mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:58:25 +00:00
333 lines
17 KiB
333 lines
17 KiB
from json import JSONDecodeError
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
logger = util.logger
class Webhooks:
def __init__(self, config, system_webhooks, library=None, notifiarr=None, gotify=None):
self.config = config
self.requests = self.config.Requests
self.error_webhooks = system_webhooks["error"] if "error" in system_webhooks else []
self.version_webhooks = system_webhooks["version"] if "version" in system_webhooks else []
self.run_start_webhooks = system_webhooks["run_start"] if "run_start" in system_webhooks else []
self.run_end_webhooks = system_webhooks["run_end"] if "run_end" in system_webhooks else []
self.delete_webhooks = system_webhooks["delete"] if "delete" in system_webhooks else []
self.library = library
self.notifiarr = notifiarr
self.gotify = gotify
def _request(self, webhooks, json):
logger.separator("Webhooks", space=False, border=False, trace=True)
json["library_mapping_name"] = self.library.mapping_name if self.library else ""
logger.trace(f"JSON: {json}")
for webhook in list(set(webhooks)):
response = None
logger.trace(f"Webhook: {webhook}")
if webhook == "notifiarr":
if self.notifiarr:
for x in range(6):
response = self.notifiarr.notification(json)
if response.status_code < 500:
elif webhook == "gotify":
if self.gotify:
if webhook.startswith("https://discord.com/api/webhooks"):
json = self.discord(json)
elif webhook.startswith("https://hooks.slack.com/services"):
json = self.slack(json)
response = self.requests.post(webhook, json=json)
if response is not None:
response_json = response.json()
logger.trace(f"Response: {response_json}")
if webhook == "notifiarr" and self.notifiarr and response.status_code == 400:
def remove_from_config(text, hook_cat):
if response_json["details"]["response"] == text:
yaml = self.requests.file_yaml(self.config.config_path)
changed = False
if hook_cat in yaml.data and yaml.data["webhooks"][hook_cat]:
if isinstance(yaml.data["webhooks"][hook_cat], list) and "notifiarr" in yaml.data["webhooks"][hook_cat]:
changed = True
elif yaml.data["webhooks"][hook_cat] == "notifiarr":
changed = True
yaml.data["webhooks"][hook_cat] = None
if changed:
remove_from_config("Kometa updated trigger is not enabled", "changes")
remove_from_config("Kometa created trigger is not enabled", "changes")
remove_from_config("Kometa deleted trigger is not enabled", "changes")
remove_from_config("Kometa failure trigger is not enabled", "error")
remove_from_config("Kometa start/complete trigger is not enabled", "run_start")
remove_from_config("Kometa start/complete trigger is not enabled", "run_end")
remove_from_config("Kometa app updates trigger is not enabled", "version")
if "result" in response_json and response_json["result"] == "error" and "details" in response_json and "response" in response_json["details"]:
raise Failed(f"Notifiarr Error: {response_json['details']['response']}")
if response.status_code >= 400 or ("result" in response_json and response_json["result"] == "error"):
raise Failed(f"({response.status_code} [{response.reason}]) {response_json}")
except JSONDecodeError:
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"({response.status_code} [{response.reason}])")
def start_time_hooks(self, start_time):
if self.run_start_webhooks:
self._request(self.run_start_webhooks, {"event": "run_start", "start_time": start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")})
def version_hooks(self):
if self.version_webhooks:
notes = None
if self.requests.local.main != self.requests.latest.main:
notes = self.config.GitHub.latest_release_notes()
elif self.requests.local.build and self.requests.local.build < self.requests.latest.build:
notes = self.config.GitHub.get_commits(self.requests.local.build, nightly=self.requests.branch == "nightly")
self._request(self.version_webhooks, {"event": "version", "current": str(self.requests.local), "latest": str(self.requests.latest), "notes": notes})
def end_time_hooks(self, start_time, end_time, run_time, stats):
if self.run_end_webhooks:
self._request(self.run_end_webhooks, {
"event": "run_end",
"start_time": start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"end_time": end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"run_time": run_time,
"collections_created": stats["created"],
"collections_modified": stats["modified"],
"collections_deleted": stats["deleted"],
"items_added": stats["added"],
"items_removed": stats["removed"],
"added_to_radarr": stats["radarr"],
"added_to_sonarr": stats["sonarr"],
"names": stats["names"]
def error_hooks(self, text, server=None, library=None, collection=None, playlist=None, critical=True):
if self.error_webhooks:
json = {"event": "error", "error": str(text), "critical": critical}
if server: json["server_name"] = str(server)
if library: json["library_name"] = str(library)
if collection: json["collection"] = str(collection)
if playlist: json["playlist"] = str(playlist)
self._request(self.error_webhooks, json)
def delete_hooks(self, message, server=None, library=None):
if self.delete_webhooks:
json = {"event": "delete", "message": str(message)}
if server: json["server_name"] = str(server)
if library: json["library_name"] = str(library)
self._request(self.delete_webhooks, json)
def collection_hooks(self, webhooks, collection, poster_url=None, background_url=None, created=False,
additions=None, removals=None, radarr=None, sonarr=None, playlist=False):
if self.library:
thumb = None
if not poster_url and collection.thumb and next((f for f in collection.fields if f.name == "thumb"), None):
thumb = self.requests.get_image_encoded(f"{self.library.url}{collection.thumb}?X-Plex-Token={self.library.token}")
art = None
if not playlist and not background_url and collection.art and next((f for f in collection.fields if f.name == "art"), None):
art = self.requests.get_image_encoded(f"{self.library.url}{collection.art}?X-Plex-Token={self.library.token}")
self._request(webhooks, {
"event": "changes",
"server_name": self.library.PlexServer.friendlyName,
"library_name": self.library.name,
"playlist" if playlist else "collection": collection.title,
"created": created,
"poster": thumb,
"background": art,
"poster_url": poster_url,
"background_url": background_url,
"additions": additions if additions else [],
"removals": removals if removals else [],
"radarr_adds": radarr if radarr else [],
"sonarr_adds": sonarr if sonarr else [],
def slack(self, json):
if json["event"] == "run_end":
title = ":white_check_mark: Kometa Has Finished a Run"
rows = [
[("*Start Time*", json["start_time"]), ("*End Time*", json["end_time"]), ("*Run Time*", json["run_time"])],
(":heavy_plus_sign: *Collections Created*", str(json["collections_created"])),
(":infinity: *Collections Modified*", str(json["collections_modified"])),
(":heavy_minus_sign: *Collections Deleted*", str(json["collections_deleted"]))
if json["added_to_radarr"] or json["added_to_sonarr"]:
if json["added_to_radarr"]:
rows.append([("*Added To Radarr*", json['added_to_radarr'])])
if json["added_to_sonarr"]:
rows.append([("*Added To Sonarr*", json['added_to_sonarr'])])
elif json["event"] == "run_start":
title = ":information_source: Kometa Has Started!"
rows = [[("*Start Time*", json["start_time"])]]
elif json["event"] == "version":
title = "Kometa Has a New Version Available"
rows = [
[("*Current Version*", json["current"]), ("*Latest Version*", json["latest"])],
[(json["notes"], )]
rows = []
row1 = []
text = ""
if "server_name" in json:
row1.append(("*Server Name*", json["server_name"]))
if "library_name" in json:
row1.append(("*Library Name*", json["library_name"]))
if "collection" in json:
text = "Collection"
row1.append(("*Collection Name*", json["collection"]))
elif "playlist" in json:
text = "Playlist"
row1.append(("*Playlist Name*", json["playlist"]))
if row1:
if json["event"] == "delete":
title = json["message"]
elif "error" in json:
title = f":warning: Kometa Encountered {'a Critical' if json['critical'] else 'an'} Error"
rows.append([(json["error"], )])
title = f"{':heavy_plus_sign:' if json['created'] else ':infinity:'} A {text} has Been {'Created' if json['created'] else 'Modified'}!"
def get_field_text(items_list):
field_text = ""
for i, item in enumerate(items_list, 1):
if "tmdb_id" in item:
field_text += f"\n{i}. [{item['title']}](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/{item['tmdb_id']})"
elif "tvdb_id" in item:
field_text += f"\n{i}. [{item['title']}](https://www.thetvdb.com/dereferrer/series/{item['tvdb_id']})"
field_text += f"\n{i}. {item['title']}"
return field_text
if json["additions"]:
rows.append([("*Items Added*", " ")])
rows.append([(get_field_text(json["additions"]), )])
if json["removals"]:
rows.append([("*Items Removed*", " ")])
rows.append([(get_field_text(json["removals"]), )])
new_json = {
"text": title,
"blocks": [{
"type": "header",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": title}
if rows:
for row in rows:
if row:
if len(row[0]) == 1:
section = {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": row[0][0]}}
section = {"type": "section", "fields": []}
for col in row:
section["fields"].append({"type": "mrkdwn", "text": col[0]})
section["fields"].append({"type": "plain_text", "text": col[1]})
new_json["blocks"].append(section) # noqa
new_json["blocks"].append({"type": "divider"}) # noqa
return new_json
def discord(self, json):
description = None
rows = []
if json["event"] == "run_end":
title = "Run Completed"
rows = [
[("Start Time", json["start_time"]), ("End Time", json["end_time"]), ("Run Time", json["run_time"])],
[("Collections", None)],
("Created", json["collections_created"] if json["collections_created"] else "0"),
("Modified", json["collections_modified"] if json["collections_modified"] else "0"),
("Deleted", json["collections_deleted"] if json["collections_deleted"] else "0")
if json["added_to_radarr"]:
rows.append([(f"{json['added_to_radarr']} Movies Added To Radarr", None)])
if json["added_to_sonarr"]:
rows.append([(f"{json['added_to_sonarr']} Series Added To Sonarr", None)])
elif json["event"] == "run_start":
title = "Run Started"
description = json["start_time"]
elif json["event"] == "version":
title = "New Version Available"
rows = [
[("Current", json["current"]), ("Latest", json["latest"])],
[("New Commits", json["notes"])]
row1 = []
text = ""
if "server_name" in json:
row1.append(("Server", json["server_name"]))
if "library_name" in json:
row1.append(("Library", json["library_name"]))
if "collection" in json:
text = "Collection"
row1.append(("Collection", json["collection"]))
elif "playlist" in json:
text = "Playlist"
row1.append(("Playlist", json["playlist"]))
if row1:
if json["event"] == "delete":
title = json["message"]
elif "error" in json:
title = f"{'Critical ' if json['critical'] else ''}Error"
rows.append([("Error Message", json["error"])])
title = f"{text} {'Created' if json['created'] else 'Modified'}"
def get_field_text(items_list):
field_text = ""
for i, item in enumerate(items_list, 1):
if "tmdb_id" in item:
field_text += f"\n{i}. [{item['title']}](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/{item['tmdb_id']})"
elif "tvdb_id" in item:
field_text += f"\n{i}. [{item['title']}](https://www.thetvdb.com/dereferrer/series/{item['tvdb_id']})"
field_text += f"\n{i}. {item['title']}"
return field_text
if json["additions"]:
rows.append([("Items Added", get_field_text(json["additions"]))])
if json["removals"]:
rows.append([("Items Removed", get_field_text(json["removals"]))])
new_json = {
"embeds": [
"title": title,
"color": 0x00bc8c
"username": "Kobota",
"avatar_url": "https://github.com/Kometa-Team/Kometa/raw/master/.github/bot.png"
if description:
new_json["embeds"][0]["description"] = description
if rows:
fields = []
for row in rows:
for col in row:
col_name, col_value = col
field = {"name": col_name, "value": col_value if col_value else ""}
if len(row) > 1:
field["inline"] = True
new_json["embeds"][0]["fields"] = fields
return new_json