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synced 2025-02-18 14:28:33 +00:00
We implement simple state machine iterators to iterate through every split type encounter array, and more finely control the path we iterate through. And, by using generics, we can have the compiler generate optimized code to avoid virtual calls. In addition to this, we shift away from the big-5 encounter types and not inherit from an abstract class. This allows for creating a PK* of a specific type and directly writing properties (no virtual calls). Plus we can now fine-tune each encounter type to call specific code, and not have to worry about future game encounter types bothering the generation routines.
268 lines
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268 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary> Generation 2 <see cref="PKM"/> format. </summary>
public sealed class PK2 : GBPKML, ICaughtData2
public override PersonalInfo2 PersonalInfo => PersonalTable.C[Species];
internal const byte EggSpeciesValue = 0xFD;
public override bool Valid => Species is <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2 or EggSpeciesValue; // egg
public override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_2PARTY;
public override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_2STORED;
public override bool Korean => !Japanese && OT_Trash[0] <= 0xB;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen2;
public PK2(bool jp = false) : base(PokeCrypto.SIZE_2PARTY, jp) { }
public PK2(byte[] decryptedData, bool jp = false) : base(EnsurePartySize(decryptedData), jp) { }
private static byte[] EnsurePartySize(byte[] data)
if (data.Length != PokeCrypto.SIZE_2PARTY)
Array.Resize(ref data, PokeCrypto.SIZE_2PARTY);
return data;
public override PK2 Clone()
PK2 clone = new((byte[])Data.Clone(), Japanese) { IsEgg = IsEgg };
return clone;
protected override byte[] Encrypt() => new PokeList2(this).Write();
#region Stored Attributes
public override ushort Species { get => Data[0]; set => Data[0] = (byte)value; }
public override int SpriteItem => ItemConverter.GetItemFuture2((byte)HeldItem);
public override int HeldItem { get => Data[0x1]; set => Data[0x1] = (byte)value; }
public override ushort Move1 { get => Data[2]; set => Data[2] = (byte)value; }
public override ushort Move2 { get => Data[3]; set => Data[3] = (byte)value; }
public override ushort Move3 { get => Data[4]; set => Data[4] = (byte)value; }
public override ushort Move4 { get => Data[5]; set => Data[5] = (byte)value; }
public override ushort TID16 { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(6)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(6), value); }
public override uint EXP { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x08)) >> 8; set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(8), (value << 8) | Data[0xB]); }
public override int EV_HP { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x0B)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xB), (ushort)value); }
public override int EV_ATK { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x0D)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xD), (ushort)value); }
public override int EV_DEF { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x0F)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xF), (ushort)value); }
public override int EV_SPE { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x11)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x11), (ushort)value); }
public override int EV_SPC { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x13)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x13), (ushort)value); }
public override ushort DV16 { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x15)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x15), value); }
public override int Move1_PP { get => Data[0x17] & 0x3F; set => Data[0x17] = (byte)((Data[0x17] & 0xC0) | Math.Min(63, value)); }
public override int Move2_PP { get => Data[0x18] & 0x3F; set => Data[0x18] = (byte)((Data[0x18] & 0xC0) | Math.Min(63, value)); }
public override int Move3_PP { get => Data[0x19] & 0x3F; set => Data[0x19] = (byte)((Data[0x19] & 0xC0) | Math.Min(63, value)); }
public override int Move4_PP { get => Data[0x1A] & 0x3F; set => Data[0x1A] = (byte)((Data[0x1A] & 0xC0) | Math.Min(63, value)); }
public override int Move1_PPUps { get => (Data[0x17] & 0xC0) >> 6; set => Data[0x17] = (byte)((Data[0x17] & 0x3F) | ((value & 0x3) << 6)); }
public override int Move2_PPUps { get => (Data[0x18] & 0xC0) >> 6; set => Data[0x18] = (byte)((Data[0x18] & 0x3F) | ((value & 0x3) << 6)); }
public override int Move3_PPUps { get => (Data[0x19] & 0xC0) >> 6; set => Data[0x19] = (byte)((Data[0x19] & 0x3F) | ((value & 0x3) << 6)); }
public override int Move4_PPUps { get => (Data[0x1A] & 0xC0) >> 6; set => Data[0x1A] = (byte)((Data[0x1A] & 0x3F) | ((value & 0x3) << 6)); }
public override int CurrentFriendship { get => Data[0x1B]; set => Data[0x1B] = (byte)value; }
private byte PKRS { get => Data[0x1C]; set => Data[0x1C] = value; }
public override int PKRS_Days { get => PKRS & 0xF; set => PKRS = (byte)((PKRS & ~0xF) | value); }
public override int PKRS_Strain { get => PKRS >> 4; set => PKRS = (byte)((PKRS & 0xF) | (value << 4)); }
// Crystal only Caught Data
public ushort CaughtData { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1D)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1D), value); }
public int Met_TimeOfDay { get => (CaughtData >> 14) & 0x3; set => CaughtData = (ushort)((CaughtData & 0x3FFF) | ((value & 0x3) << 14)); }
public override int Met_Level { get => (CaughtData >> 8) & 0x3F; set => CaughtData = (ushort)((CaughtData & 0xC0FF) | ((value & 0x3F) << 8)); }
public override int OT_Gender { get => (CaughtData >> 7) & 1; set => CaughtData = (ushort)((CaughtData & 0xFF7F) | ((value & 1) << 7)); }
public override int Met_Location { get => CaughtData & 0x7F; set => CaughtData = (ushort)((CaughtData & 0xFF80) | (value & 0x7F)); }
public override int Stat_Level
get => Data[0x1F];
set => Data[0x1F] = (byte)value;
#region Party Attributes
public override int Status_Condition { get => Data[0x20]; set => Data[0x20] = (byte)value; }
public override int Stat_HPCurrent { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_HPMax { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_ATK { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x26)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x26), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_DEF { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x28)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x28), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_SPE { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2A)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2A), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_SPA { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2C)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2C), (ushort)value); }
public override int Stat_SPD { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2E)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2E), (ushort)value); }
public override bool IsEgg { get; set; }
public override int OT_Friendship { get => CurrentFriendship; set => CurrentFriendship = value; }
public override bool HasOriginalMetLocation => CaughtData != 0;
public override int Version { get => (int)GameVersion.GSC; set { } }
// Maximums
public override ushort MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_2;
public override ushort MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_2;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_2;
public PK1 ConvertToPK1()
PK1 pk1 = new(Japanese);
Array.Copy(Data, 0x1, pk1.Data, 0x7, 0x1A);
pk1.Species = Species; // This will take care of Typing :)
var lvl = Stat_Level;
if (lvl == 0) // no party stats (originated from box format), need to regenerate
pk1.Stat_HPCurrent = GetStat(PersonalInfo.HP, IV_ATK, EV_ATK, Stat_Level);
pk1.Stat_Level = CurrentLevel;
pk1.Stat_HPCurrent = Stat_HPCurrent;
pk1.Stat_Level = Stat_Level;
// Status = 0
return pk1;
public PK7 ConvertToPK7()
var rnd = Util.Rand;
var pk7 = new PK7
EncryptionConstant = rnd.Rand32(),
Species = Species,
TID16 = TID16,
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel,
Met_Level = CurrentLevel,
Nature = Experience.GetNatureVC(EXP),
PID = rnd.Rand32(),
Ball = 4,
MetDate = EncounterDate.GetDate3DS(),
Version = HasOriginalMetLocation ? (int)GameVersion.C : (int)GameVersion.SI,
Move1 = Move1,
Move2 = Move2,
Move3 = Move3,
Move4 = Move4,
Move1_PPUps = Move1_PPUps,
Move2_PPUps = Move2_PPUps,
Move3_PPUps = Move3_PPUps,
Move4_PPUps = Move4_PPUps,
Met_Location = Locations.Transfer2, // "Johto region", hardcoded.
Gender = Gender,
IsNicknamed = false,
Form = Form,
CurrentHandler = 1,
HT_Name = RecentTrainerCache.OT_Name,
HT_Gender = RecentTrainerCache.OT_Gender,
var lang = TransferLanguage(RecentTrainerCache.Language);
pk7.Language = lang;
pk7.Nickname = SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(pk7.Species, lang, pk7.Format);
// IVs
var special = Species is 151 or 251;
Span<int> finalIVs = stackalloc int[6];
int flawless = special ? 5 : 3;
for (var i = 0; i < finalIVs.Length; i++)
finalIVs[i] = rnd.Next(32);
for (var i = 0; i < flawless; i++)
finalIVs[i] = 31;
switch (IsShiny ? Shiny.Always : Shiny.Never)
case Shiny.Always when !pk7.IsShiny: // Force Square
var low = pk7.PID & 0xFFFF;
pk7.PID = (low ^ pk7.TID16 ^ 0u) << 16 | low;
case Shiny.Never when pk7.IsShiny: // Force Not Shiny
pk7.PID ^= 0x1000_0000;
int abil = TransporterLogic.IsHiddenDisallowedVC2(Species) ? 0 : 2; // Hidden
pk7.RefreshAbility(abil); // 0/1/2 (not 1/2/4)
if (special)
pk7.FatefulEncounter = true;
else if (IsNicknamedBank)
pk7.IsNicknamed = true;
pk7.Nickname = Korean ? Nickname : StringConverter12Transporter.GetString(Nickname_Trash, Japanese);
if (OT_Trash[0] == StringConverter12.G1TradeOTCode) // In-game Trade
pk7.OT_Name = StringConverter12.G1TradeOTName[lang];
else if (Korean)
pk7.OT_Name = OT_Name;
pk7.OT_Name = StringConverter12Transporter.GetString(OT_Trash, Japanese);
pk7.OT_Gender = OT_Gender; // Crystal
pk7.OT_Friendship = pk7.HT_Friendship = PersonalTable.SM[Species].BaseFriendship;
pk7.SetTradeMemoryHT6(bank: true); // oh no, memories on gen7 pk
// Dizzy Punch cannot be transferred
var index = pk7.GetMoveIndex(146); // Dizzy Punch
if (index != -1)
pk7.SetMove(index, 0);
return pk7;
public SK2 ConvertToSK2() => new(Japanese)
Species = Species,
HeldItem = HeldItem,
Move1 = Move1,
Move2 = Move2,
Move3 = Move3,
Move4 = Move4,
TID16 = TID16,
DV16 = DV16,
Move1_PP = Move1_PP,
Move2_PP = Move2_PP,
Move3_PP = Move3_PP,
Move4_PP = Move4_PP,
Move1_PPUps = Move1_PPUps,
Move2_PPUps = Move2_PPUps,
Move3_PPUps = Move3_PPUps,
Move4_PPUps = Move4_PPUps,
CurrentFriendship = CurrentFriendship,
IsEgg = IsEgg,
Stat_Level = Stat_Level,
PKRS_Days = PKRS_Days,
PKRS_Strain = PKRS_Strain,
CaughtData = CaughtData,
// Only copies until first 0x50 terminator, but just copy everything
Nickname = Nickname,
OT_Name = OT_Name,