
461 lines
23 KiB

from import Movie
from import Show
from plexapi import exceptions as PlexExceptions
from plexapi.library import MovieSection
from plexapi.library import ShowSection
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import imdb_tools
import trakt_tools
from config_tools import Config
from config_tools import TMDB
from config_tools import TraktClient
from config_tools import Tautulli
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import Request
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from tmdbv3api import TMDb
from tmdbv3api import Movie as TMDb_Movie
import os
import sqlite3
import tempfile
import glob
import shutil
from contextlib import closing
def adjust_space(old_length, display_title):
display_title = str(display_title)
space_length = old_length - len(display_title)
if space_length > 0:
display_title += " " * space_length
return display_title
def get_item(plex, data):
if isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(data, Movie) or isinstance(data, Show):
return plex.Server.fetchItem(data.ratingKey if isinstance(data, Movie) or isinstance(data, Show) else data)
except PlexExceptions.BadRequest:
return "Nothing found"
item_list =
if item_list:
return item_list
return "Item: {} not found".format(data)
def get_actor_rkey(plex, data):
"""Takes in actors name as str and returns as Plex's corresponding rating key ID"""
search = data
# We must first perform standard search against the Plex Server
# Searching in the Library via Actor only works if the ratingKey is already known
results =
for entry in results:
entry = str(entry)
entry = entry.split(":")
entry[0] = entry[0][1:]
if entry[0] == "Movie":
movie_id = int(entry[1])
# We need to pull details from a movie to correspond the actor's name to their Plex Rating Key
movie_roles = plex.Server.fetchItem(movie_id).roles
for role in movie_roles:
role = str(role).split(":")
movie_actor_id = role[1]
movie_actor_name = role[2][:-1].upper()
if search.upper().replace(" ", "-") == movie_actor_name:
actor_id = movie_actor_id
return int(actor_id)
except UnboundLocalError:
raise ValueError("| Config Error: Actor: {} not found".format(search))
def get_map(config_path, plex):
plex_map = {}
current_length = 0
current_count = 0
if TMDB.valid:
tmdb = TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = TMDB(config_path).apikey
tmovie = TMDb_Movie()
if plex.library_type == "movie":
config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
db_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'db')
guid_map = os.path.join(db_dir, "{}_guid.db".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_path))[0]))
if not os.path.isfile(guid_map):
update_guid_map_from_db(config_path, plex)
print("| Mapping Plex {}".format("Movies" if plex.library_type == "movie" else "Shows"))
plex_items = plex.Library.all()
for item in plex_items:
current_count += 1
print_display = "| Processing: {}/{} {}".format(current_count, len(plex_items), item.title)
print(adjust_space(current_length, print_display), end="\r")
current_length = len(print_display)
update = None # TODO: Use this to refresh the GUID map
key_id = None
error_message = "Unable to map {} ID".format("TMDb/IMDb" if plex.library_type == "movie" else "TVDb")
guid = urlparse(item.guid)
item_type = guid.scheme.split('.')[-1]
check_id = guid.netloc
if item_type == 'plex' and plex.library_type == "movie":
# Check GUID map for TMDb ID
key_id = query_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, 'tmdb_id')
# Check GUID map for for IMDb ID
if not key_id:
key_id = query_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, 'imdb_id')
if not key_id:
imdb_id, tmdb_id = alt_id_lookup(plex, item)
if tmdb_id:
key_id = tmdb_id
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| GUID map | {} | {:<46} | {:<6} | {}".format("^" if update == True else "+", item.guid, key_id, item.title)))
update_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, tmdb_id=key_id)
if imdb_id:
key_id = imdb_id
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| GUID map | {} | {:<46} | {:<6} | {}".format("^" if update == True else "+", item.guid, key_id, item.title)))
update_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, imdb_id=key_id)
elif item_type == 'imdb' and plex.library_type == "movie":
# Check GUID map for TMDb ID
key_id = query_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, 'tmdb_id')
if TMDB.valid and key_id is None:
key_id = imdb_tools.imdb_get_tmdb(config_path, check_id)
if key_id:
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| GUID map | {} | {:<46} | {:<6} | {}".format("^" if update == True else "+", item.guid, key_id, item.title)))
update_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, tmdb_id=key_id)
if TraktClient.valid and key_id is None:
key_id = trakt_tools.trakt_imdb_to_tmdb(config_path, check_id)
if key_id:
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| GUID map | {} | {:<46} | {:<6} | {}".format("^" if update == True else "+", item.guid, key_id, item.title)))
update_guid_map(config_path, item.guid, tmdb_id=key_id)
if key_id is None:
if TMDB.valid and TraktClient.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert IMDb ID: {} to TMDb ID using TMDb or Trakt".format(check_id)
elif TMDB.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert IMDb ID: {} to TMDb ID using TMDb".format(check_id)
elif TraktClient.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert IMDb ID: {} to TMDb ID using Trakt".format(check_id)
error_message = "Configure TMDb or Trakt to covert IMDb ID: {} to TMDb ID".format(check_id)
elif item_type == 'themoviedb' and plex.library_type == "movie":
tmdbapi = tmovie.details(check_id)
if hasattr(tmdbapi, 'id'):
key_id =
key_id = None
error_message = "TMDb ID: {} Invalid".format(check_id)
elif item_type == 'thetvdb' and plex.library_type == "show":
key_id = check_id
elif item_type == 'themoviedb' and plex.library_type == "show":
key_id = None
if TMDB.valid and key_id is None:
key_id = imdb_tools.tmdb_get_tvdb(config_path, check_id)
if TraktClient.valid and key_id is None:
key_id = trakt_tools.trakt_tmdb_to_tvdb(config_path, check_id)
if key_id is None:
if TMDB.valid and TraktClient.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert TMDb ID: {} to TVDb ID using TMDb or Trakt".format(check_id)
elif TMDB.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert TMDb ID: {} to TVDb ID using TMDb".format(check_id)
elif TraktClient.valid:
error_message = "Unable to convert TMDb ID: {} to TVDb ID using Trakt".format(check_id)
error_message = "Configure TMDb or Trakt to covert TMDb ID: {} to TVDb ID".format(check_id)
elif item_type == "local":
key_id = None
error_message = "No match in Plex"
key_id = None
error_message = "Agent {} not supported".format(item_type)
if key_id:
plex_map[key_id] = item.ratingKey
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| {} {:<46} | {} for {}".format("Cache | ! |", item.guid, error_message, item.title)))
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| Processed {} {}".format(len(plex_items), "Movies" if plex.library_type == "movie" else "Shows")))
return plex_map
# subtype can be 'movie', 'show', or None (movie/tv combined)
def get_collection(plex, data, exact=None, subtype=None):
collection_list =, libtype="collection")
if len(collection_list) > 1:
for collection in collection_list:
if collection.title == data:
return collection
if not exact:
c_names = ["| " + (str(i + 1) + ") " + collection.title + " (" + collection.subtype + ")") for i, collection in enumerate(collection_list)]
print("| 0) Do Nothing")
while True:
selection = int(input("| Choose collection number: ")) - 1
if selection >= 0:
return collection_list[selection]
elif selection == -1:
raise ValueError("No collection selected")
print("| Invalid entry")
except (IndexError, ValueError) as E:
print("| Invalid entry")
elif len(collection_list) == 1 and (exact is None or collection_list[0].title == data):
return collection_list[0]
raise ValueError("Collection {} Not Found".format(data))
def add_to_collection(config_path, plex, method, value, c, plex_map=None, map=None, filters=None):
if plex_map is None and ("imdb" in method or "tvdb" in method or "tmdb" in method or "trakt" in method):
plex_map = get_map(config_path, plex)
if map is None:
map = {}
items = []
missing = []
if method == "all":
items = plex.Library.all()
elif method == "plex_collection":
items = value.children
elif method == "plex_search":
search_terms = {}
output = ""
for attr_pair in value:
if attr_pair[0] == "actor":
search_list = []
for actor in attr_pair[1]:
search_list.append(get_actor_rkey(plex, actor))
search_list = attr_pair[1]
final_method = attr_pair[0][:-4] + "!" if attr_pair[0][-4:] == ".not" else attr_pair[0]
if plex.library_type == "show":
final_method = "show." + final_method
search_terms[final_method] = search_list
ors = ""
for param in attr_pair[1]:
ors = ors + (" OR " if len(ors) > 0 else attr_pair[0] + "(") + str(param)
output = output + ("\n|\t\t AND " if len(output) > 0 else "| Processing Plex Search: ") + ors + ")"
items =**search_terms)
elif method == "tvdb_show" and plex.library_type == "show":
items, missing = imdb_tools.tvdb_get_shows(config_path, plex, plex_map, value)
elif "imdb" in method or "tmdb" in method:
if not TMDB.valid:
raise KeyError("| tmdb connection required for {}",format(method))
elif method == "imdb_list" and plex.library_type == "movie":
items, missing = imdb_tools.imdb_get_movies(config_path, plex, plex_map, value)
elif "tmdb" in method and plex.library_type == "movie":
items, missing = imdb_tools.tmdb_get_movies(config_path, plex, plex_map, value, method)
elif "tmdb" in method and plex.library_type == "show":
items, missing = imdb_tools.tmdb_get_shows(config_path, plex, plex_map, value, method)
elif "trakt" in method:
if not TraktClient.valid:
raise KeyError("| trakt connection required for {}",format(method))
elif plex.library_type == "movie":
items, missing = trakt_tools.trakt_get_movies(config_path, plex, plex_map, value, method)
elif plex.library_type == "show":
items, missing = trakt_tools.trakt_get_shows(config_path, plex, plex_map, value, method)
elif method == "tautulli":
if not Tautulli.valid:
raise KeyError("| tautulli connection required for {}",format(method))
items, missing = imdb_tools.get_tautulli(config_path, plex, value)
print("| Config Error: {} method not supported".format(method))
filter_alias = {
"actor": "actors",
"content_rating": "contentRating",
"country": "countries",
"director": "directors",
"genre": "genres",
"studio": "studio",
"year": "year",
"writer": "writers",
"rating": "rating",
"max_age": "max_age",
"originally_available": "originallyAvailableAt",
"video_resolution": "video_resolution",
"audio_language": "audio_language",
"subtitle_language": "subtitle_language",
"plex_collection": "collections",
if items:
# Check if already in collection
cols =, libtype="collection")
fs = cols[0].children
except IndexError:
fs = []
item_count = 0
item_max = len(items)
max_str_len = len(str(item_max))
current_length = 0
for rk in items:
current_item = get_item(plex, rk)
item_count += 1
match = True
if filters:
display_count = (" " * (max_str_len - len(str(item_count)))) + str(item_count)
print_display = "| Filtering {}/{} {}".format(display_count, item_max, current_item.title)
print(adjust_space(current_length, print_display), end = "\r")
current_length = len(print_display)
for f in filters:
modifier = f[0][-4:]
method = filter_alias[f[0][:-4]] if modifier in [".not", ".lte", ".gte"] else filter_alias[f[0]]
if method == "max_age":
threshold_date = - timedelta(days=f[1])
attr = getattr(current_item, "originallyAvailableAt")
if attr is None or attr < threshold_date:
match = False
elif modifier in [".gte", ".lte"]:
if method == "originallyAvailableAt":
threshold_date = datetime.strptime(f[1], "%m/%d/%y")
attr = getattr(current_item, "originallyAvailableAt")
if (modifier == ".lte" and attr > threshold_date) or (modifier == ".gte" and attr < threshold_date):
match = False
elif method in ["year", "rating"]:
attr = getattr(current_item, method)
if (modifier == ".lte" and attr > f[1]) or (modifier == ".gte" and attr < f[1]):
match = False
terms = f[1] if isinstance(f[1], list) else str(f[1]).split(", ")
if method in ["video_resolution", "audio_language", "subtitle_language"]:
for media in
if method == "video_resolution":
attrs = [media.videoResolution]
for part in
if method == "audio_language":
attrs = ([audio_stream.language for audio_stream in part.audioStreams()])
if method == "subtitle_language":
attrs = ([subtitle_stream.language for subtitle_stream in part.subtitleStreams()])
elif method in ["contentRating", "studio", "year", "rating", "originallyAvailableAt"]: # Otherwise, it's a string. Make it a list.
attrs = [str(getattr(current_item, method))]
elif method in ["actors", "countries", "directors", "genres", "writers", "collections"]:
attrs = [getattr(x, 'tag') for x in getattr(current_item, method)]
# Get the intersection of the user's terms and item's terms
# If it's empty and modifier is not .not, it's not a match
# If it's not empty and modifier is .not, it's not a match
if (not list(set(terms) & set(attrs)) and modifier != ".not") or (list(set(terms) & set(attrs)) and modifier == ".not"):
match = False
if match:
if current_item in fs:
map[current_item.ratingKey] = None
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| {} Collection | {} | {}".format(c, "=" if current_item in fs else "+", current_item.title)))
print(adjust_space(current_length, "| Processed {} {}".format(item_max, "Movies" if plex.library_type == "movie" else "Shows")))
print("| No {} Found".format("Movies" if plex.library_type == "movie" else "Shows"))
return missing, map
def delete_collection(data):
confirm = input("| {} selected. Confirm deletion (y/n):".format(data.title))
if confirm == "y":
print("| Collection deleted")
def alt_id_lookup(plex, movie):
req = Request('{}{}'.format(plex.url, movie.key))
req.add_header('X-Plex-Token', plex.token)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')
with urlopen(req) as response:
contents =
bs = BeautifulSoup(contents, 'lxml')
imdb_id = None
tmdb_id = None
for guid_tag in bs.find_all('guid'):
agent = urlparse(guid_tag['id']).scheme
guid = urlparse(guid_tag['id']).netloc
if agent == 'imdb':
imdb_id = guid
elif agent == 'tmdb':
tmdb_id = guid
return imdb_id, tmdb_id
def create_guid_map(config_path):
config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
db_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'db')
os.makedirs(db_dir, exist_ok=True)
guid_map = os.path.join(db_dir, "{}_guid.db".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_path))[0]))
with closing(sqlite3.connect(guid_map)) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(''' SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='guids' ''')
if cursor.fetchone()[0] != 1:
print("| Initializing GUID map database at {}".format(guid_map))
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guids (plex_guid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, imdb_id TEXT, tmdb_id TEXT, updated TEXT)')
print("| Using GUID map database at {}".format(guid_map))
def update_guid_map_from_db(config_path, plex):
config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=config_dir)
print("| Downloading temporary database to {}".format(temp_dir))
plex.Server.downloadDatabases(savepath=temp_dir, unpack=True)
os.remove(glob.glob(os.path.join(temp_dir, '*.zip'))[0])
plex_temp_db = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp_dir, '*'))[0]
print("| Updating GUID map from database")
with closing(sqlite3.connect(plex_temp_db)) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
for row in cursor.execute(
'''SELECT t.tag, mdi.guid, mdi.title, mdi.year
FROM metadata_items mdi
JOIN taggings tg
ON tg.metadata_item_id =
JOIN tags t
ON = tg.tag_id
AND t.tag_type = 314
WHERE mdi.metadata_type = 1
AND mdi.library_section_id = ?
AND (t.tag LIKE 'tmdb://%'
OR t.tag LIKE 'imdb://%')
GROUP BY, t.tag''', (plex.Library.key, )):
if 'imdb' in row['tag']:
update_guid_map(config_path, row['guid'], imdb_id=urlparse(row['tag']).netloc)
elif 'tmdb' in row['tag']:
update_guid_map(config_path, row['guid'], tmdb_id=urlparse(row['tag']).netloc)
print("| GUID map | + | {:38} | {:<9} | {} ({})".format(row['guid'], urlparse(row['tag']).netloc, row['title'], row['year']))
def query_guid_map(config_path, key, column):
config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
db_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'db')
guid_map = os.path.join(db_dir, "{}_guid.db".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_path))[0]))
with closing(sqlite3.connect(guid_map)) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM guids WHERE plex_guid = ?", (key, ))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
return row[column]
def update_guid_map(config_path, plex_guid, **kwargs):
config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
db_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'db')
guid_map = os.path.join(db_dir, "{}_guid.db".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_path))[0]))
with closing(sqlite3.connect(guid_map)) as connection:
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO guids(plex_guid) VALUES(?)', (plex_guid, ))
if 'imdb_id' in kwargs:
imdb_id = kwargs['imdb_id']
cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO guids(plex_guid, imdb_id, updated) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', (plex_guid, imdb_id,
cursor.execute('UPDATE guids SET imdb_id = ?, updated = ? WHERE plex_guid = ?', (imdb_id,, plex_guid))
if 'tmdb_id' in kwargs:
tmdb_id = kwargs['tmdb_id']
cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO guids(plex_guid, tmdb_id, updated) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', (plex_guid, tmdb_id,
cursor.execute('UPDATE guids SET tmdb_id = ?, updated = ? WHERE plex_guid = ?', (tmdb_id,, plex_guid))