import logging, requests, time from modules import util from modules.util import Failed logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager") builders = ["tvdb_list", "tvdb_list_details", "tvdb_movie", "tvdb_movie_details", "tvdb_show", "tvdb_show_details"] base_url = "" alt_url = "" urls = { "list": f"{base_url}/lists/", "alt_list": f"{alt_url}/lists/", "series": f"{base_url}/series/", "alt_series": f"{alt_url}/series/", "movies": f"{base_url}/movies/", "alt_movies": f"{alt_url}/movies/", "series_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/series/", "movie_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/movie/" } class TVDbObj: def __init__(self, tvdb_url, language, is_movie, config): self.tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip() self.language = language self.is_movie = is_movie self.config = config if not self.is_movie and self.tvdb_url.startswith((urls["series"], urls["alt_series"], urls["series_id"])): self.media_type = "Series" elif self.is_movie and self.tvdb_url.startswith((urls["movies"], urls["alt_movies"], urls["movie_id"])): self.media_type = "Movie" else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {self.tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['movies'] if self.is_movie else urls['series']}") response = self.config.get_html(self.tvdb_url, headers=util.header(self.language)) results = response.xpath(f"//*[text()=' {self.media_type} ID']/parent::node()/span/text()") if len(results) > 0: = int(results[0]) elif self.tvdb_url.startswith(urls["movie_id"]): raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Movie using TVDb Movie ID: {self.tvdb_url[len(urls['movie_id']):]}") elif self.tvdb_url.startswith(urls["series_id"]): raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Series using TVDb Series ID: {self.tvdb_url[len(urls['series_id']):]}") else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb {self.media_type} ID at the URL {self.tvdb_url}") results = response.xpath("//div[@class='change_translation_text' and @data-language='eng']/@data-title") if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0: self.title = results[0] else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Name not found from TVDb URL: {self.tvdb_url}") results = response.xpath("//div[@class='row hidden-xs hidden-sm']/div/img/@src") self.poster_path = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None results = response.xpath("(//h2[@class='mt-4' and text()='Backgrounds']/following::div/a/@href)[1]") self.background_path = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None results = response.xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()") self.summary = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None tmdb_id = None imdb_id = None if self.is_movie: results = response.xpath("//*[text()='']/@href") if len(results) > 0: try: tmdb_id = util.regex_first_int(results[0], "TMDb ID") except Failed: pass results = response.xpath("//*[text()='IMDB']/@href") if len(results) > 0: try: imdb_id = util.get_id_from_imdb_url(results[0]) except Failed: pass if tmdb_id is None and imdb_id is None: raise Failed(f"TVDB Error: No TMDb ID or IMDb ID found for {self.title}") self.tmdb_id = tmdb_id self.imdb_id = imdb_id class TVDb: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def get_item(self, language, tvdb_url, is_movie): return self.get_movie(language, tvdb_url) if is_movie else self.get_series(language, tvdb_url) def get_series(self, language, tvdb_url): try: tvdb_url = f"{urls['series_id']}{int(tvdb_url)}" except ValueError: pass return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, False, self.config) def get_movie(self, language, tvdb_url): try: tvdb_url = f"{urls['movie_id']}{int(tvdb_url)}" except ValueError: pass return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, True, self.config) def get_list_description(self, tvdb_url, language): response = self.config.get_html(tvdb_url, headers=util.header(language)) description = response.xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()") return description[0] if len(description) > 0 and len(description[0]) > 0 else "" def _ids_from_url(self, tvdb_url, language): ids = [] tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip() if tvdb_url.startswith((urls["list"], urls["alt_list"])): try: response = self.config.get_html(tvdb_url, headers=util.header(language)) items = response.xpath("//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-md-pull-4']/div[@class='row']") for item in items: title = item.xpath(".//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 mt-2']//a/text()")[0] item_url = item.xpath(".//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 mt-2']//a/@href")[0] if item_url.startswith("/series/"): try: ids.append((self.get_series(language, f"{base_url}{item_url}").id, "tvdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(f"{e} for series {title}") elif item_url.startswith("/movies/"): try: movie = self.get_movie(language, f"{base_url}{item_url}") if movie.tmdb_id: ids.append((movie.tmdb_id, "tmdb")) elif movie.imdb_id: ids.append((movie.imdb_id, "imdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) else: logger.error(f"TVDb Error: Skipping Movie: {title}") time.sleep(2) if len(ids) > 0: return ids raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: No TVDb IDs found at {tvdb_url}") except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: util.print_stacktrace() raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: URL Lookup Failed for {tvdb_url}") else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['list']}") def get_tvdb_ids(self, method, data, language): if method == "tvdb_show":"Processing TVDb Show: {data}") return [(self.get_series(language, data).id, "tvdb")] elif method == "tvdb_movie":"Processing TVDb Movie: {data}") movie = self.get_movie(language, data) if movie.tmdb_id: return [(movie.tmdb_id, "tmdb")] elif movie.imdb_id: return [(movie.imdb_id, "imdb")] elif method == "tvdb_list":"Processing TVDb List: {data}") return self._ids_from_url(data, language) else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Method {method} not supported")