2021-07-11 18:12:52 +10:00

112 lines
5.1 KiB

import logging, requests,time
from lxml import html
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["anidb_id", "anidb_relation", "anidb_popular", 'anidb_tag']
class AniDB:
def __init__(self, params, config):
self.config = config
# Create a session so if we login we can continue to use the same session
self.anidb_session = requests.Session()
self.urls = {
"anime": "",
"popular": "",
"relation": "/relation/graph",
"anidb_tag": "",
"login": ""
if params and "username" in params and "password" in params:
result = str(self._login(params["username"], params["password"]).content)
# Login response does not use proper status codes so we have to check the content of the document
if "Wrong username/password" in result:
raise Failed("AniDB Error: Login failed")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(self.anidb_session.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}).content)
def _login(self, username, password):
data = {
"show": "main",
"xuser": username,
"xpass": password,
"xdoautologin": "on"
return["login"], data, headers={"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"})
def _popular(self, language):
response = self._request(self.urls["popular"], language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//td[@class='name anime']/a/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def _relations(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self._request(f"{self.urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}{self.urls['relation']}", language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//area/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def _validate(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self._request(f"{self.urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}", language)
ids = response.xpath(f"//*[text()='a{anidb_id}']/text()")
if len(ids) > 0:
return util.regex_first_int(ids[0], "AniDB ID")
raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: AniDB ID: {anidb_id} not found")
def validate_anidb_list(self, anidb_list, language):
anidb_values = []
for anidb_id in anidb_list:
anidb_values.append(self._validate(anidb_id, language))
except Failed as e:
if len(anidb_values) > 0:
return anidb_values
raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: No valid AniDB IDs in {anidb_list}")
def _tag(self, tag, limit, language):
anidb_ids = []
next_page = True
current_url = self.urls["anidb_tag"] + "/" + str(tag)
while next_page:
logger.debug(f"Sending request to {current_url}")
response = self._request(current_url, language)
int_list = util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//td[@class='name main anime']/a/@href"), "AniDB ID")
next_page_list = response.xpath("//li[@class='next']/a/@href")
logger.debug(f"next page list {next_page_list}")
if len(next_page_list) != 0 and len(anidb_ids) <= limit:
logger.debug(f"Loading next anidb page")
time.sleep(2)# Sleep as we are paging through anidb and don't want the ban hammer
current_url = "" + next_page_list[0]
logger.debug(f"Got to last page")
next_page = False
anidb_ids = anidb_ids[:limit]
return anidb_ids
def get_items(self, method, data, language):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
anidb_ids = []
if method == "anidb_popular":"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "anidb_tag":
anidb_ids = self._tag(data["tag"], data["limit"], language)"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit'] if data['limit'] > 0 else 'All'} Anime from the Tag ID: {data['tag']}")
else:"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
if method == "anidb_id": anidb_ids.append(data)
elif method == "anidb_relation": anidb_ids.extend(self._relations(data, language))
else: raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: Method {method} not supported")
movie_ids, show_ids = self.config.Convert.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids)
logger.debug(f"{len(anidb_ids)} AniDB IDs Found: {anidb_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids