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synced 2025-03-01 13:57:22 +00:00
Still some pending stuff like bad mystery gifts gen2 static encounters on g/s applying met level and not location gen6 ralts trade (no nickname) being flagged as nicknamed when it shouldn't gen4 manaphy egg not having a hatch location (worked fine if you transferred it up) gen3 antishiny gifts not setting their PIDs (jirachi WC3) gen5 N's pkm gifts setting the wrong nature gen3 unown not being generated correctly, cosplay pikachu being allowed form0, non-BugCatchingContest no longer require Sport ball, oras dexnav marill now uses the azurill eggmove table
409 lines
14 KiB
409 lines
14 KiB
using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public static class PIDGenerator
private static void SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
var rng = RNG.LCRNG;
var A = rng.Next(seed);
var B = rng.Next(A);
var skipBetweenPID = type == PIDType.Method_3 || type == PIDType.Method_3_Unown;
if (skipBetweenPID) // VBlank skip between PID rand() [RARE]
B = rng.Next(B);
var swappedPIDHalves = PIDType.Method_1_Unown <= type && type <= PIDType.Method_4_Unown;
if (swappedPIDHalves) // switched order of PID halves, "BA.."
pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | B >> 16;
pk.PID = (B & 0xFFFF0000) | A >> 16;
var C = rng.Next(B);
var skipIV1Frame = type == PIDType.Method_2 || type == PIDType.Method_2_Unown;
if (skipIV1Frame) // VBlank skip after PID
C = rng.Next(C);
var D = rng.Next(C);
var skipIV2Frame = type == PIDType.Method_4 || type == PIDType.Method_4_Unown;
if (skipIV2Frame) // VBlank skip between IVs
D = rng.Next(D);
var IVs = MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(C >> 16, D >> 16);
if (type == PIDType.Method_1_Roamer)
// Only store lowest 8 bits of IV data; zero out the other bits.
IVs[1] &= 7;
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
IVs[i] = 0;
pk.IVs = IVs;
private static void SetValuesFromSeedBACD(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
var rng = RNG.LCRNG;
bool shiny = type == PIDType.BACD_R_S || type == PIDType.BACD_U_S;
uint X = shiny ? rng.Next(seed) : seed;
var A = rng.Next(X);
var B = rng.Next(A);
var C = rng.Next(B);
var D = rng.Next(C);
if (shiny)
uint PID = (X & 0xFFFF0000) | ((uint)pk.SID ^ (uint)pk.TID ^ X >> 16);
PID |= B >> 16 & 0x7; // lowest 3 bits
pk.PID = PID;
else if (type == PIDType.BACD_R_AX || type == PIDType.BACD_U_AX)
uint low = B >> 16;
pk.PID = ((A & 0xFFFF0000) ^ (((uint)pk.TID ^ (uint)pk.SID ^ low) << 16)) | low;
pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | B >> 16;
pk.IVs = MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(C >> 16, D >> 16);
bool antishiny = type == PIDType.BACD_R_A || type == PIDType.BACD_U_A;
while (antishiny && pk.IsShiny)
pk.PID = unchecked(pk.PID + 1);
private static void SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG(PKM pk, uint seed)
var rng = RNG.XDRNG;
switch (pk.Species)
case (int)Species.Umbreon: // Colo Umbreon
case (int)Species.Eevee: // XD Eevee
pk.TID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16);
pk.SID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16);
seed = rng.Advance(seed, 2); // PID calls consumed
case (int)Species.Espeon: // Colo Espeon
pk.TID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16);
pk.SID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16);
seed = rng.Advance(seed, 9); // PID calls consumed, skip over Umbreon
var A = rng.Next(seed); // IV1
var B = rng.Next(A); // IV2
var C = rng.Next(B); // Ability?
var D = rng.Next(C); // PID
var E = rng.Next(D); // PID
pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | E >> 16;
pk.IVs = MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(A >> 16, B >> 16);
private static void SetValuesFromSeedChannel(PKM pk, uint seed)
var rng = RNG.XDRNG;
var O = rng.Next(seed); // SID
var A = rng.Next(O); // PID
var B = rng.Next(A); // PID
var C = rng.Next(B); // Held Item
var D = rng.Next(C); // Version
var E = rng.Next(D); // OT Gender
const int TID = 40122;
var SID = (int)(O >> 16);
var pid1 = A >> 16;
var pid2 = B >> 16;
pk.TID = TID;
pk.SID = SID;
var pid = pid1 << 16 | pid2;
if ((pid2 > 7 ? 0 : 1) != (pid1 ^ SID ^ TID))
pid ^= 0x80000000;
pk.PID = pid;
pk.HeldItem = (int)(C >> 31) + 169; // 0-Ganlon, 1-Salac
pk.Version = (int)(D >> 31) + 1; // 0-Sapphire, 1-Ruby
pk.OT_Gender = (int)(E >> 31);
pk.IVs = rng.GetSequentialIVsInt32(E);
public static void SetValuesFromSeed(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type);
method(pk, seed);
private static Action<PKM, uint> GetGeneratorMethod(PIDType t)
switch (t)
case PIDType.Channel:
return SetValuesFromSeedChannel;
case PIDType.CXD:
return SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG;
case PIDType.Method_1:
case PIDType.Method_2:
case PIDType.Method_3:
case PIDType.Method_4:
case PIDType.Method_1_Unown:
case PIDType.Method_2_Unown:
case PIDType.Method_3_Unown:
case PIDType.Method_4_Unown:
case PIDType.Method_1_Roamer:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(pk, t, seed);
case PIDType.BACD_R:
case PIDType.BACD_R_A:
case PIDType.BACD_R_S:
case PIDType.BACD_R_AX:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed & 0xFFFF);
case PIDType.BACD_U:
case PIDType.BACD_U_A:
case PIDType.BACD_U_S:
case PIDType.BACD_U_AX:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed);
case PIDType.PokeSpot:
return SetRandomPIDIV;
case PIDType.G5MGShiny:
return SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny;
case PIDType.Pokewalker:
return (pk, seed) => pk.PID = GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, seed%24, pk.Gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender);
// others: unimplemented
case PIDType.CuteCharm:
case PIDType.ChainShiny:
return SetRandomChainShinyPID;
case PIDType.G4MGAntiShiny:
return (_, __) => { };
public static void SetRandomChainShinyPID(PKM pk, uint seed)
// 13 rand bits
// 1 3-bit for upper
// 1 3-bit for lower
uint Next() => (seed = RNG.LCRNG.Next(seed)) >> 16;
uint lower = Next() & 7;
uint upper = Next() & 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
lower |= (Next() & 1) << (3 + i);
upper = ((uint)(lower ^ pk.TID ^ pk.SID) & 0xFFF8) | (upper & 0x7);
pk.PID = upper << 16 | lower;
pk.IVs = MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(Next(), Next());
public static void SetRandomPokeSpotPID(PKM pk, int nature, int gender, int ability, int slot)
while (true)
var seed = Util.Rand32();
if (!MethodFinder.IsPokeSpotActivation(slot, seed, out var _))
var rng = RNG.XDRNG;
var D = rng.Next(seed); // PID
var E = rng.Next(D); // PID
pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | E >> 16;
if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender))
public static uint GetMG5ShinyPID(uint gval, uint av, int TID, int SID)
uint PID = (uint)((TID ^ SID ^ gval) << 16 | gval);
if ((PID & 0x10000) != av << 16)
PID ^= 0x10000;
return PID;
public static uint GetPokeWalkerPID(int TID, int SID, uint nature, int gender, int gr)
if (nature >= 24)
nature = 0;
uint pid = (uint)((TID ^ SID) >> 8 ^ 0xFF) << 24; // the most significant byte of the PID is chosen so the Pokémon can never be shiny.
// Ensure nature is set to required nature without affecting shininess
pid += nature - (pid % 25);
if (gr >= 0xFE || gr == 0) // non-dual gender
return pid;
// Ensure Gender is set to required gender without affecting other properties
// If Gender is modified, modify the ability if appropriate
// either m/f
var pidGender = (pid & 0xFF) < gr ? 1 : 0;
if (gender == pidGender)
return pid;
if (gender == 0) // Male
pid += (uint)((((gr - (pid & 0xFF)) / 25) + 1) * 25);
if ((nature & 1) != (pid & 1))
pid += 25;
pid -= (uint)(((((pid & 0xFF) - gr) / 25) + 1) * 25);
if ((nature & 1) != (pid & 1))
pid -= 25;
return pid;
public static void SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(PKM pk, uint seed)
var gv = seed >> 24;
var av = seed & 1; // arbitrary choice
pk.PID = GetMG5ShinyPID(gv, av, pk.TID, pk.SID);
public static void SetRandomWildPID(PKM pk, int gen, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None)
if (specific == PIDType.Pokewalker)
pk.Gender = gender;
pk.PID = GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, (uint) nature, gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender);
} while (!pk.IsGenderValid());
pk.RefreshAbility((int)(pk.PID & 1));
switch (gen)
case 3:
case 4:
SetRandomWildPID4(pk, nature, ability, gender, specific);
case 5:
SetRandomWildPID5(pk, nature, ability, gender, specific);
SetRandomWildPID(pk, nature, ability, gender);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a <see cref="PKM.PID"/> and <see cref="PKM.IVs"/> that are unrelated.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Pokémon to modify.</param>
/// <param name="seed">Seed which is used for the <see cref="PKM.PID"/>.</param>
private static void SetRandomPIDIV(PKM pkm, uint seed)
pkm.PID = seed;
private static void SetRandomWildPID4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None)
pk.Gender = gender;
var type = GetPIDType(pk, specific);
var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type);
while (true)
method(pk, Util.Rand32());
if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender))
private static bool IsValidCriteria4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender)
if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender)
return false;
if (pk.Nature != nature)
return false;
if ((pk.PID & 1) != ability)
return false;
return true;
private static PIDType GetPIDType(PKM pk, PIDType specific)
if (specific != PIDType.None)
return specific;
if (pk.Version == 15)
return PIDType.CXD;
if (pk.Gen3 && pk.Species == (int)Species.Unown)
return PIDType.Method_1_Unown + Util.Rand.Next(3);
return PIDType.Method_1;
private static void SetRandomWildPID5(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None)
var tidbit = (pk.TID ^ pk.SID) & 1;
pk.Gender = gender;
pk.Nature = nature;
if (ability == 2)
ability = 0;
while (true)
uint seed = Util.Rand32();
if (specific == PIDType.G5MGShiny)
SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(pk, seed);
seed = pk.PID;
var bitxor = (seed >> 31) ^ (seed & 1);
if (bitxor != tidbit)
seed ^= 1;
if (((seed >> 16) & 1) != ability)
pk.PID = seed;
if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender)
private static void SetRandomWildPID(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender)
uint seed = Util.Rand32();
pk.PID = seed;
pk.Nature = nature;
pk.Gender = gender;
private static void SetRandomIVs(PKM pk)
pk.IVs = pk.SetRandomIVs();