key_names, variables
def apply_template(self, call_name, mapping_name, data, template_call, extra_variables):
if not self.templates:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: No templates found")
elif not template_call:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template attribute is blank")
new_attributes = {}
for original_variables in util.get_list(template_call, split=False):
if original_variables["name"] not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template {original_variables['name']} not found")
elif not isinstance(self.templates[original_variables["name"]][0], dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template {original_variables['name']} is not a dictionary")
logger.separator(f"Template {original_variables['name']}", space=False, border=False, trace=True)
logger.trace(f"Original: {original_variables}")
remove_variables = []
optional = []
for tm in original_variables.copy():
if original_variables[tm] is None:
template, temp_vars = self.templates[original_variables["name"]]
if call_name:
name = call_name
elif "name" in template:
name = template["name"]
name = mapping_name
name_var = f"{self.data_type.lower()}_name"
now =
original_variables[name_var] = str(name)
original_variables["mapping_name"] = mapping_name
original_variables["current_year"] = now.year
original_variables["current_month"] = now.month
original_variables["current_day"] =
original_variables["library_type"] = self.library.type.lower() if self.library else "item"
original_variables["library_typeU"] = self.library.type if self.library else "Item"
original_variables["library_name"] = if self.library else "playlist"
def replace_var(input_item, search_dicts):
if not isinstance(search_dicts, list):
search_dicts = [search_dicts]
return_item = input_item
for search_dict in search_dicts:
for rk, rv in search_dict.items():
if rk not in ["name_format", "summary_format"]:
if f"<<{rk}>>" == str(return_item):
return_item = rv
if f"<<{rk}>>" in str(return_item):
return_item = str(return_item).replace(f"<<{rk}>>", str(rv))
return return_item
conditionals = {}
if "conditionals" in template:
if not template["conditionals"]:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute conditionals is blank")
if not isinstance(template["conditionals"], dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute conditionals is not a dictionary")
for ck, cv in template["conditionals"].items():
conditionals[ck] = cv
added_vars = {}
init_defaults = {}
if "default" in template:
if not template["default"]:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute default is blank")
if not isinstance(template["default"], dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute default is not a dictionary")
init_defaults = template["default"]
all_init_defaults = {k: v for k, v in init_defaults.items()}
variables = {}
temp_conditionals = {}
for input_dict, input_type, overwrite_call in [
(original_variables, "Call", False),
(temp_vars, "External", False),
(extra_variables, "Definition", False),
(self.temp_vars, "Config", True)
logger.trace(f"{input_type}: {input_dict}")
for input_key, input_value in input_dict.items():
if input_key == "conditionals":
if not input_value:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: {input_type} template sub-attribute conditionals is blank")
if not isinstance(input_value, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: {input_type} template sub-attribute conditionals is not a dictionary")
for ck, cv in input_value.items():
temp_conditionals[ck] = cv
elif input_key == "default":
if not input_value:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: {input_type} template sub-attribute default is blank")
if not isinstance(input_value, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: {input_type} template sub-attribute default is not a dictionary")
for dk, dv in input_value.items():
all_init_defaults[dk] = dv
input_key = replace_var(input_key, original_variables)
if input_value is None:
if input_key in variables:
if input_key in added_vars:
elif overwrite_call:
variables[input_key] = input_value
elif input_key not in added_vars:
added_vars[input_key] = input_value
for k, v in added_vars.items():
if k not in variables:
variables[k] = v
for k, v in temp_conditionals.items():
if k not in variables:
conditionals[k] = v
if "key_name" in variables:
variables["original_key_name"] = variables["key_name"]
first_letter = str(variables["key_name"]).upper()[0]
variables["key_name_first_letter"] = first_letter if first_letter.isalpha() else "#"
default = {}
if all_init_defaults:
var_default = {replace_var(dk, variables): replace_var(dv, variables) for dk, dv in all_init_defaults.items() if dk not in variables}
for d_key, d_value in var_default.items():
final_key = replace_var(d_key, var_default)
if final_key not in optional and final_key not in variables and final_key not in conditionals:
default[final_key] = d_value
if "<<" in str(d_value):
default[f"{final_key}_encoded"] = re.sub(r'<<(.+)>>', r'<<\1_encoded>>', d_value)
default[f"{final_key}_encoded"] = util.quote(d_value)
if "optional" in template:
if template["optional"]:
for op in util.get_list(template["optional"]):
op = replace_var(op, variables)
if op not in default and op not in conditionals:
elif op in init_defaults:
logger.debug(f"Template Warning: variable {op} cannot be optional if it has a default")
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute optional is blank")
for con_key, con_value in conditionals.items():
logger.debug(f"Conditional: {con_key}")
if not isinstance(con_value, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: conditional {con_key} is not a dictionary")
final_key = replace_var(con_key, [variables, default])
if final_key != con_key:
logger.trace(f"Variable: {final_key}")
if final_key in variables:
logger.debug(f'Conditional Variable: {final_key} overwritten to "{variables[final_key]}"')
if "conditions" not in con_value:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: conditions sub-attribute required")
conditions = con_value["conditions"]
if isinstance(conditions, dict):
conditions = [conditions]
if not isinstance(conditions, list):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: conditions sub-attribute must be a list or dictionary")
condition_found = False
for i, condition in enumerate(conditions, 1):
if not isinstance(condition, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: each condition must be a dictionary")
if "value" not in condition:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: each condition must have a result value")
condition_passed = True
for var_key, var_value in condition.items():
if var_key == "value":
error_text = ""
con_var_value = ""
var_key = replace_var(var_key, [variables, default])
var_value = replace_var(var_value, [variables, default])
if var_key.endswith(".exists"):
con_var_value = util.parse(self.data_type, var_key, var_value, datatype="bool", default=False)
if con_var_value:
if var_key[:-7] not in variables or variables[var_key[:-7]] is None:
error_text = "- does not exist"
elif var_key[:-7] in variables and variables[var_key[:-7]] is not None:
error_text = "- exists"
con_var_value = var_key[:-7]
elif var_key.endswith(".not"):
if var_key[:-4] in variables:
con_var_value = variables[var_key[:-4]]
if isinstance(var_value, list):
if con_var_value in var_value:
error_text = f'in {var_value}'
elif str(con_var_value) == str(var_value):
error_text = f'is "{var_value}"'
elif var_key in variables or var_key in default:
con_var_value = variables[var_key] if var_key in variables else default[var_key]
if isinstance(var_value, list):
if con_var_value not in var_value:
error_text = f'not in {var_value}'
elif str(con_var_value) != str(var_value):
error_text = f'is not "{var_value}"'
error_text = " is not a variable provided or a default variable"
if error_text:
if con_var_value:
error_text = f': "{con_var_value}" {error_text}'
logger.trace(f'Condition {i} Failed: {var_key}{error_text}')
condition_passed = False
if condition_passed:
logger.trace(f'Conditional Variable: {final_key} is "{condition["value"]}"')
condition_found = True
if condition["value"] is not None:
variables[final_key] = condition["value"]
variables[f"{final_key}_encoded"] = util.quote(condition["value"])
if not condition_found:
if "default" in con_value:
logger.trace(f'Conditional Variable: {final_key} defaults to "{con_value["default"]}"')
variables[final_key] = con_value["default"]
variables[f"{final_key}_encoded"] = util.quote(con_value["default"])
logger.trace(f"Conditional Variable: {final_key} added as optional variable")
sort_name = None
if "move_prefix" in template or "move_collection_prefix" in template:
prefix = None
if "move_prefix" in template:
prefix = template["move_prefix"]
elif "move_collection_prefix" in template:
logger.debug(f"{self.data_type} Warning: template sub-attribute move_collection_prefix will run as move_prefix")
prefix = template["move_collection_prefix"]
if prefix:
for op in util.get_list(prefix):
if variables[name_var].startswith(f"{op} "):
sort_name = f"{variables[name_var][len(op):].strip()}, {op}"
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: template sub-attribute move_prefix is blank")
variables[f"{self.data_type.lower()}_sort"] = sort_name if sort_name else variables[name_var]
for key, value in variables.copy().items():
if "<<" in key and ">>" in key:
for k, v in variables.items():
if f"<<{k}>>" in key:
key = key.replace(f"<<{k}>>", f"{v}")
for k, v in default.items():
if f"<<{k}>>" in key:
key = key.replace(f"<<{k}>>", f"{v}")
if key not in variables:
variables[key] = value
for key, value in variables.copy().items():
variables[f"{key}_encoded"] = util.quote(value)
default = {k: v for k, v in default.items() if k not in variables}
og_optional = optional
optional = []
for key in og_optional:
if "<<" in key and ">>" in key:
for k, v in variables.items():
if f"<<{k}>>" in key:
key = key.replace(f"<<{k}>>", f"{v}")
for k, v in default.items():
if f"<<{k}>>" in key:
key = key.replace(f"<<{k}>>", f"{v}")
if key not in variables and key not in default:
logger.trace(f"Variables: {variables}")
logger.trace(f"Defaults: {default}")
logger.trace(f"Optional: {optional}")
def check_for_var(_method, _data, _debug):
def scan_text(og_txt, var, actual_value):
if og_txt is None:
return og_txt
elif str(og_txt) == f"<<{var}>>":
return actual_value
elif f"<<{var}" in str(og_txt):
final = str(og_txt).replace(f"<<{var}>>", str(actual_value)) if f"<<{var}>>" in str(og_txt) else str(og_txt)
if f"<<{var}" in final:
match ="<<({var}([+-])(\\d+))>>", final)
if match:
final = final.replace(f"<<{}>>", str(int(actual_value) + (int( * (-1 if == "-" else 1))))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
logger.error(f"Template Error: {actual_value} must be a number to use {}")
raise Failed
return final
return og_txt
if _debug:
logger.trace(f"Start {_method}: {_data}")
for i_check in range(8):
for option in optional:
if option not in variables and f"<<{option}>>" in str(_data):
raise Failed
for variable, variable_data in variables.items():
if (variable == "collection_name" or variable == "playlist_name") and _method in ["radarr_tag", "item_radarr_tag", "sonarr_tag", "item_sonarr_tag"]:
_data = scan_text(_data, variable, variable_data.replace(",", ""))
elif (variable == "name_format" and _method != "name") or (variable == "summary_format" and _method != "summary"):
elif variable != "name" and (_method not in ["name", "summary"] or variable != "key_name"):
_data = scan_text(_data, variable, variable_data)
for dm, dd in default.items():
if (dm == "name_format" and _method != "name") or (dm == "summary_format" and _method != "summary"):
elif _method not in ["name", "summary"] or dm != "key_name":
_data = scan_text(_data, dm, dd)
except Failed:
if _debug:
logger.trace(f"Failed {_method}: {_data}")
if _debug:
logger.trace(f"End {_method}: {_data}")
return _data
def check_data(_method, _data, _debug):
if isinstance(_data, dict):
final_data = {}
for sm, sd in _data.items():
final_data[check_for_var(_method, sm, _debug)] = check_data(_method, sd, _debug)
except Failed:
if not final_data:
raise Failed
elif isinstance(_data, list):
final_data = []
for li in _data:
final_data.append(check_data(_method, li, _debug))
except Failed:
if not final_data:
raise Failed
final_data = check_for_var(_method, _data, _debug)
return final_data
for method_name, attr_data in template.items():
if method_name not in data and method_name not in ["default", "optional", "conditionals", "move_collection_prefix", "move_prefix"]:
debug_template = False
new_name = check_for_var(method_name, method_name, debug_template)
if new_name in new_attributes:
logger.trace(f"Template Warning: template attribute: {new_name} from {variables['name']} skipped")
new_attributes[new_name] = check_data(new_name, attr_data, debug_template)
except Failed:
logger.trace(f"Current Final: {new_attributes}")
logger.separator(f"Final Template Attributes", space=False, border=False, debug=True)
return new_attributes
def external_templates(self, data, overlay=False):
if data and "external_templates" in data and data["external_templates"]:
files, _ = util.load_files(data["external_templates"], "external_templates")
if not files:
logger.error("Config Error: No Paths Found for external_templates")
for file_type, template_file, temp_vars, _ in files:
temp_data = self.load_file(file_type, template_file, overlay=overlay)
if temp_data and isinstance(temp_data, dict) and "templates" in temp_data and temp_data["templates"] and isinstance(temp_data["templates"], dict):
self.templates.update({k: (v, temp_vars) for k, v in temp_data["templates"].items() if k not in self.templates})
class MetadataFile(DataFile):
def __init__(self, config, library, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, file_style):
self.file_style = file_style
self.type_str = f"{file_style.capitalize()} File"
super().__init__(config, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, self.type_str)
self.data_type = "Collection"
self.library = library
self.metadata = None
self.collections = None
self.dynamic_collections = []
self.templates = None
self.update_collections = True
self.update_seasons = True
self.update_episodes = True
self.set_collections = {}
self.style_priority = []
if self.file_style == "image":
self.metadata = {}
if self.type == "PMM Default":
if self.path.endswith(".yml"):
self.path = self.path[:-4]
elif self.path.endswith(".yaml"):
self.path = self.path[:-5]
data = self.load_file(self.type, "set", images=True, folder=f"{self.path}/")
data = self.load_file(self.type, self.path, images=True)
methods = {t.lower(): t for t in self.temp_vars}
use_all = True if "use_all" in methods and self.temp_vars[methods["use_all"]] else False"Use All Sections: {use_all}")
exclude = []
if "exclude" in methods:
if not use_all:
raise Failed(f"Image Set Error: exclude only works when use_all is true")
exclude = util.parse("Images", "exclude", self.temp_vars, datatype="list", methods=methods)"Exclude: {exclude}")
include = []
if "include" in methods:
if use_all:
raise Failed(f"Image Set Error: include only works when use_all is false")
include = util.parse("Images", "include", self.temp_vars, datatype="list", methods=methods)"Include: {include}")
if "style_priority" in methods:
self.style_priority = util.parse("Images", "style_priority", self.temp_vars, datatype="list", methods=methods)"Style Priority: {self.style_priority}")
if "update_collections" in methods:
self.update_collections = util.parse("Images", "update_collections", self.temp_vars, datatype="bool", methods=methods, default=True)"Update Collections: {self.update_collections}")
if "update_seasons" in methods:
self.update_seasons = util.parse("Images", "update_seasons", self.temp_vars, datatype="bool", methods=methods, default=True)"Update Seasons: {self.update_seasons}")
if "update_episodes" in methods:
self.update_episodes = util.parse("Images", "update_episodes", self.temp_vars, datatype="bool", methods=methods, default=True)"Update Episodes: {self.update_episodes}")
item_attr = "movies" if self.library.is_movie else "shows"
for section_key, section_data in get_dict("sections", data).items():
if not isinstance(section_data, dict):
raise Failed("Image Set Error: Section Data must be a dictionary")
if "builders" not in section_data or not section_data["builders"]:
logger.trace(f"Skipping No Builder for Section: {section_key}")
elif item_attr not in section_data:
raise Failed(f"Section Data must have the {item_attr} attribute")
elif not section_data[item_attr]:
raise Failed(f"Section Data attribute {item_attr} is empty")
elif "styles" not in section_data:
raise Failed("Image Section Error: Section Data must have the styles attribute")
styles = util.parse("Section Data", "styles", section_data["styles"], datatype="dictlist")
if not styles:
raise Failed("Image Section Error: Section Data styles attribute is empty")
default_style = None
for sk, sv in styles.items():
default_style = sk
if not default_style:
raise Failed(f"Image Section Error: No styles found for section: {section_key}")
use_key = None
if f"use_{section_key}" in methods:
use_key = util.parse("Images", f"use_{section_key}", self.temp_vars, datatype="bool", methods=methods, default=False)"Use {section_key}: {use_key}")
if use_key is False:
logger.trace(f"Skipped as use_{section_key} is false")
elif use_all and section_key in exclude:
logger.trace(f"Skipped as {section_key} is in the exclude list")
elif not use_all and use_key is None and section_key not in include:
logger.trace(f"Skipped as use_all is false and use_{section_key} is not set{f' and {section_key} not in the include list' if include else ''}")
prioritized_style = None
for ps in self.style_priority:
if ps in styles:
prioritized_style = ps
if f"style_{section_key}" in methods:
style_key = util.parse("Images", f"style_{section_key}", self.temp_vars, methods=methods, default=default_style)"Style {section_key}: {style_key}")
if style_key not in styles:
p_warning = f"Image Section Warning: {section_key} has no style: {style_key} using"
if prioritized_style:
logger.warning(f"{p_warning} Prioritized Style: {prioritized_style}")
style_key = prioritized_style
logger.warning(f"{p_warning} default: {default_style}. Options: {', '.join([s for s in styles])}")
style_key = default_style
elif prioritized_style:"Using Prioritized Style: {prioritized_style}")
style_key = prioritized_style
style_key = default_style
if self.update_collections and "collections" in section_data and section_data["collections"]:
self.set_collections[section_key] = section_data["collections"]
if f"style_file_{section_key}" in methods:
style_file = self.temp_vars[methods[f"style_file_{section_key}"]]
elif not styles[style_key]:
style_file = [{"pmm": f"{section_key}/{style_key}"}]
style_file = styles[style_key]
if not style_file:
raise Failed("Image Style Error: style file call attribute is blank")
style_dict = style_file[0] if isinstance(style_file, list) else style_file
if not isinstance(style_dict, dict):
raise Failed(f"Image Style Error: style file call attribute: {style_dict} is not a dictionary")
elif not style_dict:
raise Failed("Image Style Error: style file call attribute dictionary is empty")
style_data = self.get_style_data(style_dict, section_key, items_data=section_data[item_attr])
for item_name, item_data in section_data[item_attr].items():
if item_name not in style_data or not style_data[item_name]:
if isinstance(item_data, dict):
if "mapping_id" not in item_data:
raise Failed(f"Image Section Error: {section_key}: {item_name}: No mapping ID found")
meta_data = item_data
meta_data = {"mapping_id": item_data}
meta_data["style_data"] = style_data[item_name]
meta_data["section_key"] = section_key
meta_data["style_key"] = style_key
if "seasons" in style_data[item_name] and style_data[item_name]["seasons"]:
season_dict = {}
for season_num, season_data in style_data[item_name]["seasons"].items():
season_dict[season_num] = {}
if season_data and "episodes" in season_data:
episode_dict = {}
for episode_num in season_data["episodes"]:
episode_dict[episode_num] = {}
season_dict[season_num]["episodes"] = episode_dict
meta_data["seasons"] = season_dict
self.metadata[item_name] = meta_data
if not self.metadata:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: No metadata items added")"")"Images File Loaded Successfully")
elif file_type == "Data":
self.collections = get_dict("collections", path, library.collections)
self.templates = get_dict("templates", path)
logger.separator(f"Loading {self.type_str} {file_type}: {path}")"")
data = self.load_file(self.type, self.path)
if self.file_style == "metadata":
self.metadata = get_dict("metadata", data, library.metadatas)
self.templates = get_dict("templates", data)
if self.file_style == "collection":
self.collections = get_dict("collections", data, library.collections)
self.dynamic_collections = get_dict("dynamic_collections", data)
col_names = library.collections + [c for c in self.collections]
for map_name, dynamic in self.dynamic_collections.items():"")
logger.separator(f"Building {map_name} Dynamic Collections", space=False, border=False)"")
methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in dynamic}
for m in methods:
if m not in dynamic_attributes:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {methods[m]} attribute is invalid. Options: {', '.join(dynamic_attributes)}")
if "type" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute not found")
elif not dynamic[methods["type"]]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute is blank")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() not in auto[library.type]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']].lower()} invalid Options: {auto[library.type]}")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() == "network" and library.agent not in plex.new_plex_agents:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: network only works with the New Plex TV Agent")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower().startswith("trakt") and not self.config.Trakt:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: {dynamic[methods['type']]} requires trakt to be configured")
auto_type = dynamic[methods["type"]].lower()
og_exclude = []
if "exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", self.temp_vars["exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "exclude" in methods:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
if "append_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_exclude", self.temp_vars["append_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_exclude", self.temp_vars["remove_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
include = []
if "include" in self.temp_vars:
include = util.parse("Config", "include", self.temp_vars["include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "include" in methods:
include = [i for i in util.parse("Config", "include", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if i not in og_exclude]
if "append_include" in self.temp_vars:
include.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_include", self.temp_vars["append_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_include" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_include", self.temp_vars["remove_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
addons = {}
if "addons" in self.temp_vars:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", self.temp_vars["addons"], parent="template_variables", datatype="dictliststr")
elif "addons" in methods:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
if "append_addons" in self.temp_vars:
append_addons = util.parse("Config", "append_addons", self.temp_vars["append_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in append_addons.items():
if k not in addons:
addons[k] = []
if "remove_addons" in self.temp_vars:
remove_addons = util.parse("Config", "remove_addons", self.temp_vars["remove_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in remove_addons.items():
if k in addons:
for word in v:
exclude = [str(e) for e in og_exclude]
for k, v in addons.items():
if k in v:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {k} cannot be an addon for itself")
exclude.extend([y for y in v if y != k and y not in exclude])
default_title_format = "<<key_name>>"
default_template = None
auto_list = {}
all_keys = {}
extra_template_vars = {}
dynamic_data = None
def _check_dict(check_dict):
for ck, cv in check_dict.items():
all_keys[str(ck)] = cv
if str(ck) not in exclude and str(cv) not in exclude:
auto_list[str(ck)] = cv
if auto_type == "decade" and library.is_show:
all_items = library.get_all()
if addons:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: addons cannot be used with show decades")
addons = {}
all_keys = {}
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
if item.year:
decade = str(int(math.floor(item.year / 10) * 10))
if decade not in addons:
addons[decade] = []
if str(item.year) not in addons[decade]:
all_keys[str(item.year)] = str(item.year)
auto_list = {str(k): f"{k}s" for k in addons if str(k) not in exclude and f"{k}s" not in exclude}
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {"year": "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of the <<key_name>>"
elif auto_type in ["genre", "mood", "style", "album_genre", "album_mood", "album_style", "track_mood", "country", "studio", "edition", "network", "year", "episode_year", "decade", "content_rating", "subtitle_language", "audio_language", "resolution"]:
search_tag = auto_type_translation[auto_type] if auto_type in auto_type_translation else auto_type
if library.is_show and auto_type in ["resolution", "subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
tags = library.get_tags(f"episode.{search_tag}")
tags = library.get_tags(search_tag)
if auto_type in ["subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
all_keys = {}
auto_list = {}
for i in tags:
final_title = self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1[str(i.key)].english_name if str(i.key) in self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1 else str(i.title) # noqa
all_keys[str(i.key)] = final_title
if all([x not in exclude for x in [final_title, str(i.title), str(i.key)]]):
auto_list[str(i.key)] = final_title
elif auto_type in ["resolution", "decade"]:
all_keys = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude and str(i.key) not in exclude}
all_keys = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude}
if library.is_music:
final_var = auto_type if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")) else f"artist_{auto_type}"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50 if auto_type.startswith("track") else 10, "sort_by": "plays.desc", "any": {final_var: "<<value>>"}}}
music_type = "<<library_type>>"
if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")):
default_template["builder_level"] = "album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "track"
music_type = "Album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "Track"
default_title_format = f"Most Played <<key_name>> {music_type}s"
elif auto_type == "resolution":
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"sort_by": "title.asc", "any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {f"{auto_type}.is" if auto_type == "studio" else auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
if auto_type.startswith("episode"):
default_template["builder_level"] = "episode"
default_title_format = "Best Episodes of <<key_name>>"
elif auto_type == "year":
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>"
elif auto_type == "decade":
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of the <<key_name>>"
default_title_format = "Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type == "tmdb_collection":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=True)
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.collection_id and tmdb_item.collection_name:
all_keys[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
if str(tmdb_item.collection_id) not in exclude and tmdb_item.collection_name not in exclude:
auto_list[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
elif auto_type == "original_language":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.language_iso:
all_keys[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
if tmdb_item.language_iso not in exclude and tmdb_item.language_name not in exclude:
auto_list[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type == "origin_country":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.countries:
for country in tmdb_item.countries:
all_keys[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] =
if country.iso_3166_1.lower() not in exclude and not in exclude:
auto_list[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] =
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type in ["actor", "director", "writer", "producer"]:
people = {}
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
temp_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
for k, v in temp_data.items():
dynamic_data[k] = v
person_methods = {am.lower(): am for am in dynamic_data}
if "actor_depth" in person_methods:
person_methods["depth"] = person_methods.pop("actor_depth")
if "actor_minimum" in person_methods:
person_methods["minimum"] = person_methods.pop("actor_minimum")
if "number_of_actors" in person_methods:
person_methods["limit"] = person_methods.pop("number_of_actors")
person_depth = util.parse("Config", "depth", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1)
person_minimum = util.parse("Config", "minimum", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1) if "minimum" in person_methods else None
person_limit = util.parse("Config", "limit", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=25, minimum=1) if "limit" in person_methods else None
lib_all = library.get_all()
include_cols = []
for i, item in enumerate(lib_all, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Scanning: {i}/{len(lib_all)} {item.title}")
item = self.library.reload(item)
for person in getattr(item, f"{auto_type}s")[:person_depth]:
if person.tag in include:
if person.tag not in include_cols:
if not in people:
people[] = {"name": person.tag, "count": 0}
people[]["count"] += 1
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"Plex Error: {e}")
roles = [data for _, data in people.items()]
roles.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('count'), reverse=True)
if not person_minimum:
person_minimum = 1 if person_limit else 3
if not person_limit:
person_limit = len(roles)
person_count = 0
for inc in include_cols:
auto_list[inc] = inc
all_keys[inc] = inc
person_count += 1
for role in roles:
if person_count < person_limit and role["count"] >= person_minimum and role["name"] not in exclude:
auto_list[role["name"]] = role["name"]
all_keys[role["name"]] = role["name"]
person_count += 1
default_template = {"plex_search": {"any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
elif auto_type == "imdb_awards":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
temp_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
for k, v in temp_data.items():
dynamic_data[k] = v
award_methods = {am.lower(): am for am in dynamic_data}
event_id = util.parse("Config", "event_id", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=award_methods, regex=(r"(ev\d+)", "ev0000003"))
extra_template_vars["event_id"] = event_id
if event_id not in self.config.IMDb.events_validation:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data only specific Event IDs work with imdb_awards. Event Options: [{', '.join([k for k in self.config.IMDb.events_validation])}]")
_, event_years = self.config.IMDb.get_event_years(event_id)
year_options = [event_years[len(event_years) - i] for i in range(1, len(event_years) + 1)]
def get_position(attr):
if attr not in award_methods:
return 0 if attr == "starting" else len(year_options)
position_value = str(dynamic_data[award_methods[attr]])
if not position_value:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data {attr} attribute is blank")
if position_value.startswith(("first", "latest", "current_year")):
is_first = position_value.startswith("first")
int_values = position_value.split("+" if is_first else "-")
if len(int_values) == 1:
return 1 if is_first else len(year_options)
return (int(int_values[1].strip()) + (1 if is_first else 0)) * (1 if is_first else -1)
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data {attr} attribute modifier invalid '{int_values[1]}'")
elif position_value in year_options:
return year_options.index(position_value) + 1
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data {attr} attribute invalid: {position_value}")
found_options = year_options[get_position("starting") - 1:get_position("ending")]
if not found_options:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data starting/ending range found no valid events")
for option in event_years:
all_keys[option] = option
if option not in exclude and option in found_options:
auto_list[option] = option
default_template = {"imdb_award": {"event_id": "<<event_id>>", "event_year": "<<value>>", "winning": True}}
elif auto_type == "number":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
temp_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
for k, v in temp_data.items():
dynamic_data[k] = v
number_methods = {nm.lower(): nm for nm in dynamic_data}
if "starting" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).split("-")
starting = - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data starting attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
starting = util.parse("Config", "starting", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=0)
if "ending" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).split("-")
ending = - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data ending attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
ending = util.parse("Config", "ending", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=1)
increment = util.parse("Config", "increment", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=1, minimum=1) if "increment" in number_methods else 1
if starting > ending:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data ending must be greater than starting")
current = starting
while current <= ending:
all_keys[str(current)] = str(current)
if str(current) not in exclude and current not in exclude:
auto_list[str(current)] = str(current)
current += increment
elif auto_type == "custom":
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="strdict")
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
if "remove_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k in util.parse("Config", "remove_data", self.temp_vars["remove_data"], datatype="strlist"):
if k in dynamic_data:
if "append_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "append_data", self.temp_vars["append_data"], datatype="strdict").items():
dynamic_data[k] = v
for k, v in dynamic_data.items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
elif auto_type == "trakt_liked_lists":
elif auto_type == "tmdb_popular_people":
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="int", minimum=1)
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="int", minimum=1)
elif auto_type in ["trakt_people_list", "trakt_user_lists"]:
if "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="strlist")
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
if "remove_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k in util.parse("Config", "remove_data", self.temp_vars["remove_data"], datatype="strlist"):
if k in dynamic_data:
if "append_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k in util.parse("Config", "append_data", self.temp_vars["append_data"], datatype="strlist"):
if k not in dynamic_data:
for option in dynamic_data:
if auto_type == "trakt_user_lists":
_check_dict({self.config.Trakt.build_user_url(u[0], u[1]): u[2] for u in self.config.Trakt.all_user_lists(option)})
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']]} invalid")
if "append_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "append_data", self.temp_vars["append_data"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict").items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
custom_keys = True
if "custom_keys" in self.temp_vars:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", self.temp_vars["custom_keys"], parent="template_variables", default=custom_keys)
elif "custom_keys" in methods:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=custom_keys)
for add_key, combined_keys in addons.items():
if add_key not in all_keys and add_key not in og_exclude:
final_keys = [ck for ck in combined_keys if ck in all_keys]
if custom_keys and final_keys:
auto_list[add_key] = add_key
addons[add_key] = final_keys
elif custom_keys:
logger.trace(f"Config Warning: {add_key} Custom Key must have at least one Key")
for final_key in final_keys:
auto_list[final_key] = all_keys[final_key]
title_format = default_title_format
if "title_format" in self.temp_vars:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", self.temp_vars["title_format"], parent="template_variables", default=default_title_format)
elif "title_format" in methods:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=default_title_format)
if "<<key_name>>" not in title_format and "<<title>>" not in title_format:
logger.error(f"Config Error: <<key_name>> not in title_format: {title_format} using default: {default_title_format}")
title_format = default_title_format
if "post_format_override" in methods:
methods["title_override"] = methods.pop("post_format_override")
if "pre_format_override" in methods:
methods["key_name_override"] = methods.pop("pre_format_override")
title_override = {}
if "title_override" in self.temp_vars:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", self.temp_vars["title_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "title_override" in methods:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
key_name_override = {}
if "key_name_override" in self.temp_vars:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", self.temp_vars["key_name_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "key_name_override" in methods:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
test_override = []
for k, v in key_name_override.items():
if v in test_override:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {v} can only be used once skipping {k}: {v}")
test = False
if "test" in self.temp_vars:
test = util.parse("Config", "test", self.temp_vars["test"], parent="template_variables", datatype="bool")
elif "test" in methods:
test = util.parse("Config", "test", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool")
sync = False
if "sync" in self.temp_vars:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", self.temp_vars["sync"], parent="template_variables", datatype="bool")
elif "sync" in methods:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool")
if "<<library_type>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_type>>", library.type.lower())
if "<<library_typeU>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_typeU>>", library.type)
if "limit" in self.temp_vars and "<<limit>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<limit>>", str(self.temp_vars["limit"]))
template_variables = util.parse("Config", "template_variables", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictdict") if "template_variables" in methods else {}
if "template" in methods:
template_names = util.parse("Config", "template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
has_var = False
for template_name in template_names:
if template_name not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template: {template_name} not found")
if any([a in str(self.templates[template_name][0]) for a in ["<<value", "<<key", f"<<{auto_type}"]]):
has_var = True
if not has_var:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: One {map_name} template: {template_names} is required to have the template variable <<value>>")
elif auto_type in ["number", "list"]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template required for type: {auto_type}")
self.templates[map_name] = (default_template if default_template else default_templates[auto_type], {})
template_names = [map_name]
remove_prefix = []
if "remove_prefix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", self.temp_vars["remove_prefix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_prefix" in methods:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
remove_suffix = []
if "remove_suffix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_suffix" in methods:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
sync = {i.title: i for i in self.library.get_all_collections(label=str(map_name))} if sync else {}
other_name = None
if "other_name" in self.temp_vars and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables")
elif "other_name" in methods and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods)
other_templates = util.parse("Config", "other_template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if "other_template" in methods and include else None
if other_templates:
for other_template in other_templates:
if other_template not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} other template: {other_template} not found")
other_templates = template_names
other_keys = []
logger.debug(f"Mapping Name: {map_name}")
logger.debug(f"Type: {auto_type}")
logger.debug(f"Data: {dynamic_data}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude: {og_exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude Final: {exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Addons: {addons}")
logger.debug(f"Template: {template_names}")
logger.debug(f"Other Template: {other_templates}")
logger.debug(f"Library Variables: {self.temp_vars}")
logger.debug(f"Template Variables: {template_variables}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Prefix: {remove_prefix}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Suffix: {remove_suffix}")
logger.debug(f"Title Format: {title_format}")
logger.debug(f"Key Name Override: {key_name_override}")
logger.debug(f"Title Override: {title_override}")
logger.debug(f"Custom Keys: {custom_keys}")
logger.debug(f"Test: {test}")
logger.debug(f"Sync: {sync}")
logger.debug(f"Include: {include}")
logger.debug(f"Other Name: {other_name}")
logger.debug(f"All Keys: {all_keys.keys()}")
if not auto_list:
raise Failed("No Keys found to create a set of Dynamic Collections")
logger.debug(f"Keys (Title):")
for key, value in auto_list.items():
logger.debug(f" - {key}{'' if key == value else f' ({value})'}")
used_keys = []
for key, value in auto_list.items():
if include and key not in include:
if key not in exclude:
if key in key_name_override:
key_name = key_name_override[key]
key_name = value
for prefix in remove_prefix:
if key_name.startswith(prefix):
key_name = key_name[len(prefix):].strip()
for suffix in remove_suffix:
if key_name.endswith(suffix):
key_name = key_name[:-len(suffix)].strip()
key_value = [key] if key in all_keys else []
if key in addons:
key_value.extend([a for a in addons[key] if (a in all_keys or auto_type == "custom") and a != key])
og_call = {"value": key_value, auto_type: key_value, "key_name": key_name, "key": key}
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars:
og_call[k] = self.temp_vars[k]
elif key in v:
og_call[k] = v[key]
elif "default" in v:
og_call[k] = v["default"]
for k, v in extra_template_vars.items():
if k not in og_call:
og_call[k] = v
template_call = []
for template_name in template_names:
new_call = og_call.copy()
new_call["name"] = template_name
if key in title_override:
collection_title = title_override[key]
collection_title = title_format.replace("<<title>>", key_name).replace("<<key_name>>", key_name)
if collection_title in col_names:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Skipping duplicate collection: {collection_title}")
col = {"template": template_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
if test:
col["test"] = True
if collection_title in sync:
self.collections[collection_title] = col
if other_name and not other_keys:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Other Collection {other_name} not needed")
elif other_name:
og_other = {
"value": other_keys, "included_keys": include, "used_keys": used_keys,
auto_type: other_keys, "key_name": other_name, "key": "other"
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars and "other" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["other"]
elif k in self.temp_vars and "default" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["default"]
if "other" in v:
og_other[k] = v["other"]
elif "default" in v:
og_other[k] = v["default"]
other_call = []
for other_template in other_templates:
new_call = og_other.copy()
new_call["name"] = other_template
col = {"template": other_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
if test:
col["test"] = True
if other_name in sync:
self.collections[other_name] = col
for col_title, col in sync.items():
self.library.delete(col)"{map_name} Dynamic Collection: {col_title} Deleted")
except Failed as e:
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"{map_name} Dynamic Collection Failed")
if self.file_style == "metadata" and not self.metadata:
raise Failed("YAML Error: metadata attribute is required")
if self.file_style == "collection" and not self.collections:
raise Failed("YAML Error: collections or dynamic_collections attribute is required")"")"{self.type_str} Loaded Successfully")
def get_style_data(self, style_file, section_key, items_data=None):
style_id = ""
for k, v in style_file.items():
style_id = f"{k}: {v}"
if style_id in self.library.image_styles:
return self.library.image_styles[style_id]
if "git_style" in style_file:
if not style_file["git_style"]:
raise Failed("Image Set Error: git_style cannot be blank")
if not items_data:
raise Failed("Image Set Error: items_data cannot be blank")
top_tree, repo = self.config.GitHub.get_top_tree(style_file["git_style"])
sub = style_file["git_subfolder"] if "git_subfolder" in style_file and style_file["git_subfolder"] else ""
sub = sub.replace("\\", "/")
if sub.startswith("/"):
sub = sub[1:]
if sub.endswith("/"):
sub = sub[:-1]
if sub:
sub_str = ""
for folder in sub.split("/"):
folder_encode = util.quote(folder)
sub_str += f"{folder_encode}/"
if folder not in top_tree:
raise Failed(f"Image Set Error: Subfolder {folder} Not Found at{repo}tree/master/{sub_str}")
top_tree = self.config.GitHub.get_tree(top_tree[folder]["url"])
sub = sub_str
def repo_url(u):
return f"{repo}master/{sub}{u}"
def from_repo(u):
return self.config.get(repo_url(u)).content.decode().strip()
def check_for_definition(check_key, check_tree, is_poster=True, git_name=None):
attr_name = "poster" if is_poster and (git_name is None or "background" not in git_name) else "background"
if (git_name and git_name.lower().endswith(".tpdb")) or (not git_name and f"{attr_name}.tpdb" in check_tree):
return f"tpdb_{attr_name}", from_repo(f"{check_key}/{util.quote(git_name) if git_name else f'{attr_name}.tpdb'}")
elif (git_name and git_name.lower().endswith(".url")) or (not git_name and f"{attr_name}.url" in check_tree):
return f"url_{attr_name}", from_repo(f"{check_key}/{util.quote(git_name) if git_name else f'{attr_name}.url'}")
elif git_name:
if git_name in check_tree:
return f"url_{attr_name}", repo_url(f"{check_key}/{util.quote(git_name)}")
for ct in check_tree:
if ct.lower().startswith(attr_name):
return f"url_{attr_name}", repo_url(f"{check_key}/{util.quote(ct)}")
return None, None
def init_set(check_key, check_tree):
_data = {}
attr, attr_data = check_for_definition(check_key, check_tree)
if attr:
_data[attr] = attr_data
attr, attr_data = check_for_definition(check_key, check_tree, is_poster=False)
if attr:
_data[attr] = attr_data
return _data
style_data = {}
for k in items_data:
if k not in top_tree:"Image Set Warning: {k} not found at{repo}tree/master/{sub}")
k_encoded = util.quote(k)
item_folder = self.config.GitHub.get_tree(top_tree[k]["url"])
item_data = init_set(k_encoded, item_folder)
seasons = {}
for ik in item_folder:
match ="(\d+)", ik)
if match:
season_path = f"{k_encoded}/{util.quote(ik)}"
season_num = int(
season_folder = self.config.GitHub.get_tree(item_folder[ik]["url"])
season_data = init_set(season_path, season_folder)
episodes = {}
for sk in season_folder:
match ="(\d+)(?!.*\d)", sk)
if match:
episode_num = int(
if episode_num not in episodes:
episodes[episode_num] = {}
a, ad = check_for_definition(season_path, season_folder, git_name=sk)
if a:
episodes[episode_num][a] = ad
if episodes:
season_data["episodes"] = episodes
seasons[season_num] = season_data
if seasons:
item_data["seasons"] = seasons
style_data[k] = item_data
self.library.image_styles[style_id] = style_data
if section_key and section_key in self.set_collections and "collections" in top_tree:
collections_folder = self.config.GitHub.get_tree(top_tree["collections"]["url"])
for k, alts in self.set_collections[section_key].items():
if k in collections_folder:
collection_data = init_set(f"collections/{k}", self.config.GitHub.get_tree(collections_folder[k]["url"]))
self.library.collection_images[k] = collection_data
for alt in alts:
self.library.collection_images[alt] = collection_data
files, _ = util.load_files(style_file, "style_file", err_type=self.type_str, single=True)
if not files:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: No Path Found for style_file")
file_type, style_path, _, _ = files[0]
temp_data = self.load_file(file_type, style_path, images=True, folder=f"{self.path}/styles/")
item_attr = "movies" if self.library.is_movie else "shows"
if not isinstance(temp_data, dict):
raise Failed("Image Style Error: base must be a dictionary")
if item_attr not in temp_data:
raise Failed(f"Image Style Error: Image Styles must use the base attribute {item_attr}")
if not temp_data[item_attr]:
raise Failed(f"Image Style Error: {item_attr} attribute is empty")
if not isinstance(temp_data[item_attr], dict):
raise Failed(f"Image Style Error: {item_attr} attribute must be a dictionary")
self.library.image_styles[style_id] = temp_data[item_attr]
if section_key and section_key in self.set_collections and "collections" in temp_data and temp_data["collections"]:
for k, alts in self.set_collections[section_key].items():
if k in temp_data["collections"]:
self.library.collection_images[k] = temp_data["collections"][k]
if alts:
for alt in alts:
self.library.collection_images[alt] = temp_data["collections"][k]
return self.library.image_styles[style_id]
def get_collections(self, requested_collections):
if requested_collections:
return {c: self.collections[c] for c in util.get_list(requested_collections) if c in self.collections}
return self.collections
def edit_tags(self, attr, obj, group, alias, extra=None):
if attr in alias and f"{attr}.sync" in alias:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Cannot use {attr} and {attr}.sync together")
elif f"{attr}.remove" in alias and f"{attr}.sync" in alias:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Cannot use {attr}.remove and {attr}.sync together")
elif attr in alias and not group[alias[attr]]:
logger.warning(f"{self.type_str} Error: {attr} attribute is blank")
elif f"{attr}.remove" in alias and not group[alias[f"{attr}.remove"]]:
logger.warning(f"{self.type_str} Error: {attr}.remove attribute is blank")
elif f"{attr}.sync" in alias and not group[alias[f"{attr}.sync"]]:
logger.warning(f"{self.type_str} Error: {attr}.sync attribute is blank")
elif attr in alias or f"{attr}.remove" in alias or f"{attr}.sync" in alias:
add_tags = util.get_list(group[alias[attr]]) if attr in alias else []
if extra:
remove_tags = util.get_list(group[alias[f"{attr}.remove"]]) if f"{attr}.remove" in alias else None
sync_tags = util.get_list(group[alias[f"{attr}.sync"]]) if f"{attr}.sync" in alias else None
return len(self.library.edit_tags(attr, obj, add_tags=add_tags, remove_tags=remove_tags, sync_tags=sync_tags)) > 0
return False
def update_metadata(self):
if not self.metadata:
return None"")
logger.separator(f"Running {self.type_str}")"")
next_year = + 1
for mapping_name, meta in self.metadata.items():
methods = {mm.lower(): mm for mm in meta}"")
logger.separator(f"{mapping_name} {self.type_str}")
if "template" in methods:
logger.separator(f"Building Definition From Templates", space=False, border=False)
named_templates = []
for original_variables in util.get_list(meta[methods["template"]], split=False):
if not isinstance(original_variables, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: template attribute is not a dictionary")
elif "name" not in original_variables:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: template sub-attribute name is required")
elif not original_variables["name"]:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: template sub-attribute name cannot be blank")
logger.debug(f"Templates Called: {', '.join(named_templates)}")
new_variables = {}
if "variables" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: variables")
if not isinstance(meta[methods["variables"]], dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: variables must be a dictionary (key: value pairs)")
new_variables = meta[methods["variables"]]
name = meta[methods["name"]] if "name" in methods else None
new_attributes = self.apply_template(name, mapping_name, meta, meta[methods["template"]], new_variables)
for attr in new_attributes:
if attr.lower() not in methods:
meta[attr] = new_attributes[attr]
methods[attr.lower()] = attr
if "run_definition" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: run_definition")
if meta[methods["run_definition"]] is None:
raise NotScheduled("Skipped because run_definition has no value")
logger.debug(f"Value: {meta[methods['run_definition']]}")
valid_options = ["true", "false"] + plex.library_types
for library_type in util.get_list(meta[methods["run_definition"]], lower=True):
if library_type not in valid_options:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {library_type} is invalid. Options: true, false, {', '.join(plex.library_types)}")
elif library_type == "false":
raise NotScheduled(f"Skipped because run_definition is false")
elif library_type != "true" and self.library and library_type != self.library.Plex.type:
raise NotScheduled(f"Skipped because run_definition library_type: {library_type} doesn't match")
match_data = None
match_methods = {}
if "match" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: match")
match_data = meta[methods["match"]]
match_methods = {mm.lower(): mm for mm in match_data}
mapping_id = None
item = []
if ("mapping_id" in match_methods or "mapping_id" in methods) and not self.library.is_music:
logger.debug("Validating Method: mapping_id")
value = match_data[match_methods["mapping_id"]] if "mapping_id" in match_methods else meta[methods["mapping_id"]]
if not value:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: mapping_id attribute is blank")
logger.debug(f"Value: {value}")
mapping_id = value
if mapping_id is None and (isinstance(mapping_name, int) or mapping_name.startswith("tt")) and not self.library.is_music:
mapping_id = mapping_name
if mapping_id is not None:
if str(mapping_id).startswith("tt"):
id_type = "IMDb"
id_type = "TMDb" if self.library.is_movie else "TVDb""")"{id_type} ID Mapping: {mapping_id}")
if self.library.is_movie and mapping_id in self.library.movie_map:
item.extend([self.library.fetch_item(i) for i in self.library.movie_map[mapping_id]])
elif self.library.is_show and mapping_id in self.library.show_map:
item.extend([self.library.fetch_item(i) for i in self.library.show_map[mapping_id]])
elif mapping_id in self.library.imdb_map:
item.extend([self.library.fetch_item(i) for i in self.library.imdb_map[mapping_id]])
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: {id_type} ID not mapped")
blank_edition = False
edition_titles = []
edition_contains = []
if self.library.is_movie:
if "blank_edition" in match_methods or "blank_edition" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: blank_edition")
value = match_data[match_methods["blank_edition"]] if "blank_edition" in match_methods else meta[methods["blank_edition"]]
logger.debug(f"Value: {value}")
blank_edition = util.parse(self.type_str, "blank_edition", value, datatype="bool", default=False)
if "edition" in match_methods or "edition_filter" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: edition_filter")
value = match_data[match_methods["edition"]] if "edition" in match_methods else meta[methods["edition_filter"]]
logger.debug(f"Value: {value}")
edition_titles = util.parse(self.type_str, "edition", value, datatype="strlist")
if "edition_contains" in match_methods or "edition_contains" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: edition_contains")
value = match_data[match_methods["edition_contains"]] if "edition_contains" in match_methods else meta[methods["edition_contains"]]
logger.debug(f"Value: {value}")
edition_contains = util.parse(self.type_str, "edition_contains", value, datatype="strlist")
if not item:
titles = []
if "title" in match_methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: title")
value = match_data[match_methods["title"]]
if not value:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: title attribute is blank")
titles.extend(util.parse(self.type_str, "title", value, datatype="strlist"))
if not titles:
if "alt_title" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: alt_title")
value = meta[methods["alt_title"]]
if not value:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: alt_title attribute is blank")
year = None
if "year" in match_methods or "year" in methods:
logger.debug("Validating Method: year")
value = match_data[match_methods["year"]] if "year" in match_methods else meta[methods["year"]]
if not value:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: year attribute is blank")
logger.debug(f"Value: {value}")
year = util.parse(self.type_str, "year", value, datatype="int", minimum=1800, maximum=next_year)
for title in titles:
temp_items = self.library.search_item(title, year=year)
if not item:
logger.error(f"Skipping {mapping_name}: Item not found")
if not isinstance(item, list):
item = [item]
if blank_edition or edition_titles or edition_contains:
new_item = []
logger.trace("Edition Filtering: ")
if not self.library.plex_pass:
logger.warning("Plex Warning: Plex Pass is required to use the Edition Field scanning filenames instead")
for i in item:
i = self.library.reload(i)
if self.library.plex_pass:
check = i.editionTitle if i.editionTitle else ""
values = [loc for loc in i.locations if loc]
if not values:
raise Failed(f"Plex Error: No Filepaths found for {i.title}")
res ='(?i)[\[{]edition-([^}\]]*)', values[0])
check = if res else ""
if blank_edition and not check:
logger.trace(f" Found {i.title} with no Edition")
elif edition_titles and check in edition_titles:
logger.trace(f" Found {i.title} with Edition: {check}")
found = False
if edition_contains:
for ec in edition_contains:
if ec in check:
found = True
logger.trace(f" Found {i.title} with Edition: {check} containing {ec}")
if not found:
if check:
logger.trace(f" {i.title} with Edition: {check} ignored")
logger.trace(f" {i.title} with no Edition ignored")
item = new_item
for i in item:
logger.separator(f"Updating {i.title}", space=False, border=False)"")
self.update_metadata_item(i, mapping_name, meta, methods)
except Failed as e:
except NotScheduled as e:
except Failed as e:
def update_metadata_item(self, item, mapping_name, meta, methods):
updated = False
def add_edit(name, current_item, group=None, alias=None, key=None, value=None, var_type="str"):
nonlocal updated
if value or name in alias:
if value or group[alias[name]]:
if key is None: key = name
if value is None: value = group[alias[name]]
current = str(getattr(current_item, key, ""))
final_value = None
if var_type == "date":
final_value = util.validate_date(value, return_as="%Y-%m-%d")
except Failed as ei:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {name} {ei}")
current = current[:-9]
elif var_type == "float":
value = float(str(value))
if 0 <= value <= 10:
final_value = value
except ValueError:
if final_value is None:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {name} attribute must be a number between 0 and 10")
elif var_type == "int":
final_value = int(str(value))
except ValueError:
if final_value is None:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {name} attribute must be an integer")
final_value = value
if current != str(final_value):
if key == "title":
current_item.editField(key, final_value)"Metadata: {name} updated to {final_value}")
updated = True
except Failed as ee:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: {name} attribute is blank")
def finish_edit(current_item, description):
nonlocal updated
if updated:
#current_item.saveEdits()"{description} Metadata Update Successful")
except BadRequest:
logger.error(f"{description} Metadata Update Failed")
tmdb_item = None
tmdb_is_movie = None
if not self.library.is_music and ("tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods) and "tmdb_movie" in methods:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Cannot use tmdb_movie and tmdb_show when editing the same metadata item")
if not self.library.is_music and "tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods or "tmdb_movie" in methods:
if "tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods:
data = meta[methods["tmdb_show" if "tmdb_show" in methods else "tmdb_id"]]
if data is None:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: tmdb_show attribute is blank")
tmdb_is_movie = False
tmdb_item = self.config.TMDb.get_show(util.regex_first_int(data, "Show"))
elif "tmdb_movie" in methods:
if meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]] is None:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: tmdb_movie attribute is blank")
tmdb_is_movie = True
tmdb_item = self.config.TMDb.get_movie(util.regex_first_int(meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]], "Movie"))
except Failed as e:
originally_available = None
original_title = None
rating = None
studio = None
tagline = None
summary = None
genres = []
if tmdb_item:
originally_available = datetime.strftime(tmdb_item.release_date if tmdb_is_movie else tmdb_item.first_air_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
if tmdb_item.original_title != tmdb_item.title:
original_title = tmdb_item.original_title
rating = tmdb_item.vote_average
studio =
tagline = tmdb_item.tagline if len(tmdb_item.tagline) > 0 else None
summary = tmdb_item.overview
genres = tmdb_item.genres
add_edit("title", item, meta, methods)
add_edit("sort_title", item, meta, methods, key="titleSort")
if self.library.is_movie:
if "edition" in methods and not self.library.plex_pass:
logger.error("Plex Error: Plex Pass is Required to edit Edition")
add_edit("edition", item, meta, methods, key="editionTitle")
add_edit("user_rating", item, meta, methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
if not self.library.is_music:
add_edit("originally_available", item, meta, methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", value=originally_available, var_type="date")
add_edit("critic_rating", item, meta, methods, value=rating, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("audience_rating", item, meta, methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("content_rating", item, meta, methods, key="contentRating")
add_edit("original_title", item, meta, methods, key="originalTitle", value=original_title)
add_edit("studio", item, meta, methods, value=studio)
add_edit("tagline", item, meta, methods, value=tagline)
add_edit("summary", item, meta, methods, value=summary)
for tag_edit in util.tags_to_edit[self.library.type]:
if self.edit_tags(tag_edit, item, meta, methods, extra=genres if tag_edit == "genre" else None):
updated = True
finish_edit(item, f"{self.library.type}: {mapping_name}")
if self.library.type in util.advance_tags_to_edit:
advance_edits = {}
prefs = None
for advance_edit in util.advance_tags_to_edit[self.library.type]:
if advance_edit in methods:
if advance_edit in ["metadata_language", "use_original_title"] and self.library.agent not in plex.new_plex_agents:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: {advance_edit} attribute only works for with the New Plex Movie Agent and New Plex TV Agent")
elif meta[methods[advance_edit]]:
ad_key, options = plex.item_advance_keys[f"item_{advance_edit}"]
method_data = str(meta[methods[advance_edit]]).lower()
if prefs is None:
prefs = [ for p in item.preferences()]
if method_data not in options:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: {meta[methods[advance_edit]]} {advance_edit} attribute invalid")
elif ad_key in prefs and getattr(item, ad_key) != options[method_data]:
advance_edits[ad_key] = options[method_data]"Metadata: {advance_edit} updated to {method_data}")
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: {advance_edit} attribute is blank")
if advance_edits:
if self.library.edit_advance(item, advance_edits):
updated = True"{mapping_name} Advanced Metadata Update Successful")
logger.error(f"{mapping_name} Advanced Metadata Update Failed")
style_data = None
if "style_data" in methods:
style_data = meta[methods["style_data"]]
logger.trace(f"Style Data: {style_data}")
asset_location, folder_name, ups = self.library.item_images(item, meta, methods, initial=True, asset_directory=self.asset_directory + self.library.asset_directory if self.asset_directory else None, style_data=style_data)
if ups:
updated = True
if "f1_season" not in methods:"{self.library.type}: {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
update_seasons = self.update_seasons
if "update_seasons" in methods and self.library.is_show:
logger.debug("Validating Method: update_seasons")
if not meta[methods["update_seasons"]]:
logger.warning(f"{self.type_str} Warning: update_seasons has no value and season updates will be performed")
logger.debug(f"Value: {meta[methods['update_seasons']]}")
for library_type in util.get_list(meta[methods["run_definition"]], lower=True):
if library_type not in ["true", "false"]:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {library_type} is invalid. Options: true or false")
elif library_type == "false":
update_seasons = False
update_episodes = self.update_episodes
if "update_episodes" in methods and self.library.is_show:
logger.debug("Validating Method: update_episodes")
if not meta[methods["update_episodes"]]:
logger.warning(f"{self.type_str} Warning: update_episodes has no value and episode updates will be performed")
logger.debug(f"Value: {meta[methods['update_episodes']]}")
for library_type in util.get_list(meta[methods["run_definition"]], lower=True):
if library_type not in ["true", "false"]:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: {library_type} is invalid. Options: true or false")
elif library_type == "false":
update_episodes = False
if "seasons" in methods and self.library.is_show and (update_seasons or update_episodes):
if not meta[methods["seasons"]]:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: seasons attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(meta[methods["seasons"]], dict):
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: seasons attribute must be a dictionary")
seasons = {}
for season in item.seasons():
seasons[season.title] = season
seasons[int(season.index)] = season
for season_id, season_dict in meta[methods["seasons"]].items():
updated = False"")"Updating season {season_id} of {mapping_name}...")
if season_id in seasons:
season = seasons[season_id]
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Season: {season_id} not found")
season_methods = {sm.lower(): sm for sm in season_dict}
season_style_data = None
if update_seasons:
add_edit("title", season, season_dict, season_methods)
add_edit("summary", season, season_dict, season_methods)
add_edit("user_rating", season, season_dict, season_methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
if self.edit_tags("label", season, season_dict, season_methods):
updated = True
finish_edit(season, f"Season: {season_id}")
if style_data and "seasons" in style_data and style_data["seasons"] and season_id in style_data["seasons"]:
season_style_data = style_data["seasons"][season_id]
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(season, season_dict, season_methods, asset_location=asset_location,
title=f"{item.title} Season {season.seasonNumber}",
image_name=f"Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}",
folder_name=folder_name, style_data=season_style_data)
if ups:
updated = True"Season {season_id} of {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
if "episodes" in season_methods and update_episodes and self.library.is_show:
if not season_dict[season_methods["episodes"]]:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episodes attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(season_dict[season_methods["episodes"]], dict):
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episodes attribute must be a dictionary")
episodes = {}
for episode in season.episodes():
episodes[episode.title] = episode
if episode.index:
episodes[int(episode.index)] = episode
elif episode.originallyAvailableAt:
available = episode.originallyAvailableAt
episodes[f"{available.month:02}/{}"] = episode
episodes[f"{available.month}/{}"] = episode
episodes[f"{available.month:02}-{}"] = episode
episodes[f"{available.month}-{}"] = episode
for episode_id, episode_dict in season_dict[season_methods["episodes"]].items():
updated = False"")"Updating episode {episode_id} in {season_id} of {mapping_name}...")
if episode_id in episodes:
episode = episodes[episode_id]
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Episode {episode_id} in Season {season_id} not found")
episode_methods = {em.lower(): em for em in episode_dict}
add_edit("title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
add_edit("sort_title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("content_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="contentRating")
add_edit("critic_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("audience_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("user_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("originally_available", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", var_type="date")
add_edit("summary", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
for tag_edit in ["director", "writer", "label"]:
if self.edit_tags(tag_edit, episode, episode_dict, episode_methods):
updated = True
finish_edit(episode, f"Episode: {episode_id} in Season: {season_id}")
episode_style_data = None
if season_style_data and "episodes" in season_style_data and season_style_data["episodes"] and episode_id in season_style_data["episodes"]:
episode_style_data = season_style_data["episodes"][episode_id]
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, asset_location=asset_location,
title=f"{item.title} {episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}",
image_name=episode.seasonEpisode.upper(), folder_name=folder_name,
if ups:
updated = True"Episode {episode_id} in Season {season_id} of {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
if "episodes" in methods and update_episodes and self.library.is_show:
if not meta[methods["episodes"]]:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episodes attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(meta[methods["episodes"]], dict):
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episodes attribute must be a dictionary")
for episode_str, episode_dict in meta[methods["episodes"]].items():
updated = False"")
match ="[Ss]\\d+[Ee]\\d+", episode_str)
if not match:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episode {episode_str} invalid must have S##E## format")
output =[1:].split("E" if "E" in else "e")
season_id = int(output[0])
episode_id = int(output[1])"Updating episode S{season_id}E{episode_id} of {mapping_name}...")
episode = item.episode(season=season_id, episode=episode_id)
except NotFound:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: episode {episode_id} of season {season_id} not found")
episode_methods = {em.lower(): em for em in episode_dict}
add_edit("title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
add_edit("sort_title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("content_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="contentRating")
add_edit("critic_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("audience_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("user_rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("originally_available", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", var_type="date")
add_edit("summary", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
for tag_edit in ["director", "writer", "label"]:
if self.edit_tags(tag_edit, episode, episode_dict, episode_methods):
updated = True
finish_edit(episode, f"Episode: {episode_str} in Season: {season_id}")
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, asset_location=asset_location,
title=f"{item.title} {episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}",
image_name=episode.seasonEpisode.upper(), folder_name=folder_name)
if ups:
updated = True"Episode S{season_id}E{episode_id} of {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
if "albums" in methods and self.library.is_music:
if not meta[methods["albums"]]:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: albums attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(meta[methods["albums"]], dict):
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: albums attribute must be a dictionary")
albums = {album.title: album for album in item.albums()}
for album_name, album_dict in meta[methods["albums"]].items():
updated = False
title = None
album_methods = {am.lower(): am for am in album_dict}"")"Updating album {album_name} of {mapping_name}...")
if album_name in albums:
album = albums[album_name]
elif "alt_title" in album_methods and album_dict[album_methods["alt_title"]] and album_dict[album_methods["alt_title"]] in albums:
album = albums[album_dict[album_methods["alt_title"]]]
title = album_name
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Album: {album_name} not found")
add_edit("title", album, album_dict, album_methods, value=title)
add_edit("sort_title", album, album_dict, album_methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("critic_rating", album, album_dict, album_methods, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("user_rating", album, album_dict, album_methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("originally_available", album, album_dict, album_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", var_type="date")
add_edit("record_label", album, album_dict, album_methods, key="studio")
add_edit("summary", album, album_dict, album_methods)
for tag_edit in ["genre", "style", "mood", "collection", "label"]:
if self.edit_tags(tag_edit, album, album_dict, album_methods):
updated = True
if not title:
title = album.title
finish_edit(album, f"Album: {title}")
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(album, album_dict, album_methods, asset_location=asset_location,
title=f"{item.title} Album {album.title}", image_name=album.title, folder_name=folder_name)
if ups:
updated = True"Album: {title} of {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
if "tracks" in album_methods:
if not album_dict[album_methods["tracks"]]:
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: tracks attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(album_dict[album_methods["tracks"]], dict):
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: tracks attribute must be a dictionary")
tracks = {}
for track in album.tracks():
tracks[track.title] = track
tracks[int(track.index)] = track
for track_num, track_dict in album_dict[album_methods["tracks"]].items():
updated = False
title = None
track_methods = {tm.lower(): tm for tm in track_dict}"")"Updating track {track_num} on {album_name} of {mapping_name}...")
if track_num in tracks:
track = tracks[track_num]
elif "alt_title" in track_methods and track_dict[track_methods["alt_title"]] and track_dict[track_methods["alt_title"]] in tracks:
track = tracks[track_dict[track_methods["alt_title"]]]
title = track_num
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: Track: {track_num} not found")
add_edit("title", track, track_dict, track_methods, value=title)
add_edit("user_rating", track, track_dict, track_methods, key="userRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("track", track, track_dict, track_methods, key="index", var_type="int")
add_edit("disc", track, track_dict, track_methods, key="parentIndex", var_type="int")
add_edit("original_artist", track, track_dict, track_methods, key="originalTitle")
for tag_edit in ["mood", "collection", "label"]:
if self.edit_tags(tag_edit, track, track_dict, track_methods):
updated = True
if not title:
title = track.title
finish_edit(track, f"Track: {title}")"Track: {track_num} on Album: {title} of {mapping_name} Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
if "f1_season" in methods and self.library.is_show:
f1_season = None
current_year =
if meta[methods["f1_season"]] is None:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: f1_season attribute is blank")
year_value = int(str(meta[methods["f1_season"]]))
if 1950 <= year_value <= current_year:
f1_season = year_value
except ValueError:
if f1_season is None:
raise Failed(f"{self.type_str} Error: f1_season attribute must be an integer between 1950 and {current_year}")
round_prefix = False
if "round_prefix" in methods:
if meta[methods["round_prefix"]] is True:
round_prefix = True
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: round_prefix must be true to do anything")
shorten_gp = False
if "shorten_gp" in methods:
if meta[methods["shorten_gp"]] is True:
shorten_gp = True
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: shorten_gp must be true to do anything")
f1_language = None
if "f1_language" in methods:
if str(meta[methods["f1_language"]]).lower() in ergast.translations:
f1_language = str(meta[methods["f1_language"]]).lower()
logger.error(f"{self.type_str} Error: f1_language must be a language code PMM has a translation for. Options: {ergast.translations}")"Setting {item.title} of {self.type_str} to F1 Season {f1_season}")
races = self.config.Ergast.get_races(f1_season, f1_language)
race_lookup = {r.round: r for r in races}
for season in item.seasons():
if not season.seasonNumber:
sprint_weekend = False
for episode in season.episodes():
if "sprint" in episode.locations[0].lower():
sprint_weekend = True
if season.seasonNumber in race_lookup:
race = race_lookup[season.seasonNumber]
title = race.format_name(round_prefix, shorten_gp)
updated = False
add_edit("title", season, value=title)
finish_edit(season, f"Season: {title}")
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(season, {}, {}, asset_location=asset_location, title=title,
image_name=f"Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}", folder_name=folder_name)
if ups:
updated = True"Race {season.seasonNumber} of F1 Season {f1_season}: Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
for episode in season.episodes():
if len(episode.locations) > 0:
ep_title, session_date = race.session_info(episode.locations[0], sprint_weekend)
add_edit("title", episode, value=ep_title)
add_edit("originally_available", episode, key="originallyAvailableAt", var_type="date", value=session_date)
finish_edit(episode, f"Season: {season.seasonNumber} Episode: {episode.episodeNumber}")
_, _, ups = self.library.item_images(episode, {}, {}, asset_location=asset_location, title=ep_title,
image_name=episode.seasonEpisode.upper(), folder_name=folder_name)
if ups:
updated = True"Session {episode.title}: Metadata Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
logger.warning(f"Ergast Error: No Round: {season.seasonNumber} for Season {f1_season}")
class PlaylistFile(DataFile):
def __init__(self, config, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory):
super().__init__(config, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, "Playlist File")
self.data_type = "Playlist"
data = self.load_file(self.type, self.path)
self.playlists = get_dict("playlists", data, self.config.playlist_names)
self.templates = get_dict("templates", data)
if not self.playlists:
raise Failed("YAML Error: playlists attribute is required")"Playlist File Loaded Successfully")
class OverlayFile(DataFile):
def __init__(self, config, library, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, queue_current):
self.file_num = len(library.overlay_files)
super().__init__(config, file_type, path, temp_vars, asset_directory, f"Overlay File {self.file_num}")
self.library = library
self.data_type = "Overlay"
data = self.load_file(self.type, self.path, overlay=True)
self.overlays = get_dict("overlays", data)
self.templates = get_dict("templates", data)
queues = get_dict("queues", data)
self.queues = {}
self.queue_names = {}
position = temp_vars["position"] if "position" in temp_vars and temp_vars["position"] else None
overlay_limit = util.parse("Config", "overlay_limit", temp_vars["overlay_limit"], datatype="int", default=0, minimum=0) if "overlay_limit" in temp_vars else None
for queue_name, queue in queues.items():
queue_position = temp_vars[f"position_{queue_name}"] if f"position_{queue_name}" in temp_vars and temp_vars[f"position_{queue_name}"] else position
initial_queue = None
defaults = {"horizontal_align": None, "vertical_align": None, "horizontal_offset": None, "vertical_offset": None}
if isinstance(queue, dict) and "default" in queue and queue["default"] and isinstance(queue["default"], dict):
for k, v in queue["default"].items():
if k == "position":
if not queue_position:
queue_position = v
elif k == "overlay_limit":
if overlay_limit is None:
overlay_limit = util.parse("Config", "overlay_limit", v, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=0)
elif k == "conditionals":
if not v:
raise Failed(f"Queue Error: default sub-attribute conditionals is blank")
if not isinstance(v, dict):
raise Failed(f"Queue Error: default sub-attribute conditionals is not a dictionary")
for con_key, con_value in v.items():
if not isinstance(con_value, dict):
raise Failed(f"Queue Error: conditional {con_key} is not a dictionary")
if "default" not in con_value:
raise Failed(f"Queue Error: default sub-attribute required for conditional {con_key}")
if "conditions" not in con_value:
raise Failed(f"Queue Error: conditions sub-attribute required for conditional {con_key}")
conditions = con_value["conditions"]
if isinstance(conditions, dict):
conditions = [conditions]
if not isinstance(conditions, list):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: conditions sub-attribute must be a list or dictionary")
condition_found = False
for i, condition in enumerate(conditions, 1):
if not isinstance(condition, dict):
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: each condition must be a dictionary")
if "value" not in condition:
raise Failed(f"{self.data_type} Error: each condition must have a result value")
condition_passed = True
for var_key, var_value in condition.items():
if var_key == "value":
if var_key.endswith(".exists"):
var_value = util.parse(self.data_type, var_key, var_value, datatype="bool", default=False)
if (not var_value and var_key[:-7] in temp_vars and temp_vars[var_key[:-7]]) or (var_value and (var_key[:-7] not in temp_vars or not temp_vars[var_key[:-7]])):
logger.debug(f"Condition {i} Failed: {var_key}: {'true does not exist' if var_value else 'false exists'}")
condition_passed = False
elif var_key.endswith(".not"):
if (isinstance(var_value, list) and temp_vars[var_key] in var_value) or \
(not isinstance(var_value, list) and str(temp_vars[var_key]) == str(var_value)):
if isinstance(var_value, list):
logger.debug(f'Condition {i} Failed: {var_key} "{temp_vars[var_key]}" in {var_value}')
logger.debug(f'Condition {i} Failed: {var_key} "{temp_vars[var_key]}" is "{var_value}"')
condition_passed = False
elif var_key in temp_vars:
if (isinstance(var_value, list) and temp_vars[var_key] not in var_value) or \
(not isinstance(var_value, list) and str(temp_vars[var_key]) != str(var_value)):
if isinstance(var_value, list):
logger.debug(f'Condition {i} Failed: {var_key} "{temp_vars[var_key]}" not in {var_value}')
logger.debug(f'Condition {i} Failed: {var_key} "{temp_vars[var_key]}" is not "{var_value}"')
condition_passed = False
logger.debug(f"Condition {i} Failed: {var_key} is not a variable provided or a default variable")
condition_passed = False
if condition_passed is False:
if condition_passed:
condition_found = True
defaults[con_key] = condition["value"]
if not condition_found:
defaults[con_key] = con_value["default"]
defaults[k] = v
if queue_position and isinstance(queue_position, list):
initial_queue = queue_position
elif isinstance(queue, list):
initial_queue = queue
elif isinstance(queue, dict):
if queue_position:
pos_str = str(queue_position)
for x in range(4):
dict_to_use = temp_vars if x < 2 else defaults
for k, v in dict_to_use.items():
if f"<<{k}>>" in pos_str:
pos_str = pos_str.replace(f"<<{k}>>", str(v))
if pos_str in queue:
initial_queue = queue[pos_str]
if not initial_queue:
initial_queue = next((v for k, v in queue.items() if k != "default"), None)
if not isinstance(initial_queue, list):
raise Failed(f"Config Error: queue {queue_name} must be a list")
final_queue = []
for pos in initial_queue:
if not pos:
pos = {}
defaults["horizontal_align"] = pos["horizontal_align"] if "horizontal_align" in pos else defaults["horizontal_align"]
defaults["vertical_align"] = pos["vertical_align"] if "vertical_align" in pos else defaults["vertical_align"]
defaults["horizontal_offset"] = pos["horizontal_offset"] if "horizontal_offset" in pos else defaults["horizontal_offset"]
defaults["vertical_offset"] = pos["vertical_offset"] if "vertical_offset" in pos else defaults["vertical_offset"]
new_pos = {
"horizontal_align": defaults["horizontal_align"], "vertical_align": defaults["vertical_align"],
"horizontal_offset": defaults["horizontal_offset"], "vertical_offset": defaults["vertical_offset"]
for pk, pv in new_pos.items():
if pv is None:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: queue missing {pv} attribute")
final_queue.append(util.parse_cords(new_pos, f"{queue_name} queue", required=True))
if overlay_limit and len(final_queue) >= overlay_limit:
self.queues[queue_current] = final_queue
self.queue_names[queue_name] = queue_current
queue_current += 1
self.external_templates(data, overlay=True)
if not self.overlays:
raise Failed("YAML Error: overlays attribute is required")"Overlay File Loaded Successfully")