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# Collection Files
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Collection Files holds information on how Plex Meta Manager should create collections. There are a large number of
builders available to build collections,
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## Overview
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This is a basic Collections File which contains the structure to build a collection called "Top 50 Grossing Films of All
Time (Worldwide)"
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The collection order is set to be the same as is received from the source list, and items added/removed from the source
list will be added/removed from the collection in the Plex library.
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???+ example "Example "MyCollections.yml""
Click the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more
collections: #(1)!
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Top 50 Grossing Films of All Time (Worldwide):
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tmdb_list: 10 #(2)!
collection_order: custom #(3)!
sync_mode: sync #(4)!
1. This must appear once and **only once** in any Metadata file
2. This creates a collection based on tmdb list ID 10, https://www.themoviedb.org/list/10 would also be accepted
3. This will sort the items in the Plex collection to be the same as the order in the list
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4. Syncs the collection to the list, so that if an item is added/removed from the list, the same is done to the
collection. Set this to `append` if you only want it to add things and not remove them.
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For the purpose of this example, we are going to save the File as `MyCollections.yml` within the location mapped as
`config` in our setup.
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I then call "MyCollections.yml" in my [Configuration File ](../config/overview.md ) within the `collection_files` section
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???+ example "config.yml Example Collection File Addition"
Click the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more
Movies: #(1)!
- file: config/MyCollections.yml #(2)!
1. This must match the name of a library in your Plex server
2. `config` refers to the location that you mapped to `config` when following the PMM Installation Guides.
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Whenever I execute Plex Meta Manager and the Movies library is run, MyCollections.yml will run and my "Top 50 Grossing
Films of All Time (Worldwide)" will be created/updated.
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## File Attributes
Collection Files can utilize the following top-level attributes
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| Attribute | Description |
| [`templates` ](templates.md ) | contains definitions of templates that can be leveraged by multiple collections |
| [`external_templates` ](templates.md#external-templates ) | contains [file blocks ](../config/files.md ) that point to external templates that can be leveraged by multiple collections |
| [`collections` ](#collection-operations--attributes ) | contains definitions of collections you wish to add to one or more libraries |
| [`dynamic_collections` ](#dynamic-collections ) | contains definitions of [dynamic collections ](dynamic.md ) you wish to create |
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* One of `metadata` , `collections` or `dynamic_collections` must be present for the File to run, else you will receive
an error when trying to run the file against your library.
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* Example Files can be found in the
[Plex Meta Manager Configs Repository ](https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/tree/master/PMM )
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## Collection Operations & Attributes
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Whilst [Library Operations ](../config/operations.md ) are used to control library-wide operations, Collection Files can
be used as a method to perform more limited operations, such as:
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* Syncing collections with the source list if one is used (such as Trakt Lists, TMDb Lists, etc.)
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* Sending missing media to Sonarr/Radarr
* Adding labels to items in collections
* Showing and Hiding collections at set intervals (i.e. show Christmas collections in December only)
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These operations can be performed without the need to physically build a collection (using the `build_collection: false`
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Examples of these can be seen here
???+ example "Examples of Collection Operations"
Click the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more
=== "Example 1 - Sync Collection to List"
Christmas Extravaganza:
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/plexmetamanager/lists/christmas-extravaganza-non-tv-movie #(1)!
sync_mode: append #(2!)
collection_order: custom #(3)!
1. This is a Trakt List builder, telling PMM to build a collection based on the items in this list
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2. If items are removed from the source list, having sync mode set to `append` means they will not be removed
from the collection in Plex. Set this to `sync` if you want the items removed in the collection too
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3. Sort the collection in the order that it is received from the Trakt list
=== "Example 2 - Send to Arr"
IMDb Top 250:
imdb_chart: top_movies
collection_order: custom #(1)!
radarr_add_missing: true #(2)!
1. Sorts the collection in the same order as is received by the source list
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2. Sends items that are in the source list but are not in your Plex library to Radarr. Replace with
`sonarr_add_missing` for any show-based builder.
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=== "Example 3 - Add labels"
Radarr Tags:
build_collection: false #(1)!
radarr_taglist: mytag #(2)!
item_label: myplextag #(3)!
1. Tells PMM to not physically build a collection, but it will still perform the actions of the collection
2. Find all items in Radarr that have the tag `mytag`
3. For each of the items with `mytag` in Radarr, apply the `myplextag` to the items in the Plex library
=== "Example 4 - Schedule Collection"
Christmas Extravaganza:
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/plexmetamanager/lists/christmas-extravaganza-non-tv-movie #(1)!
schedule: range(12/01-12/31) #(2)!
delete_not_scheduled: true #(3)!
1. Tells PMM to not physically build a collection, but it will still perform the actions of the collection
2. Only run this collection from December 1st through December 31st
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3. If today is not part of the above scheduled range, delete the Christmas Extravaganza collection if it exists
in the Plex library
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There are multiple types of attributes that can be utilized within a collection:
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* [Builders ](builders/overview.md )
* [Filters ](filters.md )
* [Settings ](settings.md )
* [Radarr/Sonarr Settings ](settings.md )
* [Collection/Playlist Metadata Updates ](updates.md )
* [Item Metadata Updates ](item_updates.md )
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## Example File
Below is a common Collection File which will create two collections in a Plex library.
It will sync the collections to the source lists, order them randomly, and apply a summary to the collection.
trakt_trending: 10
tmdb_trending_daily: 10
tmdb_trending_weekly: 10
sort_title: +1_Trending
sync_mode: sync
smart_label: random
summary: Movies Trending across the internet
tmdb_popular: 40
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type: movie, tv_movie
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limit: 40
sort_title: +2_Popular
sync_mode: sync
smart_label: random
summary: Popular Movies across the internet
## Dynamic Collections
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In addition to manually defining each Collection that you want in your library, Plex Meta Manager can also dynamically
create collections based on a variety of different criteria, such as
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* Collections for the top `X` popular people on TMDb (Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks etc.)
* Collections for each decade represented in the library (Best of 1990s, Best of 2000s etc.)
* Collections for each of the moods/styles within a Music library (A Cappella, Pop Rock etc.)
* Collections for each of a Trakt Users Lists.
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A full list of the available options is available on the [Dynamic Collections ](dynamic.md ) page