JSON schemas for Kometa YAML files How to: Add this as the first line in your `config.yml`: ``` # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kometa-Team/Kometa/nightly/json-schema/config-schema.json ``` [change `nightly` to `develop`, or `master` if you wish] Then open your config file in an editor that supports the use of JSON schema. For example, VS Code with the Red Hat YAML extension. This will give you context-sensitive hints and auto-complete for much of the Kometa `config.yml` ![image](https://github.com/Kometa-Team/Kometa/assets/3865541/62133e59-ed12-4764-a4da-23595824d4da) ![image](https://github.com/Kometa-Team/Kometa/assets/3865541/06fbca9b-f0ad-4c20-8cf0-12d6c259c838) limitations: - template variables not cased for specific default file - template variables with keys are wildcarded - "position" attribute has no validation - "streaming" default has no validation - search has no validation; just accepts string - schedule has no validation; just accepts string TODO: "list of coordinates" - schema for collection yaml - schema for metadata yaml - schema for overlay yaml - schema for template yaml Notes: