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synced 2025-02-19 23:08:34 +00:00
Handle all warnings obviously the usage of null! could potentially be avoided if the object init wasn't such garbage, but here we are with years of old junk and lack of abstraction in the GUI project
389 lines
16 KiB
389 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class MemoryAmie : Form
private readonly TextMarkup TextArgs;
private readonly MemoryStrings MemStrings;
public MemoryAmie(PKM pk)
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
pkm = pk;
MemStrings = new MemoryStrings(GameInfo.Strings, pkm.Format);
PrevCountries = new[] { CB_Country0, CB_Country1, CB_Country2, CB_Country3, CB_Country4 };
PrevRegions = new[] { CB_Region0, CB_Region1, CB_Region2, CB_Region3, CB_Region4, };
string[] arguments = L_Arguments.Text.Split(new[] {" ; "}, StringSplitOptions.None);
TextArgs = new TextMarkup(arguments);
foreach (ComboBox comboBox in PrevCountries)
Main.SetCountrySubRegion(comboBox, "countries");
foreach (var region in PrevRegions)
if (!(pkm is IGeoTrack))
private bool init;
private readonly ComboBox[] PrevCountries;
private readonly ComboBox[] PrevRegions;
private readonly PKM pkm;
// Load/Save Actions
private void LoadFields()
// Load the region/country values.
if (pkm is IGeoTrack g)
CB_Country0.SelectedValue = g.Geo1_Country;
CB_Country1.SelectedValue = g.Geo2_Country;
CB_Country2.SelectedValue = g.Geo3_Country;
CB_Country3.SelectedValue = g.Geo4_Country;
CB_Country4.SelectedValue = g.Geo5_Country;
CB_Region0.SelectedValue = g.Geo1_Region;
CB_Region1.SelectedValue = g.Geo2_Region;
CB_Region2.SelectedValue = g.Geo3_Region;
CB_Region3.SelectedValue = g.Geo4_Region;
CB_Region4.SelectedValue = g.Geo5_Region;
// Load the Fullness, and Enjoyment
M_Fullness.Text = pkm.Fullness.ToString();
M_Enjoyment.Text = pkm.Enjoyment.ToString();
M_OT_Friendship.Text = pkm.OT_Friendship.ToString();
M_CT_Friendship.Text = pkm.HT_Friendship.ToString();
if (pkm is IAffection a)
M_OT_Affection.Text = a.OT_Affection.ToString();
M_CT_Affection.Text = a.HT_Affection.ToString();
if (pkm is ITrainerMemories m)
// Load the OT Memories
CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, m.OT_Intensity - 1);
CB_OTMemory.SelectedValue = m.OT_Memory;
CB_OTVar.SelectedValue = m.OT_TextVar;
CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex = m.OT_Feeling;
// Load the HT Memories
CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, m.HT_Intensity - 1);
CB_CTMemory.SelectedValue = m.HT_Memory;
CB_CTVar.SelectedValue = m.HT_TextVar;
CB_CTFeel.SelectedIndex = m.HT_Feeling;
CB_Handler.Items.Add($"{pkm.OT_Name} ({TextArgs.OT})"); // OTNAME : OT
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkm.HT_Name))
pkm.CurrentHandler = 0;
tabControl1.SelectedIndex = CB_Handler.SelectedIndex = pkm.CurrentHandler;
GB_M_OT.Enabled = GB_M_CT.Enabled = GB_Residence.Enabled =
BTN_Save.Enabled = M_Fullness.Enabled = M_Enjoyment.Enabled =
L_Fullness.Enabled = L_Enjoyment.Enabled = !pkm.IsEgg;
if (!pkm.IsEgg)
bool enable;
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
// Previous Generation Mon
GB_M_OT.Text = $"{TextArgs.PastGen} {pkm.OT_Name}: {TextArgs.OT}"; // Past Gen OT : OTNAME
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{TextArgs.MemoriesWith} {pkm.HT_Name}"; // Memories with : HTNAME
enable = false;
// Reset to no memory -- don't reset affection as ORAS can raise it
CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex = CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_OTVar.SelectedValue = CB_OTMemory.SelectedValue = 0;
enable = true;
GB_M_OT.Text = $"{TextArgs.MemoriesWith} {pkm.OT_Name} ({TextArgs.OT})"; // Memories with : OTNAME
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{TextArgs.MemoriesWith} {pkm.HT_Name}"; // Memories with : HTNAME
if (pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0)
CB_Country1.Enabled = CB_Country2.Enabled = CB_Country3.Enabled = CB_Country4.Enabled =
CB_Region1.Enabled = CB_Region2.Enabled = CB_Region3.Enabled = CB_Region4.Enabled =
GB_M_CT.Enabled = false;
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{TextArgs.NeverLeft} {TextArgs.OT} - {TextArgs.Disabled}"; // Never Left : OT : Disabled
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{TextArgs.MemoriesWith} {pkm.HT_Name}";
RTB_OT.Visible = CB_OTQual.Enabled = CB_OTMemory.Enabled = CB_OTFeel.Enabled = CB_OTVar.Enabled = enable;
M_OT_Affection.Enabled = true;
GB_M_OT.Text = GB_M_CT.Text = $"N/A: {GameInfo.Strings.EggName}";
init = true;
// Manually load the Memory Parse
RTB_CT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, pkm.HT_Name);
RTB_OT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, pkm.OT_Name);
// Affection no longer stored in gen8+, so only show in gen6/7.
L_OT_Affection.Visible = L_CT_Affection.Visible = M_OT_Affection.Visible = M_CT_Affection.Visible = pkm.Format <= 7;
private void SaveFields()
// Save Region & Country Data
if (pkm is IGeoTrack g)
g.Geo1_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region0);
g.Geo2_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region1);
g.Geo3_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region2);
g.Geo4_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region3);
g.Geo5_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region4);
g.Geo1_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country0);
g.Geo2_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country1);
g.Geo3_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country2);
g.Geo4_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country3);
g.Geo5_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country4);
// Save 0-255 stats
pkm.HT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Friendship.Text);
pkm.OT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Friendship.Text);
if (pkm is IAffection a)
a.OT_Affection = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Affection.Text);
a.HT_Affection = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Affection.Text);
pkm.Fullness = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Fullness.Text);
pkm.Enjoyment = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Enjoyment.Text);
// Save Memories
if (pkm is ITrainerMemories m)
m.OT_Memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTMemory);
m.OT_TextVar = CB_OTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTVar) : 0;
m.OT_Intensity = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
m.OT_Feeling = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;
m.HT_Memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTMemory);
m.HT_TextVar = CB_CTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTVar) : 0;
m.HT_Intensity = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
m.HT_Feeling = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;
// Event Actions
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GetLangStrings()
var strings = MemStrings;
CB_OTMemory.DataSource = new BindingSource(strings.Memory, null);
CB_CTMemory.DataSource = new BindingSource(strings.Memory, null);
// Quality Chooser
foreach (var q in strings.GetMemoryQualities())
// Feeling Chooser
foreach (var q in strings.GetMemoryFeelings(pkm.Format))
private void UpdateMemoryDisplay(object sender)
if (sender == CB_CTMemory)
int memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox)sender);
var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory, pkm.GenNumber);
var argvals = MemStrings.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);
CB_CTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
LCTV.Text = TextArgs.GetMemoryCategory(memIndex, pkm.GenNumber);
LCTV.Visible = CB_CTVar.Visible = CB_CTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
int memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox)sender);
var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory, pkm.Format);
var argvals = MemStrings.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);
CB_OTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
LOTV.Text = TextArgs.GetMemoryCategory(memIndex, pkm.Format);
LOTV.Visible = CB_OTVar.Visible = CB_OTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
private string GetMemoryString(ComboBox m, Control arg, Control q, Control f, string tr)
string result;
bool enabled;
int mem = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(m);
if (mem == 0)
string nn = pkm.Nickname;
result = string.Format(GameInfo.Strings.memories[38], nn);
enabled = false;
string nn = pkm.Nickname;
string a = arg.Text;
result = string.Format(GameInfo.Strings.memories[mem + 38], nn, tr, a, f.Text, q.Text);
enabled = true;
// Show labels if the memory allows for them.
if (q == CB_CTQual)
L_CT_Quality.Visible = L_CT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
L_OT_Quality.Visible = L_OT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
// Show Quality and Feeling.
q.Visible = q.Enabled = f.Visible = f.Enabled = enabled;
return result;
private void ChangeMemory(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox m = (ComboBox)sender;
if (m == CB_CTMemory || m == CB_OTMemory)
if (!init) return;
RTB_OT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, pkm.OT_Name);
RTB_CT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, pkm.HT_Name);
private void ChangeCountryIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
int index = Array.IndexOf(PrevCountries, sender);
int val;
if (sender is ComboBox c && (val = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(c)) > 0)
Main.SetCountrySubRegion(PrevRegions[index], $"sr_{val:000}");
PrevRegions[index].Enabled = true;
PrevRegions[index].DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "", Value = 0 } };
PrevRegions[index].Enabled = false;
PrevRegions[index].SelectedValue = 0;
private void ChangeCountryText(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(sender is ComboBox cb) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cb.Text))
cb.SelectedValue = 0;
ChangeCountryIndex(sender, e);
private void Update255_MTB(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(sender is MaskedTextBox tb)) return;
if (Util.ToInt32(tb.Text) > byte.MaxValue)
tb.Text = "255";
private void ClickResetLocation(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label[] senderarr = { L_Geo0, L_Geo1, L_Geo2, L_Geo3, L_Geo4, };
int index = Array.IndexOf(senderarr, sender);
PrevCountries[index].SelectedValue = 0;
PrevRegions[index].DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "", Value = 0 } };
PrevRegions[index].SelectedValue = 0;
private void B_ClearAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
PrevCountries[i].SelectedValue = 0;
private sealed class TextMarkup
public string Disabled { get; } = nameof(Disabled);
public string NeverLeft { get; } = "Never left";
public string OT { get; } = "OT";
public string PastGen { get; } = "Past Gen";
public string MemoriesWith { get; } = "Memories with";
private string Species { get; } = "Species:";
private string Area { get; } = "Area:";
private string Item { get; } = "Item:";
private string Move { get; } = "Move:";
private string Location { get; } = "Location:";
public TextMarkup(string[] args)
Array.Resize(ref args, 10);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0])) Disabled = args[0];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[1])) NeverLeft = args[1];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[2])) OT = args[2];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[3])) PastGen = args[3];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[4])) MemoriesWith = args[4];
// Pokémon ; Area ; Item(s) ; Move ; Location
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[5])) Species = args[5] + ":";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[6])) Area = args[6] + ":";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[7])) Item = args[7] + ":";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[8])) Move = args[8] + ":";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[9])) Location = args[9] + ":";
public string GetMemoryCategory(MemoryArgType type, int format)
return type switch
MemoryArgType.GeneralLocation => Area,
MemoryArgType.SpecificLocation when format == 6 => Location,
MemoryArgType.Species => Species,
MemoryArgType.Move => Move,
MemoryArgType.Item => Item,
_ => string.Empty
} |