import re, time from datetime import datetime from lxml import html from lxml.etree import ParserError from modules import util from modules.util import Failed from requests.exceptions import MissingSchema from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed, retry_if_not_exception_type logger = util.logger builders = ["tvdb_list", "tvdb_list_details", "tvdb_movie", "tvdb_movie_details", "tvdb_show", "tvdb_show_details"] base_url = "" alt_url = "" urls = { "list": f"{base_url}/lists/", "alt_list": f"{alt_url}/lists/", "series": f"{base_url}/series/", "alt_series": f"{alt_url}/series/", "movies": f"{base_url}/movies/", "alt_movies": f"{alt_url}/movies/", "series_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/series/", "movie_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/movie/" } language_translation = { "ab": "abk", "aa": "aar", "af": "afr", "ak": "aka", "sq": "sqi", "am": "amh", "ar": "ara", "an": "arg", "hy": "hye", "as": "asm", "av": "ava", "ae": "ave", "ay": "aym", "az": "aze", "bm": "bam", "ba": "bak", "eu": "eus", "be": "bel", "bn": "ben", "bi": "bis", "bs": "bos", "br": "bre", "bg": "bul", "my": "mya", "ca": "cat", "ch": "cha", "ce": "che", "ny": "nya", "zh": "zho", "cv": "chv", "kw": "cor", "co": "cos", "cr": "cre", "hr": "hrv", "cs": "ces", "da": "dan", "dv": "div", "nl": "nld", "dz": "dzo", "en": "eng", "eo": "epo", "et": "est", "ee": "ewe", "fo": "fao", "fj": "fij", "fi": "fin", "fr": "fra", "ff": "ful", "gl": "glg", "ka": "kat", "de": "deu", "el": "ell", "gn": "grn", "gu": "guj", "ht": "hat", "ha": "hau", "he": "heb", "hz": "her", "hi": "hin", "ho": "hmo", "hu": "hun", "ia": "ina", "id": "ind", "ie": "ile", "ga": "gle", "ig": "ibo", "ik": "ipk", "io": "ido", "is": "isl", "it": "ita", "iu": "iku", "ja": "jpn", "jv": "jav", "kl": "kal", "kn": "kan", "kr": "kau", "ks": "kas", "kk": "kaz", "km": "khm", "ki": "kik", "rw": "kin", "ky": "kir", "kv": "kom", "kg": "kon", "ko": "kor", "ku": "kur", "kj": "kua", "la": "lat", "lb": "ltz", "lg": "lug", "li": "lim", "ln": "lin", "lo": "lao", "lt": "lit", "lu": "lub", "lv": "lav", "gv": "glv", "mk": "mkd", "mg": "mlg", "ms": "msa", "ml": "mal", "mt": "mlt", "mi": "mri", "mr": "mar", "mh": "mah", "mn": "mon", "na": "nau", "nv": "nav", "nd": "nde", "ne": "nep", "ng": "ndo", "nb": "nob", "nn": "nno", "no": "nor", "ii": "iii", "nr": "nbl", "oc": "oci", "oj": "oji", "cu": "chu", "om": "orm", "or": "ori", "os": "oss", "pa": "pan", "pi": "pli", "fa": "fas", "pl": "pol", "ps": "pus", "pt": "por", "qu": "que", "rm": "roh", "rn": "run", "ro": "ron", "ru": "rus", "sa": "san", "sc": "srd", "sd": "snd", "se": "sme", "sm": "smo", "sg": "sag", "sr": "srp", "gd": "gla", "sn": "sna", "si": "sin", "sk": "slk", "sl": "slv", "so": "som", "st": "sot", "es": "spa", "su": "sun", "sw": "swa", "ss": "ssw", "sv": "swe", "ta": "tam", "te": "tel", "tg": "tgk", "th": "tha", "ti": "tir", "bo": "bod", "tk": "tuk", "tl": "tgl", "tn": "tsn", "to": "ton", "tr": "tur", "ts": "tso", "tt": "tat", "tw": "twi", "ty": "tah", "ug": "uig", "uk": "ukr", "ur": "urd", "uz": "uzb", "ve": "ven", "vi": "vie", "vo": "vol", "wa": "wln", "cy": "cym", "wo": "wol", "fy": "fry", "xh": "xho", "yi": "yid", "yo": "yor", "za": "zha", "zu": "zul"} class TVDbObj: def __init__(self, tvdb, tvdb_id, is_movie=False, ignore_cache=False): self._tvdb = tvdb self.tvdb_id = tvdb_id self.is_movie = is_movie self.ignore_cache = ignore_cache expired = None data = None if self._tvdb.cache and not ignore_cache: data, expired = self._tvdb.cache.query_tvdb(tvdb_id, is_movie, self._tvdb.expiration) if expired or not data: item_url = f"{urls['movie_id' if is_movie else 'series_id']}{tvdb_id}" try: data = self._tvdb.get_request(item_url) except Failed: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: No {'Movie' if is_movie else 'Series'} found for TVDb ID: {tvdb_id} at {item_url}") def parse_page(xpath, is_list=False): parse_results = data.xpath(xpath) if len(parse_results) > 0: parse_results = [r.strip() for r in parse_results if len(r) > 0] return parse_results if is_list else parse_results[0] if len(parse_results) > 0 else None def parse_title_summary(lang=None): place = "//div[@class='change_translation_text' and " place += f"@data-language='{lang}']" if lang else "not(@style='display:none')]" return parse_page(f"{place}/@data-title"), parse_page(f"{place}/p/text()[normalize-space()]") if isinstance(data, dict): self.title = data["title"] self.summary = data["summary"] self.poster_url = data["poster_url"] self.background_url = data["background_url"] self.release_date = data["release_date"] self.status = data["status"] self.genres = data["genres"].split("|") else: self.title, self.summary = parse_title_summary(lang=self._tvdb.language) if not self.title and self._tvdb.language in language_translation: self.title, self.summary = parse_title_summary(lang=language_translation[self._tvdb.language]) if not self.title: self.title, self.summary = parse_title_summary() if not self.title: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Name not found from TVDb ID: {self.tvdb_id}") self.poster_url = parse_page("//div[@id='artwork-posters']/div/div/a/@href") self.background_url = parse_page("//div[@id='artwork-backgrounds']/div/div/a/@href") if is_movie: released = parse_page("//strong[text()='Released']/parent::li/span/text()[normalize-space()]") else: released = parse_page("//strong[text()='First Aired']/parent::li/span/text()[normalize-space()]") try: self.release_date = datetime.strptime(released, "%B %d, %Y") if released else released # noqa except ValueError: self.release_date = None self.status = parse_page("//strong[text()='Status']/parent::li/span/text()[normalize-space()]") self.genres = parse_page("//strong[text()='Genres']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]", is_list=True) if self._tvdb.cache and not ignore_cache: self._tvdb.cache.update_tvdb(expired, self, self._tvdb.expiration) class TVDb: def __init__(self, requests, cache, tvdb_language, expiration): self.requests = requests self.cache = cache self.language = tvdb_language self.expiration = expiration def get_tvdb_obj(self, tvdb_url, is_movie=False): tvdb_id, _, _ = self.get_id_from_url(tvdb_url, is_movie=is_movie) return TVDbObj(self, tvdb_id, is_movie=is_movie) @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(6), wait=wait_fixed(10), retry=retry_if_not_exception_type(Failed)) def get_request(self, tvdb_url): response = self.requests.get(tvdb_url, language=self.language) if response.status_code >= 400: raise Failed(f"({response.status_code}) {response.reason}") return html.fromstring(response.content) def get_id_from_url(self, tvdb_url, is_movie=False, ignore_cache=False): try: if not is_movie: return int(tvdb_url), None, None else: tvdb_url = f"{urls['movie_id']}{int(tvdb_url)}" except ValueError: pass tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip() if tvdb_url.startswith((urls["series"], urls["alt_series"], urls["series_id"])): media_type = "Series" elif tvdb_url.startswith((urls["movies"], urls["alt_movies"], urls["movie_id"])): media_type = "Movie" else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['movies']} or {urls['series']}") expired = None if self.cache and not ignore_cache and not is_movie: tvdb_id, expired = self.cache.query_tvdb_map(tvdb_url, self.expiration) if tvdb_id and not expired: return tvdb_id, None, None logger.trace(f"URL: {tvdb_url}") try: response = self.get_request(tvdb_url) except (ParserError, Failed): raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Failed not parse {tvdb_url}") results = response.xpath(f"//*[text()=' {media_type} ID']/parent::node()/span/text()") if len(results) > 0: tvdb_id = int(results[0]) tmdb_id = None imdb_id = None if media_type == "Movie": results = response.xpath("//*[text()='']/@href") if len(results) > 0: try: tmdb_id = util.regex_first_int(results[0], "TMDb ID") except Failed: pass results = response.xpath("//*[text()='IMDB']/@href") if len(results) > 0: try: imdb_id = util.get_id_from_imdb_url(results[0]) except Failed: pass if tmdb_id is None and imdb_id is None: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: No TMDb ID or IMDb ID found") if self.cache and not ignore_cache and not is_movie: self.cache.update_tvdb_map(expired, tvdb_url, tvdb_id, self.expiration) return tvdb_id, tmdb_id, imdb_id elif tvdb_url.startswith(urls["movie_id"]): err_text = f"using TVDb Movie ID: {tvdb_url[len(urls['movie_id']):]}" elif tvdb_url.startswith(urls["series_id"]): err_text = f"using TVDb Series ID: {tvdb_url[len(urls['series_id']):]}" else: err_text = f"ID at the URL {tvdb_url}" raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb {media_type} {err_text}") def get_list_description(self, tvdb_url): response = self.requests.get_html(tvdb_url, language=self.language) description = response.xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()") description = description[0] if len(description) > 0 and len(description[0]) > 0 else None poster = response.xpath("//div[@id='artwork']/div/div/a/@href") poster = poster[0] if len(poster) > 0 and len(poster[0]) > 0 else None return description, poster def _ids_from_url(self, tvdb_url): ids = [] tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip() logger.trace(f"URL: {tvdb_url}") if tvdb_url.startswith((urls["list"], urls["alt_list"])): try: response = self.requests.get_html(tvdb_url, language=self.language) items = response.xpath("//div[@id='general']//div/div/h3/a") for item in items: title = item.xpath("text()")[0] item_url = item.xpath("@href")[0] if item_url.startswith("/series/"): try: tvdb_id, _, _ = self.get_id_from_url(f"{base_url}{item_url}") if tvdb_id: ids.append((tvdb_id, "tvdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(f"{e} for series {title}") elif item_url.startswith("/movies/"): try: _, tmdb_id, imdb_id = self.get_id_from_url(f"{base_url}{item_url}", is_movie=True) if tmdb_id: ids.append((tmdb_id, "tmdb")) elif imdb_id: ids.append((imdb_id, "imdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(f"{e} for movie {title}") else: logger.error(f"TVDb Error: Skipping Movie: {title}") time.sleep(2) if len(ids) > 0: return ids raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: No TVDb IDs found at {tvdb_url}") except MissingSchema: logger.stacktrace() raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: URL Lookup Failed for {tvdb_url}") else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['list']}") def get_tvdb_ids(self, method, data): if method == "tvdb_show":"Processing TVDb Show: {data}") ids = [] try: tvdb_id, _, _ = self.get_id_from_url(data) if tvdb_id: ids.append((tvdb_id, "tvdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) return ids elif method == "tvdb_movie":"Processing TVDb Movie: {data}") ids = [] try: _, tmdb_id, imdb_id = self.get_id_from_url(data) if tmdb_id: ids.append((tmdb_id, "tmdb")) elif imdb_id: ids.append((imdb_id, "imdb")) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) return ids elif method == "tvdb_list":"Processing TVDb List: {data}") return self._ids_from_url(data) else: raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Method {method} not supported") def item_filter(self, item, filter_attr, modifier, filter_final, filter_data): if filter_attr == "tvdb_title": if util.is_string_filter([item.title], modifier, filter_data): return False elif filter_attr == "tvdb_status": if util.is_string_filter([item.status], modifier, filter_data): return False elif filter_attr == "tvdb_genre": attrs = item.genres if modifier == ".regex": has_match = False for reg in filter_data: for name in attrs: if re.compile(reg).search(name): has_match = True if has_match is False: return False elif modifier in [".count_gt", ".count_gte", ".count_lt", ".count_lte"]: test_number = len(attrs) if attrs else 0 modifier = f".{modifier[7:]}" if test_number is None or util.is_number_filter(test_number, modifier, filter_data): return False elif (not list(set(filter_data) & set(attrs)) and modifier == "") \ or (list(set(filter_data) & set(attrs)) and modifier == ".not"): return False return True