# AniDB Attributes Configuring [AniDB](https://anidb.net/) is optional but can unlock more features from the site Using `client` and `version` allows access to AniDB Library Operations. Using `username` and `password` allows you to access mature content with AniDB Builders. **All AniDB Builders still work without this, they will just not have mature content** A `anidb` mapping is in the root of the config file. Below is a `anidb` mapping example and the full set of attributes: ```yaml anidb: client: ####### version: 1 language: en cache_expiration: 60 username: ###### password: ###### ``` | Attribute | Allowed Values | Default | Required | |:-------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------|:--------:| | `client` | AniDB Client Name | N/A | ❌ | | `version` | AniDB Client Version | N/A | ❌ | | `language` | [ISO 639-1 Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) of the User Language. | en | ❌ | | `cache_expiration` | Number of days before each cache mapping expires and has to be re-cached. | 60 | ❌ | | `username` | AniDB Username | N/A | ❌ | | `password` | AniDB Password | N/A | ❌ | * To get a Client Name and Client Version please follow the following steps. 1. Login to [AniDB](https://anidb.net/) 2. Go to you [API Client Page](https://anidb.net/software/add) and go to the `Add New Project` Tab. ![AniDB Add Project](anidb-1.png) 3. Fill in the Project Name with whatever name you want and then hit `+ Add Project`. The rest of the settings don't matter. 4. After you've added the project you should end up on the Projects Page. If not go back to the [API Client Page](https://anidb.net/software/add) and click your projects name. 5. Once you're on the project page click `Add Client` in the top right. ![AniDB Add Client](anidb-2.png) 6a. Come up with and enter a unique to AniDB Client Name 6b. Select `HTTP API` in the API Dropdown 6c. Put `1` for Version. ![AniDB Client Page](anidb-3.png) 7. Put the Client Name and Client Version you just created in your config.yml as `client` and `version` respectively. ```yaml anidb: client: UniqueAniDBName version: 1 language: en cache_expiration: 60 ```