mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 23:38:26 +00:00
983 lines
41 KiB
983 lines
41 KiB
import glob, os, re, requests, ruamel.yaml, signal, sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from modules.logs import MyLogger
from num2words import num2words
from pathvalidate import is_valid_filename, sanitize_filename
from plexapi.audio import Album, Track
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized
from plexapi.video import Season, Episode, Movie
import msvcrt
windows = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
windows = False
logger: MyLogger = None
class TimeoutExpired(Exception):
class LimitReached(Exception):
class Failed(Exception):
class FilterFailed(Failed):
class Continue(Exception):
class Deleted(Exception):
class NonExisting(Exception):
class NotScheduled(Exception):
class NotScheduledRange(NotScheduled):
class ImageData:
def __init__(self, attribute, location, prefix="", is_poster=True, is_url=True):
self.attribute = attribute
self.location = location
self.prefix = prefix
self.is_poster = is_poster
self.is_url = is_url
self.compare = location if is_url else os.stat(location).st_size
self.message = f"{prefix}{'poster' if is_poster else 'background'} to [{'URL' if is_url else 'File'}] {location}"
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def retry_if_not_failed(exception):
return not isinstance(exception, Failed)
def retry_if_not_plex(exception):
return not isinstance(exception, (BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized, Failed))
days_alias = {
"monday": 0, "mon": 0, "m": 0,
"tuesday": 1, "tues": 1, "tue": 1, "tu": 1, "t": 1,
"wednesday": 2, "wed": 2, "w": 2,
"thursday": 3, "thurs": 3, "thur": 3, "thu": 3, "th": 3, "r": 3,
"friday": 4, "fri": 4, "f": 4,
"saturday": 5, "sat": 5, "s": 5,
"sunday": 6, "sun": 6, "su": 6, "u": 6
mod_displays = {
"": "is", ".not": "is not", ".is": "is", ".isnot": "is not", ".begins": "begins with", ".ends": "ends with", ".before": "is before", ".after": "is after",
".gt": "is greater than", ".gte": "is greater than or equal", ".lt": "is less than", ".lte": "is less than or equal", ".regex": "is"
pretty_days = {0: "Monday", 1: "Tuesday", 2: "Wednesday", 3: "Thursday", 4: "Friday", 5: "Saturday", 6: "Sunday"}
pretty_months = {
1: "January", 2: "February", 3: "March", 4: "April", 5: "May", 6: "June",
7: "July", 8: "August", 9: "September", 10: "October", 11: "November", 12: "December"
seasons = ["current", "winter", "spring", "summer", "fall"]
advance_tags_to_edit = {
"Movie": ["metadata_language", "use_original_title"],
"Show": ["episode_sorting", "keep_episodes", "delete_episodes", "season_display", "episode_ordering", "metadata_language", "use_original_title"],
"Artist": ["album_sorting"]
tags_to_edit = {
"Movie": ["genre", "label", "collection", "country", "director", "producer", "writer"],
"Video": ["genre", "label", "collection", "country", "director", "producer", "writer"],
"Show": ["genre", "label", "collection"],
"Artist": ["genre", "label", "style", "mood", "country", "collection", "similar_artist"]
collection_mode_options = {
"default": "default", "hide": "hide",
"hide_items": "hideItems", "hideitems": "hideItems",
"show_items": "showItems", "showitems": "showItems"
parental_types = ["nudity", "violence", "profanity", "alcohol", "frightening"]
parental_values = ["None", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe"]
parental_labels = [f"{t.capitalize()}:{v}" for t in parental_types for v in parental_values]
previous_time = None
start_time = None
def guess_branch(version, env_version, git_branch):
if git_branch:
return git_branch
elif env_version in ["nightly", "develop"]:
return env_version
elif version[2] > 0:
dev_version = get_develop()
if version[1] != dev_version[1] or version[2] <= dev_version[2]:
return "develop"
return "nightly"
return "master"
def current_version(version, env_version=None, nightly=False):
if nightly or env_version == "nightly":
return get_nightly()
elif env_version == "develop":
return get_develop()
elif version[2] > 0:
new_version = get_develop()
if version[1] != new_version[1] or new_version[2] >= version[2]:
return new_version
return get_nightly()
return get_master()
nightly_version = None
def get_nightly():
global nightly_version
if nightly_version is None:
nightly_version = get_version("nightly")
return nightly_version
develop_version = None
def get_develop():
global develop_version
if develop_version is None:
develop_version = get_version("develop")
return develop_version
master_version = None
def get_master():
global master_version
if master_version is None:
master_version = get_version("master")
return master_version
def get_version(level):
url = f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/{level}/VERSION"
return parse_version(requests.get(url).content.decode().strip())
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
return "Unknown", "Unknown", 0
def parse_version(version):
split_version = version.split("-develop")
return version, split_version[0], int(split_version[1]) if len(split_version) > 1 else 0
def download_image(title, image_url, download_directory, filename):
response = requests.get(image_url, headers=header())
if response.status_code >= 400 or "Content-Type" not in response.headers or response.headers["Content-Type"] not in ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]:
raise Failed(f"Image Error: Failed to download Image URL: {image_url}")
new_image = os.path.join(download_directory, f"{filename}{'.png' if response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'image/png' else '.jpg'}")
with open(new_image, "wb") as handler:
return ImageData("asset_directory", new_image, prefix=f"{title}'s ", is_url=False)
def get_image_dicts(group, alias):
posters = {}
backgrounds = {}
for attr in ["url_poster", "file_poster", "url_background", "file_background"]:
if attr in alias:
if group[alias[attr]]:
if "poster" in attr:
posters[attr] = group[alias[attr]]
backgrounds[attr] = group[alias[attr]]
logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute is blank")
return posters, backgrounds
def pick_image(title, images, prioritize_assets, download_url_assets, item_dir, is_poster=True, image_name=None):
image_type = "poster" if is_poster else "background"
if image_name is None:
image_name = image_type
if images:
logger.debug(f"{len(images)} {image_type}{'s' if len(images) > 1 else ''} found:")
for i in images:
logger.debug(f"Method: {i} {image_type.capitalize()}: {images[i]}")
is_url = True
final_attr = None
if prioritize_assets and "asset_directory" in images:
return images["asset_directory"]
elif f"url_{image_type}" in images:
if download_url_assets and item_dir:
if "asset_directory" in images:
return images["asset_directory"]
return download_image(title, images[f"url_{image_type}"], item_dir, image_name)
except Failed as e:
final_attr = f"url_{image_type}"
elif f"file_{image_type}" in images:
final_attr = f"file_{image_type}"
is_url = False
elif f"tmdb_{image_type}" in images:
final_attr = f"tmdb_{image_type}"
elif "tmdb_profile" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_profile"
elif "tmdb_list_poster" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_list_poster"
elif "tvdb_list_poster" in images:
final_attr = "tvdb_list_poster"
elif f"tvdb_{image_type}" in images:
final_attr = f"tvdb_{image_type}"
elif "asset_directory" in images:
return images["asset_directory"]
elif "tmdb_person" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_person"
elif "tmdb_collection_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_collection_details"
elif "tmdb_actor_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_actor_details"
elif "tmdb_crew_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_crew_details"
elif "tmdb_director_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_director_details"
elif "tmdb_producer_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_producer_details"
elif "tmdb_writer_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_writer_details"
elif "tmdb_movie_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_movie_details"
elif "tmdb_list_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_list_details"
elif "tvdb_list_details" in images:
final_attr = "tvdb_list_details"
elif "tvdb_movie_details" in images:
final_attr = "tvdb_movie_details"
elif "tvdb_show_details" in images:
final_attr = "tvdb_show_details"
elif "tmdb_show_details" in images:
final_attr = "tmdb_show_details"
if final_attr:
return ImageData(final_attr, images[final_attr], is_poster=is_poster, is_url=is_url)
def add_dict_list(keys, value, dict_map):
for key in keys:
if key in dict_map:
dict_map[key] = [int(value)]
def get_list(data, lower=False, upper=False, split=True, int_list=False, trim=True):
if split is True: split = ","
if data is None: return None
elif isinstance(data, list): list_data = data
elif isinstance(data, dict): return [data]
elif split is False: list_data = [str(data)]
else: list_data = [s.strip() for s in str(data).split(split)]
def get_str(input_data):
return str(input_data).strip() if trim else str(input_data)
if lower is True: return [get_str(d).lower() for d in list_data]
elif upper is True: return [get_str(d).upper() for d in list_data]
elif int_list is True:
try: return [int(get_str(d)) for d in list_data]
except ValueError: return []
else: return [d if isinstance(d, dict) else get_str(d) for d in list_data]
def get_int_list(data, id_type):
int_values = []
for value in get_list(data):
try: int_values.append(regex_first_int(value, id_type))
except Failed as e: logger.error(e)
return int_values
def validate_date(date_text, method, return_as=None):
if isinstance(date_text, datetime):
date_obg = date_text
date_obg = datetime.strptime(str(date_text), "%Y-%m-%d" if "-" in str(date_text) else "%m/%d/%Y")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {date_text} must match pattern YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-12-25) or MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 12/25/2020)")
return datetime.strftime(date_obg, return_as) if return_as else date_obg
def validate_regex(data, col_type, validate=True):
regex_list = get_list(data, split=False)
valid_regex = []
for reg in regex_list:
except re.error:
err = f"{col_type} Error: Regular Expression Invalid: {reg}"
if validate:
raise Failed(err)
return valid_regex
def logger_input(prompt, timeout=60):
if windows: return windows_input(prompt, timeout)
elif hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): return unix_input(prompt, timeout)
else: raise SystemError("Input Timeout not supported on this system")
def header(language="en-US,en;q=0.5"):
return {"Accept-Language": "eng" if language == "default" else language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/102.0"}
def alarm_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutExpired
def unix_input(prompt, timeout=60):
prompt = f"| {prompt}: "
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
try: return input(prompt)
except EOFError: raise Failed("Input Failed")
finally: signal.alarm(0)
def windows_input(prompt, timeout=5):
sys.stdout.write(f"| {prompt}: ")
result = []
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
char = msvcrt.getwche()
if ord(char) == 13: # enter_key
out = "".join(result)
logger.debug(f"{prompt}: {out}")
return out
elif ord(char) >= 32: #space_char
if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
raise TimeoutExpired
def get_id_from_imdb_url(imdb_url):
match = re.search("(tt\\d+)", str(imdb_url))
if match: return match.group(1)
else: raise Failed(f"Regex Error: Failed to parse IMDb ID from IMDb URL: {imdb_url}")
def regex_first_int(data, id_type, default=None):
match = re.search("(\\d+)", str(data))
if match:
return int(match.group(1))
elif default:
logger.warning(f"Regex Warning: Failed to parse {id_type} from {data} using {default} as default")
return int(default)
raise Failed(f"Regex Error: Failed to parse {id_type} from {data}")
def validate_filename(filename):
if is_valid_filename(str(filename)):
return filename, None
mapping_name = sanitize_filename(str(filename))
return mapping_name, f"Log Folder Name: {filename} is invalid using {mapping_name}"
def item_title(item):
if isinstance(item, Season):
if f"Season {item.index}" == item.title:
return f"{item.parentTitle} {item.title}"
return f"{item.parentTitle} Season {item.index}: {item.title}"
elif isinstance(item, Episode):
season = item.parentIndex if item.parentIndex else 0
episode = item.index if item.index else 0
show_title = item.grandparentTitle if item.grandparentTitle else ""
season_title = f"{item.parentTitle}: " if item.parentTitle and f"Season {season}" == item.parentTitle else ""
return f"{show_title} S{season:02}E{episode:02}: {season_title}{item.title if item.title else ''}"
elif isinstance(item, Movie) and item.year:
return f"{item.title} ({item.year})"
elif isinstance(item, Album):
return f"{item.parentTitle}: {item.title}"
elif isinstance(item, Track):
return f"{item.grandparentTitle}: {item.parentTitle}: {item.title}"
return item.title
def item_set(item, item_id):
return {"title": item_title(item), "tmdb" if isinstance(item, Movie) else "tvdb": item_id}
def is_locked(filepath):
locked = None
file_object = None
if os.path.exists(filepath):
file_object = open(filepath, 'a', 8)
if file_object:
locked = False
except IOError:
locked = True
if file_object:
return locked
def time_window(tw):
today = datetime.now()
if tw == "today":
return f"{today:%Y-%m-%d}"
elif tw == "yesterday":
return f"{today - timedelta(days=1):%Y-%m-%d}"
elif tw == "this_week":
return f"{today:%Y-0%V}"
elif tw == "last_week":
return f"{today - timedelta(weeks=1):%Y-0%V}"
elif tw == "this_month":
return f"{today:%Y-%m}"
elif tw == "last_month" and today.month == 1:
return f"{today.year - 1}-12"
elif tw == "last_month":
return f"{today.year}-{today.month - 1:02}"
elif tw == "this_year":
return f"{today.year}"
elif tw == "last_year":
return f"{today.year - 1}"
return tw
def load_files(files_to_load, method, schedule=None, lib_vars=None):
files = []
if not lib_vars:
lib_vars = {}
for file in get_list(files_to_load, split=False):
if isinstance(file, dict):
temp_vars = {}
if "template_variables" in file and file["template_variables"] and isinstance(file["template_variables"], dict):
temp_vars = file["template_variables"]
for k, v in lib_vars.items():
if k not in temp_vars:
temp_vars[k] = v
asset_directory = []
if "asset_directory" in file and file["asset_directory"]:
for asset_path in get_list(file["asset_directory"], split=False):
if os.path.exists(asset_path):
logger.error(f"Config Error: Asset Directory Does Not Exist: {asset_path}")
current = []
def check_dict(attr, name):
if attr in file:
if file[attr]:
if attr == "git" and file[attr].startswith("PMM/"):
current.append(("PMM Default", file[attr][4:], temp_vars, asset_directory))
current.append((name, file[attr], temp_vars, asset_directory))
logger.error(f"Config Error: {method} {attr} is blank")
check_dict("url", "URL")
check_dict("git", "Git")
check_dict("pmm", "PMM Default")
check_dict("repo", "Repo")
check_dict("file", "File")
if "folder" in file:
if file["folder"] is None:
logger.error(f"Config Error: {method} folder is blank")
elif not os.path.isdir(file["folder"]):
logger.error(f"Config Error: Folder not found: {file['folder']}")
yml_files = glob_filter(os.path.join(file["folder"], "*.yml"))
yml_files.extend(glob_filter(os.path.join(file["folder"], "*.yaml")))
if yml_files:
current.extend([("File", yml, temp_vars, asset_directory) for yml in yml_files])
logger.error(f"Config Error: No YAML (.yml|.yaml) files found in {file['folder']}")
if schedule and "schedule" in file and file["schedule"]:
current_time, run_hour, ignore_schedules = schedule
logger.debug(f"Value: {file['schedule']}")
err = None
schedule_check("schedule", file["schedule"], current_time, run_hour)
except NotScheduledRange as e:
err = e
except NotScheduled as e:
if not ignore_schedules:
err = e
if err:
logger.warning(f"Metadata Schedule:{err}\n\nMetadata File{'s' if len(current) > 1 else ''} not scheduled to run")
for file_type, file_path, temp_vars, asset_directory in current:
logger.warning(f"{file_type}: {file_path}")
if os.path.exists(file):
files.append(("File", file, {}, None))
logger.error(f"Config Error: Path not found: {file}")
return files
def check_num(num, is_int=True):
return int(str(num)) if is_int else float(str(num))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
def check_collection_mode(collection_mode):
if collection_mode and str(collection_mode).lower() in collection_mode_options:
return collection_mode_options[str(collection_mode).lower()]
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {collection_mode} collection_mode invalid\n\tdefault (Library default)\n\thide (Hide Collection)\n\thide_items (Hide Items in this Collection)\n\tshow_items (Show this Collection and its Items)")
def glob_filter(filter_in):
filter_in = filter_in.translate({ord("["): "[[]", ord("]"): "[]]"}) if "[" in filter_in else filter_in
return glob.glob(filter_in)
def is_date_filter(value, modifier, data, final, current_time):
if value is None:
return True
if modifier in ["", ".not"]:
threshold_date = current_time - timedelta(days=data)
if (modifier == "" and (value is None or value < threshold_date)) \
or (modifier == ".not" and value and value >= threshold_date):
return True
elif modifier in [".before", ".after"]:
filter_date = validate_date(data, final)
if (modifier == ".before" and value >= filter_date) or (modifier == ".after" and value <= filter_date):
return True
elif modifier == ".regex":
jailbreak = True
for check_data in data:
if re.compile(check_data).match(value.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")):
jailbreak = True
if not jailbreak:
return True
return False
def is_number_filter(value, modifier, data):
return value is None or (modifier == "" and value == data) \
or (modifier == ".not" and value != data) \
or (modifier == ".gt" and value <= data) \
or (modifier == ".gte" and value < data) \
or (modifier == ".lt" and value >= data) \
or (modifier == ".lte" and value > data)
def is_boolean_filter(value, data):
return (data and not value) or (not data and value)
def is_string_filter(values, modifier, data):
jailbreak = False
if modifier == ".regex":
logger.trace(f"Regex Values: {values}")
for value in values:
for check_value in data:
if (modifier in ["", ".not"] and check_value.lower() in value.lower()) \
or (modifier in [".is", ".isnot"] and value.lower() == check_value.lower()) \
or (modifier == ".begins" and value.lower().startswith(check_value.lower())) \
or (modifier == ".ends" and value.lower().endswith(check_value.lower())) \
or (modifier == ".regex" and re.compile(check_value).search(value)):
jailbreak = True
if jailbreak: break
return (jailbreak and modifier in [".not", ".isnot"]) or (not jailbreak and modifier in ["", ".is", ".begins", ".ends", ".regex"])
def check_day(_m, _d):
if _m in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] and _d > 31:
return _m, 31
elif _m in [4, 6, 9, 11] and _d > 30:
return _m, 30
elif _m == 2 and _d > 28:
return _m, 28
return _m, _d
def schedule_check(attribute, data, current_time, run_hour, is_all=False):
range_collection = False
non_existing = False
all_check = 0
schedules_run = 0
next_month = current_time.replace(day=28) + timedelta(days=4)
last_day = next_month - timedelta(days=next_month.day)
schedule_str = ""
if isinstance(data, str) and (("all" in data and not data.endswith("]")) or data.count("all") > 1):
raise Failed("Schedule Error: each all schedule must be on its own line")
elif isinstance(data, str) and "all" in data:
data = [data]
for schedule in get_list(data):
run_time = str(schedule).lower()
display = f"{attribute} attribute {schedule} invalid"
schedules_run += 1
if run_time.startswith("all"):
match = re.search("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]", run_time)
if not match:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: failed to parse {attribute}: {schedule}")
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled to meet all of these:\n\t"
schedule_str += schedule_check(attribute, match.group(1), current_time, run_hour, is_all=True)
all_check += 1
except NotScheduled as e:
schedule_str += str(e)
elif run_time.startswith(("day", "daily")):
all_check += 1
elif run_time.startswith("non_existing"):
all_check += 1
non_existing = True
elif run_time == "never":
schedule_str += f"\nNever scheduled to run"
elif run_time.startswith(("hour", "week", "month", "year", "range")):
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", run_time)
if not match:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: failed to parse {attribute}: {schedule}")
param = match.group(1)
if run_time.startswith("hour"):
if 0 <= int(param) <= 23:
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled to run on the {num2words(param, to='ordinal_num')} hour"
if run_hour == int(param):
all_check += 1
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: hourly {display} must be an integer between 0 and 23")
elif run_time.startswith("week"):
if param.lower() not in days_alias:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: weekly {display} must be a day of the week i.e. weekly(Monday)")
weekday = days_alias[param.lower()]
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled weekly on {pretty_days[weekday]}"
if weekday == current_time.weekday():
all_check += 1
elif run_time.startswith("month"):
if 1 <= int(param) <= 31:
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled monthly on the {num2words(param, to='ordinal_num')}"
if current_time.day == int(param) or (current_time.day == last_day.day and int(param) > last_day.day):
all_check += 1
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: monthly {display} must be an integer between 1 and 31")
elif run_time.startswith("year"):
if "/" in param:
opt = param.split("/")
month = int(opt[0])
day = int(opt[1])
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled yearly on {pretty_months[month]} {num2words(day, to='ordinal_num')}"
if current_time.month == month and (current_time.day == day or (current_time.day == last_day.day and day > last_day.day)):
all_check += 1
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: yearly {display} must be in the MM/DD format i.e. yearly(11/22)")
elif run_time.startswith("range"):
match = re.match("^(1[0-2]|0?[1-9])/(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0?[1-9])-(1[0-2]|0?[1-9])/(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0?[1-9])$", param)
if not match:
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: range {display} must be in the MM/DD-MM/DD format i.e. range(12/01-12/25)")
month_start, day_start = check_day(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
month_end, day_end = check_day(int(match.group(3)), int(match.group(4)))
month_check, day_check = check_day(current_time.month, current_time.day)
check = datetime.strptime(f"{month_check}/{day_check}", "%m/%d")
start = datetime.strptime(f"{month_start}/{day_start}", "%m/%d")
end = datetime.strptime(f"{month_end}/{day_end}", "%m/%d")
range_collection = True
schedule_str += f"\nScheduled between {pretty_months[month_start]} {num2words(day_start, to='ordinal_num')} and {pretty_months[month_end]} {num2words(day_end, to='ordinal_num')}"
if start <= check <= end if start < end else (check <= end or check >= start):
all_check += 1
logger.error(f"Schedule Error: {display}")
if is_all:
schedule_str.replace("\n", "\n\t")
if (all_check == 0 and not is_all) or (is_all and schedules_run != all_check):
if non_existing:
raise NonExisting(schedule_str)
elif range_collection:
raise NotScheduledRange(schedule_str)
raise NotScheduled(schedule_str)
return schedule_str
def check_int(value, datatype="int", minimum=1, maximum=None):
value = int(str(value)) if datatype == "int" else float(str(value))
if (maximum is None and minimum <= value) or (maximum is not None and minimum <= value <= maximum):
return value
except ValueError:
def parse_and_or(error, attribute, data, test_list=None):
out = ""
ands = [d.strip() for d in data.split(",")]
for an in ands:
ors = [a.strip() for a in an.split("|")]
for item in ors:
if not item:
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: Cannot have a blank {attribute}")
if test_list and str(item) not in test_list:
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {attribute} {item} is invalid")
if out:
out += f" and "
if len(ands) > 1 and len(ors) > 1:
out += "("
if len(ors) > 1:
out += ' or '.join([test_list[test_list[str(o)]] if test_list else o for o in ors])
out += test_list[test_list[str(ors[0])]] if test_list else ors[0]
if len(ands) > 1 and len(ors) > 1:
out += ")"
return out
def parse(error, attribute, data, datatype=None, methods=None, parent=None, default=None, options=None, translation=None, minimum=1, maximum=None, regex=None, range_split=None):
display = f"{parent + ' ' if parent else ''}{attribute} attribute"
if options is None and translation is not None:
options = [o for o in translation]
value = data[methods[attribute]] if methods and attribute in methods else data
if datatype in ["list", "commalist", "strlist"]:
final_list = []
if value:
if datatype in ["commalist", "strlist"] and isinstance(value, dict):
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {display} {value} must be a list or string")
if datatype == "commalist":
value = get_list(value)
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
for v in value:
if v:
if options is None or (options and (v in options or (datatype == "strlist" and str(v) in options))):
final_list.append(str(v) if datatype == "strlist" else v)
elif options:
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {display} {v} is invalid; Options include: {', '.join(options)}")
return final_list
elif datatype == "intlist":
if value:
return [int(v) for v in value if v] if isinstance(value, list) else [int(value)]
except ValueError:
return []
elif datatype == "listdict":
final_list = []
for dict_data in get_list(value):
if isinstance(dict_data, dict):
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {display} {dict_data} is not a dictionary")
return final_list
elif datatype in ["dict", "dictlist", "dictdict", "strdict", "dictliststr"]:
if isinstance(value, dict):
if datatype == "dict":
return value
elif datatype == "dictlist":
return {k: v if isinstance(v, list) else [v] for k, v in value.items()}
elif datatype == "dictliststr":
return {str(k): [str(y) for y in v] if isinstance(v, list) else [str(v)] for k, v in value.items()}
elif datatype == "strdict":
return {str(k): str(v) for k, v in value.items()}
final_dict = {}
for dict_key, dict_data in value.items():
if isinstance(dict_data, dict) and dict_data:
new_data = {}
for dict_data_key, dict_data_data in dict_data.items():
new_data[str(dict_data_key)] = dict_data_data
final_dict[dict_key] = new_data
raise Failed(f"{error} Warning: {display} {dict_key} is not a dictionary")
return final_dict
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {display} {value} is not a dictionary")
elif methods and attribute not in methods:
message = f"{display} not found"
elif value is None:
message = f"{display} is blank"
elif regex is not None:
regex_str, example = regex
if re.compile(regex_str).match(str(value)):
return str(value)
message = f"{display}: {value} must match pattern {regex_str} e.g. {example}"
elif datatype == "bool":
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return value > 0
elif str(value).lower() in ["t", "true"]:
return True
elif str(value).lower() in ["f", "false"]:
return False
message = f"{display} must be either true or false"
elif datatype in ["int", "float"]:
if range_split:
range_values = str(value).split(range_split)
if len(range_values) == 2:
start = check_int(range_values[0])
end = check_int(range_values[1])
if start and end and start < end:
return f"{start}{range_split}{end}"
new_value = check_int(value, datatype=datatype, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum)
if new_value is not None:
return new_value
message = f"{display} {value} must {'each ' if range_split else ''}be {'an integer' if datatype == 'int' else 'a number'}"
message = f"{message} {minimum} or greater" if maximum is None else f"{message} between {minimum} and {maximum}"
if range_split:
message = f"{message} separated by a {range_split}"
elif (translation is not None and str(value).lower() not in translation) or \
(options is not None and translation is None and str(value).lower() not in options):
message = f"{display} {value} must be in {', '.join([str(o) for o in options])}"
return translation[value] if translation is not None else value
if default is None:
raise Failed(f"{error} Error: {message}")
logger.warning(f"{error} Warning: {message} using {default} as default")
return translation[default] if translation is not None else default
def parse_cords(data, parent, required=False):
horizontal_align = parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", data["horizontal_align"], parent=parent,
options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in data else None
if required and horizontal_align is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_align is required")
vertical_align = parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", data["vertical_align"], parent=parent,
options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in data else None
if required and vertical_align is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_align is required")
horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in data and data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset: {data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if required and horizontal_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset is required")
vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in data and data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset: {data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if required and vertical_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset is required")
return horizontal_offset, horizontal_align, vertical_offset, vertical_align
def replace_label(_label, _data):
replaced = False
if isinstance(_data, dict):
final_data = {}
for sm, sd in _data.items():
_new_data, _new_replaced = replace_label(_label, sd)
final_data[sm] = _new_data
if _new_replaced:
replaced = True
except Failed:
elif isinstance(_data, list):
final_data = []
for li in _data:
_new_data, _new_replaced = replace_label(_label, li)
if _new_replaced:
replaced = True
except Failed:
elif "<<smart_label>>" in str(_data):
final_data = str(_data).replace("<<smart_label>>", _label)
replaced = True
final_data = _data
return final_data, replaced
def check_time(message, end=False):
global previous_time
global start_time
current_time = time.time()
if end:
previous_time = start_time
if previous_time is None:
logger.debug(f"{message}: {current_time}")
start_time = current_time
logger.debug(f"{message}: {current_time - previous_time}")
previous_time = None if end else current_time
system_fonts = []
def get_system_fonts():
global system_fonts
if not system_fonts:
dirs = []
if sys.platform == "win32":
windir = os.environ.get("WINDIR")
if windir:
dirs.append(os.path.join(windir, "fonts"))
elif sys.platform in ("linux", "linux2"):
lindirs = os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "")
if not lindirs:
lindirs = "/usr/share"
dirs += [os.path.join(lindir, "fonts") for lindir in lindirs.split(":")]
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
dirs += ["/Library/Fonts", "/System/Library/Fonts", os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Fonts")]
return dirs
system_fonts = [n for d in dirs for _, _, ns in os.walk(d) for n in ns]
return system_fonts
class YAML:
def __init__(self, path=None, input_data=None, check_empty=False, create=False, start_empty=False):
self.path = path
self.input_data = input_data
self.yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
self.yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=2)
if input_data:
self.data = self.yaml.load(input_data)
if start_empty or (create and not os.path.exists(self.path)):
with open(self.path, 'w'):
self.data = {}
with open(self.path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
self.data = self.yaml.load(fp)
except ruamel.yaml.error.YAMLError as e:
e = str(e).replace("\n", "\n ")
raise Failed(f"YAML Error: {e}")
except Exception as e:
raise Failed(f"YAML Error: {e}")
if not self.data or not isinstance(self.data, dict):
if check_empty:
raise Failed("YAML Error: File is empty")
self.data = {}
def save(self):
if self.path:
with open(self.path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
self.yaml.dump(self.data, fp)