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import logging, requests
from lxml import html
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
class AniDBAPI:
def __init__(self, Cache=None, TMDb=None, Trakt=None):
self.Cache = Cache
self.TMDb = TMDb
self.Trakt = Trakt
self.urls = {
"anime": "https://anidb.net/anime",
"popular": "https://anidb.net/latest/anime/popular/?h=1",
"relation": "/relation/graph"
self.id_list = html.fromstring(requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml").content)
def convert_anidb_to_tvdb(self, anidb_id): return self.convert_anidb(anidb_id, "anidbid", "tvdbid")
def convert_anidb_to_imdb(self, anidb_id): return self.convert_anidb(anidb_id, "anidbid", "imdbid")
def convert_tvdb_to_anidb(self, tvdb_id): return self.convert_anidb(tvdb_id, "tvdbid", "anidbid")
def convert_imdb_to_anidb(self, imdb_id): return self.convert_anidb(imdb_id, "imdbid", "anidbid")
def convert_anidb(self, input_id, from_id, to_id):
ids = self.id_list.xpath("//anime[@{}='{}']/@{}".format(from_id, input_id, to_id))
if len(ids) > 0:
if len(ids[0]) > 0: return ids[0] if to_id == "imdbid" else int(ids[0])
else: raise Failed("AniDB Error: No {} ID found for {} ID: {}".format(util.pretty_ids[to_id], util.pretty_ids[from_id], input_id))
else: raise Failed("AniDB Error: {} ID: {} not found".format(util.pretty_ids[from_id], input_id))
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def send_request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}).content)
def get_popular(self, language):
response = self.send_request(self.urls["popular"], language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//td[@class='name anime']/a/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def validate_anidb_id(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self.send_request("{}/{}".format(self.urls["anime"], anidb_id), language)
ids = response.xpath("//*[text()='a{}']/text()".format(anidb_id))
if len(ids) > 0:
return util.regex_first_int(ids[0], "AniDB ID")
raise Failed("AniDB Error: AniDB ID: {} not found".format(anidb_id))
def get_anidb_relations(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self.send_request("{}/{}{}".format(self.urls["anime"], anidb_id, self.urls["relation"]), language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//area/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def validate_anidb_list(self, anidb_list, language):
anidb_values = []
for anidb_id in anidb_list:
anidb_values.append(self.validate_anidb_id(anidb_id, language))
except Failed as e:
if len(anidb_values) > 0:
return anidb_values
raise Failed("AniDB Error: No valid AniDB IDs in {}".format(anidb_list))
def get_items(self, method, data, language, status_message=True):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
if status_message:
logger.debug("Data: {}".format(data))
anime_ids = []
if method == "anidb_popular":
if status_message:
logger.info("Processing {}: {} Anime".format(pretty, data))
if status_message: logger.info("Processing {}: {}".format(pretty, data))
if method == "anidb_id": anime_ids.append(data)
elif method == "anidb_relation": anime_ids.extend(self.get_anidb_relations(data, language))
else: raise Failed("AniDB Error: Method {} not supported".format(method))
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
for anidb_id in anime_ids:
tmdb_id, tvdb_id = self.convert_from_imdb(self.convert_anidb_to_imdb(anidb_id), language)
if tmdb_id: movie_ids.append(tmdb_id)
else: raise Failed
except Failed:
try: show_ids.append(self.convert_anidb_to_tvdb(anidb_id))
except Failed: logger.error("AniDB Error: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {}".format(anidb_id))
if status_message:
logger.debug("AniDB IDs Found: {}".format(anime_ids))
logger.debug("TMDb IDs Found: {}".format(movie_ids))
logger.debug("TVDb IDs Found: {}".format(show_ids))
return movie_ids, show_ids
def convert_from_imdb(self, imdb_id, language):
if self.Cache:
tmdb_id, tvdb_id = self.Cache.get_ids_from_imdb(imdb_id)
expired = False
if not tmdb_id:
tmdb_id, expired = self.Cache.get_tmdb_from_imdb(imdb_id)
if expired:
tmdb_id = None
tmdb_id = None
from_cache = tmdb_id is not None
if not tmdb_id and self.TMDb:
try: tmdb_id = self.TMDb.convert_imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id)
except Failed: pass
if not tmdb_id and self.Trakt:
try: tmdb_id = self.Trakt.convert_imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id)
except Failed: pass
if tmdb_id and not from_cache: self.TMDb.get_movie(tmdb_id)
except Failed: tmdb_id = None
if not tmdb_id: raise Failed("TVDb Error: No TMDb ID found for IMDb: {}".format(imdb_id))
if self.Cache and tmdb_id and expired is not False:
self.Cache.update_imdb("movie", expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id)
return tmdb_id