
397 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os, time
from modules import util
2024-05-28 16:22:51 -04:00
from modules.util import Failed
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageColor
logger = util.logger
2024-05-28 16:22:51 -04:00
class ImageData:
def __init__(self, attribute, location, prefix="", is_poster=True, is_url=True, compare=None):
self.attribute = attribute
self.location = location
self.prefix = prefix
self.is_poster = is_poster
self.is_url = is_url = compare if compare else location if is_url else os.stat(location).st_size
self.message = f"{prefix}{'poster' if is_poster else 'background'} to [{'URL' if is_url else 'File'}] {location}"
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class ImageBase:
def __init__(self, config, data):
self.config = config = data
self.methods = {str(m).lower(): m for m in}
self.code_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
self.images_dir = os.path.join(self.code_base, "defaults", "images")
def check_data(self, attr):
if attr not in self.methods or not[self.methods[attr]]:
return None
def check_file(self, attr, pmm_items, local=False, required=False):
if attr not in self.methods or not[self.methods[attr]]:
if required:
raise Failed(f"Posters Error: {attr} not found or is blank")
return None
file_data =[self.methods[attr]]
if isinstance(file_data, list):
file_data = file_data[0]
if not isinstance(file_data, dict):
file_data = {"pmm": str(file_data)}
if "pmm" in file_data and file_data["pmm"]:
file_path = pmm_items[file_data["pmm"]] if file_data["pmm"] in pmm_items else file_data["pmm"]
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return file_path, os.path.getsize(file_path)
raise Failed(f"Poster Error: {attr} pmm invalid. Options: {', '.join(pmm_items.keys())}")
elif "file" in file_data and file_data["file"]:
if os.path.exists(file_data["file"]):
return file_data["file"], os.path.getsize(file_data["file"])
raise Failed(f"Poster Error: {attr} file not found: {os.path.abspath(file_data['file'])}")
elif local:
return None, None
elif "git" in file_data and file_data["git"]:
url = f"{self.config.GitHub.configs_url}{file_data['git']}"
elif "repo" in file_data and file_data["repo"]:
url = f"{self.config.custom_repo}{file_data['repo']}"
elif "url" in file_data and file_data["url"]:
url = file_data["url"]
return None, None
2024-05-28 16:22:51 -04:00
response = self.config.Requests.get(url)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"Poster Error: {attr} not found at: {url}")
2024-05-28 16:22:51 -04:00
if "Content-Type" not in response.headers or response.headers["Content-Type"] not in self.config.Requests.image_content_types:
raise Failed(f"Poster Error: {attr} not a png, jpg, or webp: {url}")
if response.headers["Content-Type"] == "image/jpeg":
ext = "jpg"
elif response.headers["Content-Type"] == "image/webp":
ext = "webp"
ext = "png"
num = ""
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
image_path = os.path.join(self.images_dir, f"temp{num}.{ext}")
while os.path.exists(image_path):
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
num = 1 if not num else num + 1
image_path = os.path.join(self.images_dir, f"temp{num}.{ext}")
with open(image_path, "wb") as handler:
while util.is_locked(image_path):
return image_path, url
def check_color(self, attr):
if attr not in self.methods or not[self.methods[attr]]:
return None
return ImageColor.getcolor([self.methods[attr]], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Poster Error: {attr}: {[self.methods[attr]]} invalid")
class Component(ImageBase):
def __init__(self, config, data):
super().__init__(config, data)
self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw("RGBA", (0, 0)))
self.back_color = self.check_color("back_color")
self.back_radius = util.parse("Posters", "back_radius",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "back_radius" in self.methods else 0
self.back_line_width = util.parse("Posters", "back_line_width",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "back_line_width" in self.methods else 0
self.back_line_color = self.check_color("back_line_color")
self.back_padding = util.parse("Posters", "back_padding",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "back_padding" in self.methods else 0
self.back_align = util.parse("Posters", "back_align",, methods=self.methods, default="center", options=["left", "right", "center", "top", "bottom"]) if "back_align" in self.methods else "center"
self.back_width = 0
if "back_width" in self.methods:
if str(self.methods["back_width"]).lower() == "max":
self.back_width = "max"
self.back_width = util.parse("Posters", "back_width",, methods=self.methods, datatype="int", minimum=0)
self.back_height = 0
if "back_height" in self.methods:
if str(self.methods["back_height"]).lower() == "max":
self.back_height = "max"
self.back_height = util.parse("Posters", "back_height",, methods=self.methods, datatype="int", minimum=0)
2023-04-11 18:43:15 -04:00
self.has_back = True if self.back_color or self.back_line_width else False
self.horizontal_offset, self.horizontal_align, self.vertical_offset, self.vertical_align = util.parse_cords(, "component", err_type="Posters", default=(0, "center", 0, "center"))
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
old_images_dir = os.path.join(self.images_dir, "images")
self.pmm_images = {k[:-4]: os.path.join(old_images_dir, k) for k in os.listdir(old_images_dir)}
self.image, self.image_compare = self.check_file("image", self.pmm_images)
self.image_width = util.parse("Posters", "image_width",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0, maximum=2000) if "image_width" in self.methods else 0
self.image_color = self.check_color("image_color")
self.text = None
self.font_name = None
self.font = None
self.font_style = None
self.addon_position = None
self.text_align = util.parse("Posters", "text_align",, methods=self.methods, default="center", options=["left", "right", "center"]) if "text_align" in self.methods else "center"
self.font_size = util.parse("Posters", "font_size",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=163, minimum=1) if "font_size" in self.methods else 163
self.font_color = self.check_color("font_color")
self.stroke_color = self.check_color("stroke_color")
self.stroke_width = util.parse("Posters", "stroke_width",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "stroke_width" in self.methods else 0
self.addon_offset = util.parse("Posters", "addon_offset",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "stroke_width" in self.methods else 0
if "text" in self.methods:
font_base = os.path.join(self.code_base, "fonts")
2024-04-22 10:20:12 -04:00
kometa_fonts = os.listdir(font_base)
all_fonts = {s: s for s in util.get_system_fonts()}
2024-04-22 10:20:12 -04:00
for font_name in kometa_fonts:
all_fonts[font_name] = os.path.join(font_base, font_name)
self.text = util.parse("Posters", "text",, methods=self.methods, default="<<title>>")
self.font_name, self.font_compare = self.check_file("font", all_fonts, local=True)
if not self.font_name:
self.font_name = all_fonts["Roboto-Medium.ttf"]
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_name, self.font_size)
if "font_style" in self.methods and[self.methods["font_style"]]:
variation_names = [n.decode("utf-8") for n in self.font.get_variation_names()]
if[self.methods["font_style"]] in variation_names:
self.font_style =[self.methods["font_style"]]
raise Failed(f"Posters Error: Font Style {[self.methods['font_style']]} not found. Options: {','.join(variation_names)}")
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Posters Warning: font: {self.font} does not have variations")
self.addon_position = util.parse("Posters", "addon_position",, methods=self.methods, options=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) if "addon_position" in self.methods else "left"
if not self.image and not self.text:
raise Failed("Posters Error: An image or text is required for each component")
def apply_vars(self, item_vars):
for var_key, var_data in item_vars.items():
self.text = self.text.replace(f"<<{var_key}>>", str(var_data))
def adjust_text_width(self, max_width):
lines = []
for line in self.text.split("\n"):
for word in line.split(" "):
word_length = self.draw.textlength(word, font=self.font)
while word_length > max_width:
self.font_size -= 1
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_name, self.font_size)
word_length = self.draw.textlength(word, font=self.font)
for line in self.text.split("\n"):
line_length = self.draw.textlength(line, font=self.font)
if line_length <= max_width:
current_line = ""
line_length = 0
for word in line.split(" "):
if current_line:
word = f" {word}"
word_length = self.draw.textlength(word, font=self.font)
if line_length + word_length <= max_width:
current_line += word
line_length += word_length
if current_line:
word = word.strip()
word_length = self.draw.textlength(word, font=self.font)
current_line = word
line_length = word_length
if current_line:
self.text = "\n".join(lines)
def get_compare_string(self):
output = ""
if self.text:
output += f"{self.text} {self.text_align} {self.font_compare}"
output += str(self.font_size)
for value in [self.font_color, self.font_style, self.stroke_color, self.stroke_width]:
if value:
output += f"{value}"
if self.image:
output += f"{self.addon_position} {self.addon_offset}"
if self.image:
output += str(self.image_compare)
for value in [self.image_width, self.image_color]:
if value:
output += str(value)
output += f"({self.horizontal_offset},{self.horizontal_align},{self.vertical_offset},{self.vertical_align})"
if self.has_back:
for value in [self.back_color, self.back_radius, self.back_padding, self.back_align,
self.back_width, self.back_height, self.back_line_color, self.back_line_width]:
if value is not None:
output += f"{value}"
return output
def get_text_size(self, text):
return self.draw.multiline_textbbox((0, 0), text, font=self.font)
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box, new_cords=None):
canvas_width, canvas_height = canvas_box
box_width, box_height = box
def get_cord(value, image_value, over_value, align):
value = int(image_value * 0.01 * int(value[:-1])) if str(value).endswith("%") else int(value)
if align in ["right", "bottom"]:
return image_value - over_value - value
elif align == "center":
return int(image_value / 2) - int(over_value / 2) + value
return value
if new_cords:
ho, ha, vo, va = new_cords
ho, ha, vo, va = self.horizontal_offset, self.horizontal_align, self.vertical_offset, self.vertical_align
return get_cord(ho, canvas_width, box_width, ha), get_cord(vo, canvas_height, box_height, va)
def get_generated_layer(self, canvas_box, new_cords=None):
canvas_width, canvas_height = canvas_box
generated_layer = None
text_width, text_height = None, None
if self.image:
image =
image_width, image_height = image.size
if self.image_width:
image_height = int(float(image_height) * float(self.image_width / float(image_width)))
image_width = self.image_width
image = image.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) # noqa
if self.image_color:
r, g, b = self.image_color
pixels = image.load()
for x in range(image_width):
for y in range(image_height):
if pixels[x, y][3] > 0: # noqa
pixels[x, y] = (r, g, b, pixels[x, y][3]) # noqa
image, image_width, image_height = None, 0, 0
if self.text is not None:
_, _, text_width, text_height = self.get_text_size(self.text)
if image_width and self.addon_position in ["left", "right"]:
box = (text_width + image_width + self.addon_offset, text_height if text_height > image_height else image_height)
elif image_width:
box = (text_width if text_width > image_width else image_width, text_height + image_height + self.addon_offset)
box = (text_width, text_height)
box = (image_width, image_height)
box_width, box_height = box
back_width = canvas_width if self.back_width == "max" else self.back_width if self.back_width else box_width
back_height = canvas_height if self.back_height == "max" else self.back_height if self.back_height else box_height
main_point = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, (back_width, back_height), new_cords=new_cords)
start_x, start_y = main_point
if self.text is not None or self.has_back:
generated_layer ="RGBA", canvas_box, (255, 255, 255, 0))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(generated_layer)
if self.has_back:
cords = (
start_x - self.back_padding,
start_y - self.back_padding,
start_x + back_width + self.back_padding,
start_y + back_height + self.back_padding
if self.back_radius:
drawing.rounded_rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width, radius=self.back_radius)
drawing.rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width)
main_x, main_y = main_point
if self.back_height and self.back_align in ["left", "right", "center", "bottom"]:
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // (1 if self.back_align == "bottom" else 2)
if self.back_width and self.back_align in ["top", "bottom", "center", "right"]:
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // (1 if self.back_align == "right" else 2)
addon_x = None
addon_y = None
if self.text is not None and self.image:
addon_x = main_x
addon_y = main_y
if self.addon_position == "left":
main_x = main_x + image_width + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "right":
addon_x = main_x + text_width + self.addon_offset
elif text_width < image_width:
main_x = main_x + ((image_width - text_width) / 2)
elif text_width > image_width:
addon_x = main_x + ((text_width - image_width) / 2)
if self.addon_position == "top":
main_y = main_y + image_height + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "bottom":
addon_y = main_y + text_height + self.addon_offset
elif text_height < image_height:
main_y = main_y + ((image_height - text_height) / 2)
elif text_height > image_height:
addon_y = main_y + ((text_height - image_height) / 2)
main_point = (int(main_x), int(main_y))
if self.text is not None:
drawing.multiline_text(main_point, self.text, font=self.font, fill=self.font_color, align=self.text_align,
stroke_fill=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width)
if addon_x is not None:
main_point = (addon_x, addon_y)
return generated_layer, main_point, image
2024-04-22 10:20:12 -04:00
class KometaImage(ImageBase):
def __init__(self, config, data, image_attr, playlist=False):
super().__init__(config, data)
self.image_attr = image_attr
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
self.backgrounds_dir = os.path.join(self.images_dir, "backgrounds")
self.playlist = playlist
self.pmm_backgrounds = {k[:-4]: os.path.join(self.backgrounds_dir, k) for k in os.listdir(self.backgrounds_dir)}
self.background_image, self.background_compare = self.check_file("background_image", self.pmm_backgrounds)
self.background_color = self.check_color("background_color")
self.border_width = util.parse("Posters", "border_width",, datatype="int", methods=self.methods, default=0, minimum=0) if "border_width" in self.methods else 0
self.border_color = self.check_color("border_color")
if "components" not in self.methods or not[self.methods["components"]]:
raise Failed("Posters Error: components attribute is required")
self.components = [Component(self.config, d) for d in util.parse("Posters", "components",, datatype="listdict", methods=self.methods)]
def get_compare_string(self):
output = ""
for value in [self.background_compare, self.background_color, self.border_width, self.border_color]:
if value:
output += f"{value}"
for component in self.components:
output += component.get_compare_string()
return output
def save(self, item_vars):
2023-04-10 11:51:48 -04:00
image_path = os.path.join(self.images_dir, "temp_poster.png")
if os.path.exists(image_path):
canvas_width = 1000
canvas_height = 1000 if self.playlist else 1500
canvas_box = (canvas_width, canvas_height)
pmm_image ="RGB", size=canvas_box, color=self.background_color)
if self.background_image:
bkg_image =
bkg_image = bkg_image.resize(canvas_box, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) # noqa
pmm_image.paste(bkg_image, (0, 0), bkg_image)
if self.border_width:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pmm_image)
draw.rectangle(((0, 0), canvas_box), outline=self.border_color, width=self.border_width)
max_border_width = canvas_width - self.border_width - 100
for component in self.components:
if component.text:
component.adjust_text_width(component.back_width if component.back_width and component.back_width != "max" else max_border_width)
generated_layer, image_point, image = component.get_generated_layer(canvas_box)
if generated_layer:
pmm_image.paste(generated_layer, (0, 0), generated_layer)
if image:
pmm_image.paste(image, image_point, image)
return ImageData(self.image_attr, image_path, is_url=False, compare=self.get_compare_string())