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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
In addition to the Method 1 (and other sibling PIDIV types) correlation, an encounter can only be triggered if the calls prior land on the Method {1} seed. The RNG community has dubbed these patterns as "Method J" (D/P/Pt), "Method K" (HG/SS), and "Method H" (Gen3, coined by yours truly). The basic gist of these is that they are pre-requisites, like the Shadow locks of Colosseum/XD. Rename/re-type a bunch of properties to get the codebase more in line with correct property names & more obvious underlying types.
227 lines
7 KiB
227 lines
7 KiB
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls;
public partial class PokePreview : Form
/// <summary> Minimum width to display the form. </summary>
private readonly int InitialWidth;
private readonly int InitialNameWidth;
private const int interiorMargin = 4; // 2x pixel border on each side
public PokePreview()
InitialWidth = Width;
InitialNameWidth = L_Name.Width;
private static readonly Image[] GenderImages =
public void Populate(PKM pk)
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk);
int width = PopulateHeader(pk);
PopulateMoves(pk, la, ref width);
PopulateText(pk, la, width);
private int PopulateHeader(PKM pk)
var name = GetNameTitle(pk);
var size = MeasureSize(name, L_Name.Font);
L_Name.Width = Math.Max(InitialNameWidth, size.Width);
L_Name.Text = name;
var width = L_Name.Width + PB_Ball.Width + PB_Ball.Margin.Horizontal + PB_Gender.Width + PB_Gender.Margin.Horizontal + interiorMargin;
return Math.Max(InitialWidth, width);
private static string GetNameTitle(PKM pk)
var nick = pk.Nickname;
var all = GameInfo.Strings.Species;
var species = pk.Species;
if (species >= all.Count)
return nick;
var expect = all[species];
if (nick.Equals(expect, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return nick;
return $"{nick} ({expect})";
private void PopulateBall(PKM pk)
var ball = (byte)Ball.Poke;
if (pk.Format >= 3)
ball = pk.Ball;
PB_Ball.Image = Drawing.PokeSprite.SpriteUtil.GetBallSprite(ball);
private void PopulateGender(PKM pk)
if (pk.Format == 1)
PB_Gender.Image = null;
var gender = pk.Gender;
if (gender > GenderImages.Length)
gender = 2;
PB_Gender.Image = GenderImages[gender];
private void PopulateMoves(PKM pk, LegalityAnalysis la, ref int width)
var context = pk.Context;
var names = GameInfo.Strings.movelist;
var check = la.Info.Moves;
var w1 = Move1.Populate(pk, pk.Move1, context, names, check[0].Valid);
var w2 = Move2.Populate(pk, pk.Move2, context, names, check[1].Valid);
var w3 = Move3.Populate(pk, pk.Move3, context, names, check[2].Valid);
var w4 = Move4.Populate(pk, pk.Move4, context, names, check[3].Valid);
var maxWidth = Math.Max(w1, Math.Max(w2, Math.Max(w3, w4)));
width = Math.Max(width, maxWidth + Move1.Margin.Horizontal + interiorMargin);
private void PopulateText(PKM pk, LegalityAnalysis la, int width)
var (stats, enc) = GetStatsString(pk, la);
var settings = Main.Settings.Hover;
bool hasMoves = pk.MoveCount != 0;
FLP_Moves.Visible = hasMoves;
var height = FLP_List.Top + interiorMargin;
if (hasMoves)
height += FLP_Moves.Height + FLP_Moves.Margin.Vertical;
ToggleLabel(L_Stats, stats, settings.PreviewShowPaste, ref width, ref height);
ToggleLabel(L_Etc, enc, settings.HoverSlotShowEncounter, ref width, ref height);
Size = new Size(width, height);
private static void ToggleLabel(Control display, string text, bool visible, ref int width, ref int height)
if (!visible)
display.Visible = false;
var size = MeasureSize(text, display.Font);
width = Math.Max(width, display.Margin.Horizontal + size.Width);
height += size.Height + display.Margin.Vertical;
display.Text = text;
display.Visible = true;
public static Size MeasureSize(string text, Font font)
const TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.LeftAndRightPadding | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter;
return TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, new Size(), flags);
private static (string Detail, string Encounter) GetStatsString(PKM pk, LegalityAnalysis la)
var setText = SummaryPreviewer.GetPreviewText(pk, la);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var lines = setText.AsSpan().EnumerateLines();
if (!lines.MoveNext())
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid text format", nameof(pk));
var first = lines.Current;
var itemIndex = first.IndexOf('@');
if (itemIndex != -1) // Held Item
var remaining = first[(itemIndex + 2)..];
if (remaining[^1] == ')')
remaining = remaining[..^3]; // lop off gender
var item = remaining.Trim();
if (item.Length > 0)
sb.AppendLine($"Held Item: {item}");
if (pk is IGanbaru g)
AddGanbaru(g, sb);
if (pk is IAwakened a)
AddAwakening(a, sb);
while (lines.MoveNext())
var line = lines.Current;
if (IsMoveLine(line))
while (lines.MoveNext())
if (!IsMoveLine(lines.Current))
var detail = sb.ToString();
while (lines.MoveNext())
var line = lines.Current;
var enc = sb.ToString();
return (detail.TrimEnd(), enc.TrimEnd());
static bool IsMoveLine(ReadOnlySpan<char> line) => line.Length != 0 && line[0] == '-';
private static void AddGanbaru(IGanbaru g, StringBuilder sb)
Span<byte> gvs = stackalloc byte[6];
TryAdd<byte>(sb, "GVs", gvs);
private static void AddAwakening(IAwakened a, StringBuilder sb)
Span<byte> avs = stackalloc byte[6];
TryAdd<byte>(sb, "AVs", avs);
private static void TryAdd<T>(StringBuilder sb, [ConstantExpected] string type, ReadOnlySpan<T> stats, T ignore = default) where T : unmanaged, IEquatable<T>
var chunks = ShowdownSet.GetStringStats(stats, ignore);
if (chunks.Length != 0)
sb.AppendLine($"{type}: {string.Join(" / ", chunks)}");
/// <summary> Prevent stealing focus from the form that shows this. </summary>
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation => true;
private const int WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams;
createParams.ExStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;
return createParams;