mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 22:08:25 +00:00
27 changed files with 2685 additions and 2739 deletions
@ -7,4 +7,13 @@
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
FROM python:3-slim
VOLUME /config
FROM python:3.9-slim
RUN echo "**** install system packages ****" \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get upgrade -y --no-install-recommends \
&& apt-get install -y tzdata --no-install-recommends \
&& apt-get install -y gcc g++ libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libz-dev
COPY requirements.txt /
RUN echo "**** install python packages ****" \
&& pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --requirement /requirements.txt \
&& apt-get autoremove -y \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /requirements.txt /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
COPY . /
echo "**** install system packages ****" && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get upgrade -y --no-install-recommends && \
apt-get install -y tzdata --no-install-recommends && \
apt-get install -y gcc g++ libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libz-dev && \
echo "**** install python packages ****" && \
pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --requirement /requirements.txt && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apt-get autoremove -y && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf \
/requirements.txt \
/tmp/* \
/var/tmp/* \
VOLUME /config
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "plex_meta_manager.py"]
@ -89,3 +89,6 @@ mal:
anidb: # Optional
username: ######
password: ######
@ -1,42 +1,54 @@
import logging, requests
from lxml import html
import logging, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["anidb_id", "anidb_relation", "anidb_popular"]
builders = ["anidb_id", "anidb_relation", "anidb_popular", "anidb_tag"]
base_url = "https://anidb.net"
urls = {
"anime": f"{base_url}/anime",
"popular": f"{base_url}/latest/anime/popular/?h=1",
"relation": "/relation/graph",
"tag": f"{base_url}/tag",
"login": f"{base_url}/perl-bin/animedb.pl"
class AniDB:
def __init__(self, config):
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.urls = {
"anime": "https://anidb.net/anime",
"popular": "https://anidb.net/latest/anime/popular/?h=1",
"relation": "/relation/graph"
self.username = params["username"] if params else None
self.password = params["password"] if params else None
if params and not self._login(self.username, self.password).xpath("//li[@class='sub-menu my']/@title"):
raise Failed("AniDB Error: Login failed")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}).content)
def _request(self, url, language=None, post=None):
if post:
return self.config.post_html(url, post, headers=util.header(language))
return self.config.get_html(url, headers=util.header(language))
def _login(self, username, password):
data = {"show": "main", "xuser": username, "xpass": password, "xdoautologin": "on"}
return self._request(urls["login"], post=data)
def _popular(self, language):
response = self._request(self.urls["popular"], language)
response = self._request(urls["popular"], language=language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//td[@class='name anime']/a/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def _relations(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self._request(f"{self.urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}{self.urls['relation']}", language)
response = self._request(f"{urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}{urls['relation']}", language=language)
return util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//area/@href"), "AniDB ID")
def _validate(self, anidb_id, language):
response = self._request(f"{self.urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}", language)
response = self._request(f"{urls['anime']}/{anidb_id}", language=language)
ids = response.xpath(f"//*[text()='a{anidb_id}']/text()")
if len(ids) > 0:
return util.regex_first_int(ids[0], "AniDB ID")
raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: AniDB ID: {anidb_id} not found")
def validate_anidb_list(self, anidb_list, language):
def validate_anidb_ids(self, anidb_ids, language):
anidb_list = util.get_int_list(anidb_ids, "AniDB ID")
anidb_values = []
for anidb_id in anidb_list:
@ -47,20 +59,35 @@ class AniDB:
return anidb_values
raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: No valid AniDB IDs in {anidb_list}")
def get_items(self, method, data, language):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
def _tag(self, tag, limit, language):
anidb_ids = []
current_url = f"{urls['tag']}/{tag}"
while True:
response = self._request(current_url, language=language)
anidb_ids.extend(util.get_int_list(response.xpath("//td[@class='name main anime']/a/@href"), "AniDB ID"))
next_page_list = response.xpath("//li[@class='next']/a/@href")
if len(anidb_ids) >= limit or len(next_page_list) == 0:
current_url = f"{base_url}{next_page_list[0]}"
return anidb_ids[:limit]
def get_anidb_ids(self, method, data, language):
anidb_ids = []
if method == "anidb_popular":
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
logger.info(f"Processing AniDB Popular: {data} Anime")
elif method == "anidb_tag":
logger.info(f"Processing AniDB Tag: {data['limit'] if data['limit'] > 0 else 'All'} Anime from the Tag ID: {data['tag']}")
anidb_ids = self._tag(data["tag"], data["limit"], language)
elif method == "anidb_id":
logger.info(f"Processing AniDB ID: {data}")
elif method == "anidb_relation":
logger.info(f"Processing AniDB Relation: {data}")
anidb_ids.extend(self._relations(data, language))
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
if method == "anidb_id": anidb_ids.append(data)
elif method == "anidb_relation": anidb_ids.extend(self._relations(data, language))
else: raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: Method {method} not supported")
movie_ids, show_ids = self.config.Convert.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids)
raise Failed(f"AniDB Error: Method {method} not supported")
logger.debug(f"{len(anidb_ids)} AniDB IDs Found: {anidb_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
return anidb_ids
@ -1,52 +1,63 @@
import logging, requests, time
import logging, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
builders = ["anilist_id", "anilist_popular", "anilist_relations", "anilist_studio", "anilist_top_rated", "anilist_search"]
pretty_names = {"score": "Average Score", "popular": "Popularity"}
attr_translation = {"year": "seasonYear", "adult": "isAdult", "start": "startDate", "end": "endDate", "tag_category": "tagCategory", "score": "averageScore", "min_tag_percent": "minimumTagRank"}
mod_translation = {"": "in", "not": "not_in", "before": "greater", "after": "lesser", "gt": "greater", "gte": "greater", "lt": "lesser", "lte": "lesser"}
mod_searches = [
"start.before", "start.after", "end.before", "end.after",
"format", "format.not", "status", "status.not", "genre", "genre.not", "tag", "tag.not", "tag_category", "tag_category.not",
"episodes.gt", "episodes.gte", "episodes.lt", "episodes.lte", "duration.gt", "duration.gte", "duration.lt", "duration.lte",
"score.gt", "score.gte", "score.lt", "score.lte", "popularity.gt", "popularity.gte", "popularity.lt", "popularity.lte"
pretty_names = {
"score": "Average Score",
"popular": "Popularity"
no_mod_searches = ["search", "season", "year", "adult", "min_tag_percent"]
searches = mod_searches + no_mod_searches
search_types = {
"search": "String", "season": "MediaSeason", "seasonYear": "Int", "isAdult": "Boolean", "minimumTagRank": "Int",
"startDate": "FuzzyDateInt", "endDate": "FuzzyDateInt", "format": "[MediaFormat]", "status": "[MediaStatus]",
"genre": "[String]", "tag": "[String]", "tagCategory": "[String]",
"episodes": "Int", "duration": "Int", "averageScore": "Int", "popularity": "Int"
tag_query = "query{MediaTagCollection {name}}"
media_season = {"winter": "WINTER", "spring": "SPRING", "summer": "SUMMER", "fall": "FALL"}
media_format = {"tv": "TV", "short": "TV_SHORT", "movie": "MOVIE", "special": "SPECIAL", "ova": "OVA", "ona": "ONA", "music": "MUSIC"}
media_status = {"finished": "FINISHED", "airing": "RELEASING", "not_yet_aired": "NOT_YET_RELEASED", "cancelled": "CANCELLED", "hiatus": "HIATUS"}
base_url = "https://graphql.anilist.co"
tag_query = "query{MediaTagCollection {name, category}}"
genre_query = "query{GenreCollection}"
class AniList:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.url = "https://graphql.anilist.co"
self.tags = {}
self.genres = {}
self.tags = {t["name"].lower(): t["name"] for t in self._request(tag_query, {})["data"]["MediaTagCollection"]}
self.genres = {g.lower(): g for g in self._request(genre_query, {})["data"]["GenreCollection"]}
self.options = {
"Tag": {}, "Tag Category": {},
"Genre": {g.lower().replace(" ", "-"): g for g in self._request(genre_query, {})["data"]["GenreCollection"]},
"Season": media_season, "Format": media_format, "Status": media_status
for media_tag in self._request(tag_query, {})["data"]["MediaTagCollection"]:
self.options["Tag"][media_tag["name"].lower().replace(" ", "-")] = media_tag["name"]
self.options["Tag Category"][media_tag["category"].lower().replace(" ", "-")] = media_tag["category"]
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=2, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def _request(self, query, variables):
response = requests.post(self.url, json={"query": query, "variables": variables})
def _request(self, query, variables, level=1):
response = self.config.post(base_url, json={"query": query, "variables": variables})
json_obj = response.json()
if "errors" in json_obj:
if json_obj['errors'][0]['message'] == "Too Many Requests.":
if "Retry-After" in response.headers:
raise ValueError
wait_time = int(response.headers["Retry-After"]) if "Retry-After" in response.headers else 0
time.sleep(wait_time if wait_time > 0 else 10)
if level < 6:
return self._request(query, variables, level=level + 1)
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: Connection Failed")
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: {json_obj['errors'][0]['message']}")
time.sleep(60 / 90)
return json_obj
def _validate(self, anilist_id):
def _validate_id(self, anilist_id):
query = "query ($id: Int) {Media(id: $id) {id title{romaji english}}}"
media = self._request(query, {"id": anilist_id})["data"]["Media"]
if media["id"]:
@ -75,63 +86,31 @@ class AniList:
return anilist_ids
def _top_rated(self, limit):
query = """
query ($page: Int) {
Page(page: $page) {
pageInfo {hasNextPage}
media(averageScore_greater: 3, sort: SCORE_DESC, type: ANIME) {id}
return self._pagenation(query, limit=limit)
def _popular(self, limit):
query = """
query ($page: Int) {
Page(page: $page) {
pageInfo {hasNextPage}
media(popularity_greater: 1000, sort: POPULARITY_DESC, type: ANIME) {id}
return self._pagenation(query, limit=limit)
def _season(self, season, year, sort, limit):
query = """
query ($page: Int, $season: MediaSeason, $year: Int, $sort: [MediaSort]) {
Page(page: $page){
pageInfo {hasNextPage}
media(season: $season, seasonYear: $year, type: ANIME, sort: $sort){id}
variables = {"season": season.upper(), "year": year, "sort": "SCORE_DESC" if sort == "score" else "POPULARITY_DESC"}
return self._pagenation(query, limit=limit, variables=variables)
def _genre(self, genre, sort, limit):
query = """
query ($page: Int, $genre: String, $sort: [MediaSort]) {
Page(page: $page){
pageInfo {hasNextPage}
media(genre: $genre, sort: $sort){id}
variables = {"genre": genre, "sort": "SCORE_DESC" if sort == "score" else "POPULARITY_DESC"}
return self._pagenation(query, limit=limit, variables=variables)
def _tag(self, tag, sort, limit):
query = """
query ($page: Int, $tag: String, $sort: [MediaSort]) {
Page(page: $page){
pageInfo {hasNextPage}
media(tag: $tag, sort: $sort){id}
variables = {"tag": tag, "sort": "SCORE_DESC" if sort == "score" else "POPULARITY_DESC"}
return self._pagenation(query, limit=limit, variables=variables)
def _search(self, **kwargs):
query_vars = "$page: Int, $sort: [MediaSort]"
media_vars = "sort: $sort, type: ANIME"
variables = {"sort": "SCORE_DESC" if kwargs['sort_by'] == "score" else "POPULARITY_DESC"}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key not in ["sort_by", "limit"]:
if "." in key:
attr, mod = key.split(".")
attr = key
mod = ""
ani_attr = attr_translation[attr] if attr in attr_translation else attr
final = ani_attr if attr in no_mod_searches else f"{ani_attr}_{mod_translation[mod]}"
if attr in ["start", "end"]:
value = int(util.validate_date(value, f"anilist_search {key}", return_as="%Y%m%d"))
if mod == "gte":
value -= 1
elif mod == "lte":
value += 1
query_vars += f", ${final}: {search_types[ani_attr]}"
media_vars += f", {final}: ${final}"
variables[key] = value
query = f"query ({query_vars}) {{Page(page: $page){{pageInfo {{hasNextPage}}media({media_vars}){{id}}}}}}"
return self._pagenation(query, limit=kwargs["limit"], variables=variables)
def _studio(self, studio_id):
query = """
@ -177,7 +156,7 @@ class AniList:
name = ""
if not ignore_ids:
ignore_ids = [anilist_id]
anilist_id, name = self._validate(anilist_id)
anilist_id, name = self._validate_id(anilist_id)
json_obj = self._request(query, {"id": anilist_id})
edges = [media["node"]["id"] for media in json_obj["data"]["Media"]["relations"]["edges"]
@ -194,21 +173,21 @@ class AniList:
return anilist_ids, ignore_ids, name
def validate_genre(self, genre):
if genre.lower() in self.genres:
return self.genres[genre.lower()]
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: Genre: {genre} does not exist")
def validate_tag(self, tag):
if tag.lower() in self.tags:
return self.tags[tag.lower()]
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: Tag: {tag} does not exist")
def validate(self, name, data):
valid = []
for d in util.get_list(data):
data_check = d.lower().replace(" / ", "-").replace(" ", "-")
if data_check in self.options[name]:
if len(valid) > 0:
return valid
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: {name}: {data} does not exist\nOptions: {', '.join([v for k, v in self.options[name].items()])}")
def validate_anilist_ids(self, anilist_ids, studio=False):
anilist_id_list = util.get_int_list(anilist_ids, "AniList ID")
anilist_values = []
for anilist_id in anilist_ids:
if studio: query = "query ($id: Int) {Studio(id: $id) {name}}"
else: query = "query ($id: Int) {Media(id: $id) {id}}"
query = f"query ($id: Int) {{{'Studio(id: $id) {name}' if studio else 'Media(id: $id) {id}'}}}"
for anilist_id in anilist_id_list:
self._request(query, {"id": anilist_id})
@ -217,33 +196,36 @@ class AniList:
return anilist_values
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: No valid AniList IDs in {anilist_ids}")
def get_items(self, method, data):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
def get_anilist_ids(self, method, data):
if method == "anilist_id":
anilist_id, name = self._validate(data)
logger.info(f"Processing AniList ID: {data}")
anilist_id, name = self._validate_id(data)
anilist_ids = [anilist_id]
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({data}) {name}")
elif method in ["anilist_popular", "anilist_top_rated"]:
anilist_ids = self._popular(data) if method == "anilist_popular" else self._top_rated(data)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "anilist_season":
anilist_ids = self._season(data["season"], data["year"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit'] if data['limit'] > 0 else 'All'} Anime from {util.pretty_seasons[data['season']]} {data['year']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
elif method == "anilist_genre":
anilist_ids = self._genre(data["genre"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit'] if data['limit'] > 0 else 'All'} Anime from the Genre: {data['genre']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
elif method == "anilist_tag":
anilist_ids = self._tag(data["tag"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit'] if data['limit'] > 0 else 'All'} Anime from the Tag: {data['tag']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
elif method in ["anilist_studio", "anilist_relations"]:
if method == "anilist_studio": anilist_ids, name = self._studio(data)
else: anilist_ids, _, name = self._relations(data)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({data}) {name} ({len(anilist_ids)} Anime)")
elif method == "anilist_studio":
anilist_ids, name = self._studio(data)
logger.info(f"Processing AniList Studio: ({data}) {name} ({len(anilist_ids)} Anime)")
elif method == "anilist_relations":
anilist_ids, _, name = self._relations(data)
logger.info(f"Processing AniList Relations: ({data}) {name} ({len(anilist_ids)} Anime)")
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: Method {method} not supported")
movie_ids, show_ids = self.config.Convert.anilist_to_ids(anilist_ids)
if method == "anilist_popular":
data = {"limit": data, "popularity.gt": 3, "sort_by": "popular"}
elif method == "anilist_top_rated":
data = {"limit": data, "score.gt": 3, "sort_by": "score"}
elif method not in builders:
raise Failed(f"AniList Error: Method {method} not supported")
message = f"Processing {method.replace('_', ' ').title().replace('Anilist', 'AniList')}:\nSort By: {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}"
if data['limit'] > 0:
message += f"\nLimit: {data['limit']}"
for key, value in data.items():
if "." in key:
attr, mod = key.split(".")
attr = key
mod = ""
message += f"\n{attr.replace('_', ' ').title()} {util.mod_displays[mod]} {value}"
anilist_ids = self._search(**data)
logger.debug(f"{len(anilist_ids)} AniList IDs Found: {anilist_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
return anilist_ids
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import logging, os, random, sqlite3
from contextlib import closing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from modules import util
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
class Cache:
def __init__(self, config_path, expiration):
cache = f"{os.path.splitext(config_path)[0]}.cache"
with sqlite3.connect(cache) as connection:
self.cache_path = f"{os.path.splitext(config_path)[0]}.cache"
self.expiration = expiration
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='guid_map'")
if cursor.fetchone()[0] == 0:
logger.info(f"Initializing cache database at {cache}")
logger.info(f"Initializing cache database at {self.cache_path}")
logger.info(f"Using cache database at {cache}")
logger.info(f"Using cache database at {self.cache_path}")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS guids")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS guid_map")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS imdb_to_tvdb_map")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmdb_to_tvdb_map")
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS imdb_map")
plex_guid TEXT UNIQUE,
t_id TEXT,
imdb_id TEXT,
media_type TEXT,
expiration_date TEXT)"""
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS imdb_to_tmdb_map (
imdb_id TEXT UNIQUE,
tmdb_id TEXT,
media_type TEXT,
@ -37,28 +41,28 @@ class Cache:
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS imdb_to_tvdb_map2 (
imdb_id TEXT UNIQUE,
tvdb_id TEXT,
expiration_date TEXT)"""
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmdb_to_tvdb_map2 (
tmdb_id TEXT UNIQUE,
tvdb_id TEXT,
expiration_date TEXT)"""
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS letterboxd_map (
letterboxd_id TEXT UNIQUE,
tmdb_id TEXT,
expiration_date TEXT)"""
imdb_id TEXT UNIQUE,
title TEXT,
@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ class Cache:
anilist TEXT,
myanimelist TEXT,
@ -80,41 +84,57 @@ class Cache:
expiration_date TEXT)"""
rating_key TEXT,
library TEXT,
type TEXT,
overlay TEXT,
compare TEXT,
location TEXT)"""
library TEXT UNIQUE)"""
self.expiration = expiration
self.cache_path = cache
cursor.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='image_map'")
if cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT DISTINCT library FROM image_map")
for library in cursor.fetchall():
table_name = self.get_image_table_name(library["library"])
cursor.execute(f"SELECT DISTINCT * FROM image_map WHERE library='{library['library']}'")
for row in cursor.fetchall():
if row["type"] == "poster":
final_table = table_name if row["type"] == "poster" else f"{table_name}_backgrounds"
self.update_image_map(row["rating_key"], final_table, row["location"], row["compare"], overlay=row["overlay"])
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS image_map")
def query_guid_map(self, plex_guid):
id_to_return = None
imdb_id = None
media_type = None
expired = None
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM guid_map WHERE plex_guid = ?", (plex_guid,))
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM guids_map WHERE plex_guid = ?", (plex_guid,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
time_between_insertion = datetime.now() - datetime.strptime(row["expiration_date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
id_to_return = row["t_id"]
id_to_return = util.get_list(row["t_id"], int_list=True)
imdb_id = util.get_list(row["imdb_id"])
media_type = row["media_type"]
expired = time_between_insertion.days > self.expiration
return id_to_return, media_type, expired
return id_to_return, imdb_id, media_type, expired
def update_guid_map(self, media_type, plex_guid, t_id, expired):
self._update_map("guid_map", "plex_guid", plex_guid, "t_id", t_id, expired, media_type=media_type)
def update_guid_map(self, plex_guid, t_id, imdb_id, expired, media_type):
expiration_date = datetime.now() if expired is True else (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=random.randint(1, self.expiration)))
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO guids_map(plex_guid) VALUES(?)", (plex_guid,))
if media_type is None:
sql = f"UPDATE guids_map SET t_id = ?, imdb_id = ?, expiration_date = ? WHERE plex_guid = ?"
cursor.execute(sql, (t_id, imdb_id, expiration_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), plex_guid))
sql = f"UPDATE guids_map SET t_id = ?, imdb_id = ?, expiration_date = ?, media_type = ? WHERE plex_guid = ?"
cursor.execute(sql, (t_id, imdb_id, expiration_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), media_type, plex_guid))
def query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(self, media_type, _id, imdb=True):
def query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(self, _id, imdb=True, media_type=None, return_type=False):
from_id = "imdb_id" if imdb else "tmdb_id"
to_id = "tmdb_id" if imdb else "imdb_id"
return self._query_map("imdb_to_tmdb_map", _id, from_id, to_id, media_type=media_type)
return self._query_map("imdb_to_tmdb_map", _id, from_id, to_id, media_type=media_type, return_type=return_type)
def update_imdb_to_tmdb_map(self, media_type, expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id):
self._update_map("imdb_to_tmdb_map", "imdb_id", imdb_id, "tmdb_id", tmdb_id, expired, media_type=media_type)
@ -141,9 +161,10 @@ class Cache:
def update_letterboxd_map(self, expired, letterboxd_id, tmdb_id):
self._update_map("letterboxd_map", "letterboxd_id", letterboxd_id, "tmdb_id", tmdb_id, expired)
def _query_map(self, map_name, _id, from_id, to_id, media_type=None):
def _query_map(self, map_name, _id, from_id, to_id, media_type=None, return_type=False):
id_to_return = None
expired = None
out_type = None
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
@ -157,7 +178,11 @@ class Cache:
time_between_insertion = datetime.now() - datetime_object
id_to_return = row[to_id] if to_id == "imdb_id" else int(row[to_id])
expired = time_between_insertion.days > self.expiration
return id_to_return, expired
out_type = row["media_type"] if return_type else None
if return_type:
return id_to_return, out_type, expired
return id_to_return, expired
def _update_map(self, map_name, val1_name, val1, val2_name, val2, expired, media_type=None):
expiration_date = datetime.now() if expired is True else (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=random.randint(1, self.expiration)))
@ -233,30 +258,69 @@ class Cache:
cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO anime_map(anidb) VALUES(?)", (anime_ids["anidb"],))
cursor.execute("UPDATE anime_map SET anilist = ?, myanimelist = ?, kitsu = ?, expiration_date = ? WHERE anidb = ?", (anime_ids["anidb"], anime_ids["myanimelist"], anime_ids["kitsu"], expiration_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), anime_ids["anidb"]))
def query_image_map_overlay(self, library, image_type, overlay):
def get_image_table_name(self, library):
table_name = None
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM image_maps WHERE library = ?", (library,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row and row["key"]:
table_name = f"image_map_{row['key']}"
cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO image_maps(library) VALUES(?)", (library,))
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM image_maps WHERE library = ?", (library,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row and row["key"]:
table_name = f"image_map_{row['key']}"
f"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name} (
rating_key TEXT UNIQUE,
overlay TEXT,
compare TEXT,
location TEXT)"""
f"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name}_backgrounds (
rating_key TEXT UNIQUE,
overlay TEXT,
compare TEXT,
location TEXT)"""
return table_name
def query_image_map_overlay(self, table_name, overlay):
rks = []
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM image_map WHERE overlay = ? AND library = ? AND type = ?", (overlay, library, image_type))
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE overlay = ?", (overlay,))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
return rks
def query_image_map(self, rating_key, library, image_type):
def update_remove_overlay(self, table_name, overlay):
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM image_map WHERE rating_key = ? AND library = ? AND type = ?", (rating_key, library, image_type))
cursor.execute(f"UPDATE {table_name} SET overlay = ? WHERE overlay = ?", ("", overlay))
def query_image_map(self, rating_key, table_name):
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE rating_key = ?", (rating_key,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row and row["location"]:
return row["location"], row["compare"], row["overlay"]
return None, None, None
return row["location"], row["compare"]
return None, None
def update_image_map(self, rating_key, library, image_type, location, compare, overlay):
def update_image_map(self, rating_key, table_name, location, compare, overlay=""):
with sqlite3.connect(self.cache_path) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO image_map(rating_key, library, type) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (rating_key, library, image_type))
cursor.execute("UPDATE image_map SET location = ?, compare = ?, overlay = ? WHERE rating_key = ? AND library = ? AND type = ?", (location, compare, overlay, rating_key, library, image_type))
cursor.execute(f"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {table_name}(rating_key) VALUES(?)", (rating_key,))
cursor.execute(f"UPDATE {table_name} SET location = ?, compare = ?, overlay = ? WHERE rating_key = ?", (location, compare, overlay, rating_key))
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import logging, os
import logging, os, requests
from datetime import datetime
from modules import util
from lxml import html
from modules import util, radarr, sonarr
from modules.anidb import AniDB
from modules.anilist import AniList
from modules.cache import Cache
@ -13,39 +14,19 @@ from modules.omdb import OMDb
from modules.plex import Plex
from modules.radarr import Radarr
from modules.sonarr import Sonarr
from modules.stevenlu import StevenLu
from modules.tautulli import Tautulli
from modules.tmdb import TMDb
from modules.trakttv import Trakt
from modules.trakt import Trakt
from modules.tvdb import TVDb
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
sync_modes = {"append": "Only Add Items to the Collection", "sync": "Add & Remove Items from the Collection"}
radarr_availabilities = {
"announced": "For Announced",
"cinemas": "For In Cinemas",
"released": "For Released",
"db": "For PreDB"
sonarr_monitors = {
"all": "Monitor all episodes except specials",
"future": "Monitor episodes that have not aired yet",
"missing": "Monitor episodes that do not have files or have not aired yet",
"existing": "Monitor episodes that have files or have not aired yet",
"pilot": "Monitor the first episode. All other episodes will be ignored",
"first": "Monitor all episodes of the first season. All other seasons will be ignored",
"latest": "Monitor all episodes of the latest season and future seasons",
"none": "No episodes will be monitored"
sonarr_series_types = {
"standard": "Episodes released with SxxEyy pattern",
"daily": "Episodes released daily or less frequently that use year-month-day (2017-05-25)",
"anime": "Episodes released using an absolute episode number"
mass_update_options = {"tmdb": "Use TMDb Metadata", "omdb": "Use IMDb Metadata through OMDb"}
library_types = {"movie": "For Movie Libraries", "show": "For Show Libraries"}
class Config:
def __init__(self, default_dir, config_path=None, is_test=False, time_scheduled=None, requested_collections=None, requested_libraries=None, resume_from=None):
@ -108,6 +89,7 @@ class Config:
if "omdb" in new_config: new_config["omdb"] = new_config.pop("omdb")
if "trakt" in new_config: new_config["trakt"] = new_config.pop("trakt")
if "mal" in new_config: new_config["mal"] = new_config.pop("mal")
if "anidb" in new_config: new_config["anidb"] = new_config.pop("anidb")
yaml.round_trip_dump(new_config, open(self.config_path, "w", encoding="utf-8"), indent=ind, block_seq_indent=bsi)
self.data = new_config
except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e:
@ -183,38 +165,42 @@ class Config:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {message}")
if do_print:
util.print_multiline(f"Config Warning: {message}")
if attribute in data and data[attribute] and test_list is not None and data[attribute] not in test_list:
if data and attribute in data and data[attribute] and test_list is not None and data[attribute] not in test_list:
return default
self.general = {}
self.general["cache"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "cache", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["cache_expiration"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "cache_expiration", parent="settings", var_type="int", default=60)
self.session = requests.Session()
self.general = {
"cache": check_for_attribute(self.data, "cache", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True),
"cache_expiration": check_for_attribute(self.data, "cache_expiration", parent="settings", var_type="int", default=60),
"asset_directory": check_for_attribute(self.data, "asset_directory", parent="settings", var_type="list_path", default=[os.path.join(default_dir, "assets")]),
"asset_folders": check_for_attribute(self.data, "asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True),
"assets_for_all": check_for_attribute(self.data, "assets_for_all", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False),
"sync_mode": check_for_attribute(self.data, "sync_mode", parent="settings", default="append", test_list=sync_modes),
"run_again_delay": check_for_attribute(self.data, "run_again_delay", parent="settings", var_type="int", default=0),
"show_unmanaged": check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_unmanaged", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True),
"show_filtered": check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_filtered", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False),
"show_missing": check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True),
"save_missing": check_for_attribute(self.data, "save_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True),
"missing_only_released": check_for_attribute(self.data, "missing_only_released", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False),
"create_asset_folders": check_for_attribute(self.data, "create_asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False)
if self.general["cache"]:
self.Cache = Cache(self.config_path, self.general["cache_expiration"])
self.Cache = None
self.general["asset_directory"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "asset_directory", parent="settings", var_type="list_path", default=[os.path.join(default_dir, "assets")])
self.general["asset_folders"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["assets_for_all"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "assets_for_all", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["sync_mode"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "sync_mode", parent="settings", default="append", test_list=sync_modes)
self.general["run_again_delay"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "run_again_delay", parent="settings", var_type="int", default=0)
self.general["show_unmanaged"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_unmanaged", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["show_filtered"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_filtered", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["show_missing"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "show_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["save_missing"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "save_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.TMDb = None
if "tmdb" in self.data:
logger.info("Connecting to TMDb...")
self.tmdb = {}
try: self.tmdb["apikey"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="tmdb", throw=True)
except Failed as e: raise Failed(e)
self.tmdb["language"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "language", parent="tmdb", default="en")
self.TMDb = TMDb(self, self.tmdb)
self.TMDb = TMDb(self, {
"apikey": check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="tmdb", throw=True),
"language": check_for_attribute(self.data, "language", parent="tmdb", default="en")
logger.info(f"TMDb Connection {'Failed' if self.TMDb is None else 'Successful'}")
raise Failed("Config Error: tmdb attribute not found")
@ -224,10 +210,8 @@ class Config:
self.OMDb = None
if "omdb" in self.data:
logger.info("Connecting to OMDb...")
self.omdb = {}
self.omdb["apikey"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="omdb", throw=True)
self.OMDb = OMDb(self.omdb, Cache=self.Cache)
self.OMDb = OMDb(self, {"apikey": check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="omdb", throw=True)})
except Failed as e:
logger.info(f"OMDb Connection {'Failed' if self.OMDb is None else 'Successful'}")
@ -239,13 +223,13 @@ class Config:
self.Trakt = None
if "trakt" in self.data:
logger.info("Connecting to Trakt...")
self.trakt = {}
self.trakt["client_id"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_id", parent="trakt", throw=True)
self.trakt["client_secret"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_secret", parent="trakt", throw=True)
self.trakt["config_path"] = self.config_path
authorization = self.data["trakt"]["authorization"] if "authorization" in self.data["trakt"] and self.data["trakt"]["authorization"] else None
self.Trakt = Trakt(self.trakt, authorization)
self.Trakt = Trakt(self, {
"client_id": check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_id", parent="trakt", throw=True),
"client_secret": check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_secret", parent="trakt", throw=True),
"config_path": self.config_path,
"authorization": self.data["trakt"]["authorization"] if "authorization" in self.data["trakt"] else None
except Failed as e:
logger.info(f"Trakt Connection {'Failed' if self.Trakt is None else 'Successful'}")
@ -257,67 +241,87 @@ class Config:
self.MyAnimeList = None
if "mal" in self.data:
logger.info("Connecting to My Anime List...")
self.mal = {}
self.mal["client_id"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_id", parent="mal", throw=True)
self.mal["client_secret"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_secret", parent="mal", throw=True)
self.mal["config_path"] = self.config_path
authorization = self.data["mal"]["authorization"] if "authorization" in self.data["mal"] and self.data["mal"]["authorization"] else None
self.MyAnimeList = MyAnimeList(self.mal, self, authorization)
self.MyAnimeList = MyAnimeList(self, {
"client_id": check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_id", parent="mal", throw=True),
"client_secret": check_for_attribute(self.data, "client_secret", parent="mal", throw=True),
"config_path": self.config_path,
"authorization": self.data["mal"]["authorization"] if "authorization" in self.data["mal"] else None
except Failed as e:
logger.info(f"My Anime List Connection {'Failed' if self.MyAnimeList is None else 'Successful'}")
logger.warning("mal attribute not found")
self.AniDB = None
if "anidb" in self.data:
logger.info("Connecting to AniDB...")
self.AniDB = AniDB(self, {
"username": check_for_attribute(self.data, "username", parent="anidb", throw=True),
"password": check_for_attribute(self.data, "password", parent="anidb", throw=True)
except Failed as e:
logger.info(f"My Anime List Connection {'Failed Continuing as Guest ' if self.MyAnimeList is None else 'Successful'}")
if self.AniDB is None:
self.AniDB = AniDB(self, None)
self.TVDb = TVDb(self)
self.IMDb = IMDb(self)
self.AniDB = AniDB(self)
self.Convert = Convert(self)
self.AniList = AniList(self)
self.Letterboxd = Letterboxd(self)
self.ICheckMovies = ICheckMovies(self)
self.StevenLu = StevenLu(self)
logger.info("Connecting to Plex Libraries...")
self.general["plex"] = {}
self.general["plex"]["url"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="plex", var_type="url", default_is_none=True)
self.general["plex"]["token"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="plex", default_is_none=True)
self.general["plex"]["timeout"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "timeout", parent="plex", var_type="int", default=60)
self.general["plex"]["clean_bundles"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "clean_bundles", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["plex"]["empty_trash"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "empty_trash", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["plex"]["optimize"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "optimize", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["radarr"] = {}
self.general["radarr"]["url"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="radarr", var_type="url", default_is_none=True)
self.general["radarr"]["token"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["radarr"]["add"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "add", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["radarr"]["root_folder_path"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "root_folder_path", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["radarr"]["monitor"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "monitor", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["radarr"]["availability"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "availability", parent="radarr", test_list=radarr_availabilities, default="announced")
self.general["radarr"]["quality_profile"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "quality_profile", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["radarr"]["tag"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "tag", parent="radarr", var_type="lower_list", default_is_none=True)
self.general["radarr"]["search"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "search", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["sonarr"] = {}
self.general["sonarr"]["url"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="sonarr", var_type="url", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["token"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["add"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "add", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["sonarr"]["root_folder_path"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "root_folder_path", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["monitor"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "monitor", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr_monitors, default="all")
self.general["sonarr"]["quality_profile"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "quality_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["language_profile"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["series_type"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "series_type", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr_series_types, default="standard")
self.general["sonarr"]["season_folder"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "season_folder", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["tag"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "tag", parent="sonarr", var_type="lower_list", default_is_none=True)
self.general["sonarr"]["search"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["sonarr"]["cutoff_search"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "cutoff_search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["tautulli"] = {}
self.general["tautulli"]["url"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="tautulli", var_type="url", default_is_none=True)
self.general["tautulli"]["apikey"] = check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="tautulli", default_is_none=True)
self.general["plex"] = {
"url": check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="plex", var_type="url", default_is_none=True),
"token": check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="plex", default_is_none=True),
"timeout": check_for_attribute(self.data, "timeout", parent="plex", var_type="int", default=60),
"clean_bundles": check_for_attribute(self.data, "clean_bundles", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False),
"empty_trash": check_for_attribute(self.data, "empty_trash", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False),
"optimize": check_for_attribute(self.data, "optimize", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["radarr"] = {
"url": check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="radarr", var_type="url", default_is_none=True),
"token": check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True),
"add": check_for_attribute(self.data, "add", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=False),
"add_existing": check_for_attribute(self.data, "add_existing", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=False),
"root_folder_path": check_for_attribute(self.data, "root_folder_path", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True),
"monitor": check_for_attribute(self.data, "monitor", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=True),
"availability": check_for_attribute(self.data, "availability", parent="radarr", test_list=radarr.availability_descriptions, default="announced"),
"quality_profile": check_for_attribute(self.data, "quality_profile", parent="radarr", default_is_none=True),
"tag": check_for_attribute(self.data, "tag", parent="radarr", var_type="lower_list", default_is_none=True),
"search": check_for_attribute(self.data, "search", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["sonarr"] = {
"url": check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="sonarr", var_type="url", default_is_none=True),
"token": check_for_attribute(self.data, "token", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True),
"add": check_for_attribute(self.data, "add", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False),
"add_existing": check_for_attribute(self.data, "add_existing", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False),
"root_folder_path": check_for_attribute(self.data, "root_folder_path", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True),
"monitor": check_for_attribute(self.data, "monitor", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr.monitor_descriptions, default="all"),
"quality_profile": check_for_attribute(self.data, "quality_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True),
"language_profile": check_for_attribute(self.data, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True),
"series_type": check_for_attribute(self.data, "series_type", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr.series_type_descriptions, default="standard"),
"season_folder": check_for_attribute(self.data, "season_folder", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=True),
"tag": check_for_attribute(self.data, "tag", parent="sonarr", var_type="lower_list", default_is_none=True),
"search": check_for_attribute(self.data, "search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False),
"cutoff_search": check_for_attribute(self.data, "cutoff_search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=False)
self.general["tautulli"] = {
"url": check_for_attribute(self.data, "url", parent="tautulli", var_type="url", default_is_none=True),
"apikey": check_for_attribute(self.data, "apikey", parent="tautulli", default_is_none=True)
self.libraries = []
libs = check_for_attribute(self.data, "libraries", throw=True)
@ -326,14 +330,11 @@ class Config:
if self.requested_libraries and library_name not in self.requested_libraries:
params = {}
params["mapping_name"] = str(library_name)
if lib and "library_name" in lib and lib["library_name"]:
params["name"] = str(lib["library_name"])
display_name = f"{params['name']} ({params['mapping_name']})"
params["name"] = params["mapping_name"]
display_name = params["mapping_name"]
params = {
"mapping_name": str(library_name),
"name": str(lib["library_name"]) if lib and "library_name" in lib and lib["library_name"] else str(library_name)
display_name = f"{params['name']} ({params['mapping_name']})" if lib and "library_name" in lib and lib["library_name"] else params["mapping_name"]
util.separator(f"{display_name} Configuration")
@ -343,79 +344,39 @@ class Config:
if params["asset_directory"] is None:
logger.warning("Config Warning: Assets will not be used asset_directory attribute must be set under config or under this specific Library")
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "asset_folders" in lib["settings"]:
params["asset_folders"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["asset_folders"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["asset_folders"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "asset_folders", var_type="bool", default=self.general["asset_folders"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["asset_folders"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["asset_folders"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["assets_for_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "assets_for_all", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["assets_for_all"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["sync_mode"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "sync_mode", parent="settings", test_list=sync_modes, default=self.general["sync_mode"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_unmanaged"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_unmanaged", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_unmanaged"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_filtered"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_filtered", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_filtered"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["save_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "save_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["save_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["missing_only_released"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "missing_only_released", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["missing_only_released"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["create_asset_folders"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "create_asset_folders", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["create_asset_folders"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "assets_for_all" in lib["settings"]:
params["assets_for_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "assets_for_all", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["assets_for_all"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["assets_for_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "assets_for_all", var_type="bool", default=self.general["assets_for_all"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "sync_mode" in lib["settings"]:
params["sync_mode"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "sync_mode", parent="settings", test_list=sync_modes, default=self.general["sync_mode"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["sync_mode"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "sync_mode", test_list=sync_modes, default=self.general["sync_mode"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "show_unmanaged" in lib["settings"]:
params["show_unmanaged"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_unmanaged", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_unmanaged"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_unmanaged"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_unmanaged", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_unmanaged"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "show_filtered" in lib["settings"]:
params["show_filtered"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_filtered", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_filtered"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_filtered"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_filtered", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_filtered"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "show_missing" in lib["settings"]:
params["show_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["show_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "show_missing", var_type="bool", default=self.general["show_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "settings" in lib and lib["settings"] and "save_missing" in lib["settings"]:
params["save_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "save_missing", parent="settings", var_type="bool", default=self.general["save_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
params["save_missing"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "save_missing", var_type="bool", default=self.general["save_missing"], do_print=False, save=False)
if lib and "mass_genre_update" in lib and lib["mass_genre_update"]:
params["mass_genre_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_genre_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_genre_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_genre_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_genre_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
params["mass_genre_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_genre_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False, do_print=lib and "mass_genre_update" in lib)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_genre_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_genre_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_genre_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
if lib and "mass_audience_rating_update" in lib and lib["mass_audience_rating_update"]:
params["mass_audience_rating_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_audience_rating_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_audience_rating_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_audience_rating_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_audience_rating_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
params["mass_audience_rating_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_audience_rating_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False, do_print=lib and "mass_audience_rating_update" in lib)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_audience_rating_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_audience_rating_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_audience_rating_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
if lib and "mass_critic_rating_update" in lib and lib["mass_critic_rating_update"]:
params["mass_critic_rating_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_critic_rating_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_critic_rating_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_critic_rating_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_critic_rating_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
params["mass_critic_rating_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_critic_rating_update", test_list=mass_update_options, default_is_none=True, save=False, do_print=lib and "mass_audience_rating_update" in lib)
if self.OMDb is None and params["mass_critic_rating_update"] == "omdb":
params["mass_critic_rating_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_critic_rating_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection")
if lib and "split_duplicates" in lib and lib["split_duplicates"]:
params["split_duplicates"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "split_duplicates", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False)
params["split_duplicates"] = None
params["mass_trakt_rating_update"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "mass_trakt_rating_update", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False, do_print=lib and "mass_trakt_rating_update" in lib)
if self.Trakt is None and params["mass_trakt_rating_update"]:
params["mass_trakt_rating_update"] = None
logger.error("Config Error: mass_trakt_rating_update cannot run without a successful Trakt Connection")
if lib and "radarr_add_all" in lib and lib["radarr_add_all"]:
params["radarr_add_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "radarr_add_all", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False)
params["radarr_add_all"] = None
if lib and "sonarr_add_all" in lib and lib["sonarr_add_all"]:
params["sonarr_add_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "sonarr_add_all", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False)
params["sonarr_add_all"] = None
params["split_duplicates"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "split_duplicates", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False, do_print=lib and "split_duplicates" in lib)
params["radarr_add_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "radarr_add_all", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False, do_print=lib and "radarr_add_all" in lib)
params["sonarr_add_all"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "sonarr_add_all", var_type="bool", default=False, save=False, do_print=lib and "sonarr_add_all" in lib)
if lib and "metadata_path" in lib:
@ -425,33 +386,29 @@ class Config:
paths_to_check = lib["metadata_path"] if isinstance(lib["metadata_path"], list) else [lib["metadata_path"]]
for path in paths_to_check:
if isinstance(path, dict):
if "url" in path:
if path["url"] is None:
logger.error("Config Error: metadata_path url is blank")
params["metadata_path"].append(("URL", path["url"]))
if "git" in path:
if path["git"] is None:
logger.error("Config Error: metadata_path git is blank")
params["metadata_path"].append(("Git", path['git']))
if "file" in path:
if path["file"] is None:
logger.error("Config Error: metadata_path file is blank")
params["metadata_path"].append(("File", path['file']))
def check_dict(attr, name):
if attr in path:
if path[attr] is None:
logger.error(f"Config Error: metadata_path {attr} is blank")
params["metadata_path"].append((name, path[attr]))
check_dict("url", "URL")
check_dict("git", "Git")
check_dict("file", "File")
check_dict("folder", "Folder")
params["metadata_path"].append(("File", path))
params["metadata_path"] = [("File", os.path.join(default_dir, f"{library_name}.yml"))]
params["default_dir"] = default_dir
params["plex"] = {}
params["plex"]["url"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="plex", var_type="url", default=self.general["plex"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False)
params["plex"]["token"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="plex", default=self.general["plex"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False)
params["plex"]["timeout"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "timeout", parent="plex", var_type="int", default=self.general["plex"]["timeout"], save=False)
params["plex"]["clean_bundles"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "clean_bundles", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["clean_bundles"], save=False)
params["plex"]["empty_trash"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "empty_trash", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["empty_trash"], save=False)
params["plex"]["optimize"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "optimize", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["optimize"], save=False)
params["plex"] = {
"url": check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="plex", var_type="url", default=self.general["plex"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False),
"token": check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="plex", default=self.general["plex"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False),
"timeout": check_for_attribute(lib, "timeout", parent="plex", var_type="int", default=self.general["plex"]["timeout"], save=False),
"clean_bundles": check_for_attribute(lib, "clean_bundles", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["clean_bundles"], save=False),
"empty_trash": check_for_attribute(lib, "empty_trash", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["empty_trash"], save=False),
"optimize": check_for_attribute(lib, "optimize", parent="plex", var_type="bool", default=self.general["plex"]["optimize"], save=False)
library = Plex(self, params)
logger.info(f"{display_name} Library Connection Successful")
@ -467,18 +424,19 @@ class Config:
logger.info(f"Connecting to {display_name} library's Radarr...")
radarr_params = {}
radarr_params["url"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="radarr", var_type="url", default=self.general["radarr"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False)
radarr_params["token"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="radarr", default=self.general["radarr"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False)
radarr_params["add"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "add", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["add"], save=False)
radarr_params["root_folder_path"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "root_folder_path", parent="radarr", default=self.general["radarr"]["root_folder_path"], req_default=True, save=False)
radarr_params["monitor"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "monitor", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["monitor"], save=False)
radarr_params["availability"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "availability", parent="radarr", test_list=radarr_availabilities, default=self.general["radarr"]["availability"], save=False)
radarr_params["quality_profile"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "quality_profile", parent="radarr", default=self.general["radarr"]["quality_profile"], req_default=True, save=False)
radarr_params["tag"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="radarr", var_type="lower_list", default=self.general["radarr"]["tag"], default_is_none=True, save=False)
radarr_params["search"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["search"], save=False)
library.Radarr = Radarr(radarr_params)
library.Radarr = Radarr(self, {
"url": check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="radarr", var_type="url", default=self.general["radarr"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False),
"token": check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="radarr", default=self.general["radarr"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False),
"add": check_for_attribute(lib, "add", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["add"], save=False),
"add_existing": check_for_attribute(lib, "add_existing", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["add_existing"], save=False),
"root_folder_path": check_for_attribute(lib, "root_folder_path", parent="radarr", default=self.general["radarr"]["root_folder_path"], req_default=True, save=False),
"monitor": check_for_attribute(lib, "monitor", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["monitor"], save=False),
"availability": check_for_attribute(lib, "availability", parent="radarr", test_list=radarr.availability_descriptions, default=self.general["radarr"]["availability"], save=False),
"quality_profile": check_for_attribute(lib, "quality_profile", parent="radarr",default=self.general["radarr"]["quality_profile"], req_default=True, save=False),
"tag": check_for_attribute(lib, "tag", parent="radarr", var_type="lower_list", default=self.general["radarr"]["tag"], default_is_none=True, save=False),
"search": check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="radarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["radarr"]["search"], save=False)
except Failed as e:
util.print_multiline(e, error=True)
@ -491,24 +449,22 @@ class Config:
logger.info(f"Connecting to {display_name} library's Sonarr...")
sonarr_params = {}
sonarr_params["url"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="sonarr", var_type="url", default=self.general["sonarr"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False)
sonarr_params["token"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False)
sonarr_params["add"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "add", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["add"], save=False)
sonarr_params["root_folder_path"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "root_folder_path", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["root_folder_path"], req_default=True, save=False)
sonarr_params["monitor"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "monitor", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr_monitors, default=self.general["sonarr"]["monitor"], save=False)
sonarr_params["quality_profile"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "quality_profile", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["quality_profile"], req_default=True, save=False)
if self.general["sonarr"]["language_profile"]:
sonarr_params["language_profile"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["language_profile"], save=False)
sonarr_params["language_profile"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True, save=False)
sonarr_params["series_type"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "series_type", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr_series_types, default=self.general["sonarr"]["series_type"], save=False)
sonarr_params["season_folder"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "season_folder", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["season_folder"], save=False)
sonarr_params["tag"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="sonarr", var_type="lower_list", default=self.general["sonarr"]["tag"], default_is_none=True, save=False)
sonarr_params["search"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["search"], save=False)
sonarr_params["cutoff_search"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "cutoff_search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["cutoff_search"], save=False)
library.Sonarr = Sonarr(sonarr_params)
library.Sonarr = Sonarr(self, {
"url": check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="sonarr", var_type="url", default=self.general["sonarr"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False),
"token": check_for_attribute(lib, "token", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["token"], req_default=True, save=False),
"add": check_for_attribute(lib, "add", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["add"], save=False),
"add_existing": check_for_attribute(lib, "add_existing", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["add_existing"], save=False),
"root_folder_path": check_for_attribute(lib, "root_folder_path", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["root_folder_path"], req_default=True, save=False),
"monitor": check_for_attribute(lib, "monitor", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr.monitor_descriptions, default=self.general["sonarr"]["monitor"], save=False),
"quality_profile": check_for_attribute(lib, "quality_profile", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["quality_profile"], req_default=True, save=False),
"language_profile": check_for_attribute(lib, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default=self.general["sonarr"]["language_profile"], save=False) if self.general["sonarr"]["language_profile"] else check_for_attribute(lib, "language_profile", parent="sonarr", default_is_none=True, save=False),
"series_type": check_for_attribute(lib, "series_type", parent="sonarr", test_list=sonarr.series_type_descriptions, default=self.general["sonarr"]["series_type"], save=False),
"season_folder": check_for_attribute(lib, "season_folder", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["season_folder"], save=False),
"tag": check_for_attribute(lib, "tag", parent="sonarr", var_type="lower_list", default=self.general["sonarr"]["tag"], default_is_none=True, save=False),
"search": check_for_attribute(lib, "search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["search"], save=False),
"cutoff_search": check_for_attribute(lib, "cutoff_search", parent="sonarr", var_type="bool", default=self.general["sonarr"]["cutoff_search"], save=False)
except Failed as e:
util.print_multiline(e, error=True)
@ -521,11 +477,11 @@ class Config:
logger.info(f"Connecting to {display_name} library's Tautulli...")
tautulli_params = {}
tautulli_params["url"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="tautulli", var_type="url", default=self.general["tautulli"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False)
tautulli_params["apikey"] = check_for_attribute(lib, "apikey", parent="tautulli", default=self.general["tautulli"]["apikey"], req_default=True, save=False)
library.Tautulli = Tautulli(tautulli_params)
library.Tautulli = Tautulli(self, {
"url": check_for_attribute(lib, "url", parent="tautulli", var_type="url", default=self.general["tautulli"]["url"], req_default=True, save=False),
"apikey": check_for_attribute(lib, "apikey", parent="tautulli", default=self.general["tautulli"]["apikey"], req_default=True, save=False)
except Failed as e:
util.print_multiline(e, error=True)
@ -544,3 +500,22 @@ class Config:
def get_html(self, url, headers=None, params=None):
return html.fromstring(self.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).content)
def get_json(self, url, headers=None):
return self.get(url, headers=headers).json()
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def get(self, url, headers=None, params=None):
return self.session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
def post_html(self, url, data=None, json=None, headers=None):
return html.fromstring(self.post(url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers).content)
def post_json(self, url, data=None, json=None, headers=None):
return self.post(url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers).json()
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def post(self, url, data=None, json=None, headers=None):
return self.session.post(url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers)
@ -1,41 +1,43 @@
import logging, re, requests
from lxml import html
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
arms_url = "https://relations.yuna.moe/api/ids"
anidb_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml"
class Convert:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.arms_url = "https://relations.yuna.moe/api/ids"
self.anidb_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml"
self.AniDBIDs = self._get_anidb()
self.AniDBIDs = self.config.get_html(anidb_url)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _get_anidb(self):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(self.anidb_url).content)
def _anidb(self, input_id, to_id, fail=False):
ids = self.AniDBIDs.xpath(f"//anime[contains(@anidbid, '{input_id}')]/@{to_id}")
if len(ids) > 0:
if len(ids[0]) > 0:
return util.get_list(ids[0]) if to_id == "imdbid" else int(ids[0])
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
fail_text = f"Convert Error: No {util.pretty_ids[to_id]} ID found for AniDB ID: {input_id}"
def _anidb(self, anidb_id, fail=False):
tvdbid = self.AniDBIDs.xpath(f"//anime[contains(@anidbid, '{anidb_id}')]/@tvdbid")
imdbid = self.AniDBIDs.xpath(f"//anime[contains(@anidbid, '{anidb_id}')]/@imdbid")
if len(tvdbid) > 0:
if len(imdbid[0]) > 0:
imdb_ids = util.get_list(imdbid[0])
tmdb_ids = []
for imdb in imdb_ids:
tmdb_id, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb)
if tmdb_id and tmdb_type == "movie":
if tmdb_ids:
return None, imdb_ids, tmdb_ids
fail_text = f"Convert Error: No TMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}"
return int(tvdbid[0]), [], []
except ValueError:
fail_text = f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}"
fail_text = f"Convert Error: AniDB ID: {input_id} not found"
fail_text = f"Convert Error: AniDB ID: {anidb_id} not found"
if fail:
raise Failed(fail_text)
return [] if to_id == "imdbid" else None
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, ids):
return requests.post(self.arms_url, json=ids).json()
return None, [], []
def _arms_ids(self, anilist_ids=None, anidb_ids=None, mal_ids=None):
all_ids = []
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ class Convert:
if len(unconverted_ids) > 0:
for unconverted_id_set in unconverted_id_sets:
for anime_ids in self._request(unconverted_id_set):
for anime_ids in self.config.post_json(arms_url, json=unconverted_id_set):
if anime_ids:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_anime_map(False, anime_ids)
@ -76,24 +78,17 @@ class Convert:
return converted_ids
def anidb_to_ids(self, anidb_list):
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
ids = []
for anidb_id in anidb_list:
imdb_ids = self.anidb_to_imdb(anidb_id)
tmdb_ids = []
if imdb_ids:
for imdb_id in imdb_ids:
tmdb_id = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id)
if tmdb_id:
tvdb_id = self.anidb_to_tvdb(anidb_id)
if tvdb_id:
if tmdb_ids:
if not tvdb_id and not tmdb_ids:
logger.error(f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
tvdb_id, _, tmdb_ids = self._anidb(anidb_id, fail=True)
if tvdb_id:
ids.append((tvdb_id, "tvdb"))
if tmdb_ids:
ids.extend([(t, "tmdb") for t in tmdb_ids])
except Failed as e:
return ids
def anilist_to_ids(self, anilist_ids):
anidb_ids = []
@ -113,55 +108,44 @@ class Convert:
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for MyAnimeList ID: {id_set['myanimelist']}")
return self.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids)
def anidb_to_tvdb(self, anidb_id, fail=False):
return self._anidb(anidb_id, "tvdbid", fail=fail)
def anidb_to_imdb(self, anidb_id, fail=False):
return self._anidb(anidb_id, "imdbid", fail=fail)
def tmdb_to_imdb(self, tmdb_id, is_movie=True, fail=False):
media_type = "movie" if is_movie else "show"
expired = False
if self.config.Cache and is_movie:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(media_type, tmdb_id, imdb=False)
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(tmdb_id, imdb=False, media_type=media_type)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
imdb_id = None
imdb_id = self.config.TMDb.convert_from(tmdb_id, "imdb_id", is_movie)
if imdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tmdb_map(media_type, expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id)
return imdb_id
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
imdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(tmdb_id, "tmdb", "imdb", "movie" if is_movie else "show")
except Failed:
if fail and imdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No IMDb ID Found for TMDb ID: {tmdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and imdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tmdb_map(media_type, expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id)
return imdb_id
return None
def imdb_to_tmdb(self, imdb_id, is_movie=True, fail=False):
media_type = "movie" if is_movie else "show"
def imdb_to_tmdb(self, imdb_id, fail=False):
expired = False
if self.config.Cache and is_movie:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(media_type, imdb_id, imdb=True)
if self.config.Cache:
cache_id, cache_type, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tmdb_map(imdb_id, imdb=True, return_type=True)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
tmdb_id = None
return cache_id, cache_type
tmdb_id = self.config.TMDb.convert_to(imdb_id, "imdb_id", is_movie)
tmdb_id, tmdb_type = self.config.TMDb.convert_imdb_to(imdb_id)
if tmdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tmdb_map(tmdb_type, expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id)
return tmdb_id, tmdb_type
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
tmdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(imdb_id, "imdb", "tmdb", media_type)
except Failed:
if fail and tmdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No TMDb ID Found for IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and tmdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tmdb_map(media_type, expired, imdb_id, tmdb_id)
return tmdb_id
return None, None
def tmdb_to_tvdb(self, tmdb_id, fail=False):
expired = False
@ -169,20 +153,18 @@ class Convert:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(tmdb_id, tmdb=True)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
tvdb_id = None
tvdb_id = self.config.TMDb.convert_from(tmdb_id, "tvdb_id", False)
if tvdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, tmdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tvdb_id
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
tvdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(tmdb_id, "tmdb", "tvdb", "show")
except Failed:
if fail and tvdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID Found for TMDb ID: {tmdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and tvdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, tmdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tvdb_id
return None
def tvdb_to_tmdb(self, tvdb_id, fail=False):
expired = False
@ -190,20 +172,18 @@ class Convert:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(tvdb_id, tmdb=False)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
tmdb_id = None
tmdb_id = self.config.TMDb.convert_to(tvdb_id, "tvdb_id", False)
tmdb_id = self.config.TMDb.convert_tvdb_to(tvdb_id)
if tmdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, tmdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tmdb_id
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
tmdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(tvdb_id, "tvdb", "tmdb", "show")
except Failed:
if fail and tmdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No TMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: {tvdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and tmdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_tmdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, tmdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tmdb_id
return None
def tvdb_to_imdb(self, tvdb_id, fail=False):
expired = False
@ -211,20 +191,18 @@ class Convert:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tvdb_map(tvdb_id, imdb=False)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
imdb_id = None
imdb_id = self.tmdb_to_imdb(self.tvdb_to_tmdb(tvdb_id, fail=True), is_movie=False, fail=True)
if imdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, imdb_id, tvdb_id)
return imdb_id
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
imdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(tvdb_id, "tvdb", "imdb", "show")
except Failed:
if fail and imdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No IMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: {tvdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and imdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, imdb_id, tvdb_id)
return imdb_id
return None
def imdb_to_tvdb(self, imdb_id, fail=False):
expired = False
@ -232,41 +210,38 @@ class Convert:
cache_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_to_tvdb_map(imdb_id, imdb=True)
if cache_id and not expired:
return cache_id
tvdb_id = None
tvdb_id = self.tmdb_to_tvdb(self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id, is_movie=False, fail=True), fail=True)
tmdb_id, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id, fail=True)
if tmdb_type == "show":
tvdb_id = self.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_id, fail=True)
if tvdb_id:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, imdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tvdb_id
except Failed:
if self.config.Trakt:
tvdb_id = self.config.Trakt.convert(imdb_id, "imdb", "tvdb", "show")
except Failed:
if fail and tvdb_id is None:
if fail:
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID Found for IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and tvdb_id:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_to_tvdb_map(expired, imdb_id, tvdb_id)
return tvdb_id
return None
def get_id(self, item, library):
expired = None
tmdb_id = []
tvdb_id = []
imdb_id = []
anidb_id = None
if self.config.Cache:
cache_id, media_type, expired = self.config.Cache.query_guid_map(item.guid)
cache_id, imdb_check, media_type, expired = self.config.Cache.query_guid_map(item.guid)
if cache_id and not expired:
media_id_type = "movie" if "movie" in media_type else "show"
return media_id_type, util.get_list(cache_id, int_list=True)
return media_id_type, cache_id, imdb_check
tmdb_id = None
imdb_id = None
tvdb_id = None
anidb_id = None
guid = requests.utils.urlparse(item.guid)
item_type = guid.scheme.split(".")[-1]
check_id = guid.netloc
if item_type == "plex":
tmdb_id = []
imdb_id = []
tvdb_id = []
for guid_tag in library.get_guids(item):
url_parsed = requests.utils.urlparse(guid_tag.id)
@ -278,12 +253,13 @@ class Convert:
raise Failed("No External GUIDs found")
if not tvdb_id and not imdb_id and not tmdb_id:
raise Failed("Refresh Metadata")
elif item_type == "imdb": imdb_id = check_id
elif item_type == "thetvdb": tvdb_id = int(check_id)
elif item_type == "themoviedb": tmdb_id = int(check_id)
elif item_type == "imdb": imdb_id.append(check_id)
elif item_type == "thetvdb": tvdb_id.append(int(check_id))
elif item_type == "themoviedb": tmdb_id.append(int(check_id))
elif item_type == "hama":
if check_id.startswith("tvdb"): tvdb_id = int(re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1))
if check_id.startswith("tvdb"): tvdb_id.append(int(re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1)))
elif check_id.startswith("anidb"): anidb_id = re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1)
else: raise Failed(f"Hama Agent ID: {check_id} not supported")
elif item_type == "myanimelist":
@ -294,72 +270,63 @@ class Convert:
else: raise Failed(f"Agent {item_type} not supported")
if anidb_id:
tvdb_id = self.anidb_to_tvdb(anidb_id)
if not tvdb_id:
imdb_id = self.anidb_to_imdb(anidb_id)
if not imdb_id and not tvdb_id:
raise Failed(f"Unable to convert AniDB ID: {anidb_id} to TVDb ID or IMDb ID")
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id:
if isinstance(imdb_id, list):
tmdb_id = []
ani_tvdb, ani_imdb, ani_tmdb = self._anidb(anidb_id, fail=True)
if ani_imdb:
if ani_tmdb:
if ani_tvdb:
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id:
for imdb in imdb_id:
tmdb_id.append(self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb, fail=True))
except Failed:
tmdb_id = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id)
if not tmdb_id:
raise Failed(f"Unable to convert IMDb ID: {util.compile_list(imdb_id)} to TMDb ID")
if not anidb_id and not tvdb_id and tmdb_id and library.is_show:
if isinstance(tmdb_id, list):
tvdb_id = []
tmdb, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb)
if tmdb and ((tmdb_type == "movie" and library.is_movie) or (tmdb_type == "show" and library.is_show)):
if not imdb_id and tmdb_id and library.is_movie:
for tmdb in tmdb_id:
tvdb_id.append(self.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb, fail=True))
except Failed:
tvdb_id = self.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_id)
if not tvdb_id:
raise Failed(f"Unable to convert TMDb ID: {util.compile_list(tmdb_id)} to TVDb ID")
imdb = self.tmdb_to_imdb(tmdb)
if imdb:
if tvdb_id:
if isinstance(tvdb_id, list):
new_tvdb_id = []
for tvdb in tvdb_id:
except ValueError:
tvdb_id = new_tvdb_id
tvdb_id = int(tvdb_id)
except ValueError:
tvdb_id = None
if not tvdb_id and tmdb_id and library.is_show:
for tmdb in tmdb_id:
tvdb = self.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb)
if tvdb:
if not tvdb_id:
raise Failed(f"Unable to convert TMDb ID: {', '.join([str(t) for t in tmdb_id])} to TVDb ID")
def update_cache(cache_ids, id_type, guid_type):
if not imdb_id and tvdb_id:
for tvdb in tvdb_id:
imdb = self.tvdb_to_imdb(tvdb)
if imdb:
def update_cache(cache_ids, id_type, imdb_in, guid_type):
if self.config.Cache:
cache_ids = util.compile_list(cache_ids)
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f" Cache | {'^' if expired else '+'} | {item.guid:<46} | {id_type} ID: {cache_ids:<6} | {item.title}"))
self.config.Cache.update_guid_map(guid_type, item.guid, cache_ids, expired)
cache_ids = ",".join([str(c) for c in cache_ids])
imdb_in = ",".join([str(i) for i in imdb_in]) if imdb_in else None
ids = f"{item.guid:<46} | {id_type} ID: {cache_ids:<7} | IMDb ID: {str(imdb_in):<10}"
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f" Cache | {'^' if expired else '+'} | {ids} | {item.title}"))
self.config.Cache.update_guid_map(item.guid, cache_ids, imdb_in, expired, guid_type)
if tmdb_id and library.is_movie:
update_cache(tmdb_id, "TMDb", "movie")
return "movie", tmdb_id
update_cache(tmdb_id, "TMDb", imdb_id, "movie")
return "movie", tmdb_id, imdb_id
elif tvdb_id and library.is_show:
update_cache(tvdb_id, "TVDb", "show")
return "show", tvdb_id
update_cache(tvdb_id, "TVDb", imdb_id, "show")
return "show", tvdb_id, imdb_id
elif anidb_id and tmdb_id and library.is_show:
update_cache(tmdb_id, "TMDb", "show_movie")
return "movie", tmdb_id
update_cache(tmdb_id, "TMDb", imdb_id, "show_movie")
return "movie", tmdb_id, imdb_id
logger.debug(f"TMDb: {tmdb_id}, IMDb: {imdb_id}, TVDb: {tvdb_id}")
raise Failed(f"No ID to convert")
except Failed as e:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Mapping Error | {item.guid:<46} | {e} for {item.title}"))
except BadRequest:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Mapping Error | {item.guid:<46} | Bad Request for {item.title}"))
return None, None
return None, None, None
@ -1,55 +1,42 @@
import logging, requests
from lxml import html
import logging
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["icheckmovies_list", "icheckmovies_list_details"]
base_url = "https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/"
class ICheckMovies:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.list_url = "https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/"
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}).content)
def _request(self, url, language, xpath):
return self.config.get_html(url, headers=util.header(language)).xpath(xpath)
def _parse_list(self, list_url, language):
response = self._request(list_url, language)
imdb_urls = response.xpath("//a[@class='optionIcon optionIMDB external']/@href")
return [t[t.find("/tt") + 1:-1] for t in imdb_urls]
imdb_urls = self._request(list_url, language, "//a[@class='optionIcon optionIMDB external']/@href")
return [(t[t.find("/tt") + 1:-1], "imdb") for t in imdb_urls]
def get_list_description(self, list_url, language):
descriptions = self._request(list_url, language).xpath("//div[@class='span-19 last']/p/em/text()")
descriptions = self._request(list_url, language, "//div[@class='span-19 last']/p/em/text()")
return descriptions[0] if len(descriptions) > 0 and len(descriptions[0]) > 0 else None
def validate_icheckmovies_list(self, list_url, language):
list_url = list_url.strip()
if not list_url.startswith(self.list_url):
raise Failed(f"ICheckMovies Error: {list_url} must begin with: {self.list_url}")
if len(self._parse_list(list_url, language)) > 0:
return list_url
raise Failed(f"ICheckMovies Error: {list_url} failed to parse")
def validate_icheckmovies_lists(self, icheckmovies_lists, language):
valid_lists = []
for icheckmovies_list in util.get_list(icheckmovies_lists, split=False):
list_url = icheckmovies_list.strip()
if not list_url.startswith(base_url):
raise Failed(f"ICheckMovies Error: {list_url} must begin with: {base_url}")
elif len(self._parse_list(list_url, language)) > 0:
raise Failed(f"ICheckMovies Error: {list_url} failed to parse")
return valid_lists
def get_items(self, method, data, language):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
movie_ids = []
def get_icheckmovies_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "icheckmovies_list":
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
imdb_ids = self._parse_list(data, language)
total_ids = len(imdb_ids)
for i, imdb_id in enumerate(imdb_ids, 1):
util.print_return(f"Converting IMDb ID {i}/{total_ids}")
except Failed as e:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Processed {total_ids} IMDb IDs"))
logger.info(f"Processing ICheckMovies List: {data}")
return self._parse_list(data, language)
raise Failed(f"ICheckMovies Error: Method {method} not supported")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
return movie_ids, []
@ -1,125 +1,107 @@
import logging, math, re, requests
from lxml import html
import logging, math, re, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["imdb_list", "imdb_id"]
base_url = "https://www.imdb.com"
urls = {
"list": f"{base_url}/list/ls",
"search": f"{base_url}/search/title/",
"keyword": f"{base_url}/search/keyword/"
xpath = {
"imdb_id": "//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]//a/img//@data-tconst",
"list": "//div[@class='desc lister-total-num-results']/text()",
"search": "//div[@class='desc']/span/text()",
"keyword": "//div[@class='desc']/text()"
item_counts = {"list": 100, "search": 250, "keyword": 50}
class IMDb:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.urls = {
"list": "https://www.imdb.com/list/ls",
"search": "https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?",
"keyword": "https://www.imdb.com/search/keyword/?"
def validate_imdb_url(self, imdb_url, language):
imdb_url = imdb_url.strip()
if not imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["list"]) and not imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["search"]) and not imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["keyword"]):
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: {imdb_url} must begin with either:\n{self.urls['list']} (For Lists)\n{self.urls['search']} (For Searches)\n{self.urls['keyword']} (For Keyword Searches)")
total, _ = self._total(self._fix_url(imdb_url), language)
if total > 0:
return imdb_url
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: {imdb_url} failed to parse")
def _fix_url(self, imdb_url):
if imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["list"]):
try: list_id = re.search("(\\d+)", str(imdb_url)).group(1)
except AttributeError: raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse List ID from {imdb_url}")
return f"{self.urls['search']}lists=ls{list_id}"
elif imdb_url.endswith("/"):
return imdb_url[:-1]
return imdb_url
def validate_imdb_lists(self, imdb_lists, language):
valid_lists = []
for imdb_dict in util.get_list(imdb_lists, split=False):
if not isinstance(imdb_dict, dict):
imdb_dict = {"url": imdb_dict}
dict_methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in imdb_dict}
imdb_url = util.parse("url", imdb_dict, methods=dict_methods, parent="imdb_list").strip()
if not imdb_url.startswith((urls["list"], urls["search"], urls["keyword"])):
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: {imdb_url} must begin with either:\n{urls['list']} (For Lists)\n{urls['search']} (For Searches)\n{urls['keyword']} (For Keyword Searches)")
self._total(imdb_url, language)
list_count = util.parse("limit", imdb_dict, datatype="int", methods=dict_methods, default=0, parent="imdb_list", minimum=0) if "limit" in dict_methods else 0
valid_lists.append({"url": imdb_url, "limit": list_count})
return valid_lists
def _total(self, imdb_url, language):
header = {"Accept-Language": language}
if imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["keyword"]):
results = self._request(imdb_url, header).xpath("//div[@class='desc']/text()")
total = None
for result in results:
if "title" in result:
total = int(re.findall("(\\d+) title", result)[0])
except IndexError:
if total is None:
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No Results at URL: {imdb_url}")
return total, 50
headers = util.header(language)
if imdb_url.startswith(urls["keyword"]):
page_type = "keyword"
elif imdb_url.startswith(urls["list"]):
page_type = "list"
try: results = self._request(imdb_url, header).xpath("//div[@class='desc']/span/text()")[0].replace(",", "")
except IndexError: raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse URL: {imdb_url}")
try: total = int(re.findall("(\\d+) title", results)[0])
except IndexError: raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No Results at URL: {imdb_url}")
return total, 250
page_type = "search"
results = self.config.get_html(imdb_url, headers=headers).xpath(xpath[page_type])
total = 0
for result in results:
if "title" in result:
total = int(re.findall("(\\d+) title", result.replace(",", ""))[0])
except IndexError:
if total > 0:
return total, item_counts[page_type]
raise ValueError(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse URL: {imdb_url}")
def _ids_from_url(self, imdb_url, language, limit):
current_url = self._fix_url(imdb_url)
total, item_count = self._total(current_url, language)
header = {"Accept-Language": language}
total, item_count = self._total(imdb_url, language)
headers = util.header(language)
imdb_ids = []
if "&start=" in current_url: current_url = re.sub("&start=\\d+", "", current_url)
if "&count=" in current_url: current_url = re.sub("&count=\\d+", "", current_url)
if "&page=" in current_url: current_url = re.sub("&page=\\d+", "", current_url)
if limit < 1 or total < limit: limit = total
parsed_url = urlparse(imdb_url)
params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
imdb_base = parsed_url._replace(query=None).geturl()
params.pop("start", None)
params.pop("count", None)
params.pop("page", None)
if limit < 1 or total < limit:
limit = total
remainder = limit % item_count
if remainder == 0: remainder = item_count
if remainder == 0:
remainder = item_count
num_of_pages = math.ceil(int(limit) / item_count)
for i in range(1, num_of_pages + 1):
start_num = (i - 1) * item_count + 1
util.print_return(f"Parsing Page {i}/{num_of_pages} {start_num}-{limit if i == num_of_pages else i * item_count}")
if imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["keyword"]):
response = self._request(f"{current_url}&page={i}", header)
if imdb_base.startswith((urls["list"], urls["keyword"])):
params["page"] = i
response = self._request(f"{current_url}&count={remainder if i == num_of_pages else item_count}&start={start_num}", header)
if imdb_url.startswith(self.urls["keyword"]) and i == num_of_pages:
imdb_ids.extend(response.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]//a/img//@data-tconst")[:remainder])
imdb_ids.extend(response.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]//a/img//@data-tconst"))
params["count"] = remainder if i == num_of_pages else item_count
params["start"] = start_num
ids_found = self.config.get_html(imdb_base, headers=headers, params=params).xpath(xpath["imdb_id"])
if imdb_base.startswith((urls["list"], urls["keyword"])) and i == num_of_pages:
ids_found = ids_found[:remainder]
if imdb_ids: return imdb_ids
else: raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No IMDb IDs Found at {imdb_url}")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, header):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers=header).content)
def get_items(self, method, data, language, is_movie):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
fail_ids = []
def run_convert(imdb_id):
tvdb_id = self.config.Convert.imdb_to_tvdb(imdb_id) if not is_movie else None
tmdb_id = self.config.Convert.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb_id) if tvdb_id is None else None
if tmdb_id: movie_ids.append(tmdb_id)
elif tvdb_id: show_ids.append(tvdb_id)
logger.error(f"Convert Error: No {'' if is_movie else 'TVDb ID or '}TMDb ID found for IMDb: {imdb_id}")
if len(imdb_ids) > 0:
logger.debug(f"{len(imdb_ids)} IMDb IDs Found: {imdb_ids}")
return imdb_ids
raise ValueError(f"IMDb Error: No IMDb IDs Found at {imdb_url}")
def get_imdb_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "imdb_id":
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb ID: {data}")
return [(data, "imdb")]
elif method == "imdb_list":
status = f"{data['limit']} Items at " if data['limit'] > 0 else ''
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {status}{data['url']}")
imdb_ids = self._ids_from_url(data["url"], language, data["limit"])
total_ids = len(imdb_ids)
for i, imdb in enumerate(imdb_ids, 1):
util.print_return(f"Converting IMDb ID {i}/{total_ids}")
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Processed {total_ids} IMDb IDs"))
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb List: {status}{data['url']}")
return [(i, "imdb") for i in self._ids_from_url(data["url"], language, data["limit"])]
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Method {method} not supported")
logger.debug(f"{len(fail_ids)} IMDb IDs Failed to Convert: {fail_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
@ -1,36 +1,31 @@
import logging, requests
from lxml import html
import logging, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["letterboxd_list", "letterboxd_list_details"]
base_url = "https://letterboxd.com"
class Letterboxd:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.url = "https://letterboxd.com"
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}).content)
def _parse_list(self, list_url, language):
response = self._request(list_url, language)
letterboxd_ids = response.xpath("//div[@class='poster film-poster really-lazy-load']/@data-film-id")
response = self.config.get_html(list_url, headers=util.header(language))
letterboxd_ids = response.xpath("//li[contains(@class, 'poster-container')]/div/@data-film-id")
items = []
for letterboxd_id in letterboxd_ids:
slugs = response.xpath(f"//div[@data-film-id='{letterboxd_id}']/@data-film-slug")
items.append((letterboxd_id, slugs[0]))
next_url = response.xpath("//a[@class='next']/@href")
if len(next_url) > 0:
items.extend(self._parse_list(f"{self.url}{next_url[0]}", language))
items.extend(self._parse_list(f"{base_url}{next_url[0]}", language))
return items
def _tmdb(self, letterboxd_url, language):
response = self._request(letterboxd_url, language)
response = self.config.get_html(letterboxd_url, headers=util.header(language))
ids = response.xpath("//a[@data-track-action='TMDb']/@href")
if len(ids) > 0 and ids[0]:
if "themoviedb.org/movie" in ids[0]:
@ -39,35 +34,48 @@ class Letterboxd:
raise Failed(f"Letterboxd Error: TMDb Movie ID not found at {letterboxd_url}")
def get_list_description(self, list_url, language):
descriptions = self._request(list_url, language).xpath("//meta[@property='og:description']/@content")
response = self.config.get_html(list_url, headers=util.header(language))
descriptions = response.xpath("//meta[@property='og:description']/@content")
return descriptions[0] if len(descriptions) > 0 and len(descriptions[0]) > 0 else None
def get_items(self, method, data, language):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
movie_ids = []
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
items = self._parse_list(data, language)
total_items = len(items)
if total_items > 0:
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
letterboxd_id, slug = item
util.print_return(f"Finding TMDb ID {i}/{total_items}")
tmdb_id = None
expired = None
if self.config.Cache:
tmdb_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_letterboxd_map(letterboxd_id)
if not tmdb_id or expired is not False:
tmdb_id = self._tmdb(f"{self.url}{slug}", language)
except Failed as e:
def validate_letterboxd_lists(self, letterboxd_lists, language):
valid_lists = []
for letterboxd_list in util.get_list(letterboxd_lists, split=False):
list_url = letterboxd_list.strip()
if not list_url.startswith(base_url):
raise Failed(f"Letterboxd Error: {list_url} must begin with: {base_url}")
elif len(self._parse_list(list_url, language)) > 0:
raise Failed(f"Letterboxd Error: {list_url} failed to parse")
return valid_lists
def get_tmdb_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "letterboxd_list":
logger.info(f"Processing Letterboxd List: {data}")
items = self._parse_list(data, language)
total_items = len(items)
if total_items > 0:
ids = []
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
letterboxd_id, slug = item
util.print_return(f"Finding TMDb ID {i}/{total_items}")
tmdb_id = None
expired = None
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_letterboxd_map(expired, letterboxd_id, tmdb_id)
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Processed {total_items} TMDb IDs"))
tmdb_id, expired = self.config.Cache.query_letterboxd_map(letterboxd_id)
if not tmdb_id or expired is not False:
tmdb_id = self._tmdb(f"{base_url}{slug}", language)
except Failed as e:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_letterboxd_map(expired, letterboxd_id, tmdb_id)
ids.append((tmdb_id, "tmdb"))
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Processed {total_items} TMDb IDs"))
return ids
raise Failed(f"Letterboxd Error: No List Items found in {data}")
logger.error(f"Letterboxd Error: No List Items found in {data}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
return movie_ids, []
raise Failed(f"Letterboxd Error: Method {method} not supported")
@ -1,99 +1,64 @@
import logging, re, requests, secrets, webbrowser
import logging, math, re, secrets, time, webbrowser
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, TimeoutExpired
from retrying import retry
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
"mal_id", "mal_all", "mal_airing", "mal_upcoming", "mal_tv", "mal_ova", "mal_movie", "mal_special",
"mal_popular", "mal_favorite", "mal_season", "mal_suggested", "mal_userlist", "mal_genre", "mal_producer"
mal_ranked_name = {
"mal_all": "all",
"mal_airing": "airing",
"mal_upcoming": "upcoming",
"mal_tv": "tv",
"mal_ova": "ova",
"mal_movie": "movie",
"mal_special": "special",
"mal_popular": "bypopularity",
"mal_favorite": "favorite"
"mal_all": "all", "mal_airing": "airing", "mal_upcoming": "upcoming", "mal_tv": "tv", "mal_ova": "ova",
"mal_movie": "movie", "mal_special": "special", "mal_popular": "bypopularity", "mal_favorite": "favorite"
season_sort = {
"anime_score": "anime_score",
"anime_num_list_users": "anime_num_list_users",
"score": "anime_score",
"members": "anime_num_list_users"
mal_ranked_pretty = {
"mal_all": "MyAnimeList All", "mal_airing": "MyAnimeList Airing",
"mal_upcoming": "MyAnimeList Upcoming", "mal_tv": "MyAnimeList TV", "mal_ova": "MyAnimeList OVA",
"mal_movie": "MyAnimeList Movie", "mal_special": "MyAnimeList Special", "mal_popular": "MyAnimeList Popular",
"mal_favorite": "MyAnimeList Favorite", "mal_genre": "MyAnimeList Genre", "mal_producer": "MyAnimeList Producer"
season_sort_translation = {"score": "anime_score", "anime_score": "anime_score", "members": "anime_num_list_users", "anime_num_list_users": "anime_num_list_users"}
season_sort_options = ["score", "members"]
pretty_names = {
"anime_score": "Score",
"anime_num_list_users": "Members",
"list_score": "Score",
"list_updated_at": "Last Updated",
"anime_title": "Title",
"anime_start_date": "Start Date",
"all": "All Anime",
"watching": "Currently Watching",
"completed": "Completed",
"on_hold": "On Hold",
"dropped": "Dropped",
"plan_to_watch": "Plan to Watch"
"anime_score": "Score", "list_score": "Score", "anime_num_list_users": "Members", "list_updated_at": "Last Updated",
"anime_title": "Title", "anime_start_date": "Start Date", "all": "All Anime", "watching": "Currently Watching",
"completed": "Completed", "on_hold": "On Hold", "dropped": "Dropped", "plan_to_watch": "Plan to Watch"
userlist_sort = {
"score": "list_score",
"list_score": "list_score",
"last_updated": "list_updated_at",
"list_updated": "list_updated_at",
"list_updated_at": "list_updated_at",
"title": "anime_title",
"anime_title": "anime_title",
"start_date": "anime_start_date",
"anime_start_date": "anime_start_date"
userlist_sort_translation = {
"score": "list_score", "list_score": "list_score",
"last_updated": "list_updated_at", "list_updated": "list_updated_at", "list_updated_at": "list_updated_at",
"title": "anime_title", "anime_title": "anime_title",
"start_date": "anime_start_date", "anime_start_date": "anime_start_date"
userlist_sort_options = ["score", "last_updated", "title", "start_date"]
userlist_status = ["all", "watching", "completed", "on_hold", "dropped", "plan_to_watch"]
base_url = "https://api.myanimelist.net"
jiken_base_url = "https://api.jikan.moe/v3"
urls = {
"oauth_token": f"https://myanimelist.net/v1/oauth2/token",
"oauth_authorize": f"https://myanimelist.net/v1/oauth2/authorize",
"ranking": f"{base_url}/v2/anime/ranking",
"season": f"{base_url}/v2/anime/season",
"suggestions": f"{base_url}/v2/anime/suggestions",
"user": f"{base_url}/v2/users"
userlist_status = [
class MyAnimeList:
def __init__(self, params, config, authorization=None):
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.urls = {
"oauth_token": "https://myanimelist.net/v1/oauth2/token",
"oauth_authorize": "https://myanimelist.net/v1/oauth2/authorize",
"ranking": "https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/anime/ranking",
"season": "https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/anime/season",
"suggestions": "https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/anime/suggestions",
"user": "https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/users"
self.client_id = params["client_id"]
self.client_secret = params["client_secret"]
self.config_path = params["config_path"]
self.authorization = authorization
self.authorization = params["authorization"]
if not self._save(self.authorization):
if not self._refresh():
def _authorization(self):
code_verifier = secrets.token_urlsafe(100)[:128]
url = f"{self.urls['oauth_authorize']}?response_type=code&client_id={self.client_id}&code_challenge={code_verifier}"
url = f"{urls['oauth_authorize']}?response_type=code&client_id={self.client_id}&code_challenge={code_verifier}"
logger.info(f"Navigate to: {url}")
@ -122,7 +87,7 @@ class MyAnimeList:
def _check(self, authorization):
self._request(self.urls["suggestions"], authorization=authorization)
self._request(urls["suggestions"], authorization=authorization)
return True
except Failed as e:
@ -158,63 +123,115 @@ class MyAnimeList:
return True
return False
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _oauth(self, data):
return requests.post(self.urls["oauth_token"], data).json()
return self.config.post_json(urls["oauth_token"], data=data)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def _request(self, url, authorization=None):
new_authorization = authorization if authorization else self.authorization
response = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_authorization['access_token']}"}).json()
response = self.config.get_json(url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_authorization['access_token']}"})
if "error" in response: raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: {response['error']}")
else: return response
def _jiken_request(self, url):
data = self.config.get_json(f"{jiken_base_url}{url}")
return data
def _parse_request(self, url):
data = self._request(url)
return [d["node"]["id"] for d in data["data"]] if "data" in data else []
def _username(self):
return self._request(f"{self.urls['user']}/@me")["name"]
return self._request(f"{urls['user']}/@me")["name"]
def _ranked(self, ranking_type, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['ranking']}?ranking_type={ranking_type}&limit={limit}"
url = f"{urls['ranking']}?ranking_type={ranking_type}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _season(self, season, year, sort_by, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['season']}/{year}/{season}?sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
url = f"{urls['season']}/{year}/{season}?sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _suggestions(self, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['suggestions']}?limit={limit}"
url = f"{urls['suggestions']}?limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _userlist(self, username, status, sort_by, limit):
final_status = "" if status == "all" else f"status={status}&"
url = f"{self.urls['user']}/{username}/animelist?{final_status}sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
url = f"{urls['user']}/{username}/animelist?{final_status}sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def get_items(self, method, data):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
def _genre(self, genre_id, limit):
data = self._jiken_request(f"/genre/anime/{genre_id}")
if "item_count" not in data:
raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: No MyAnimeList IDs for Genre ID: {genre_id}")
total_items = data["item_count"]
if total_items < limit or limit <= 0:
limit = total_items
mal_ids = []
num_of_pages = math.ceil(int(limit) / 100)
current_page = 1
chances = 0
while current_page <= num_of_pages:
if chances > 6:
raise Failed("AniList Error: Connection Failed")
start_num = (current_page - 1) * 100 + 1
util.print_return(f"Parsing Page {current_page}/{num_of_pages} {start_num}-{limit if current_page == num_of_pages else current_page * 100}")
if current_page > 1:
data = self._jiken_request(f"/genre/anime/{genre_id}/{current_page}")
if "anime" in data:
chances = 0
mal_ids.extend([anime["mal_id"] for anime in data["anime"]])
if len(mal_ids) > limit:
return mal_ids[:limit]
current_page += 1
chances += 1
return mal_ids
def _producer(self, producer_id, limit):
data = self._jiken_request(f"/producer/{producer_id}")
if "anime" not in data:
raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: No MyAnimeList IDs for Producer ID: {producer_id}")
mal_ids = []
count = 1
while True:
if count > 1:
data = self._jiken_request(f"/producer/{producer_id}/{count}")
if "anime" not in data:
mal_ids.extend([anime["mal_id"] for anime in data["anime"]])
if len(mal_ids) > limit > 0:
return mal_ids[:limit]
count += 1
return mal_ids
def get_mal_ids(self, method, data):
if method == "mal_id":
logger.info(f"Processing MyAnimeList ID: {data}")
mal_ids = [data]
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
elif method in mal_ranked_name:
logger.info(f"Processing {mal_ranked_pretty[method]}: {data} Anime")
mal_ids = self._ranked(mal_ranked_name[method], data)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "mal_genre":
logger.info(f"Processing {mal_ranked_pretty[method]} ID: {data['genre_id']}")
mal_ids = self._genre(data["genre_id"], data["limit"])
elif method == "mal_producer":
logger.info(f"Processing {mal_ranked_pretty[method]} ID: {data['producer_id']}")
mal_ids = self._producer(data["producer_id"], data["limit"])
elif method == "mal_season":
logger.info(f"Processing MyAnimeList Season: {data['limit']} Anime from {data['season'].title()} {data['year']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
mal_ids = self._season(data["season"], data["year"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit']} Anime from {util.pretty_seasons[data['season']]} {data['year']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
elif method == "mal_suggested":
logger.info(f"Processing MyAnimeList Suggested: {data} Anime")
mal_ids = self._suggestions(data)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "mal_userlist":
logger.info(f"Processing MyAnimeList Userlist: {data['limit']} Anime from {self._username() if data['username'] == '@me' else data['username']}'s {pretty_names[data['status']]} list sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
mal_ids = self._userlist(data["username"], data["status"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit']} Anime from {self._username() if data['username'] == '@me' else data['username']}'s {pretty_names[data['status']]} list sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: Method {method} not supported")
movie_ids, show_ids = self.config.Convert.myanimelist_to_ids(mal_ids)
logger.debug(f"{len(mal_ids)} MyAnimeList IDs Found: {mal_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
return mal_ids
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import logging, os, re, requests
import logging, os, re
from datetime import datetime
from modules import plex, util
from modules.util import Failed, ImageData
@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
github_base = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/"
class Metadata:
def __init__(self, config, library, file_type, path):
self.config = config
self.library = library
self.type = file_type
self.path = path
self.github_base = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/"
logger.info(f"Loading Metadata {file_type}: {path}")
def get_dict(attribute, attr_data, check_list=None):
@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ class Metadata:
return None
if file_type in ["URL", "Git"]:
content_path = path if file_type == "URL" else f"{self.github_base}{path}.yml"
response = requests.get(content_path)
content_path = path if file_type == "URL" else f"{github_base}{path}.yml"
response = self.config.get(content_path)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"URL Error: No file found at {content_path}")
content = response.content
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ class Metadata:
return self.collections
def update_metadata(self, TMDb, test):
def update_metadata(self):
if not self.metadata:
return None
@ -74,26 +75,28 @@ class Metadata:
for mapping_name, meta in self.metadata.items():
methods = {mm.lower(): mm for mm in meta}
if test and ("test" not in methods or meta[methods["test"]] is not True):
if self.config.test_mode and ("test" not in methods or meta[methods["test"]] is not True):
updated = False
edits = {}
advance_edits = {}
def add_edit(name, current, group, alias, key=None, value=None, var_type="str"):
def add_edit(name, current_item, group, alias, key=None, value=None, var_type="str"):
if value or name in alias:
if value or group[alias[name]]:
if key is None: key = name
if value is None: value = group[alias[name]]
current = str(getattr(current_item, key, ""))
if var_type == "date":
final_value = util.check_date(value, name, return_string=True, plex_date=True)
final_value = util.validate_date(value, name, return_as="%Y-%m-%d")
current = current[:-9]
elif var_type == "float":
final_value = util.check_number(value, name, number_type="float", minimum=0, maximum=10)
final_value = util.parse(name, value, datatype="float", minimum=0, maximum=10)
final_value = value
if str(current) != str(final_value):
if current != str(final_value):
edits[f"{key}.value"] = final_value
edits[f"{key}.locked"] = 1
logger.info(f"Detail: {name} updated to {final_value}")
@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ class Metadata:
year = None
if "year" in methods:
year = util.check_number(meta[methods["year"]], "year", minimum=1800, maximum=datetime.now().year + 1)
year = util.parse("year", meta, datatype="int", methods=methods, minimum=1800, maximum=datetime.now().year + 1)
title = mapping_name
if "title" in methods:
@ -209,13 +212,13 @@ class Metadata:
logger.error("Metadata Error: tmdb_show attribute is blank")
tmdb_is_movie = False
tmdb_item = TMDb.get_show(util.regex_first_int(data, "Show"))
tmdb_item = self.config.TMDb.get_show(util.regex_first_int(data, "Show"))
elif "tmdb_movie" in methods:
if meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]] is None:
logger.error("Metadata Error: tmdb_movie attribute is blank")
tmdb_is_movie = True
tmdb_item = TMDb.get_movie(util.regex_first_int(meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]], "Movie"))
tmdb_item = self.config.TMDb.get_movie(util.regex_first_int(meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]], "Movie"))
except Failed as e:
@ -242,16 +245,16 @@ class Metadata:
genres = [genre.name for genre in tmdb_item.genres]
edits = {}
add_edit("title", item.title, meta, methods, value=title)
add_edit("sort_title", item.titleSort, meta, methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("originally_available", str(item.originallyAvailableAt)[:-9], meta, methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", value=originally_available, var_type="date")
add_edit("critic_rating", item.rating, meta, methods, value=rating, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("audience_rating", item.audienceRating, meta, methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("content_rating", item.contentRating, meta, methods, key="contentRating")
add_edit("original_title", item.originalTitle, meta, methods, key="originalTitle", value=original_title)
add_edit("studio", item.studio, meta, methods, value=studio)
add_edit("tagline", item.tagline, meta, methods, value=tagline)
add_edit("summary", item.summary, meta, methods, value=summary)
add_edit("title", item, meta, methods, value=title)
add_edit("sort_title", item, meta, methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("originally_available", item, meta, methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", value=originally_available, var_type="date")
add_edit("critic_rating", item, meta, methods, value=rating, key="rating", var_type="float")
add_edit("audience_rating", item, meta, methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float")
add_edit("content_rating", item, meta, methods, key="contentRating")
add_edit("original_title", item, meta, methods, key="originalTitle", value=original_title)
add_edit("studio", item, meta, methods, value=studio)
add_edit("tagline", item, meta, methods, value=tagline)
add_edit("summary", item, meta, methods, value=summary)
if self.library.edit_item(item, mapping_name, item_type, edits):
updated = True
@ -306,8 +309,8 @@ class Metadata:
logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute must be True or False")
edits = {}
add_edit("title", season.title, season_dict, season_methods, value=title)
add_edit("summary", season.summary, season_dict, season_methods)
add_edit("title", season, season_dict, season_methods, value=title)
add_edit("summary", season, season_dict, season_methods)
if self.library.edit_item(season, season_id, "Season", edits):
updated = True
set_images(season, season_dict, season_methods)
@ -352,13 +355,11 @@ class Metadata:
logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute must be True or False")
edits = {}
add_edit("title", episode.title, episode_dict, episode_methods, value=title)
add_edit("sort_title", episode.titleSort, episode_dict, episode_methods,
add_edit("rating", episode.rating, episode_dict, episode_methods)
add_edit("originally_available", str(episode.originallyAvailableAt)[:-9],
episode_dict, episode_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt")
add_edit("summary", episode.summary, episode_dict, episode_methods)
add_edit("title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, value=title)
add_edit("sort_title", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="titleSort")
add_edit("rating", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, var_type="float")
add_edit("originally_available", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", var_type="date")
add_edit("summary", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
if self.library.edit_item(episode, f"{season_id} Episode: {episode_id}", "Season", edits):
updated = True
if edit_tags("director", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods):
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ class Metadata:
if edit_tags("writer", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods):
updated = True
set_images(episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)
logger.info(f"Episode S{episode_id}E{season_id} of {mapping_name} Details Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
logger.info(f"Episode S{season_id}E{episode_id} of {mapping_name} Details Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}")
logger.error(f"Metadata Error: episode {episode_str} invalid must have S##E## format")
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import logging, requests
import logging
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
base_url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/"
class OMDbObj:
def __init__(self, imdb_id, data):
self._imdb_id = imdb_id
@ -35,25 +36,23 @@ class OMDbObj:
self.type = data["Type"]
class OMDb:
def __init__(self, params, Cache=None):
self.url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/"
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.apikey = params["apikey"]
self.limit = False
self.Cache = Cache
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def get_omdb(self, imdb_id):
expired = None
if self.Cache:
omdb_dict, expired = self.Cache.query_omdb(imdb_id)
if self.config.Cache:
omdb_dict, expired = self.config.Cache.query_omdb(imdb_id)
if omdb_dict and expired is False:
return OMDbObj(imdb_id, omdb_dict)
response = requests.get(self.url, params={"i": imdb_id, "apikey": self.apikey})
response = self.config.get(base_url, params={"i": imdb_id, "apikey": self.apikey})
if response.status_code < 400:
omdb = OMDbObj(imdb_id, response.json())
if self.Cache:
self.Cache.update_omdb(expired, omdb)
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_omdb(expired, omdb)
return omdb
error = response.json()['Error']
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import glob, logging, os, plexapi, requests, shutil, time
import logging, os, plexapi, requests, shutil, time
from modules import builder, util
from modules.meta import Metadata
from modules.util import Failed, ImageData
@ -33,17 +33,15 @@ search_translation = {
"episode_user_rating": "episode.userRating",
"episode_plays": "episode.viewCount"
show_translation = {
"hdr": "episode.hdr",
"audioLanguage": "episode.audioLanguage",
"subtitleLanguage": "episode.subtitleLanguage",
"resolution": "episode.resolution"
modifier_translation = {
"": "",
".not": "!",
".gt": "%3E%3E",
".gte": "%3E",
".lt": "%3C%3C",
".lte": "%3C",
".before": "%3C%3C",
".after": "%3E%3E",
".begins": "%3C",
".ends": "%3E"
"": "", ".not": "!", ".gt": "%3E%3E", ".gte": "%3E", ".lt": "%3C%3C", ".lte": "%3C",
".before": "%3C%3C", ".after": "%3E%3E", ".begins": "%3C", ".ends": "%3E"
episode_sorting_options = {"default": "-1", "oldest": "0", "newest": "1"}
keep_episodes_options = {"all": 0, "5_latest": 5, "3_latest": 3, "latest": 1, "past_3": -3, "past_7": -7, "past_30": -30}
@ -57,6 +55,12 @@ plex_languages = ["default", "ar-SA", "ca-ES", "cs-CZ", "da-DK", "de-DE", "el-GR
metadata_language_options = {lang.lower(): lang for lang in plex_languages}
metadata_language_options["default"] = None
use_original_title_options = {"default": -1, "no": 0, "yes": 1}
collection_mode_options = {
"default": "default", "hide": "hide",
"hide_items": "hideItems", "hideitems": "hideItems",
"show_items": "showItems", "showitems": "showItems"
collection_order_options = ["release", "alpha", "custom"]
collection_mode_keys = {-1: "default", 0: "hide", 1: "hideItems", 2: "showItems"}
collection_order_keys = {0: "release", 1: "alpha", 2: "custom"}
item_advance_keys = {
@ -114,13 +118,9 @@ or_searches = [
"writer", "decade", "resolution", "year", "episode_title", "episode_year"
movie_only_searches = [
"country", "country.not",
"director", "director.not",
"producer", "producer.not",
"writer", "writer.not",
"country", "country.not", "director", "director.not", "producer", "producer.not", "writer", "writer.not",
"decade", "duplicate", "unplayed", "progress", "trash",
"plays.gt", "plays.gte", "plays.lt", "plays.lte",
"duration.gt", "duration.gte", "duration.lt", "duration.lte"
"plays.gt", "plays.gte", "plays.lt", "plays.lte", "duration.gt", "duration.gte", "duration.lt", "duration.lte"
show_only_searches = [
"network", "network.not",
@ -132,21 +132,15 @@ show_only_searches = [
"episode_user_rating.gt", "episode_user_rating.gte", "episode_user_rating.lt", "episode_user_rating.lte",
"episode_year", "episode_year.not", "episode_year.gt", "episode_year.gte", "episode_year.lt", "episode_year.lte"
number_attributes = ["plays", "episode_plays", "added", "episode_added", "release", "episode_air_date", "duration", "tmdb_vote_count"]
float_attributes = ["user_rating", "episode_user_rating", "critic_rating", "audience_rating"]
boolean_attributes = [
"hdr", "unmatched", "duplicate", "unplayed", "progress", "trash",
"unplayed_episodes", "episode_unplayed", "episode_duplicate", "episode_progress", "episode_unmatched",
tmdb_attributes = ["actor", "director", "producer", "writer"]
date_attributes = ["added", "episode_added", "release", "episode_air_date", "last_played", "episode_last_played"]
search_display = {
"added": "Date Added",
"release": "Release Date",
"hdr": "HDR",
"progress": "In Progress",
"episode_progress": "Episode In Progress"
date_attributes = ["added", "episode_added", "release", "episode_air_date", "last_played", "episode_last_played", "first_episode_aired", "last_episode_aired"]
number_attributes = ["plays", "episode_plays", "duration", "tmdb_vote_count"] + date_attributes
search_display = {"added": "Date Added", "release": "Release Date", "hdr": "HDR", "progress": "In Progress", "episode_progress": "Episode In Progress"}
sorts = {
None: None,
"title.asc": "titleSort:asc", "title.desc": "titleSort:desc",
@ -157,44 +151,10 @@ sorts = {
"duration.asc": "duration:asc", "duration.desc": "duration:desc",
"added.asc": "addedAt:asc", "added.desc": "addedAt:desc"
modifiers = {
".not": "!",
".begins": "<",
".ends": ">",
".before": "<<",
".after": ">>",
".gt": ">>",
".gte": "__gte",
".lt": "<<",
".lte": "__lte"
mod_displays = {
"": "is",
".not": "is not",
".begins": "begins with",
".ends": "ends with",
".before": "is before",
".after": "is after",
".gt": "is greater than",
".gte": "is greater than or equal",
".lt": "is less than",
".lte": "is less than or equal"
modifiers = {".not": "!", ".begins": "<", ".ends": ">", ".before": "<<", ".after": ">>", ".gt": ">>", ".gte": "__gte", ".lt": "<<", ".lte": "__lte"}
tags = [
"actor", "audio_language", "collection", "content_rating", "country", "director", "genre", "label",
"network", "producer", "resolution", "studio", "subtitle_language", "writer"
movie_sorts = {
"title.asc": "titleSort", "title.desc": "titleSort%3Adesc",
@ -245,18 +205,17 @@ episode_sorts = {
"added.asc": "addedAt", "added.desc": "addedAt%3Adesc",
"random": "random"
sort_types = {
"movies": (1, movie_sorts),
"shows": (2, show_sorts),
"seasons": (3, season_sorts),
"episodes": (4, episode_sorts),
sort_types = {"movies": (1, movie_sorts), "shows": (2, show_sorts), "seasons": (3, season_sorts), "episodes": (4, episode_sorts)}
class Plex:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.plex = params["plex"]
self.url = params["plex"]["url"]
self.token = params["plex"]["token"]
self.timeout = params["plex"]["timeout"]
self.PlexServer = PlexServer(params["plex"]["url"], params["plex"]["token"], timeout=params["plex"]["timeout"])
self.PlexServer = PlexServer(baseurl=self.url, token=self.token, session=self.config.session, timeout=self.timeout)
except Unauthorized:
raise Failed("Plex Error: Plex token is invalid")
except ValueError as e:
@ -277,7 +236,20 @@ class Plex:
self.metadatas = []
self.metadata_files = []
metadata = []
for file_type, metadata_file in params["metadata_path"]:
if file_type == "Folder":
if os.path.isdir(metadata_file):
yml_files = util.glob_filter(os.path.join(metadata_file, "*.yml"))
if yml_files:
metadata.extend([("File", yml) for yml in yml_files])
logger.error(f"Config Error: No YAML (.yml) files found in {metadata_file}")
logger.error(f"Config Error: Folder not found: {metadata_file}")
metadata.append((file_type, metadata_file))
for file_type, metadata_file in metadata:
meta_obj = Metadata(config, self, file_type, metadata_file)
if meta_obj.collections:
@ -305,6 +277,7 @@ class Plex:
self.mapping_name, output = util.validate_filename(self.original_mapping_name)
if output:
self.image_table_name = self.config.Cache.get_image_table_name(self.original_mapping_name) if self.config.Cache else None
self.missing_path = os.path.join(params["default_dir"], f"{self.name}_missing.yml")
self.metadata_path = params["metadata_path"]
self.asset_directory = params["asset_directory"]
@ -315,26 +288,28 @@ class Plex:
self.show_filtered = params["show_filtered"]
self.show_missing = params["show_missing"]
self.save_missing = params["save_missing"]
self.missing_only_released = params["missing_only_released"]
self.create_asset_folders = params["create_asset_folders"]
self.mass_genre_update = params["mass_genre_update"]
self.mass_audience_rating_update = params["mass_audience_rating_update"]
self.mass_critic_rating_update = params["mass_critic_rating_update"]
self.mass_trakt_rating_update = params["mass_trakt_rating_update"]
self.split_duplicates = params["split_duplicates"]
self.radarr_add_all = params["radarr_add_all"]
self.sonarr_add_all = params["sonarr_add_all"]
self.mass_update = self.mass_genre_update or self.mass_audience_rating_update or self.mass_critic_rating_update or self.split_duplicates or self.radarr_add_all or self.sonarr_add_all
self.plex = params["plex"]
self.url = params["plex"]["url"]
self.token = params["plex"]["token"]
self.timeout = params["plex"]["timeout"]
self.mass_update = self.mass_genre_update or self.mass_audience_rating_update or self.mass_critic_rating_update \
or self.mass_trakt_rating_update or self.split_duplicates or self.radarr_add_all or self.sonarr_add_all
self.clean_bundles = params["plex"]["clean_bundles"]
self.empty_trash = params["plex"]["empty_trash"]
self.optimize = params["plex"]["optimize"]
self.missing = {}
self.movie_map = {}
self.show_map = {}
self.imdb_map = {}
self.movie_rating_key_map = {}
self.show_rating_key_map = {}
self.run_again = []
self.run_sort = []
self.overlays = []
def get_all_collections(self):
@ -400,11 +375,15 @@ class Plex:
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_plex)
def reload(self, item):
item.reload(checkFiles=False, includeAllConcerts=False, includeBandwidths=False, includeChapters=False,
includeChildren=False, includeConcerts=False, includeExternalMedia=False, includeExtras=False,
includeFields=False, includeGeolocation=False, includeLoudnessRamps=False, includeMarkers=False,
includeOnDeck=False, includePopularLeaves=False, includeRelated=False,
includeRelatedCount=0, includeReviews=False, includeStations=False)
item.reload(checkFiles=False, includeAllConcerts=False, includeBandwidths=False, includeChapters=False,
includeChildren=False, includeConcerts=False, includeExternalMedia=False, includeExtras=False,
includeFields=False, includeGeolocation=False, includeLoudnessRamps=False, includeMarkers=False,
includeOnDeck=False, includePopularLeaves=False, includeRelated=False,
includeRelatedCount=0, includeReviews=False, includeStations=False)
except (BadRequest, NotFound) as e:
raise Failed(f"Item Failed to Load: {e}")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_plex)
def edit_query(self, item, edits, advanced=False):
@ -416,6 +395,10 @@ class Plex:
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_plex)
def _upload_image(self, item, image):
if image.is_poster and image.is_url:
elif image.is_poster:
@ -427,19 +410,23 @@ class Plex:
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_plex)
def _upload_file_poster(self, item, image):
def upload_file_poster(self, item, image):
def upload_images(self, item, poster=None, background=None, overlay=None):
image = None
image_compare = None
poster_uploaded = False
if self.config.Cache:
image, image_compare = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.image_table_name)
if poster is not None:
image = None
if self.config.Cache:
image, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.original_mapping_name, "poster")
if str(poster.compare) != str(image_compare):
image = None
if image_compare and str(poster.compare) != str(image_compare):
image = None
if image is None or image != item.thumb:
self._upload_image(item, poster)
poster_uploaded = True
@ -450,13 +437,15 @@ class Plex:
logger.error(f"Detail: {poster.attribute} failed to update {poster.message}")
overlay_name = ""
if overlay is not None:
overlay_name, overlay_folder, overlay_image, temp_image = overlay
image_overlay = None
if self.config.Cache:
image, _, image_overlay = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.original_mapping_name, "poster")
if poster_uploaded or not image_overlay or image_overlay != overlay_name:
item_labels = {item_tag.tag.lower(): item_tag.tag for item_tag in item.labels}
for item_label in item_labels:
if item_label.endswith(" overlay") and item_label != f"{overlay_name.lower()} overlay":
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Poster already has an existing Overlay: {item_labels[item_label]}")
if poster_uploaded or image is None or image != item.thumb or f"{overlay_name.lower()} overlay" not in item_labels:
if not item.posterUrl:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: No existing poster to Overlay for {item.title}")
response = requests.get(item.posterUrl)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Failed for {item.title}")
@ -466,11 +455,12 @@ class Plex:
shutil.copyfile(temp_image, os.path.join(overlay_folder, f"{item.ratingKey}.png"))
while util.is_locked(temp_image):
new_poster = Image.open(temp_image)
new_poster = Image.open(temp_image).convert("RGBA")
new_poster = new_poster.resize(overlay_image.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
self._upload_file_poster(item, temp_image)
self.upload_file_poster(item, temp_image)
self.edit_tags("label", item, add_tags=[f"{overlay_name} Overlay"])
poster_uploaded = True
logger.info(f"Detail: Overlay: {overlay_name} applied to {item.title}")
@ -479,7 +469,7 @@ class Plex:
image = None
if self.config.Cache:
image, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.original_mapping_name, "background")
image, image_compare = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(item.ratingKey, f"{self.image_table_name}_backgrounds")
if str(background.compare) != str(image_compare):
image = None
if image is None or image != item.art:
@ -494,15 +484,14 @@ class Plex:
if self.config.Cache:
if poster_uploaded:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.original_mapping_name, "poster", item.thumb, poster.compare if poster else "", overlay_name)
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.image_table_name, item.thumb, poster.compare if poster else "")
if background_uploaded:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(item.ratingKey, self.original_mapping_name, "background", item.art, background.compare, "")
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(item.ratingKey, f"{self.image_table_name}_backgrounds", item.art, background.compare)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def get_search_choices(self, search_name, title=True):
final_search = search_translation[search_name] if search_name in search_translation else search_name
if final_search == "resolution" and self.is_show:
final_search = "episode.resolution"
final_search = show_translation[final_search] if self.is_show and final_search in show_translation else final_search
choices = {}
for choice in self.Plex.listFilterChoices(final_search):
@ -510,7 +499,8 @@ class Plex:
choices[choice.key.lower()] = choice.title if title else choice.key
return choices
except NotFound:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: plex search attribute: {search_name} only supported with Plex's New TV Agent")
logger.debug(f"Search Attribute: {final_search}")
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: plex search attribute: {search_name} not supported")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_plex)
def get_labels(self):
@ -523,6 +513,12 @@ class Plex:
else: method = None
return self.Plex._server.query(key, method=method)
def move_item(self, collection, item, after=None):
key = f"{collection.key}/items/{item}/move"
if after:
key += f"?after={after}"
self._query(key, put=True)
def smart_label_url(self, title, sort):
labels = self.get_labels()
if title not in labels:
@ -586,13 +582,13 @@ class Plex:
def get_collection(self, data):
if isinstance(data, int):
collection = self.fetchItem(data)
return self.fetchItem(data)
elif isinstance(data, Collection):
collection = data
return data
collection = util.choose_from_list(self.search(title=str(data), libtype="collection"), "collection", str(data), exact=True)
if collection:
return collection
for d in self.search(title=str(data), libtype="collection"):
if d.title == data:
return d
raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Collection {data} not found")
def validate_collections(self, collections):
@ -604,18 +600,18 @@ class Plex:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: No valid Plex Collections in {collections}")
return valid_collections
def get_items(self, method, data):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
def get_rating_keys(self, method, data):
media_type = "Movie" if self.is_movie else "Show"
items = []
if method == "plex_all":
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty} {media_type}s")
logger.info(f"Processing Plex All {media_type}s")
items = self.get_all()
elif method == "plex_search":
util.print_multiline(data[1], info=True)
items = self.get_filter_items(data[2])
elif method == "plex_collectionless":
good_collections = []
logger.info(f"Processing Plex Collectionless")
logger.info("Collections Excluded")
for col in self.get_all_collections():
keep_collection = True
@ -653,7 +649,10 @@ class Plex:
raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Method {method} not supported")
if len(items) > 0:
return [item.ratingKey for item in items]
ids = [item.ratingKey for item in items]
logger.debug(f"{len(ids)} Keys Found: {ids}")
return ids
raise Failed("Plex Error: No Items found in Plex")
@ -698,26 +697,19 @@ class Plex:
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
util.print_return(f"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}")
if item.ratingKey not in self.movie_rating_key_map and item.ratingKey not in self.show_rating_key_map:
id_type, main_id = self.config.Convert.get_id(item, self)
id_type, main_id, imdb_id = self.config.Convert.get_id(item, self)
if main_id:
if not isinstance(main_id, list):
main_id = [main_id]
if id_type == "movie":
self.movie_rating_key_map[item.ratingKey] = main_id[0]
for m in main_id:
if m in self.movie_map:
self.movie_map[m] = [item.ratingKey]
util.add_dict_list(main_id, item.ratingKey, self.movie_map)
elif id_type == "show":
self.show_rating_key_map[item.ratingKey] = main_id[0]
for m in main_id:
if m in self.show_map:
self.show_map[m] = [item.ratingKey]
util.add_dict_list(main_id, item.ratingKey, self.show_map)
if imdb_id:
util.add_dict_list(imdb_id, item.ratingKey, self.imdb_map)
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"Processed {len(items)} {'Movies' if self.is_movie else 'Shows'}"))
return items
def get_tmdb_from_map(self, item):
return self.movie_rating_key_map[item.ratingKey] if item.ratingKey in self.movie_rating_key_map else None
@ -729,7 +721,10 @@ class Plex:
kwargs = {}
if year is not None:
kwargs["year"] = year
return util.choose_from_list(self.search(title=str(data), **kwargs), "movie" if self.is_movie else "show", str(data), exact=True)
for d in self.search(title=str(data), **kwargs):
if d.title == data:
return d
return None
def edit_item(self, item, name, item_type, edits, advanced=False):
if len(edits) > 0:
@ -750,8 +745,8 @@ class Plex:
key = builder.filter_translation[attr] if attr in builder.filter_translation else attr
if add_tags or remove_tags or sync_tags:
_add_tags = add_tags if add_tags else []
_remove_tags = remove_tags if remove_tags else []
_sync_tags = sync_tags if sync_tags else []
_remove_tags = [t.lower() for t in remove_tags] if remove_tags else []
_sync_tags = [t.lower() for t in sync_tags] if sync_tags else []
_item_tags = [item_tag.tag.lower() for item_tag in getattr(obj, key)]
except BadRequest:
@ -761,39 +756,40 @@ class Plex:
if _add:
updated = True
self.query_data(getattr(obj, f"add{attr.capitalize()}"), _add)
logger.info(f"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {_add} added")
logger.info(f"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {','.join(_add)} added to {obj.title}")
if _remove:
updated = True
self.query_data(getattr(obj, f"remove{attr.capitalize()}"), _remove)
logger.info(f"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {_remove} removed")
logger.info(f"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {','.join(_remove)} removed to {obj.title}")
return updated
def update_item_from_assets(self, item, overlay=None):
name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(item.locations[0]) if self.is_movie else item.locations[0])
found_one = False
def update_item_from_assets(self, item, overlay=None, create=False):
name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(str(item.locations[0])) if self.is_movie else str(item.locations[0]))
found_folder = False
poster = None
background = None
for ad in self.asset_directory:
poster = None
background = None
item_dir = None
if self.asset_folders:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ad, name)):
item_dir = os.path.join(ad, name)
matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(ad, "*", name))
matches = util.glob_filter(os.path.join(ad, "*", name))
if len(matches) > 0:
item_dir = os.path.abspath(matches[0])
if item_dir is None:
found_one = True
found_folder = True
poster_filter = os.path.join(item_dir, "poster.*")
background_filter = os.path.join(item_dir, "background.*")
poster_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}.*")
background_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_background.*")
matches = glob.glob(poster_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(poster_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
poster = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title}'s ", is_url=False)
matches = glob.glob(background_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(background_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
background = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title}'s ", is_poster=False, is_url=False)
if poster or background:
@ -804,7 +800,7 @@ class Plex:
season_filter = os.path.join(item_dir, f"Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}.*")
season_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}.*")
matches = glob.glob(season_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(season_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
season_poster = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title} Season {season.seasonNumber}'s ", is_url=False)
self.upload_images(season, poster=season_poster)
@ -813,16 +809,21 @@ class Plex:
episode_filter = os.path.join(item_dir, f"{episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}.*")
episode_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_{episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}.*")
matches = glob.glob(episode_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(episode_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
episode_poster = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title} {episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}'s ", is_url=False)
self.upload_images(episode, poster=episode_poster)
if not found_one and overlay:
if not poster and overlay:
self.upload_images(item, overlay=overlay)
elif not found_one:
if create and self.asset_folders and not found_folder:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.asset_directory[0], name), exist_ok=True)
logger.info(f"Asset Directory Created: {os.path.join(self.asset_directory[0], name)}")
elif not overlay and self.asset_folders and not found_folder:
logger.error(f"Asset Warning: No asset folder found called '{name}'")
elif not poster and not background:
logger.error(f"Asset Warning: No poster or background found in an assets folder for '{name}'")
def find_collection_assets(self, item, name=None):
def find_collection_assets(self, item, name=None, create=False):
if name is None:
name = item.title
for ad in self.asset_directory:
@ -836,12 +837,15 @@ class Plex:
poster_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}.*")
background_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_background.*")
matches = glob.glob(poster_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(poster_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
poster = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title}'s ", is_url=False)
matches = glob.glob(background_filter)
matches = util.glob_filter(background_filter)
if len(matches) > 0:
background = ImageData("asset_directory", os.path.abspath(matches[0]), prefix=f"{item.title}'s ", is_poster=False, is_url=False)
if poster or background:
return poster, background
if create and self.asset_folders and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.asset_directory[0], name)):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.asset_directory[0], name), exist_ok=True)
logger.info(f"Asset Directory Created: {os.path.join(self.asset_directory[0], name)}")
return None, None
@ -6,27 +6,21 @@ from arrapi.exceptions import ArrException, Invalid
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
availability_translation = {
"announced": "announced",
"cinemas": "inCinemas",
"released": "released",
"db": "preDB"
apply_tags_translation = {
"": "add",
"sync": "replace",
"remove": "remove"
availability_translation = {"announced": "announced", "cinemas": "inCinemas", "released": "released", "db": "preDB"}
apply_tags_translation = {"": "add", "sync": "replace", "remove": "remove"}
availability_descriptions = {"announced": "For Announced", "cinemas": "For In Cinemas", "released": "For Released", "db": "For PreDB"}
class Radarr:
def __init__(self, params):
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.url = params["url"]
self.token = params["token"]
self.api = RadarrAPI(self.url, self.token)
self.api = RadarrAPI(self.url, self.token, session=self.config.session)
except ArrException as e:
raise Failed(e)
self.add = params["add"]
self.add_existing = params["add_existing"]
self.root_folder_path = params["root_folder_path"]
self.monitor = params["monitor"]
self.availability = params["availability"]
@ -83,4 +77,3 @@ class Radarr:
for tmdb_id in not_exists:
logger.info(f"TMDb ID Not in Radarr | {tmdb_id}")
@ -8,30 +8,37 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
series_type = ["standard", "daily", "anime"]
monitor_translation = {
"all": "all",
"future": "future",
"missing": "missing",
"existing": "existing",
"pilot": "pilot",
"first": "firstSeason",
"latest": "latestSeason",
"none": "none"
"all": "all", "future": "future", "missing": "missing", "existing": "existing",
"pilot": "pilot", "first": "firstSeason", "latest": "latestSeason", "none": "none"
apply_tags_translation = {
"": "add",
"sync": "replace",
"remove": "remove"
series_type_descriptions = {
"standard": "Episodes released with SxxEyy pattern",
"daily": "Episodes released daily or less frequently that use year-month-day (2017-05-25)",
"anime": "Episodes released using an absolute episode number"
monitor_descriptions = {
"all": "Monitor all episodes except specials",
"future": "Monitor episodes that have not aired yet",
"missing": "Monitor episodes that do not have files or have not aired yet",
"existing": "Monitor episodes that have files or have not aired yet",
"pilot": "Monitor the first episode. All other episodes will be ignored",
"first": "Monitor all episodes of the first season. All other seasons will be ignored",
"latest": "Monitor all episodes of the latest season and future seasons",
"none": "No episodes will be monitored"
apply_tags_translation = {"": "add", "sync": "replace", "remove": "remove"}
class Sonarr:
def __init__(self, params):
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.url = params["url"]
self.token = params["token"]
self.api = SonarrAPI(self.url, self.token)
self.api = SonarrAPI(self.url, self.token, session=self.config.session)
except ArrException as e:
raise Failed(e)
self.add = params["add"]
self.add_existing = params["add_existing"]
self.root_folder_path = params["root_folder_path"]
self.monitor = params["monitor"]
self.quality_profile = params["quality_profile"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import logging
from modules.util import Failed
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["stevenlu_popular"]
base_url = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/popular-movies/movies.json"
class StevenLu:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
def get_stevenlu_ids(self, method):
if method == "stevenlu_popular":
logger.info(f"Processing StevenLu Popular Movies")
return [(i["imdb_id"], "imdb") for i in self.config.get_json(base_url)]
raise Failed(f"StevenLu Error: Method {method} not supported")
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import logging, requests
import logging
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = ["tautulli_popular", "tautulli_watched"]
class Tautulli:
def __init__(self, params):
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.url = params["url"]
self.apikey = params["apikey"]
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class Tautulli:
if response["response"]["result"] != "success":
raise Failed(f"Tautulli Error: {response['response']['message']}")
def get_items(self, library, params):
def get_rating_keys(self, library, params):
query_size = int(params["list_size"]) + int(params["list_buffer"])
logger.info(f"Processing Tautulli Most {params['list_type'].capitalize()}: {params['list_size']} {'Movies' if library.is_movie else 'Shows'}")
response = self._request(f"{self.url}/api/v2?apikey={self.apikey}&cmd=get_home_stats&time_range={params['list_days']}&stats_count={query_size}")
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ class Tautulli:
logger.error(f"Plex Error: Item {item} not found")
count += 1
logger.debug(f"{len(rating_keys)} Keys Found: {rating_keys}")
return rating_keys
def _section_id(self, library_name):
@ -62,7 +64,6 @@ class Tautulli:
if section_id: return section_id
else: raise Failed(f"Tautulli Error: No Library named {library_name} in the response")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url):
logger.debug(f"Tautulli URL: {url.replace(self.apikey, '###############')}")
return requests.get(url).json()
return self.config.get_json(url)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import logging, tmdbv3api
from datetime import datetime
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
@ -8,110 +7,53 @@ from tmdbv3api.exceptions import TMDbException
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
"tmdb_actor", "tmdb_actor_details", "tmdb_collection", "tmdb_collection_details", "tmdb_company",
"tmdb_crew", "tmdb_crew_details", "tmdb_director", "tmdb_director_details", "tmdb_discover",
"tmdb_keyword", "tmdb_list", "tmdb_list_details", "tmdb_movie", "tmdb_movie_details", "tmdb_network",
"tmdb_now_playing", "tmdb_popular", "tmdb_producer", "tmdb_producer_details", "tmdb_show", "tmdb_show_details",
"tmdb_top_rated", "tmdb_trending_daily", "tmdb_trending_weekly", "tmdb_writer", "tmdb_writer_details"
type_map = {
"tmdb_actor": "Person",
"tmdb_actor_details": "Person",
"tmdb_collection": "Collection",
"tmdb_collection_details": "Collection",
"tmdb_company": "Company",
"tmdb_crew": "Person",
"tmdb_crew_details": "Person",
"tmdb_director": "Person",
"tmdb_director_details": "Person",
"tmdb_keyword": "Keyword",
"tmdb_list": "List",
"tmdb_list_details": "List",
"tmdb_movie": "Movie",
"tmdb_movie_details": "Movie",
"tmdb_network": "Network",
"tmdb_person": "Person",
"tmdb_producer": "Person",
"tmdb_producer_details": "Person",
"tmdb_show": "Show",
"tmdb_show_details": "Show",
"tmdb_writer": "Person",
"tmdb_writer_details": "Person"
"tmdb_actor": "Person", "tmdb_actor_details": "Person", "tmdb_crew": "Person", "tmdb_crew_details": "Person",
"tmdb_collection": "Collection", "tmdb_collection_details": "Collection", "tmdb_company": "Company",
"tmdb_director": "Person", "tmdb_director_details": "Person", "tmdb_keyword": "Keyword",
"tmdb_list": "List", "tmdb_list_details": "List", "tmdb_movie": "Movie", "tmdb_movie_details": "Movie",
"tmdb_network": "Network", "tmdb_person": "Person", "tmdb_producer": "Person", "tmdb_producer_details": "Person",
"tmdb_show": "Show", "tmdb_show_details": "Show", "tmdb_writer": "Person", "tmdb_writer_details": "Person"
discover_movie = [
"language", "with_original_language", "region", "sort_by",
discover_all = [
"language", "with_original_language", "region", "sort_by", "with_cast", "with_crew", "with_people",
"certification_country", "certification", "certification.lte", "certification.gte",
"primary_release_year", "primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte",
"release_date.gte", "release_date.lte", "year",
"vote_count.gte", "vote_count.lte",
"vote_average.gte", "vote_average.lte",
"with_cast", "with_crew", "with_people",
"with_genres", "without_genres",
"with_keywords", "without_keywords",
"with_runtime.gte", "with_runtime.lte"
"year", "primary_release_year", "primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte",
"release_date.gte", "release_date.lte", "vote_count.gte", "vote_count.lte",
"vote_average.gte", "vote_average.lte", "with_runtime.gte", "with_runtime.lte",
"with_companies", "with_genres", "without_genres", "with_keywords", "without_keywords", "include_adult",
"timezone", "screened_theatrically", "include_null_first_air_dates", "limit",
"air_date.gte", "air_date.lte", "first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte", "first_air_date_year", "with_networks"
discover_tv = [
"language", "with_original_language", "timezone", "sort_by",
"air_date.gte", "air_date.lte",
"first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte", "first_air_date_year",
"vote_count.gte", "vote_count.lte",
"vote_average.gte", "vote_average.lte",
"with_genres", "without_genres",
"with_keywords", "without_keywords",
"with_networks", "with_companies",
"with_runtime.gte", "with_runtime.lte",
discover_movie_only = [
"region", "with_cast", "with_crew", "with_people", "certification_country", "certification",
"year", "primary_release_year", "primary_release_date", "release_date", "include_adult"
discover_tv_only = [
"timezone", "screened_theatrically", "include_null_first_air_dates",
"air_date", "first_air_date", "first_air_date_year", "with_networks",
discover_dates = [
"primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte",
"release_date.gte", "release_date.lte",
"air_date.gte", "air_date.lte",
"first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte"
"primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte", "release_date.gte", "release_date.lte",
"air_date.gte", "air_date.lte", "first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte"
discover_movie_sort = [
"popularity.asc", "popularity.desc",
"release_date.asc", "release_date.desc",
"revenue.asc", "revenue.desc",
"primary_release_date.asc", "primary_release_date.desc",
"original_title.asc", "original_title.desc",
"vote_average.asc", "vote_average.desc",
"vote_count.asc", "vote_count.desc"
discover_tv_sort = [
"vote_average.desc", "vote_average.asc",
"first_air_date.desc", "first_air_date.asc",
"popularity.desc", "popularity.asc"
"popularity.asc", "popularity.desc", "release_date.asc", "release_date.desc", "revenue.asc", "revenue.desc",
"primary_release_date.asc", "primary_release_date.desc", "original_title.asc", "original_title.desc",
"vote_average.asc", "vote_average.desc", "vote_count.asc", "vote_count.desc"
discover_tv_sort = ["vote_average.desc", "vote_average.asc", "first_air_date.desc", "first_air_date.asc", "popularity.desc", "popularity.asc"]
class TMDb:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.TMDb = tmdbv3api.TMDb()
self.TMDb = tmdbv3api.TMDb(session=self.config.session)
self.TMDb.api_key = params["apikey"]
self.TMDb.language = params["language"]
response = tmdbv3api.Configuration().info()
@ -137,16 +79,29 @@ class TMDb:
id_to_return = self.Movie.external_ids(tmdb_id)[convert_to] if is_movie else self.TV.external_ids(tmdb_id)[convert_to]
if not id_to_return or (convert_to == "tvdb_id" and id_to_return == 0):
raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No {convert_to.upper().replace('B_', 'b ')} found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}")
return id_to_return
return id_to_return if convert_to == "imdb_id" else int(id_to_return)
except TMDbException:
raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: TMDb {'Movie' if is_movie else 'Show'} ID: {tmdb_id} not found")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def convert_to(self, external_id, external_source, is_movie):
search_results = self.Movie.external(external_id=external_id, external_source=external_source)
search = search_results["movie_results" if is_movie else "tv_results"]
if len(search) == 1: return int(search[0]["id"])
else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No TMDb ID found for {external_source.upper().replace('B_', 'b ')} {external_id}")
def convert_to(self, external_id, external_source):
return self.Movie.external(external_id=external_id, external_source=external_source)
def convert_tvdb_to(self, tvdb_id):
search = self.convert_to(tvdb_id, "tvdb_id")
if len(search["tv_results"]) == 1:
return int(search["tv_results"][0]["id"])
raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No TMDb ID found for TVDb ID {tvdb_id}")
def convert_imdb_to(self, imdb_id):
search = self.convert_to(imdb_id, "imdb_id")
if len(search["movie_results"]) > 0:
return int(search["movie_results"][0]["id"]), "movie"
elif len(search["tv_results"]) > 0:
return int(search["tv_results"][0]["id"]), "show"
raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No TMDb ID found for IMDb ID {imdb_id}")
def get_movie_show_or_collection(self, tmdb_id, is_movie):
if is_movie:
@ -202,35 +157,27 @@ class TMDb:
except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No List found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}")
def _credits(self, tmdb_id, actor=False, crew=False, director=False, producer=False, writer=False):
movie_ids = []
show_ids = []
ids = []
actor_credits = self._person_credits(tmdb_id)
if actor:
for credit in actor_credits.cast:
if credit.media_type == "movie":
ids.append((credit.id, "tmdb"))
elif credit.media_type == "tv":
show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(credit.id, fail=True))
except Failed as e:
ids.append((credit.id, "tmdb_show"))
for credit in actor_credits.crew:
if crew or \
(director and credit.department == "Directing") or \
(producer and credit.department == "Production") or \
(writer and credit.department == "Writing"):
if credit.media_type == "movie":
ids.append((credit.id, "tmdb"))
elif credit.media_type == "tv":
show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(credit.id, fail=True))
except Failed as e:
return movie_ids, show_ids
ids.append((credit.id, "tmdb_show"))
return ids
def _pagenation(self, method, amount, is_movie):
ids = []
count = 0
for x in range(int(amount / 20) + 1):
if method == "tmdb_popular": tmdb_items = self.Movie.popular(x + 1) if is_movie else self.TV.popular(x + 1)
elif method == "tmdb_top_rated": tmdb_items = self.Movie.top_rated(x + 1) if is_movie else self.TV.top_rated(x + 1)
@ -240,21 +187,18 @@ class TMDb:
else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: {method} method not supported")
for tmdb_item in tmdb_items:
ids.append(tmdb_item.id if is_movie else self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_item.id, fail=True))
count += 1
ids.append((tmdb_item.id, "tmdb" if is_movie else "tmdb_show"))
except Failed as e:
if count == amount: break
if count == amount: break
if len(ids) == amount: break
if len(ids) == amount: break
return ids
def _discover(self, attrs, amount, is_movie):
ids = []
count = 0
for date_attr in discover_dates:
if date_attr in attrs:
attrs[date_attr] = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(attrs[date_attr], "%m/%d/%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
attrs[date_attr] = util.validate_date(attrs[date_attr], f"tmdb_discover attribute {date_attr}", return_as="%Y-%m-%d")
self.Discover.discover_movies(attrs) if is_movie else self.Discover.discover_tv_shows(attrs)
total_pages = int(self.TMDb.total_pages)
total_results = int(self.TMDb.total_results)
@ -264,24 +208,24 @@ class TMDb:
tmdb_items = self.Discover.discover_movies(attrs) if is_movie else self.Discover.discover_tv_shows(attrs)
for tmdb_item in tmdb_items:
ids.append(tmdb_item.id if is_movie else self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_item.id, fail=True))
count += 1
ids.append((tmdb_item.id, "tmdb" if is_movie else "tmdb_show"))
except Failed as e:
if count == amount: break
if count == amount: break
if len(ids) == amount: break
if len(ids) == amount: break
return ids, amount
def validate_tmdb_list(self, tmdb_list, tmdb_type):
def validate_tmdb_ids(self, tmdb_ids, tmdb_method):
tmdb_list = util.get_int_list(tmdb_ids, f"TMDb {type_map[tmdb_method]} ID")
tmdb_values = []
for tmdb_id in tmdb_list:
try: tmdb_values.append(self.validate_tmdb(tmdb_id, tmdb_type))
try: tmdb_values.append(self.validate_tmdb(tmdb_id, tmdb_method))
except Failed as e: logger.error(e)
if len(tmdb_values) == 0: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No valid TMDb IDs in {tmdb_list}")
return tmdb_values
def validate_tmdb(self, tmdb_id, tmdb_type):
def validate_tmdb(self, tmdb_id, tmdb_method):
tmdb_type = type_map[tmdb_method]
if tmdb_type == "Movie": self.get_movie(tmdb_id)
elif tmdb_type == "Show": self.get_show(tmdb_id)
elif tmdb_type == "Collection": self.get_collection(tmdb_id)
@ -291,11 +235,10 @@ class TMDb:
elif tmdb_type == "List": self.get_list(tmdb_id)
return tmdb_id
def get_items(self, method, data, is_movie):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
def get_tmdb_ids(self, method, data, is_movie):
pretty = method.replace("_", " ").title().replace("Tmdb", "TMDb")
media_type = "Movie" if is_movie else "Show"
movie_ids = []
show_ids = []
ids = []
if method in ["tmdb_discover", "tmdb_company", "tmdb_keyword"] or (method == "tmdb_network" and not is_movie):
attrs = None
tmdb_id = ""
@ -315,8 +258,7 @@ class TMDb:
attrs = data.copy()
limit = int(attrs.pop("limit"))
if is_movie: movie_ids, amount = self._discover(attrs, limit, is_movie)
else: show_ids, amount = self._discover(attrs, limit, is_movie)
ids, amount = self._discover(attrs, limit, is_movie)
if method in ["tmdb_company", "tmdb_network", "tmdb_keyword"]:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({amount} {media_type}{'' if amount == 1 else 's'})")
elif method == "tmdb_discover":
@ -324,8 +266,7 @@ class TMDb:
for attr, value in attrs.items():
logger.info(f" {attr}: {value}")
elif method in ["tmdb_popular", "tmdb_top_rated", "tmdb_now_playing", "tmdb_trending_daily", "tmdb_trending_weekly"]:
if is_movie: movie_ids = self._pagenation(method, data, is_movie)
else: show_ids = self._pagenation(method, data, is_movie)
ids = self._pagenation(method, data, is_movie)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} {media_type}{'' if data == 1 else 's'}")
tmdb_id = int(data)
@ -334,34 +275,31 @@ class TMDb:
tmdb_name = tmdb_list.name
for tmdb_item in tmdb_list.items:
if tmdb_item.media_type == "movie":
ids.append((tmdb_item.id, "tmdb"))
elif tmdb_item.media_type == "tv":
try: show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_item.id, fail=True))
except Failed: pass
ids.append((tmdb_item.id, "tmdb_show"))
except Failed:
elif method == "tmdb_movie":
tmdb_name = str(self.get_movie(tmdb_id).title)
ids.append((tmdb_id, "tmdb"))
elif method == "tmdb_collection":
tmdb_items = self.get_collection(tmdb_id)
tmdb_name = str(tmdb_items.name)
for tmdb_item in tmdb_items.parts:
ids.append((tmdb_item["id"], "tmdb"))
elif method == "tmdb_show":
tmdb_name = str(self.get_show(tmdb_id).name)
show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_id, fail=True))
ids.append((tmdb_id, "tmdb_show"))
tmdb_name = str(self.get_person(tmdb_id).name)
if method == "tmdb_actor": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, actor=True)
elif method == "tmdb_director": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, director=True)
elif method == "tmdb_producer": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, producer=True)
elif method == "tmdb_writer": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, writer=True)
elif method == "tmdb_crew": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, crew=True)
if method == "tmdb_actor": ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, actor=True)
elif method == "tmdb_director": ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, director=True)
elif method == "tmdb_producer": ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, producer=True)
elif method == "tmdb_writer": ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, writer=True)
elif method == "tmdb_crew": ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, crew=True)
else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: Method {method} not supported")
if len(movie_ids) > 0:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({len(movie_ids)} Movie{'' if len(movie_ids) == 1 else 's'})")
if not is_movie and len(show_ids) > 0:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({len(show_ids)} Show{'' if len(show_ids) == 1 else 's'})")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
if len(ids) > 0:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({len(ids)} Item{'' if len(ids) == 1 else 's'})")
return ids
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
import logging, requests, webbrowser
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, TimeoutExpired
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
redirect_uri_encoded = redirect_uri.replace(":", "%3A")
base_url = "https://api.trakt.tv"
builders = [
"trakt_collected", "trakt_collection", "trakt_list", "trakt_list_details", "trakt_popular",
"trakt_recommended", "trakt_trending", "trakt_watched", "trakt_watchlist"
sorts = [
"rank", "added", "title", "released", "runtime", "popularity",
"percentage", "votes", "random", "my_rating", "watched", "collected"
class Trakt:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.client_id = params["client_id"]
self.client_secret = params["client_secret"]
self.config_path = params["config_path"]
self.authorization = params["authorization"]
if not self._save(self.authorization):
if not self._refresh():
def _authorization(self):
url = f"https://trakt.tv/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={self.client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri_encoded}"
logger.info(f"Navigate to: {url}")
logger.info("If you get an OAuth error your client_id or client_secret is invalid")
webbrowser.open(url, new=2)
try: pin = util.logger_input("Trakt pin (case insensitive)", timeout=300).strip()
except TimeoutExpired: raise Failed("Input Timeout: Trakt pin required.")
if not pin: raise Failed("Trakt Error: No input Trakt pin required.")
json = {
"code": pin,
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"grant_type": "authorization_code"
response = self.config.post(f"{base_url}/oauth/token", json=json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Failed("Trakt Error: Invalid trakt pin. If you're sure you typed it in correctly your client_id or client_secret may be invalid")
elif not self._save(response.json()):
raise Failed("Trakt Error: New Authorization Failed")
def _check(self, authorization=None):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.authorization['access_token'] if authorization is None else authorization['access_token']}",
"trakt-api-version": "2",
"trakt-api-key": self.client_id
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}/users/settings", headers=headers)
return response.status_code == 200
def _refresh(self):
if self.authorization and "refresh_token" in self.authorization and self.authorization["refresh_token"]:
logger.info("Refreshing Access Token...")
json = {
"refresh_token": self.authorization["refresh_token"],
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"grant_type": "refresh_token"
response = self.config.post(f"{base_url}/oauth/token", json=json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
if response.status_code != 200:
return False
return self._save(response.json())
return False
def _save(self, authorization):
if authorization and self._check(authorization):
if self.authorization != authorization:
yaml.YAML().allow_duplicate_keys = True
config, ind, bsi = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(self.config_path))
config["trakt"]["authorization"] = {
"access_token": authorization["access_token"],
"token_type": authorization["token_type"],
"expires_in": authorization["expires_in"],
"refresh_token": authorization["refresh_token"],
"scope": authorization["scope"],
"created_at": authorization["created_at"]
logger.info(f"Saving authorization information to {self.config_path}")
yaml.round_trip_dump(config, open(self.config_path, "w"), indent=ind, block_seq_indent=bsi)
self.authorization = authorization
return True
return False
def _request(self, url):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.authorization['access_token']}",
"trakt-api-version": "2",
"trakt-api-key": self.client_id
output_json = []
pages = 1
current = 1
while current <= pages:
if pages == 1:
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}{url}", headers=headers)
if "X-Pagination-Page-Count" in response.headers and "?" not in url:
pages = int(response.headers["X-Pagination-Page-Count"])
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}{url}?page={current}", headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_data = response.json()
if isinstance(json_data, dict):
return json_data
raise Failed(f"({response.status_code}) {response.reason}")
current += 1
return output_json
def user_ratings(self, is_movie):
media = "movie" if is_movie else "show"
id_type = "tmdb" if is_movie else "tvdb"
return {int(i[media]["ids"][id_type]): i["rating"] for i in self._request(f"/users/me/ratings/{media}s")}
def convert(self, external_id, from_source, to_source, media_type):
path = f"/search/{from_source}/{external_id}"
if from_source in ["tmdb", "tvdb"]:
path = f"{path}?type={media_type}"
lookup = self._request(path)
if lookup and media_type in lookup[0] and to_source in lookup[0][media_type]["ids"]:
return lookup[0][media_type]["ids"][to_source]
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No {to_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID found for {from_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID: {external_id}")
def list_description(self, data):
return self._request(requests.utils.urlparse(data).path)["description"]
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} not found")
def _parse(self, items, top=True, item_type=None):
ids = []
for item in items:
if top:
if item_type:
data = item[item_type]
elif item["type"] in ["movie", "show"]:
data = item[item["type"]]
data = item
if item_type:
id_type = "TMDb" if item_type == "movie" else "TVDb"
id_type = "TMDb" if item["type"] == "movie" else "TVDb"
if data["ids"][id_type.lower()]:
ids.append((data["ids"][id_type.lower()], id_type.lower()))
logger.error(f"Trakt Error: No {id_type} ID found for {data['title']} ({data['year']})")
return ids
def _user_list(self, data):
items = self._request(f"{requests.utils.urlparse(data).path}/items")
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} not found")
if len(items) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} is empty")
return self._parse(items)
def _user_items(self, list_type, data, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"/users/{data}/{list_type}/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}")
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: User {data} not found")
if len(items) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: {data}'s {list_type.capitalize()} is empty")
return self._parse(items, item_type="movie" if is_movie else "show")
def _pagenation(self, pagenation, amount, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}/{pagenation}?limit={amount}")
return self._parse(items, top=pagenation != "popular", item_type="movie" if is_movie else "show")
def validate_trakt(self, trakt_lists, is_movie, trakt_type="list"):
values = util.get_list(trakt_lists, split=False)
trakt_values = []
for value in values:
if trakt_type == "list":
self._user_items(trakt_type, value, is_movie)
except Failed as e:
if len(trakt_values) == 0:
if trakt_type == "watchlist":
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Watchlists in {values}")
elif trakt_type == "collection":
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Collections in {values}")
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Lists in {values}")
return trakt_values
def get_trakt_ids(self, method, data, is_movie):
pretty = method.replace("_", " ").title()
media_type = "Movie" if is_movie else "Show"
if method in ["trakt_trending", "trakt_popular", "trakt_recommended", "trakt_watched", "trakt_collected"]:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} {media_type}{'' if data == 1 else 's'}")
return self._pagenation(method[6:], data, is_movie)
elif method in ["trakt_collection", "trakt_watchlist"]:
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty} {media_type}s for {data}")
return self._user_items(method[6:], data, is_movie)
elif method == "trakt_list":
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
return self._user_list(data)
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: Method {method} not supported")
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
import logging, requests, webbrowser
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, TimeoutExpired
from retrying import retry
from ruamel import yaml
from trakt import Trakt as TraktAPI
from trakt.objects.episode import Episode
from trakt.objects.movie import Movie
from trakt.objects.season import Season
from trakt.objects.show import Show
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
class Trakt:
def __init__(self, params, authorization=None):
self.base_url = "https://api.trakt.tv"
self.redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
self.aliases = {
"trakt_trending": "Trakt Trending",
"trakt_watchlist": "Trakt Watchlist",
"trakt_list": "Trakt List"
self.client_id = params["client_id"]
self.client_secret = params["client_secret"]
self.config_path = params["config_path"]
self.authorization = authorization
TraktAPI.configuration.defaults.client(self.client_id, self.client_secret)
if not self._save(self.authorization):
if not self._refresh():
def _authorization(self):
url = TraktAPI["oauth"].authorize_url(self.redirect_uri)
logger.info(f"Navigate to: {url}")
logger.info("If you get an OAuth error your client_id or client_secret is invalid")
webbrowser.open(url, new=2)
try: pin = util.logger_input("Trakt pin (case insensitive)", timeout=300).strip()
except TimeoutExpired: raise Failed("Input Timeout: Trakt pin required.")
if not pin: raise Failed("Trakt Error: No input Trakt pin required.")
new_authorization = TraktAPI["oauth"].token(pin, self.redirect_uri)
if not new_authorization:
raise Failed("Trakt Error: Invalid trakt pin. If you're sure you typed it in correctly your client_id or client_secret may be invalid")
if not self._save(new_authorization):
raise Failed("Trakt Error: New Authorization Failed")
def _check(self, authorization):
with TraktAPI.configuration.oauth.from_response(authorization, refresh=True):
if TraktAPI["users/settings"].get():
return True
except ValueError: pass
return False
def _refresh(self):
if self.authorization and "refresh_token" in self.authorization and self.authorization["refresh_token"]:
logger.info("Refreshing Access Token...")
refreshed_authorization = TraktAPI["oauth"].token_refresh(self.authorization["refresh_token"], self.redirect_uri)
return self._save(refreshed_authorization)
return False
def _save(self, authorization):
if authorization and self._check(authorization):
if self.authorization != authorization:
yaml.YAML().allow_duplicate_keys = True
config, ind, bsi = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(self.config_path))
config["trakt"]["authorization"] = {
"access_token": authorization["access_token"],
"token_type": authorization["token_type"],
"expires_in": authorization["expires_in"],
"refresh_token": authorization["refresh_token"],
"scope": authorization["scope"],
"created_at": authorization["created_at"]
logger.info(f"Saving authorization information to {self.config_path}")
yaml.round_trip_dump(config, open(self.config_path, "w"), indent=ind, block_seq_indent=bsi)
self.authorization = authorization
return True
return False
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def convert(self, external_id, from_source, to_source, media_type):
lookup = TraktAPI["search"].lookup(external_id, from_source, media_type)
if lookup:
lookup = lookup[0] if isinstance(lookup, list) else lookup
if lookup.get_key(to_source):
return lookup.get_key(to_source) if to_source == "imdb" else int(lookup.get_key(to_source))
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No {to_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID found for {from_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID: {external_id}")
def collection(self, data, is_movie):
return self._user_list("collection", data, is_movie)
def _watchlist(self, data, is_movie):
return self._user_list("watchlist", data, is_movie)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def _user_list(self, list_type, data, is_movie):
items = TraktAPI[f"users/{data}/{list_type}"].movies() if is_movie else TraktAPI[f"users/{data}/{list_type}"].shows()
if items is None: raise Failed("Trakt Error: No List found")
else: return [i for i in items]
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def standard_list(self, data):
try: trakt_list = TraktAPI[requests.utils.urlparse(data).path].get()
except AttributeError: trakt_list = None
if trakt_list is None: raise Failed("Trakt Error: No List found")
else: return trakt_list
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url):
return requests.get(url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json", "trakt-api-version": "2", "trakt-api-key": self.client_id}).json()
def _collection(self, username, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"{self.base_url}/users/{username}/collection/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}")
if is_movie: return [item["movie"]["ids"]["tmdb"] for item in items], []
else: return [], [item["show"]["ids"]["tvdb"] for item in items]
def _pagenation(self, pagenation, amount, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"{self.base_url}/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}/{pagenation}?limit={amount}")
if pagenation == "popular" and is_movie: return [item["ids"]["tmdb"] for item in items], []
elif pagenation == "popular": return [], [item["ids"]["tvdb"] for item in items]
elif is_movie: return [item["movie"]["ids"]["tmdb"] for item in items], []
else: return [], [item["show"]["ids"]["tvdb"] for item in items]
def validate_trakt(self, values, trakt_type=None, is_movie=None):
trakt_values = []
for value in values:
if trakt_type == "watchlist" and is_movie is not None:
self._watchlist(value, is_movie)
elif trakt_type == "collection" and is_movie is not None:
self._collection(value, is_movie)
except Failed as e:
if len(trakt_values) == 0:
if trakt_type == "watchlist" and is_movie is not None:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Watchlists in {values}")
elif trakt_type == "collection" and is_movie is not None:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Collections in {values}")
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Lists in {values}")
return trakt_values
def get_items(self, method, data, is_movie):
pretty = self.aliases[method] if method in self.aliases else method
media_type = "Movie" if is_movie else "Show"
if method in ["trakt_trending", "trakt_popular", "trakt_recommended", "trakt_watched", "trakt_collected"]:
movie_ids, show_ids = self._pagenation(method[6:], data, is_movie)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data} {media_type}{'' if data == 1 else 's'}")
elif method == "trakt_collection":
movie_ids, show_ids = self._collection(data, is_movie)
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty} {media_type}s for {data}")
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
if method == "trakt_watchlist": trakt_items = self._watchlist(data, is_movie)
elif method == "trakt_list": trakt_items = self.standard_list(data).items()
else: raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: Method {method} not supported")
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
for trakt_item in trakt_items:
if isinstance(trakt_item, Movie):
elif isinstance(trakt_item, Show) and trakt_item.pk[1] not in show_ids:
elif (isinstance(trakt_item, (Season, Episode))) and trakt_item.show.pk[1] not in show_ids:
logger.debug(f"Trakt {media_type} Found: {trakt_items}")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
@ -1,169 +1,163 @@
import logging, requests
from lxml import html
import logging, requests, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
builders = ["tvdb_list", "tvdb_list_details", "tvdb_movie", "tvdb_movie_details", "tvdb_show", "tvdb_show_details"]
base_url = "https://www.thetvdb.com"
alt_url = "https://thetvdb.com"
urls = {
"list": f"{base_url}/lists/", "alt_list": f"{alt_url}/lists/",
"series": f"{base_url}/series/", "alt_series": f"{alt_url}/series/",
"movies": f"{base_url}/movies/", "alt_movies": f"{alt_url}/movies/",
"series_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/series/", "movie_id": f"{base_url}/dereferrer/movie/"
class TVDbObj:
def __init__(self, tvdb_url, language, is_movie, TVDb):
tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip()
if not is_movie and tvdb_url.startswith((TVDb.series_url, TVDb.alt_series_url, TVDb.series_id_url)):
def __init__(self, tvdb_url, language, is_movie, config):
self.tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip()
self.language = language
self.is_movie = is_movie
self.config = config
if not self.is_movie and self.tvdb_url.startswith((urls["series"], urls["alt_series"], urls["series_id"])):
self.media_type = "Series"
elif is_movie and tvdb_url.startswith((TVDb.movies_url, TVDb.alt_movies_url, TVDb.movie_id_url)):
elif self.is_movie and self.tvdb_url.startswith((urls["movies"], urls["alt_movies"], urls["movie_id"])):
self.media_type = "Movie"
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {TVDb.movies_url if is_movie else TVDb.series_url}")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {self.tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['movies'] if self.is_movie else urls['series']}")
response = TVDb._request(tvdb_url, language)
response = self.config.get_html(self.tvdb_url, headers=util.header(self.language))
results = response.xpath(f"//*[text()='TheTVDB.com {self.media_type} ID']/parent::node()/span/text()")
if len(results) > 0:
self.id = int(results[0])
elif tvdb_url.startswith(TVDb.movie_id_url):
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Movie using TVDb Movie ID: {tvdb_url[len(TVDb.movie_id_url):]}")
elif tvdb_url.startswith(TVDb.series_id_url):
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Series using TVDb Series ID: {tvdb_url[len(TVDb.series_id_url):]}")
elif self.tvdb_url.startswith(urls["movie_id"]):
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Movie using TVDb Movie ID: {self.tvdb_url[len(urls['movie_id']):]}")
elif self.tvdb_url.startswith(urls["series_id"]):
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb Series using TVDb Series ID: {self.tvdb_url[len(urls['series_id']):]}")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb {self.media_type} ID at the URL {tvdb_url}")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Could not find a TVDb {self.media_type} ID at the URL {self.tvdb_url}")
results = response.xpath("//div[@class='change_translation_text' and @data-language='eng']/@data-title")
if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0:
self.title = results[0]
def parse_page(xpath, fail=None, multi=False):
parse_results = response.xpath(xpath)
if len(parse_results) > 0:
parse_results = [r.strip() for r in parse_results if len(r) > 0]
if not multi and len(parse_results) > 0:
return parse_results[0]
elif len(parse_results) > 0:
return parse_results
elif fail is not None:
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {fail} not found from TVDb URL: {self.tvdb_url}")
return None
self.title = parse_page("//div[@class='change_translation_text' and not(@style='display:none')]/@data-title", fail="Name")
self.poster_path = parse_page("//div[@class='row hidden-xs hidden-sm']/div/img/@src")
self.background_path = parse_page("(//h2[@class='mt-4' and text()='Backgrounds']/following::div/a/@href)[1]")
self.summary = parse_page("//div[@class='change_translation_text' and not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()[normalize-space()]")
if self.is_movie:
self.directors = parse_page("//strong[text()='Directors']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]")
self.writers = parse_page("//strong[text()='Writers']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]")
self.studios = parse_page("//strong[text()='Studio']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Name not found from TVDb URL: {tvdb_url}")
results = response.xpath("//div[@class='row hidden-xs hidden-sm']/div/img/@src")
self.poster_path = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None
results = response.xpath("(//h2[@class='mt-4' and text()='Backgrounds']/following::div/a/@href)[1]")
self.background_path = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None
results = response.xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()")
self.summary = results[0] if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0 else None
self.networks = parse_page("//strong[text()='Networks']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]")
self.genres = parse_page("//strong[text()='Genres']/parent::li/span/a/text()[normalize-space()]")
tmdb_id = None
if is_movie:
imdb_id = None
if self.is_movie:
results = response.xpath("//*[text()='TheMovieDB.com']/@href")
if len(results) > 0:
tmdb_id = util.regex_first_int(results[0], "TMDb ID")
except Failed:
if tmdb_id is None:
results = response.xpath("//*[text()='IMDB']/@href")
if len(results) > 0:
tmdb_id = TVDb.config.Convert.imdb_to_tmdb(util.get_id_from_imdb_url(results[0]), fail=True)
except Failed:
if tmdb_id is None:
raise Failed(f"TVDB Error: No TMDb ID found for {self.title}")
results = response.xpath("//*[text()='IMDB']/@href")
if len(results) > 0:
imdb_id = util.get_id_from_imdb_url(results[0])
except Failed:
if tmdb_id is None and imdb_id is None:
raise Failed(f"TVDB Error: No TMDb ID or IMDb ID found for {self.title}")
self.tmdb_id = tmdb_id
self.tvdb_url = tvdb_url
self.language = language
self.is_movie = is_movie
self.TVDb = TVDb
self.imdb_id = imdb_id
class TVDb:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.site_url = "https://www.thetvdb.com"
self.alt_site_url = "https://thetvdb.com"
self.list_url = f"{self.site_url}/lists/"
self.alt_list_url = f"{self.alt_site_url}/lists/"
self.series_url = f"{self.site_url}/series/"
self.alt_series_url = f"{self.alt_site_url}/series/"
self.movies_url = f"{self.site_url}/movies/"
self.alt_movies_url = f"{self.alt_site_url}/movies/"
self.series_id_url = f"{self.site_url}/dereferrer/series/"
self.movie_id_url = f"{self.site_url}/dereferrer/movie/"
def get_movie_or_series(self, language, tvdb_url, is_movie):
def get_item(self, language, tvdb_url, is_movie):
return self.get_movie(language, tvdb_url) if is_movie else self.get_series(language, tvdb_url)
def get_series(self, language, tvdb_url):
tvdb_url = f"{self.series_id_url}{int(tvdb_url)}"
tvdb_url = f"{urls['series_id']}{int(tvdb_url)}"
except ValueError:
return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, False, self)
return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, False, self.config)
def get_movie(self, language, tvdb_url):
tvdb_url = f"{self.movie_id_url}{int(tvdb_url)}"
tvdb_url = f"{urls['movie_id']}{int(tvdb_url)}"
except ValueError:
return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, True, self)
return TVDbObj(tvdb_url, language, True, self.config)
def get_list_description(self, tvdb_url, language):
description = self._request(tvdb_url, language).xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()")
response = self.config.get_html(tvdb_url, headers=util.header(language))
description = response.xpath("//div[@class='block']/div[not(@style='display:none')]/p/text()")
return description[0] if len(description) > 0 and len(description[0]) > 0 else ""
def _ids_from_url(self, tvdb_url, language):
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
ids = []
tvdb_url = tvdb_url.strip()
if tvdb_url.startswith((self.list_url, self.alt_list_url)):
if tvdb_url.startswith((urls["list"], urls["alt_list"])):
items = self._request(tvdb_url, language).xpath("//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-md-pull-4']/div[@class='row']")
response = self.config.get_html(tvdb_url, headers=util.header(language))
items = response.xpath("//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-md-pull-4']/div[@class='row']")
for item in items:
title = item.xpath(".//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 mt-2']//a/text()")[0]
item_url = item.xpath(".//div[@class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 mt-2']//a/@href")[0]
if item_url.startswith("/series/"):
show_ids.append(self.get_series(language, f"{self.site_url}{item_url}").id)
ids.append((self.get_series(language, f"{base_url}{item_url}").id, "tvdb"))
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"{e} for series {title}")
elif item_url.startswith("/movies/"):
tmdb_id = self.get_movie(language, f"{self.site_url}{item_url}").tmdb_id
if tmdb_id:
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: TMDb ID not found from TVDb URL: {tvdb_url}")
movie = self.get_movie(language, f"{base_url}{item_url}")
if movie.tmdb_id:
ids.append((movie.tmdb_id, "tmdb"))
elif movie.imdb_id:
ids.append((movie.imdb_id, "imdb"))
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"{e} for series {title}")
logger.error(f"TVDb Error: Skipping Movie: {title}")
if len(show_ids) > 0 or len(movie_ids) > 0:
return movie_ids, show_ids
if len(ids) > 0:
return ids
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: No TVDb IDs found at {tvdb_url}")
except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: URL Lookup Failed for {tvdb_url}")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {self.list_url}")
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: {tvdb_url} must begin with {urls['list']}")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _request(self, url, language):
return html.fromstring(requests.get(url, headers={"Accept-Language": language}).content)
def get_items(self, method, data, language):
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
show_ids = []
movie_ids = []
logger.info(f"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
def get_tvdb_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "tvdb_show":
show_ids.append(self.get_series(language, data).id)
logger.info(f"Processing TVDb Show: {data}")
return [(self.get_series(language, data).id, "tvdb")]
elif method == "tvdb_movie":
movie_ids.append(self.get_movie(language, data).tmdb_id)
logger.info(f"Processing TVDb Movie: {data}")
movie = self.get_movie(language, data)
if movie.tmdb_id:
return [(movie.tmdb_id, "tmdb")]
elif movie.imdb_id:
return [(movie.imdb_id, "imdb")]
elif method == "tvdb_list":
tmdb_ids, tvdb_ids = self._ids_from_url(data, language)
logger.info(f"Processing TVDb List: {data}")
return self._ids_from_url(data, language)
raise Failed(f"TVDb Error: Method {method} not supported")
logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}")
logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import logging, os, re, signal, sys, time, traceback
from datetime import datetime
import glob, logging, os, re, signal, sys, time, traceback
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from pathvalidate import is_valid_filename, sanitize_filename
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized
@ -47,184 +48,30 @@ days_alias = {
"saturday": 5, "sat": 5, "s": 5,
"sunday": 6, "sun": 6, "su": 6, "u": 6
pretty_days = {
0: "Monday",
1: "Tuesday",
2: "Wednesday",
3: "Thursday",
4: "Friday",
5: "Saturday",
6: "Sunday"
mod_displays = {
"": "is", ".not": "is not", ".begins": "begins with", ".ends": "ends with", ".before": "is before", ".after": "is after",
".gt": "is greater than", ".gte": "is greater than or equal", ".lt": "is less than", ".lte": "is less than or equal"
pretty_days = {0: "Monday", 1: "Tuesday", 2: "Wednesday", 3: "Thursday", 4: "Friday", 5: "Saturday", 6: "Sunday"}
pretty_months = {
1: "January",
2: "February",
3: "March",
4: "April",
5: "May",
6: "June",
7: "July",
8: "August",
9: "September",
10: "October",
11: "November",
12: "December"
pretty_seasons = {
"winter": "Winter",
"spring": "Spring",
"summer": "Summer",
"fall": "Fall"
pretty_names = {
"anidb_id": "AniDB ID",
"anidb_relation": "AniDB Relation",
"anidb_popular": "AniDB Popular",
"anilist_genre": "AniList Genre",
"anilist_id": "AniList ID",
"anilist_popular": "AniList Popular",
"anilist_relations": "AniList Relations",
"anilist_season": "AniList Season",
"anilist_studio": "AniList Studio",
"anilist_tag": "AniList Tag",
"anilist_top_rated": "AniList Top Rated",
"icheckmovies_list": "I Check Movies List",
"imdb_list": "IMDb List",
"imdb_id": "IMDb ID",
"letterboxd_list": "Letterboxd List",
"letterboxd_list_details": "Letterboxd List",
"mal_id": "MyAnimeList ID",
"mal_all": "MyAnimeList All",
"mal_airing": "MyAnimeList Airing",
"mal_upcoming": "MyAnimeList Upcoming",
"mal_tv": "MyAnimeList TV",
"mal_ova": "MyAnimeList OVA",
"mal_movie": "MyAnimeList Movie",
"mal_special": "MyAnimeList Special",
"mal_popular": "MyAnimeList Popular",
"mal_favorite": "MyAnimeList Favorite",
"mal_season": "MyAnimeList Season",
"mal_suggested": "MyAnimeList Suggested",
"mal_userlist": "MyAnimeList Userlist",
"plex_all": "Plex All",
"plex_collection": "Plex Collection",
"plex_search": "Plex Search",
"tautulli_popular": "Tautulli Popular",
"tautulli_watched": "Tautulli Watched",
"tmdb_actor": "TMDb Actor",
"tmdb_actor_details": "TMDb Actor",
"tmdb_collection": "TMDb Collection",
"tmdb_collection_details": "TMDb Collection",
"tmdb_company": "TMDb Company",
"tmdb_crew": "TMDb Crew",
"tmdb_crew_details": "TMDb Crew",
"tmdb_director": "TMDb Director",
"tmdb_director_details": "TMDb Director",
"tmdb_discover": "TMDb Discover",
"tmdb_keyword": "TMDb Keyword",
"tmdb_list": "TMDb List",
"tmdb_list_details": "TMDb List",
"tmdb_movie": "TMDb Movie",
"tmdb_movie_details": "TMDb Movie",
"tmdb_network": "TMDb Network",
"tmdb_now_playing": "TMDb Now Playing",
"tmdb_person": "TMDb Person",
"tmdb_popular": "TMDb Popular",
"tmdb_producer": "TMDb Producer",
"tmdb_producer_details": "TMDb Producer",
"tmdb_show": "TMDb Show",
"tmdb_show_details": "TMDb Show",
"tmdb_top_rated": "TMDb Top Rated",
"tmdb_trending_daily": "TMDb Trending Daily",
"tmdb_trending_weekly": "TMDb Trending Weekly",
"tmdb_writer": "TMDb Writer",
"tmdb_writer_details": "TMDb Writer",
"trakt_collected": "Trakt Collected",
"trakt_collection": "Trakt Collection",
"trakt_list": "Trakt List",
"trakt_list_details": "Trakt List",
"trakt_popular": "Trakt Popular",
"trakt_recommended": "Trakt Recommended",
"trakt_trending": "Trakt Trending",
"trakt_watched": "Trakt Watched",
"trakt_watchlist": "Trakt Watchlist",
"tvdb_list": "TVDb List",
"tvdb_list_details": "TVDb List",
"tvdb_movie": "TVDb Movie",
"tvdb_movie_details": "TVDb Movie",
"tvdb_show": "TVDb Show",
"tvdb_show_details": "TVDb Show"
pretty_ids = {
"anidbid": "AniDB",
"imdbid": "IMDb",
"mal_id": "MyAnimeList",
"themoviedb_id": "TMDb",
"thetvdb_id": "TVDb",
"tvdbid": "TVDb"
1: "January", 2: "February", 3: "March", 4: "April", 5: "May", 6: "June",
7: "July", 8: "August", 9: "September", 10: "October", 11: "November", 12: "December"
seasons = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "fall"]
pretty_ids = {"anidbid": "AniDB", "imdbid": "IMDb", "mal_id": "MyAnimeList", "themoviedb_id": "TMDb", "thetvdb_id": "TVDb", "tvdbid": "TVDb"}
def tab_new_lines(data):
return str(data).replace("\n", "\n|\t ") if "\n" in str(data) else str(data)
def make_ordinal(n):
n = int(n)
suffix = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th"][min(n % 10, 4)]
if 11 <= (n % 100) <= 13:
suffix = "th"
return str(n) + suffix
return f"{n}{'th' if 11 <= (n % 100) <= 13 else ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][min(n % 10, 4)]}"
def choose_from_list(datalist, description, data=None, list_type="title", exact=False):
if len(datalist) > 0:
if len(datalist) == 1 and (description != "collection" or datalist[0].title == data):
return datalist[0]
zero_option = f"Create New Collection: {data}" if description == "collection" else "Do Nothing"
message = f"Multiple {description}s Found\n0) {zero_option}"
for i, d in enumerate(datalist, 1):
if list_type == "title":
if d.title == data:
return d
message += f"\n{i}) {d.title}"
message += f"\n{i}) [{d[0]}] {d[1]}"
if exact:
return None
print_multiline(message, info=True)
while True:
selection = int(logger_input(f"Choose {description} number")) - 1
if selection >= 0: return datalist[selection]
elif selection == -1: return None
else: logger.info(f"Invalid {description} number")
except IndexError: logger.info(f"Invalid {description} number")
except TimeoutExpired:
if list_type == "title":
logger.warning(f"Input Timeout: using {data}")
return None
logger.warning(f"Input Timeout: using {datalist[0][1]}")
return datalist[0]
return None
def get_bool(method_name, method_data):
if isinstance(method_data, bool):
return method_data
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["t", "true"]:
return True
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["f", "false"]:
return False
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute: {method_data} invalid must be either true or false")
def compile_list(data):
if isinstance(data, list):
text = ""
for item in data:
text += f"{',' if len(text) > 0 else ''}{item}"
return text
return data
def add_dict_list(keys, value, dict_map):
for key in keys:
if key in dict_map:
dict_map[key] = [value]
def get_list(data, lower=False, split=True, int_list=False):
if data is None: return None
@ -236,50 +83,25 @@ def get_list(data, lower=False, split=True, int_list=False):
else: return [d.strip() for d in str(data).split(",")]
def get_int_list(data, id_type):
values = get_list(data)
int_values = []
for value in values:
for value in get_list(data):
try: int_values.append(regex_first_int(value, id_type))
except Failed as e: logger.error(e)
return int_values
def get_year_list(data, current_year, method):
final_years = []
values = get_list(data)
for value in values:
final_years.append(check_year(value, current_year, method))
return final_years
def check_year(year, current_year, method):
return check_number(year, method, minimum=1800, maximum=current_year)
def check_number(value, method, number_type="int", minimum=None, maximum=None):
if number_type == "int":
try: num_value = int(str(value))
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {value} must be an integer")
elif number_type == "float":
try: num_value = float(str(value))
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {value} must be a number")
else: raise Failed(f"Number Type: {number_type} invalid")
if minimum is not None and maximum is not None and (num_value < minimum or num_value > maximum):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} must be between {minimum} and {maximum}")
elif minimum is not None and num_value < minimum:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} is less then {minimum}")
elif maximum is not None and num_value > maximum:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} is greater then {maximum}")
return num_value
def check_date(date_text, method, return_string=False, plex_date=False):
try: date_obg = datetime.strptime(str(date_text), "%Y-%m-%d" if plex_date else "%m/%d/%Y")
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {date_text} must match pattern {'YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2020-12-25' if plex_date else 'MM/DD/YYYY e.g. 12/25/2020'}")
return str(date_text) if return_string else date_obg
def validate_date(date_text, method, return_as=None):
try: date_obg = datetime.strptime(str(date_text), "%Y-%m-%d" if "-" in str(date_text) else "%m/%d/%Y")
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {date_text} must match pattern YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-12-25) or MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 12/25/2020)")
return datetime.strftime(date_obg, return_as) if return_as else date_obg
def logger_input(prompt, timeout=60):
if windows: return windows_input(prompt, timeout)
elif hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): return unix_input(prompt, timeout)
else: raise SystemError("Input Timeout not supported on this system")
def header(language="en-US,en;q=0.5"):
return {"Accept-Language": language, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 x64"}
def alarm_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutExpired
@ -291,22 +113,6 @@ def unix_input(prompt, timeout=60):
except EOFError: raise Failed("Input Failed")
finally: signal.alarm(0)
def old_windows_input(prompt, timeout=60, timer=time.monotonic):
prompt = f"| {prompt}: "
endtime = timer() + timeout
result = []
while timer() < endtime:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
if result[-1] == "\n":
out = "".join(result[:-1])
return out
raise TimeoutExpired
def windows_input(prompt, timeout=5):
sys.stdout.write(f"| {prompt}: ")
@ -393,7 +199,7 @@ def separator(text=None, space=True, border=True, debug=False):
def apply_formatter(handler, border=True):
text = f"| %(message)-{screen_width - 2}s |" if border else f"%(message)-{screen_width - 2}s"
if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
if isinstance(handler, RotatingFileHandler):
text = f"[%(asctime)s] %(filename)-27s %(levelname)-10s {text}"
@ -429,9 +235,117 @@ def is_locked(filepath):
file_object = open(filepath, 'a', 8)
if file_object:
locked = False
except IOError as message:
except IOError:
locked = True
if file_object:
return locked
def glob_filter(filter_in):
filter_in = filter_in.translate({ord("["): "[[]", ord("]"): "[]]"}) if "[" in filter_in else filter_in
return glob.glob(filter_in)
def is_date_filter(value, modifier, data, final, current_time):
if value is None:
return True
if modifier in ["", ".not"]:
threshold_date = current_time - timedelta(days=data)
if (modifier == "" and (value is None or value < threshold_date)) \
or (modifier == ".not" and value and value >= threshold_date):
return True
elif modifier in [".before", ".after"]:
filter_date = validate_date(data, final)
if (modifier == ".before" and value >= filter_date) or (modifier == ".after" and value <= filter_date):
return True
elif modifier == ".regex":
jailbreak = True
for check_data in data:
if re.compile(check_data).match(value.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")):
jailbreak = True
if not jailbreak:
return True
return False
def is_number_filter(value, modifier, data):
return value is None or (modifier == ".gt" and value <= data) \
or (modifier == ".gte" and value < data) \
or (modifier == ".lt" and value >= data) \
or (modifier == ".lte" and value > data)
def is_string_filter(values, modifier, data):
jailbreak = False
for value in values:
for check_value in data:
if (modifier in ["", ".not"] and check_value.lower() in value.lower()) \
or (modifier == ".begins" and value.lower().startswith(check_value.lower())) \
or (modifier == ".ends" and value.lower().endswith(check_value.lower())) \
or (modifier == ".regex" and re.compile(check_value).match(value)):
jailbreak = True
if jailbreak: break
return (jailbreak and modifier == ".not") or (not jailbreak and modifier in ["", ".begins", ".ends", ".regex"])
def parse(attribute, data, datatype=None, methods=None, parent=None, default=None, options=None, translation=None, minimum=1, maximum=None, regex=None):
display = f"{parent + ' ' if parent else ''}{attribute} attribute"
if options is None and translation is not None:
options = [o for o in translation]
value = data[methods[attribute]] if methods and attribute in methods else data
if datatype == "list":
if methods and attribute in methods and data[methods[attribute]]:
return [v for v in value if v] if isinstance(value, list) else [str(value)]
return []
elif datatype == "dictlist":
final_list = []
for dict_data in get_list(value):
if isinstance(dict_data, dict):
final_list.append((dict_data, {dm.lower(): dm for dm in dict_data}))
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {display} {dict_data} is not a dictionary")
return final_list
elif methods and attribute not in methods:
message = f"{display} not found"
elif value is None:
message = f"{display} is blank"
elif regex is not None:
regex_str, example = regex
if re.compile(regex_str).match(str(value)):
return str(value)
message = f"{display}: {value} must match pattern {regex_str} e.g. {example}"
elif datatype == "bool":
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
elif isinstance(value, int):
return value > 0
elif str(value).lower() in ["t", "true"]:
return True
elif str(value).lower() in ["f", "false"]:
return False
message = f"{display} must be either true or false"
elif datatype in ["int", "float"]:
value = int(str(value)) if datatype == "int" else float(str(value))
if (maximum is None and minimum <= value) or (maximum is not None and minimum <= value <= maximum):
return value
except ValueError:
pre = f"{display} {value} must {'an integer' if datatype == 'int' else 'a number'}"
if maximum is None:
message = f"{pre} {minimum} or greater"
message = f"{pre} between {minimum} and {maximum}"
elif (translation is not None and str(value).lower() not in translation) or \
(options is not None and translation is None and str(value).lower() not in options):
message = f"{display} {value} must be in {', '.join([str(o) for o in options])}"
return translation[value] if translation is not None else value
if default is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {message}")
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {message} using {default} as default")
return translation[default] if translation is not None else default
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import argparse, logging, os, re, sys, time
from datetime import datetime
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
import schedule
from modules import util
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ parser.add_argument("-lo", "--library-only", "--libraries-only", dest="library_o
parser.add_argument("-rc", "-cl", "--collection", "--collections", "--run-collection", "--run-collections", dest="collections", help="Process only specified collections (comma-separated list)", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-rl", "-l", "--library", "--libraries", "--run-library", "--run-libraries", dest="libraries", help="Process only specified libraries (comma-separated list)", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-nc", "--no-countdown", dest="no_countdown", help="Run without displaying the countdown", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-nm", "--no-missing", dest="no_missing", help="Run without running the missing section", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--divider", dest="divider", help="Character that divides the sections (Default: '=')", default="=", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-w", "--width", dest="width", help="Screen Width (Default: 100)", default=100, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ test = check_bool("PMM_TEST", args.test)
debug = check_bool("PMM_DEBUG", args.debug)
run = check_bool("PMM_RUN", args.run)
no_countdown = check_bool("PMM_NO_COUNTDOWN", args.no_countdown)
no_missing = check_bool("PMM_NO_MISSING", args.no_missing)
library_only = check_bool("PMM_LIBRARIES_ONLY", args.library_only)
collection_only = check_bool("PMM_COLLECTIONS_ONLY", args.collection_only)
collections = os.environ.get("PMM_COLLECTIONS") if os.environ.get("PMM_COLLECTIONS") else args.collections
@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ sys.excepthook = util.my_except_hook
def start(config_path, is_test=False, time_scheduled=None, requested_collections=None, requested_libraries=None, resume_from=None):
file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", "meta.log")
should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(file_logger)
file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=10, encoding="utf-8")
file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=10, encoding="utf-8")
if should_roll_over:
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ def start(config_path, is_test=False, time_scheduled=None, requested_collections
logger.info(util.centered("| __/| | __/> < | | | | __/ || (_| | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | "))
logger.info(util.centered("|_| |_|\\___/_/\\_\\ |_| |_|\\___|\\__\\__,_| |_| |_|\\__,_|_| |_|\\__,_|\\__, |\\___|_| "))
logger.info(util.centered(" |___/ "))
logger.info(util.centered(" Version: 1.11.3 "))
logger.info(util.centered(" Version: 1.12.0 "))
if time_scheduled: start_type = f"{time_scheduled} "
elif is_test: start_type = "Test "
elif requested_collections: start_type = "Collections "
@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ def update_libraries(config):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, "collections"), exist_ok=True)
col_file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, "library.log")
should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(col_file_logger)
library_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
library_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
if should_roll_over:
@ -144,15 +147,15 @@ def update_libraries(config):
util.separator(f"Mapping {library.name} Library", space=False, border=False)
items = library.map_guids()
if not config.test_mode and not config.resume_from and not collection_only and library.mass_update:
mass_metadata(config, library)
mass_metadata(config, library, items)
for metadata in library.metadata_files:
util.separator(f"Running Metadata File\n{metadata.path}")
if not config.test_mode and not config.resume_from and not collection_only:
metadata.update_metadata(config.TMDb, config.test_mode)
except Failed as e:
collections_to_run = metadata.get_collections(config.requested_collections)
@ -166,6 +169,15 @@ def update_libraries(config):
run_collection(config, library, metadata, collections_to_run)
if library.run_sort:
util.separator(f"Sorting {library.name} Library's Collections", space=False, border=False)
for builder in library.run_sort:
util.separator(f"Sorting {builder.name} Collection", space=False, border=False)
if not config.test_mode and not config.requested_collections and ((library.show_unmanaged and not library_only) or (library.assets_for_all and not collection_only)):
@ -189,10 +201,10 @@ def update_libraries(config):
util.separator(f"All {'Movies' if library.is_movie else 'Shows'} Assets Check for {library.name} Library", space=False, border=False)
for col in unmanaged_collections:
poster, background = library.find_collection_assets(col)
poster, background = library.find_collection_assets(col, create=library.create_asset_folders)
library.upload_images(col, poster=poster, background=background)
for item in library.get_all():
library.update_item_from_assets(item, create=library.create_asset_folders)
@ -214,7 +226,7 @@ def update_libraries(config):
for library in config.libraries:
if library.run_again:
col_file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, f"library.log")
library_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
library_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
@ -245,7 +257,7 @@ def update_libraries(config):
if library.optimize:
def mass_metadata(config, library):
def mass_metadata(config, library, items):
util.separator(f"Mass Editing {'Movie' if library.is_movie else 'Show'} Library: {library.name}")
@ -256,24 +268,45 @@ def mass_metadata(config, library):
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Splitting"))
radarr_adds = []
sonarr_adds = []
items = library.get_all()
trakt_ratings = config.Trakt.user_ratings(library.is_movie) if library.mass_trakt_rating_update else []
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
except Failed as e:
util.print_return(f"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id = None
tvdb_id = None
imdb_id = None
if config.Cache:
t_id, guid_media_type, _ = config.Cache.query_guid_map(item.guid)
t_id, i_id, guid_media_type, _ = config.Cache.query_guid_map(item.guid)
if t_id:
if "movie" in guid_media_type:
tmdb_id = t_id
tmdb_id = t_id[0]
tvdb_id = t_id
tvdb_id = t_id[0]
if i_id:
imdb_id = i_id[0]
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id:
tmdb_id = library.get_tmdb_from_map(item)
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and library.is_show:
tmdb_id = library.get_tvdb_from_map(item)
tvdb_id = library.get_tvdb_from_map(item)
if library.mass_trakt_rating_update:
if library.is_movie and tmdb_id in trakt_ratings:
new_rating = trakt_ratings[tmdb_id]
elif library.is_show and tvdb_id in trakt_ratings:
new_rating = trakt_ratings[tvdb_id]
raise Failed
if str(item.userRating) != str(new_rating):
library.edit_query(item, {"userRating.value": new_rating, "userRating.locked": 1})
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | User Rating | {new_rating}"))
except Failed:
if library.Radarr and library.radarr_add_all and tmdb_id:
@ -288,7 +321,7 @@ def mass_metadata(config, library):
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_movie(tmdb_id) if library.is_movie else config.TMDb.get_show(tmdb_id)
except Failed as e:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No TMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}"))
@ -303,14 +336,24 @@ def mass_metadata(config, library):
omdb_item = config.OMDb.get_omdb(imdb_id)
except Failed as e:
except Exception:
logger.error(f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No IMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}"))
if not tmdb_item and not omdb_item:
tvdb_item = None
if library.mass_genre_update == "tvdb":
if tvdb_id:
tvdb_item = config.TVDb.get_item(tvdb_id, library.is_movie)
except Failed as e:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No TVDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}"))
if not tmdb_item and not omdb_item and not tvdb_item:
if library.mass_genre_update:
@ -319,31 +362,29 @@ def mass_metadata(config, library):
new_genres = [genre.name for genre in tmdb_item.genres]
elif omdb_item and library.mass_genre_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]:
new_genres = omdb_item.genres
elif tvdb_item and library.mass_genre_update == "tvdb":
new_genres = tvdb_item.genres
raise Failed
item_genres = [genre.tag for genre in item.genres]
display_str = ""
add_genre = []
for genre in (g for g in new_genres if g not in item_genres):
display_str += f"{', ' if len(display_str) > 0 else ''}+{genre}"
add_genre = [genre for genre in (g for g in new_genres if g not in item_genres)]
if len(add_genre) > 0:
display_str += f"+{', +'.join(add_genre)}"
library.query_data(item.addGenre, add_genre)
remove_genre = []
for genre in (g for g in item_genres if g not in new_genres):
display_str += f"{', ' if len(display_str) > 0 else ''}-{genre}"
remove_genre = [genre for genre in (g for g in item_genres if g not in new_genres)]
if len(remove_genre) > 0:
display_str += f"-{', -'.join(remove_genre)}"
library.query_data(item.removeGenre, remove_genre)
if len(display_str) > 0:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Genres | {display_str}"))
except Failed:
if library.mass_audience_rating_update or library.mass_critic_rating_update:
if library.mass_audience_rating_update:
if tmdb_item and library.mass_genre_update == "tmdb":
if tmdb_item and library.mass_audience_rating_update == "tmdb":
new_rating = tmdb_item.vote_average
elif omdb_item and library.mass_genre_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]:
elif omdb_item and library.mass_audience_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]:
new_rating = omdb_item.imdb_rating
raise Failed
@ -353,6 +394,19 @@ def mass_metadata(config, library):
if library.mass_audience_rating_update and str(item.audienceRating) != str(new_rating):
library.edit_query(item, {"audienceRating.value": new_rating, "audienceRating.locked": 1})
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Audience Rating | {new_rating}"))
except Failed:
if library.mass_critic_rating_update:
if tmdb_item and library.mass_critic_rating_update == "tmdb":
new_rating = tmdb_item.vote_average
elif omdb_item and library.mass_critic_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]:
new_rating = omdb_item.imdb_rating
raise Failed
if new_rating is None:
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No Rating Found"))
if library.mass_critic_rating_update and str(item.rating) != str(new_rating):
library.edit_query(item, {"rating.value": new_rating, "rating.locked": 1})
logger.info(util.adjust_space(f"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Critic Rating | {new_rating}"))
@ -405,7 +459,7 @@ def run_collection(config, library, metadata, requested_collections):
os.makedirs(collection_log_folder, exist_ok=True)
col_file_logger = os.path.join(collection_log_folder, f"collection.log")
should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(col_file_logger)
collection_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
collection_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8")
if should_roll_over:
@ -420,7 +474,7 @@ def run_collection(config, library, metadata, requested_collections):
util.separator(f"Validating {mapping_name} Attributes", space=False, border=False)
builder = CollectionBuilder(config, library, metadata, mapping_name, collection_attrs)
builder = CollectionBuilder(config, library, metadata, mapping_name, no_missing, collection_attrs)
util.separator(f"Building {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False)
@ -441,14 +495,14 @@ def run_collection(config, library, metadata, requested_collections):
for filter_key, filter_value in builder.filters:
logger.info(f"Collection Filter {filter_key}: {filter_value}")
if len(builder.rating_keys) > 0 and builder.build_collection:
util.separator(f"Adding to {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False)
if len(builder.missing_movies) > 0 or len(builder.missing_shows) > 0:
if builder.do_missing and (len(builder.missing_movies) > 0 or len(builder.missing_shows) > 0):
if builder.details["show_missing"] is True:
util.separator(f"Missing from Library", space=False, border=False)
@ -463,9 +517,13 @@ def run_collection(config, library, metadata, requested_collections):
util.separator(f"Updating Details of the Items in {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False)
if builder.custom_sort:
# logger.info("")
# util.separator(f"Sorting {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False)
# logger.info("")
# builder.sort_collection()
if builder.run_again and (len(builder.run_again_movies) > 0 or len(builder.run_again_shows) > 0):
@ -504,7 +562,7 @@ try:
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)
time_str = f"{hours} Hour{'s' if hours > 1 else ''} and " if hours > 0 else ""
time_str += f"{minutes} Minute{'s' if minutes > 1 else ''}"
util.print_return(f"Current Time: {current} | {time_str} until the next run at {og_time_str} {times_to_run}")
util.print_return(f"Current Time: {current} | {time_str} until the next run at {og_time_str} | Runs: {', '.join(times_to_run)}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
util.separator("Exiting Plex Meta Manager")
@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
# Remove
# Less common, pinned
# More common, flexible
Add table
Reference in a new issue