
741 lines
40 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityAnalysis;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public static class VerifyCurrentMoves
public static CheckResult[] verifyMoves(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, GameVersion game = GameVersion.Any)
int[] Moves = pkm.Moves;
var res = parseMovesForEncounters(pkm, info, game, Moves);
// Duplicate Moves Check
verifyNoEmptyDuplicates(Moves, res);
if (Moves[0] == 0) // Can't have an empty moveslot for the first move.
res[0] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V167, CheckIdentifier.Move);
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesForEncounters(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, GameVersion game, int[] Moves)
if (pkm.Species == 235) // special handling for Smeargle
return parseMovesForSmeargle(pkm, Moves, info); // Smeargle can have any moves except a few
// Iterate over encounters
bool pre3DS = pkm.GenNumber < 6;
// gather valid moves for encounter species
info.EncounterMoves = getEncounterValidMoves(pkm, info);
if (pkm.GenNumber <= 3)
pkm.WasEgg = info.EncounterMatch.EggEncounter;
var EncounterMatchGen = info.EncounterMatch as IGeneration;
var defaultG1LevelMoves = info.EncounterMoves.validLevelUpMoves[1];
var defaultTradeback = pkm.TradebackStatus;
if (EncounterMatchGen != null)
// Generation 1 can have different minimum level in different encounter of the same species; update valid level moves
UptateGen1LevelUpMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMoves, info.EncounterMoves.minLvlG1, EncounterMatchGen.Generation, info);
var res = pre3DS
? parseMovesPre3DS(pkm, Moves, info)
: parseMoves3DS(pkm, game, Moves, info);
if (res.All(x => x.Valid))
return res;
if (EncounterMatchGen?.Generation == 1) // not valid, restore generation 1 moves
info.EncounterMoves.validLevelUpMoves[1] = defaultG1LevelMoves;
pkm.TradebackStatus = defaultTradeback;
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesForSmeargle(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
if (!pkm.IsEgg)
return parseMovesSketch(Moves);
// can only know sketch as egg
var empty = ValidEncounterMoves.Empty;
info.EncounterMoves = new ValidEncounterMoves
validLevelUpMoves = Legal.getValidMovesAllGens(pkm, info.EvoChainsAllGens, minLvLG1: 1, Tutor: false, Machine: false, RemoveTransferHM: false)
return parseMoves(pkm, pkm.Moves, new int[0], new int[0], new int[0], empty, new int[0], new int[0], false, info);
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesIsEggPreRelearn(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, int[] SpecialMoves, bool allowinherited, EncounterEgg e)
CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
var ValidSpecialMoves = SpecialMoves.Where(m => m != 0).ToList();
var baseEggMoves = Legal.getBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Game, pkm.GenNumber < 4 ? 5 : 1)?.ToList() ?? new List<int>();
var InheritedLvlMoves = Legal.getBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Game, 100)?.ToList() ?? new List<int>();
var EggMoves = Legal.getEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, pkm.AltForm)?.ToList() ?? new List<int>();
var InheritedTutorMoves = e.Game == GameVersion.C ? Legal.getTutorMoves(pkm, pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm, false, 2)?.ToList() : new List<int>();
// Only TM Hm moves from the source game of the egg, not any other games from the same generation
var InheritedTMHMMoves = Legal.getTMHM(pkm, pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm, pkm.GenNumber, e.Game, false)?.ToList();
InheritedLvlMoves.RemoveAll(x => baseEggMoves.Contains(x));
if (pkm.Format > 2 || SpecialMoves.Any())
// For gen 2 is not possible to difference normal eggs from event eggs
// If there is no special moves assume normal egg
res = verifyPreRelearnEggBase(pkm, Moves, baseEggMoves, EggMoves, InheritedLvlMoves, InheritedTMHMMoves, InheritedTutorMoves, ValidSpecialMoves, allowinherited, e.Game);
else if (pkm.Format == 2)
res = verifyPreRelearnEggBase(pkm, Moves, baseEggMoves, EggMoves, InheritedLvlMoves, InheritedTMHMMoves, InheritedTutorMoves, new List<int>(), true, e.Game);
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e)
var EventEggMoves = (info.EncounterMatch as IMoveset)?.Moves ?? new int[0];
int BaseLvlMoves = 489 <= pkm.Species && pkm.Species <= 490 ? 1 : 100;
var LvlupEggMoves = Legal.getBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Game, BaseLvlMoves);
// Level up, TMHM or tutor moves exclusive to the incense egg species, like Azurill, incompatible with the non-incense species egg moves
var ExclusiveIncenseMoves = e.SplitBreed ? Legal.getExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(pkm, Legal.getBaseEggSpecies(pkm), info.EvoChainsAllGens, e.Game) : null;
var EggMoves = Legal.getEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, pkm.AltForm);
bool volt = (pkm.GenNumber > 3 || e.Game == GameVersion.E) && Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species);
var SpecialMoves = volt && EventEggMoves.Length == 0 ? new[] { 344 } : new int[0]; // Volt Tackle for bred Pichu line
return parseMoves(pkm, Moves, SpecialMoves, LvlupEggMoves, EggMoves, ExclusiveIncenseMoves, EventEggMoves, new int[0], e.SplitBreed, info);
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesSketch(int[] Moves)
CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
res[i] = Legal.InvalidSketch.Contains(Moves[i])
? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V166, CheckIdentifier.Move)
: new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Move);
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMoves3DS(PKM pkm, GameVersion game, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
info.EncounterMoves.Relearn = pkm.GenNumber >= 6 ? pkm.RelearnMoves : new int[0];
if (info.EncounterMatch is IMoveset)
return parseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, Moves, info);
// Everything else
return parseMovesRelearn(pkm, Moves, info);
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesPre3DS(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
if (pkm.IsEgg)
int[] SpecialMoves = (info.EncounterMatch as IMoveset)?.Moves;
// Gift do not have special moves but also should not have normal egg moves
var allowinherited = SpecialMoves == null && !pkm.WasGiftEgg && pkm.Species != 489 && pkm.Species != 490;
return parseMovesIsEggPreRelearn(pkm, Moves, SpecialMoves ?? new int[0], allowinherited, info.EncounterMatch as EncounterEgg);
if (pkm.GenNumber <= 2 && (info.EncounterMatch as IGeneration)?.Generation == 1)
return parseMovesGen1(pkm, Moves, info);
if (info.EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg e)
return parseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(pkm, Moves, info, e);
return parseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, Moves, info);
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesGen1(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
GameVersion[] games = Legal.getGen1GameEncounter(pkm);
CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
var G1Encounter = info.EncounterMatch;
if (G1Encounter == null)
return parseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, Moves, info);
var InitialMoves = new int[0];
int[] SpecialMoves = (info.EncounterMatch as IMoveset)?.Moves ?? new int[0];
var empty = Legal.GetEmptyMovesList(info.EvoChainsAllGens);
var emptyegg = new int[0];
foreach (GameVersion ver in games)
var VerInitialMoves = Legal.getInitialMovesGBEncounter(G1Encounter.Species, G1Encounter.LevelMin, ver).ToArray();
if (VerInitialMoves.SequenceEqual(InitialMoves))
return res;
res = parseMoves(pkm, Moves, SpecialMoves, emptyegg, emptyegg, empty, new int[0], VerInitialMoves, false, info);
if (res.All(r => r.Valid))
return res;
InitialMoves = VerInitialMoves;
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesSpecialMoveset(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
var mg = info.EncounterMatch as IMoveset;
int[] SpecialMoves = mg?.Moves ?? new int[0];
var empty = Legal.GetEmptyMovesList(info.EvoChainsAllGens);
var emptyegg = new int[0];
CheckResult[] res = parseMoves(pkm, Moves, SpecialMoves, emptyegg, emptyegg, empty, new int[0], new int[0], false, info);
if (res.Any(r => !r.Valid))
return res;
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMovesRelearn(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, LegalInfo info)
var emptyegg = new int[0];
var issplitbreed = pkm.WasEgg && Legal.SplitBreed.Contains(pkm.Species);
var e = info.EncounterMatch as EncounterEgg;
var EggMoves = e != null ? Legal.getEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, pkm.AltForm, e.Game) : emptyegg;
// Level up, TMHM or tutor moves exclusive to the incense egg species, like Azurill, incompatible with the non-incense species egg moves
var ExclusiveIncenseMoves = issplitbreed ? Legal.getExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(pkm, Legal.getBaseEggSpecies(pkm), info.EvoChainsAllGens, e.Game) : Legal.GetEmptyMovesList(info.EvoChainsAllGens);
int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
int[] SpecialMoves = (info.EncounterMatch as IMoveset)?.Moves ?? new int[0];
CheckResult[] res = parseMoves(pkm, Moves, SpecialMoves, new int[0], EggMoves, ExclusiveIncenseMoves, new int[0], new int[0], issplitbreed, info);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ((pkm.IsEgg || res[i].Flag) && !RelearnMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V170, res[i].Comment), res[i].Identifier);
return res;
private static CheckResult[] parseMoves(PKM pkm, int[] moves, int[] special, int[] lvlupegg, int[] egg, List<int>[] IncenseExclusiveMoves, int[] eventegg, int[] initialmoves, bool issplitbreed, LegalInfo info)
CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
var Gen1MovesLearned = new List<int>();
var EggMovesLearned = new List<int>();
var LvlupEggMovesLearned = new List<int>();
var EventEggMovesLearned = new List<int>();
var IsGen2Pkm = pkm.Format == 2 || pkm.VC2;
var required = Legal.getRequiredMoveCount(pkm, moves, info, initialmoves);
var IncenseMovesLearned = new List<int>();
// Check none moves and relearn moves before generation moves
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (moves[m] == 0)
res[m] = new CheckResult(m < required ? Severity.Invalid : Severity.Valid, V167, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V172, CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
if (res.All(r => r != null))
return res;
bool MixedGen1NonTradebackGen2 = false;
// Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
int[] generations = getGenMovesCheckOrder(pkm);
foreach (var gen in generations)
if (!pkm.InhabitedGeneration(gen))
var HMLearned = new int[0];
// Check if pokemon knows HM moves from generation 3 and 4 but are not valid yet, that means it cant learn the HMs in future generations
bool KnowDefogWhirlpool = false;
if (gen == 4 && pkm.Format > 4)
// Copy to array the hm found or else the list will be emptied when the legal status of moves changes in the current generation
HMLearned = moves.Where((m, i) => !(res[i]?.Valid ?? false) && Legal.HM_4_RemovePokeTransfer.Any(l => l == m)).Select((m, i) => i).ToArray();
// Defog and Whirlpool at the same time, also both can't be learned in future generations or else they will be valid
KnowDefogWhirlpool = moves.Where((m, i) => (m == 250 || m == 432) && !(res[i]?.Valid ?? false)).Count() == 2;
else if (gen == 3 && pkm.Format > 3)
HMLearned = moves.Select((m, i) => i).Where(i => !(res[i]?.Valid ?? false) && Legal.HM_3.Any(l => l == moves[i])).ToArray();
bool native = gen == pkm.Format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m]?.Valid ?? false)
if (moves[m] == 0)
if (gen == 1 && initialmoves.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, native ? V361 : string.Format(V362, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.validLevelUpMoves[gen].Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, native ? V177 : string.Format(V330, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.validTMHMMoves[gen].Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, native ? V173 : string.Format(V331, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.validTutorMoves[gen].Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, native ? V174 : string.Format(V332, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (gen == pkm.GenNumber && special.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V175, CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (res[m] == null || gen < 3)
if (res[m].Valid && gen == 1)
if (res[m].Valid && gen <= 2 && pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber != gen)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
if (gen == generations.Last())
// Check higher-level moves after all the moves but just before egg moves to differentiate it from normal level up moves
// Also check if the base egg moves is a non tradeback move
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m]?.Valid ?? false) // Skip valid move
if (moves[m] == 0)
if (!lvlupegg.Contains(moves[m])) // Check if contains level-up egg moves from parents
if (IsGen2Pkm && Gen1MovesLearned.Any() && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move);
MixedGen1NonTradebackGen2 = true;
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V345, CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
// Check egg moves after all the generations and all the moves, every move that can't be learned in another source should have preference
// the moves that can only be learned from egg moves should in the future check if the move combinations can be breed in gens 2 to 5
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m]?.Valid ?? false)
if (moves[m] == 0)
if (egg.Contains(moves[m]))
if (IsGen2Pkm && Gen1MovesLearned.Any() && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
// To learn exclusive generation 1 moves the pokemon was tradeback, but it can't be trade to generation 1
// without removing moves above MaxMoveID_1, egg moves above MaxMoveID_1 and gen 1 moves are incompatible
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
MixedGen1NonTradebackGen2 = true;
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V171, CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
if (!eventegg.Contains(moves[m]))
if (!egg.Contains(moves[m]))
if (IsGen2Pkm && Gen1MovesLearned.Any() && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
MixedGen1NonTradebackGen2 = true;
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V333, CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
// A pokemon could have normal egg moves and regular egg moves
// Only if all regular egg moves are event egg moves or all event egg moves are regular egg moves
var RegularEggMovesLearned = EggMovesLearned.Union(LvlupEggMovesLearned).ToList();
if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Any() && EventEggMovesLearned.Any())
// Moves that are egg moves or event egg moves but not both
var IncompatibleEggMoves = RegularEggMovesLearned.Except(EventEggMovesLearned).Union(EventEggMovesLearned.Except(RegularEggMovesLearned)).ToList();
if (IncompatibleEggMoves.Any())
foreach (int m in IncompatibleEggMoves)
if (EventEggMovesLearned.Contains(m) && !EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V337, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (!EventEggMovesLearned.Contains(m) && EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V336, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (!EventEggMovesLearned.Contains(m) && LvlupEggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V358, CheckIdentifier.Move);
// If there is no incompatibility with event egg check that there is no inherited move in gift eggs and event eggs
else if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Any() && (pkm.WasGiftEgg || pkm.WasEventEgg))
foreach (int m in RegularEggMovesLearned)
if (EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? V377 : V341, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (LvlupEggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? V378 : V347, CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (3 <= gen && gen <= 4 && pkm.Format > gen)
// After all the moves from the generations 3 and 4,
// including egg moves if is the origin generation because some hidden moves are also special egg moves in gen 3
// Check if the marked hidden moves that were invalid at the start are now marked as valid, that means
// the hidden move was learned in gen 3 or 4 but was not removed when transfer to 4 or 5
if (KnowDefogWhirlpool)
int invalidCount = moves.Where((m, i) => (m == 250 || m == 432) && (res[i]?.Valid ?? false)).Count();
if (invalidCount == 2) // can't know both at the same time
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // flag both moves
if (moves[i] == 250 || moves[i] == 432)
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V338, CheckIdentifier.Move);
for (int i = 0; i < HMLearned.Length; i++)
if (res[i]?.Valid ?? false)
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V339, gen, gen + 1), CheckIdentifier.Move);
// Mark the gen 1 exclusive moves as illegal because the pokemon also have Non tradeback egg moves.
if (MixedGen1NonTradebackGen2)
foreach (int m in Gen1MovesLearned)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V335, CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (gen == 1 && pkm.Format == 1 && pkm.Gen1_NotTradeback)
// Check moves learned at the same level in red/blue and yellow, illegal because there is no move reminder
// Only two incompatibilites and only there are no illegal combination if generation 2 or 7 are included in the analysis
ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(pkm, moves, ref res);
ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(pkm, moves, info.EncounterMoves.validTMHMMoves[1], ref res);
if (Legal.EvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species))
// Pokemon that evolved by leveling up while learning a specific move
// This pokemon could only have 3 moves from preevolutions that are not the move used to evolved
// including special and eggs moves before realearn generations
ParseEvolutionLevelupMove(pkm, moves, IncenseMovesLearned, ref res, info);
if (res.All(r => r != null))
return res;
if (pkm.Species == 292 && info.EncounterMatch.Species != 292)
// Ignore Shedinja if the Encounter was also a Shedinja, assume null Encounter as a Nincada egg
// Check Shedinja evolved moves from Ninjask after egg moves
// Those moves could also be inherited egg moves
ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, moves, ref res);
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m] == null)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V176, CheckIdentifier.Move);
return res;
private static void ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, int[] moves, ref CheckResult[] res)
var incompatible = new List<int>();
if (pkm.Species == 134 && pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && moves.Contains(151))
// Vaporeon in Yellow learn Mist and Haze at level 42, Mist only if level up in day-care
// Vaporeon in Red Blue learn Acid Armor at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
if (moves.Contains(54))
if (moves.Contains(114))
if (incompatible.Any())
if (pkm.Species == 136 && pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && moves.Contains(43) && moves.Contains(123))
// Flareon in Yellow learn Smog at level 42
// Flareon in Red Blue learn Leer at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatible.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V363, CheckIdentifier.Move);
private static void ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, int[] moves, List<int> tmhm, ref CheckResult[] res)
var species = specieslist;
var currentspecies = species[pkm.Species];
var previousspecies = string.Empty;
var incompatible_previous = new List<int>();
var incompatible_current = new List<int>();
if (pkm.Species == 34 && moves.Contains(31) && moves.Contains(37))
// Nidoking learns Thrash at level 23
// Nidorino learns Fury Attack at level 36, Nidoran♂ at level 30
// Other moves are either learned by Nidoran♂ up to level 23 or by TM
previousspecies = species[33];
if (pkm.Species == 103 && moves.Contains(23) && moves.Any(m => Legal.G1Exeggcute_IncompatibleMoves.Contains(moves[m])))
// Exeggutor learns stomp at level 28
// Exeggcute learns Stun Spore at 32, PoisonPowder at 37 and Sleep Powder at 48
previousspecies = species[103];
if (134 <= pkm.Species && pkm.Species <= 136)
previousspecies = species[133];
var ExclusiveMoves = Legal.getExclusiveMoves(133, pkm.Species, 1, tmhm, moves);
var EeveeLevels = Legal.getMinLevelLearnMove(133, 1, ExclusiveMoves[0]);
var EvoLevels = Legal.getMaxLevelLearnMove(pkm.Species, 1, ExclusiveMoves[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < ExclusiveMoves[0].Count; i++)
// There is a evolution move with a lower level that current eevee move
if (EvoLevels.Any(ev => ev < EeveeLevels[i]))
for (int i = 0; i < ExclusiveMoves[1].Count; i++)
// There is a eevee move with a greather level that current evolution move
if (EeveeLevels.Any(ev => ev > EvoLevels[i]))
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatible_current.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V365, currentspecies, previousspecies), CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (incompatible_previous.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V366, currentspecies, previousspecies), CheckIdentifier.Move);
private static void ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(PKM pkm, int[] moves, ref CheckResult[] res)
List<int>[] ShedinjaEvoMoves = Legal.getShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm);
var ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned = new List<int>();
for (int gen = Math.Min(pkm.Format, 4); gen >= 3; gen--)
bool native = gen == pkm.Format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m]?.Valid ?? false)
if (!ShedinjaEvoMoves[gen].Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, native ? V355 : string.Format(V356, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
if (ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned.Count <= 1)
foreach (int m in ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V357, CheckIdentifier.Move);
private static void ParseEvolutionLevelupMove(PKM pkm, int[] moves, List<int> IncenseMovesLearned, ref CheckResult[] res, LegalInfo info)
// Ignore if there is an invalid move or an empty move, this validation is only for 4 non-empty moves that are all valid, but invalid as a 4 combination
// Ignore Mr. Mime and Sudowodoo from generations 1 to 3, they cant be evolved from Bonsly or Munchlax
// Ignore if encounter species is the evolution species, the pokemon was not evolved by the player
if (!res.All(r => r?.Valid ?? false) || moves.Any(m => m == 0) ||
(Legal.BabyEvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species) && pkm.GenNumber <= 3) ||
info.EncounterMatch.Species == pkm.Species)
// Mr.Mime and Sodowodoo from eggs that does not have any exclusive egg move or level up move from Mime Jr or Bonsly.
// The egg can be assumed to be a non-incense egg if the pokemon was not evolved by the player
if (info.EncounterMatch.EggEncounter && Legal.BabyEvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species) && !IncenseMovesLearned.Any())
var ValidMoves = Legal.getValidPostEvolutionMoves(pkm, pkm.Species, info.EvoChainsAllGens, GameVersion.Any);
// Add the evolution moves to valid moves in case some of this moves could not be learned after evolving
switch (pkm.Species)
case 122: // Mr. Mime (Mime Jr with Mimic)
case 185: // Sudowoodo (Bonsly with Mimic)
case 424: // Ambipom (Aipom with Double Hit)
case 463: // Lickilicky (Lickitung with Rollout)
case 465: // Tangrowth (Tangela with Ancient Power)
case 469: // Yanmega (Yamma with Ancient Power)
case 473: // Mamoswine (Piloswine with Ancient Power)
case 700: // Sylveon (Eevee with Fairy Move)
// Add every fairy moves without cheking if eevee learn it or not, pokemon moves are determined legal before this function
case 763: // Tsareena (Steenee with Stomp)
if (moves.Any(m => ValidMoves.Contains(m)))
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
res[m] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V385, specieslist[pkm.Species]), CheckIdentifier.Move);
/* Similar to verifyRelearnEgg but in pre relearn generation is the moves what should match the expected order but only if the pokemon is inside an egg */
private static CheckResult[] verifyPreRelearnEggBase(PKM pkm, int[] Moves, List<int> baseMoves, List<int> eggmoves, List<int> lvlmoves, List<int> tmhmmoves, List<int> tutormoves, List<int> specialmoves, bool AllowInherited, GameVersion ver)
CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
// Obtain level1 moves
int baseCt = baseMoves.Count;
if (baseCt > 4) baseCt = 4;
// Obtain Inherited moves
var inherited = Moves.Where(m => m != 0 && (!baseMoves.Contains(m) || specialmoves.Contains(m) || eggmoves.Contains(m) || lvlmoves.Contains(m) || tmhmmoves.Contains(m) || tutormoves.Contains(m))).ToList();
int inheritCt = inherited.Count;
// Get required amount of base moves
int unique = baseMoves.Concat(inherited).Distinct().Count();
int reqBase = inheritCt == 4 || baseCt + inheritCt > 4 ? 4 - inheritCt : baseCt;
if (Moves.Where(m => m != 0).Count() < Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Count))
reqBase = Math.Min(4, unique);
var em = string.Empty;
var moveoffset = 0;
// Check if the required amount of Base Egg Moves are present.
for (int i = moveoffset; i < reqBase; i++)
if (baseMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V179, CheckIdentifier.Move);
// mark remaining base egg moves missing
for (int z = i; z < reqBase; z++)
res[z] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V180, CheckIdentifier.Move);
// provide the list of suggested base moves for the last required slot
em = string.Join(", ", baseMoves.Select(m => m >= movelist.Length ? V190 : movelist[m]));
moveoffset += reqBase;
// Check also if the required amount of Special Egg Moves are present, ir are after base moves
for (int i = moveoffset; i < moveoffset + specialmoves.Count; i++)
if (specialmoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V333, CheckIdentifier.Move);
// mark remaining special egg moves missing
for (int z = i; z < moveoffset + specialmoves.Count; z++)
res[z] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V342, CheckIdentifier.Move);
// provide the list of suggested base moves and species moves for the last required slot
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(em)) em += ", ";
em = string.Join(", ", baseMoves.Select(m => m >= movelist.Length ? V190 : movelist[m])) + ", ";
em += string.Join(", ", specialmoves.Select(m => m >= movelist.Length ? V190 : movelist[m]));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(em))
res[reqBase > 0 ? reqBase - 1 : 0].Comment = string.Format(Environment.NewLine + V343, em);
// Non-Base moves that can magically appear in the regular movepool
if (pkm.GenNumber >= 3 && Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species))
// Inherited moves appear after the required base moves.
var AllowInheritedSeverity = AllowInherited ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid;
for (int i = reqBase + specialmoves.Count; i < 4; i++)
if (Moves[i] == 0) // empty
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V167, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (eggmoves.Contains(Moves[i])) // inherited egg move
res[i] = new CheckResult(AllowInheritedSeverity, AllowInherited ? V344 : V341, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (lvlmoves.Contains(Moves[i])) // inherited lvl moves
res[i] = new CheckResult(AllowInheritedSeverity, AllowInherited ? V345 : V347, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (tmhmmoves.Contains(Moves[i])) // inherited TMHM moves
res[i] = new CheckResult(AllowInheritedSeverity, AllowInherited ? V349 : V350, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else if (tutormoves.Contains(Moves[i])) // inherited tutor moves
res[i] = new CheckResult(AllowInheritedSeverity, AllowInherited ? V346 : V348, CheckIdentifier.Move);
else // not inheritable, flag
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V340, CheckIdentifier.Move);
return res;
private static void verifyNoEmptyDuplicates(int[] Moves, CheckResult[] res)
bool emptySlot = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Moves[i] == 0)
emptySlot = true;
else if (emptySlot)
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V167, res[i].Identifier);
else if (Moves.Count(m => m == Moves[i]) > 1)
res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V168, res[i].Identifier);
private static void UptateGen1LevelUpMoves(PKM pkm, ValidEncounterMoves EncounterMoves, int defaultLvlG1, int generation, LegalInfo info)
switch (generation)
case 1:
case 2:
var lvlG1 = info.EncounterMatch?.LevelMin + 1 ?? 6;
if (lvlG1 != defaultLvlG1)
EncounterMoves.validLevelUpMoves[1] = Legal.getValidMoves(pkm, info.EvoChainsAllGens[1], generation: 1, minLvLG1: lvlG1, LVL: true, Tutor: false, Machine: false, MoveReminder: false).ToList();
private static int[] getGenMovesCheckOrder(PKM pkm)
if (pkm.Format == 1)
return new[] { 1, 2 };
if (pkm.Format == 2)
return new[] { 2, 1 };
if (pkm.Format == 7 && pkm.VC1)
return new[] { 7, 1 };
if (pkm.Format == 7 && pkm.VC2)
return new[] { 7, 2, 1 };
var order = new int[pkm.Format - pkm.GenNumber + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
order[i] = pkm.Format - i;
return order;
private static ValidEncounterMoves getEncounterValidMoves(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info)
var minLvLG1 = pkm.GenNumber <= 2 ? info.EncounterMatch.LevelMin + 1 : 0;
var encounterspecies = info.EncounterMatch.Species;
var EvoChainsAllGens = info.EvoChainsAllGens;
// If encounter species is the same species from the first match, the one in variable EncounterMatch, its evolution chains is already in EvoChainsAllGens
var LevelMoves = Legal.getValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvoChainsAllGens, minLvLG1: minLvLG1, Tutor: false, Machine: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
var TMHMMoves = Legal.getValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvoChainsAllGens, LVL: false, Tutor: false, MoveReminder: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
var TutorMoves = Legal.getValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvoChainsAllGens, LVL: false, Machine: false, MoveReminder: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
return new ValidEncounterMoves
EncounterSpecies = encounterspecies,
validLevelUpMoves = LevelMoves,
validTMHMMoves = TMHMMoves,
validTutorMoves = TutorMoves,
EvolutionChains = EvoChainsAllGens,
minLvlG1 = minLvLG1