Kurt d47bb1d297
Update .NET Runtime to .NET 8.0 (#4082)
With the new version of Visual Studio bringing C# 12, we can revise our logic for better readability as well as use new methods/APIs introduced in the .NET 8.0 BCL.
2023-12-03 20:13:20 -08:00

135 lines
4.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using static PKHeX.Core.LearnMethod;
using static PKHeX.Core.LearnEnvironment;
using static PKHeX.Core.LearnSource2;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Exposes information about how moves are learned in <see cref="GS"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class LearnSource2GS : ILearnSource<PersonalInfo2>, IEggSource
public static readonly LearnSource2GS Instance = new();
private static readonly PersonalTable2 Personal = PersonalTable.GS;
private static readonly EggMoves2[] EggMoves = EggMoves2.GetArray(Util.GetBinaryResource("eggmove_gs.pkl"), Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2);
private static readonly Learnset[] Learnsets = LearnsetReader.GetArray(Util.GetBinaryResource("lvlmove_gs.pkl"), Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2);
private const int MaxSpecies = Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2;
private const LearnEnvironment Game = GS;
public Learnset GetLearnset(ushort species, byte form) => Learnsets[species];
public bool TryGetPersonal(ushort species, byte form, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PersonalInfo2? pi)
if (form is not 0 || species > MaxSpecies)
pi = null;
return false;
pi = Personal[species];
return true;
public bool GetIsEggMove(ushort species, byte form, ushort move)
if (species > MaxSpecies)
return false;
var moves = EggMoves[species];
return moves.GetHasEggMove(move);
public ReadOnlySpan<ushort> GetEggMoves(ushort species, byte form)
if (species > MaxSpecies)
return [];
return EggMoves[species].Moves;
// Present and not in Crystal:
// 001 (Bulbasaur) += Charm
// 016 (Pidgey) += SteelWing
// 043 (Oddish) += Charm
// 046 (Paras) += SweetScent
// 083 (Farfetchd) += SteelWing
// 120 (Staryu) += AuroraBeam, Barrier, Supersonic
// 142 (Aerodactyl) += SteelWing
// 143 (Snorlax) += Charm
// 238 (Smoochum) += LovelyKiss
// Added via Crystal, not in GS:
// 023 (Ekans) += Crunch
// 027 (Sandshrew) += MetalClaw
// 054 (Psyduck) += CrossChop
// 104 (Cubone) += SwordsDance
// 152 (Chikorita) += SwordsDance
// 155 (Cyndaquil) += Submission
// 163 (Hoothoot) += SkyAttack
// 198 (Murkrow) += SkyAttack
// 216 (Teddiursa) += MetalClaw
// 227 (Skarmory) += SkyAttack
// 231 (Phanpy) += WaterGun
// 239 (Elekid) += CrossChop
// 240 (Magby) += CrossChop
public MoveLearnInfo GetCanLearn(PKM pk, PersonalInfo2 pi, EvoCriteria evo, ushort move, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All, LearnOption option = LearnOption.Current)
if (move > Legal.MaxMoveID_2) // byte
return default;
if (types.HasFlag(MoveSourceType.Machine) && GetIsTM(pi, (byte)move))
return new(TMHM, Game);
if (types.HasFlag(MoveSourceType.LevelUp))
var learn = Learnsets[evo.Species];
var level = learn.GetLevelLearnMove(move);
if (level != -1)
if (evo.InsideLevelRange(level))
return new(LevelUp, Game, (byte)level);
if (level == 1 && types.HasFlag(MoveSourceType.Evolve)) // Evolution
return new(Special, Game, (byte)level);
return default;
private static bool GetIsTM(PersonalInfo2 info, byte move)
var index = TMHM_GSC.IndexOf(move);
if (index == -1)
return false;
return info.GetIsLearnTM(index);
public void GetAllMoves(Span<bool> result, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All)
if (!TryGetPersonal(evo.Species, evo.Form, out var pi))
bool removeVC = pk.Format == 1 || pk.VC1;
if (types.HasFlag(MoveSourceType.LevelUp))
var learn = Learnsets[evo.Species];
var min = ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pk) ? 1 : evo.LevelMin;
var span = learn.GetMoveRange(evo.LevelMax, min);
foreach (var move in span)
if (!removeVC || move <= Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
result[move] = true;
if (types.HasFlag(MoveSourceType.Machine))
pi.SetAllLearnTM(result, TMHM_GSC);
public static void GetEncounterMoves(IEncounterTemplate enc, Span<ushort> init)
var species = enc.Species;
var learn = Learnsets[species];
learn.SetEncounterMoves(enc.LevelMin, init);