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synced 2025-03-07 08:47:21 +00:00
XD compares the player TSV against the non-shadow members, which is unnecessary but does result in them being able to cause shiny skips. Update the VerifyNPC method to remove tsv check, as it's just repeating the logic we've done in the lock generator. Added a test method that can be stepped through; compare the team results manually since they aren't exposed for interaction. Closes #2751 , big thanks to @ijuintekka for being so detailed in their investigation/report! Co-Authored-By: ijuintekka <ijuintekka@users.noreply.github.com>
218 lines
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218 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using FluentAssertions;
using PKHeX.Core;
using Xunit;
namespace PKHeX.Tests.Legality.Shadow
public static class ValidityTests
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Lock1()
// Zubat (F) (Serious)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Poochyena, 0xAF4E3161, new[] { 11, 29, 25, 6, 23, 10 } };
// Murkrow (M) (Docile)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Pineco, 0xC3A0F1E5, new[] { 30, 3, 9, 10, 27, 30 } };
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Lock2()
// Goldeen (F) (Serious)
// Horsea (M) (Quirky)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Spheal, 0xA459BF44, new[] { 0, 11, 4, 28, 6, 13 } };
// Kirlia (M) (Hardy)
// Linoone (F) (Hardy)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Natu, 0x8E14DAB6, new[] { 29, 24, 30, 16, 3, 18 } };
// Remoraid (M) (Docile) -- 73DB58CC
// Golbat (M) (Bashful) -- F6B04390
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Roselia, 0x30E87CC7, new[] { 22, 11, 8, 26, 4, 29 } };
// 519AEF0E
// Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- 45BE3B97
// Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- E18F5A3E
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.ColoMakuhita, 0xC252FEBA, new[] { 15, 9, 17, 16, 24, 22 } };
// 559C5F72 -- Quirky F => skip
// Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- A5AC2CCB
// Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- D08FF135
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.ColoMakuhita, 0x61C676FC, new[] { 20, 28, 21, 18, 9, 1 } };
// 3CCB97BA -- Quirky F => skip * 2, Hardy Skip
// Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- 7F0D6783 @ 161
// Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- 6C03F545 @ 182
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.ColoMakuhita, 0x3B27608D, new[] { 7, 12, 5, 19, 3, 7 } };
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Lock3()
// Luvdisc (F) (Docile)
// Beautifly (M) (Hardy)
// Roselia (M) (Quirky)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Delcatty, 0x9BECA2A6, new[] { 31, 31, 25, 13, 22, 1 } };
// Kadabra (M) (Docile)
// Sneasel (F) (Hardy)
// Misdreavus (F) (Bashful)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Meowth, 0x77D87601, new[] { 10, 27, 26, 13, 30, 19 } };
// Ralts (M) (Docile)
// Voltorb (-) (Hardy)
// Bagon (F) (Quirky)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Numel, 0x37F95B26, new[] { 11, 8, 5, 10, 28, 14 } };
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Lock4()
// Ninetales (F) (Serious)
// Jumpluff (M) (Docile)
// Azumarill (F) (Hardy)
// Shadow Tangela
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Butterfree, 0x2E49AC34, new[] { 15, 24, 7, 2, 11, 2 } };
// Huntail (M) (Docile)
// Cacturne (F) (Hardy)
// Weezing (F) (Serious)
// Ursaring (F) (Bashful)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Arbok, 0x1973FD07, new[] { 13, 30, 3, 16, 20, 9 } };
// Lairon (F) (Bashful)
// Sealeo (F) (Serious)
// Slowking (F) (Docile)
// Ursaring (M) (Quirky)
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Primeape, 0x33893D4C, new[] { 26, 25, 24, 28, 29, 30 } };
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Lock5()
// many prior, all non shadow
yield return new object[] { Encounters3Teams.Seedot, 0x8CBD29DB, new[] { 19, 29, 30, 0, 7, 2 } };
public static void Verify(TeamLock[] teams, uint pid, int[] ivs)
var pk3 = new PK3 { PID = pid, IVs = ivs };
var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3);
info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should match the CXD spread");
bool match = LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, teams);
match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for {teams[0].Species} should have been verified");
public static class PIDTests
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TestData()
yield return new object[]
new uint[] {0xD118BA52, 0xA3127782, 0x16D95FA5, 0x31538B48},
new uint[] {0x7D5FFE3E, 0x1D5720ED, 0xE0D89C99, 0x3494CDA1},
new uint[] {0xAEB0C3A6, 0x956DC2FD, 0x3C11DCE8, 0xC93DF897},
new uint[] {0xACCE2655, 0xFF2BA0A2, 0x22A8A7E6, 0x5F5380F4},
new uint[] {0xDC1D1894, 0xFC0F75E2, 0x97BFAEBC, 0x38DDE117},
new uint[] {0xDE278967, 0xFD86C9F7, 0x3E16FCFD, 0x1956D8B5},
new uint[] {0xF8CB4CAE, 0x42DE628B, 0x48796CDA, 0xF6EAD3E2},
new uint[] {0x56548F49, 0xA308E7DA, 0x28CB8ADF, 0xBEADBDC3},
new uint[] {0xF2AC8419, 0xADA208E3, 0xDB3A0BA6, 0x5EEF1076},
new uint[] {0x9D28899D, 0xA3ECC9F0, 0x606EC6F0, 0x451FAE3C},
yield return new object[]
new uint[] {0x4D6BE487, 0xBB3EFBFB, 0x6FD7EE06, 0x289D435F, 0x0EC25CE5},
new uint[] {0xB04DF5B3, 0x661E499C, 0x94EB752D, 0xC5FA9DE5, 0x0A8C9738},
new uint[] {0xCBB9A3B0, 0x9AC1A0B8, 0xCA3CAD46, 0x54FFCA27, 0x1D5AEC4F},
new uint[] {0xB2AF145E, 0x455155C9, 0xB5CE4932, 0x4B8C6554, 0x55CE5E4B},
new uint[] {0x193A0F3B, 0xE1474ECF, 0x4C30D215, 0x72262B89, 0x9B2F5B53},
new uint[] {0xB73010B9, 0x361F1DB1, 0x2C65320A, 0x329A4A1E, 0x9334337E},
new uint[] {0xFB6A6770, 0xE0068ECC, 0xB99B326E, 0x08A18311, 0x92D31CC2},
new uint[] {0x5B1214BC, 0xB82FDDA9, 0x606D3D18, 0xA142F730, 0xCBA7A0C3},
new uint[] {0xC7315E32, 0x76566AA1, 0xC0CE436E, 0x98C45DA8, 0x9D1BDC4A},
new uint[] {0xB687F0AF, 0xC01DB6C6, 0xAD6DEC75, 0xDB041314, 0x0D949325},
public static void VerifyResults(IReadOnlyList<uint[]> results, TeamLock[] team)
var pkm = new PK3();
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
var result = results[i];
var seeds = getSeeds(result[^1]);
bool match = false;
foreach (var seed in seeds)
PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pkm, PIDType.CXD, seed);
var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkm);
info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread");
if (!LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, team))
match = true;
match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for result {i} and species {team[0].Species} should have been verified");
static IEnumerable<uint> getSeeds(uint PID)
var top = PID >> 16;
var bot = PID & 0xFFFF;
var seeds = MethodFinder.GetSeedsFromPIDEuclid(RNG.XDRNG, top, bot);
foreach (var s in seeds)
yield return RNG.XDRNG.Reverse(s, 3);
public static readonly uint[] Mawile =
0x4C3005E8, // Loudred
0xD28DE40E, // Girafarig (re - rolled 64 times to next viable match)
0x049F2F05, // Mawile
public static void VerifyMawileAntishiny()
VerifyResultsAntiShiny(Mawile, Encounters3Teams.Mawile, 12345, 51882, new[] {31, 30, 29, 31, 23, 27});
private static void VerifyResultsAntiShiny(uint[] results, TeamLock[] team, int tid, int sid, int[] ivs)
var pk3 = new PK3
PID = results[^1],
TID = tid,
SID = sid,
IVs = ivs,
var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3);
info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread");
bool result = LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, team, pk3.TSV);
// if you're here inspecting what's so special about this method,
// double check that the Team's PIDs exactly match what's in the expected result array.
// as of this test's date, the methods/fields aren't exposed for viewing.