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2024-04-22 14:20:12 +00:00
# Scheduling Parts of Kometa
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Kometa allows you to schedule libraries, files, overlays, operations, and more so that runs can be tailored
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to suit your needs.
This is particularly handy for users who have a lot of libraries or run a lot of Metadata/Operations on their libraries.
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These schedules do not trigger Kometa to run; they control what Kometa will do if it happens to be running at the scheduled
time. `weekly(sunday)`, for example, does not mean "run Kometa on Sunday to do this thing"; it means "If Kometa is running,
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and it's Sunday, do this thing".
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If you want to control when Kometa itself runs, like if you want Kometa to only run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, see [this page](../kometa/
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The scheduling options are:
| Name | Description | Format | Example |
| Hourly | Update only when the script is run in that hour or hour range | hourly(Hour of Day)<br>hourly(Start Hour-End Hour) | `hourly(17)`<br>`hourly(17-04)` |
| Daily | Update once a day | daily | `daily` |
| Weekly | Update once a week on the specified days (For multiple days, use a bar-separated (<code>&#124;</code>) list) | weekly(Days of Week) | `weekly(sunday)`<br><code>weekly(sunday&#124;tuesday)</code> |
| Monthly | Update once a month on the specified day | monthly(Day of Month) | `monthly(1)` |
| Yearly | Update once a year on the specified day | yearly(MM/DD) | `yearly(01/30)` |
| Range | Updates whenever the date is within the range (For multiple ranges, use a bar-separated (<code>&#124;</code>) list) | range(MM/DD-MM/DD) | `range(12/01-12/31)`<br><code>range(8/01-8/15&#124;9/01-9/15)</code> |
| Never | Never updates | never | `never` |
| Non Existing | Updates if it doesn't exist | non_existing | `non_existing` |
| All | Requires that all comma separated scheduling options inside its brackets be meet in order to run | all[Options] | `all[weekly(sunday), hourly(17)]` |
* `daily` is the default when `schedule` is not specified.
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* You can run Kometa multiple times per day but using the `--time` command line argument detailed on the [Run Commands & Environmental Variables Page](../kometa/
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* You can have multiple scheduling options as a list.
* You can use the `delete_not_scheduled` setting to delete Collections that are skipped due to not being scheduled.
## Examples
??? blank "Scheduling a Library<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-library" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-library" />Uses the `schedule` [Library Attribute]( to set when a library will be run.
Other schedule rules for files, overlays, collections, and any other attribute that can be scheduled must also be
???+ example "Example"
Below is an example of a library which has been scheduled to run every Sunday.
schedule: weekly(sunday)
- file: config/Movies.yml
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- default: imdb
- default: studio
- default: genre
- default: actor
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mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb
??? blank "Scheduling Collection, Playlist, and Metadata Files<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-files" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-files" />Uses the `schedule` [Block Attribute]( to set when a file
will be run.
Other schedule rules for collections and any other attribute that can be scheduled must also be met.
???+ example "Example"
Collection Files, Playlist Files, and Metadata Files can all be individually scheduled, as seen below where
different files are scheduled to run on each day of the week:
- file: config/Movies.yml
schedule: weekly(monday)
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- default: imdb
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schedule: weekly(tuesday)
- folder: config/Movies/
schedule: weekly(wednesday)
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- default: genre
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schedule: weekly(thursday)
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- default: actor
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schedule: weekly(friday)
- file: config/metadata.yml
schedule: weekly(saturday)
- file: config/Playlists.yml
schedule: weekly(sunday)
??? blank "Scheduling Overlays<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-overlays" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-overlays" />Uses the `schedule_overlays` [Library Attribute]( to set when
overlays will run for a library.
**Note: Overlay Files cannot be individually Scheduled, all Overlay Files must be scheduled for the same period.**
???+ example "Example"
In the Example below overlays will only be run weekly on Saturday.
schedule_overlays: weekly(saturday)
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- default: audio_codec
- default: resolution
- default: video_format
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??? blank "Scheduling Individual Collections<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-collection" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-collection" />Uses the `schedule` [Definition Setting](../files/ to set when this
collection will run.
???+ example "Example"
Below is an example of a collection which has been scheduled to run on a Sunday. In this scenario, if you run
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Kometa on a Monday, this collection will be skipped but any other collections which do not have a scheduled defined
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will be run.
TMDb Trending Weekly:
tmdb_trending_weekly: 30
sync_mode: sync
schedule: weekly(sunday)
TMDb Top Rated:
tmdb_top_rated: 30
sync_mode: sync
- monthly(1)
- monthly(15)
??? blank "Scheduling Operation Blocks<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-operations" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-operations" />Each [Operation Block]( can use the `schedule`
[Definition Setting](../files/ to set when that block will run.
???+ example "Example"
This example shows just one Operation Block scheduled weekly on fridays.
2024-04-22 14:20:12 +00:00
- default: imdb
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schedule: weekly(friday)
mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb
split_duplicates: true
This example shows 2 Operation Blocks each with a differnet schedule.
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- default: imdb
2023-12-31 16:45:00 +00:00
- schedule: weekly(friday)
mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb
- schedule: weekly(saturday)
split_duplicates: true
??? blank "Scheduling Pinning Collections<a class="headerlink" href="#schedule-pinning" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="schedule-pinning" />Uses the `visible_library`, `visible_home`, or `visible_shared`
[Collection Metadata Update](../files/ to have collections be "pinned" to your home screen while
???+ example "Example"
In this example, the collection will be pinned to your home screen for the month of December and on January 1st
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will no longer be pinned (you must run Kometa on 1st January for the removal of the pin to happen)
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Christmas Movies:
sync_mode: sync
visible_home: range(12/01-12/31)