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206 lines
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using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for Pokémon Ruby Sapphire Box saves.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV3RSBox : SaveFile, IGCSaveFile
protected override string BAKText => $"{Version} #{SaveCount:0000}";
public override string Filter => this.GCFilter();
public override string Extension => this.GCExtension();
public bool IsMemoryCardSave => MC != null;
private readonly SAV3GCMemoryCard MC;
public SAV3RSBox(byte[] data, SAV3GCMemoryCard MC) : this(data) { this.MC = MC; BAK = MC.Data; }
public SAV3RSBox() : base(SaveUtil.SIZE_G3BOX)
Box = 0;
public SAV3RSBox(byte[] data) : base(data)
private void Initialize()
Personal = PersonalTable.RS;
HeldItems = Legal.HeldItems_RS;
private void InitializeData()
Blocks = new BlockInfoRSBOX[2 * BLOCK_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Length; i++)
int offset = BLOCK_SIZE + (i * BLOCK_SIZE);
Blocks[i] = new BlockInfoRSBOX(Data, offset);
// Detect active save
int[] SaveCounts = Blocks.Select(block => (int) block.SaveCount).ToArray();
SaveCount = SaveCounts.Max();
int ActiveSAV = Array.IndexOf(SaveCounts, SaveCount) / BLOCK_COUNT;
Blocks = Blocks.Skip(ActiveSAV * BLOCK_COUNT).Take(BLOCK_COUNT).OrderBy(b => b.ID).ToArray();
// Set up PC data buffer beyond end of save file.
Box = Data.Length;
Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + SIZE_RESERVED); // More than enough empty space.
// Copy block to the allocated location
const int copySize = BLOCK_SIZE - 0x10;
foreach (var b in Blocks)
Array.Copy(Data, b.Offset + 0xC, Data, (int) (Box + (b.ID * copySize)), copySize);
private BlockInfoRSBOX[] Blocks;
private int SaveCount;
private const int BLOCK_COUNT = 23;
private const int BLOCK_SIZE = 0x2000;
private const int SIZE_RESERVED = BLOCK_COUNT * BLOCK_SIZE; // unpacked box data
protected override byte[] GetFinalData()
var newFile = GetInnerData();
// Return the gci if Memory Card is not being exported
if (!IsMemoryCardSave)
return newFile;
MC.SelectedSaveData = newFile;
return MC.Data;
private byte[] GetInnerData()
// Copy Box data back
const int copySize = BLOCK_SIZE - 0x10;
foreach (var b in Blocks)
Array.Copy(Data, (int) (Box + (b.ID * copySize)), Data, b.Offset + 0xC, copySize);
return GetData(0, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED);
// Configuration
public override SaveFile Clone()
var data = GetInnerData();
var sav = IsMemoryCardSave ? new SAV3RSBox(data, MC) : new SAV3RSBox(data);
sav.Header = (byte[])Header.Clone();
return sav;
public override int SIZE_STORED => PKX.SIZE_3STORED + 4;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PKX.SIZE_3PARTY; // unused
public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK3();
public override Type PKMType => typeof(PK3);
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxEV => 255;
public override int Generation => 3;
protected override int GiftCountMax => 1;
public override int OTLength => 7;
public override int NickLength => 10;
public override int MaxMoney => 999999;
public override bool HasBoxWallpapers => false;
public override int BoxCount => 50;
public override bool HasParty => false;
public override bool IsPKMPresent(int offset) => PKX.IsPKMPresentGBA(Data, offset);
// Checksums
protected override void SetChecksums() => Blocks.SetChecksums(Data);
public override bool ChecksumsValid => Blocks.GetChecksumsValid(Data);
public override string ChecksumInfo => Blocks.GetChecksumInfo(Data);
// Trainer Info
public override GameVersion Version { get => GameVersion.RSBOX; protected set { } }
// Storage
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => -1;
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + 8 + (SIZE_STORED * box * 30);
public override int CurrentBox
get => Data[Box + 4] * 2;
set => Data[Box + 4] = (byte)(value / 2);
protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box)
// Box Wallpaper is directly after the Box Names
int offset = Box + 0x1ED19 + (box / 2);
return offset;
public override string GetBoxName(int box)
// Tweaked for the 1-30/31-60 box showing
int lo = (30 *(box%2)) + 1;
int hi = 30*((box % 2) + 1);
string boxName = $"[{lo:00}-{hi:00}] ";
box /= 2;
int offset = Box + 0x1EC38 + (9 * box);
if (Data[offset] == 0 || Data[offset] == 0xFF)
boxName += $"BOX {box + 1}";
boxName += GetString(offset, 9);
return boxName;
public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value)
int offset = Box + 0x1EC38 + (9 * box);
byte[] data = value == $"BOX {box + 1}" ? new byte[9] : SetString(value, 8);
SetData(data, offset);
protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data)
if (data.Length != PKX.SIZE_3STORED)
Array.Resize(ref data, PKX.SIZE_3STORED);
return new PK3(data);
protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data)
if (data.Length != PKX.SIZE_3STORED)
Array.Resize(ref data, PKX.SIZE_3STORED);
return PKX.DecryptArray3(data);
protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { /* No Pokedex for this game, do nothing */ }
public override void SetStoredSlot(PKM pkm, int offset, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
base.SetStoredSlot(pkm, offset, trade, dex);
BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)pkm.TID).CopyTo(Data, offset + PKX.SIZE_3STORED + 0);
BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)pkm.SID).CopyTo(Data, offset + PKX.SIZE_3STORED + 2);
public override string GetString(byte[] data, int offset, int length) => StringConverter3.GetString3(data, offset, length, Japanese);
public override byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0)
if (PadToSize == 0)
PadToSize = maxLength + 1;
return StringConverter3.SetString3(value, maxLength, Japanese, PadToSize, PadWith);