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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Base Class for Save Files
/// </summary>
public abstract class SaveFile : ITrainerInfo, IGameValueLimit
// General Object Properties
public byte[] Data;
public bool Edited;
public readonly bool Exportable;
public readonly byte[] BAK;
protected SaveFile(byte[] data, byte[] bak)
Data = data;
BAK = bak;
Exportable = true;
protected SaveFile(byte[] data) : this(data, (byte[])data.Clone()) { }
protected SaveFile()
Data = BAK = Array.Empty<byte>();
Exportable = false;
protected SaveFile(int size)
Data = new byte[size];
BAK = Data;
Exportable = false;
public string? FileName, FilePath, FileFolder;
public string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{BAKText}].bak";
protected abstract string BAKText { get; }
public abstract SaveFile Clone();
public abstract string Filter { get; }
public byte[] Footer { protected get; set; } = Array.Empty<byte>(); // .dsv
public byte[] Header { protected get; set; } = Array.Empty<byte>(); // .gci
public virtual string PlayTimeString => $"{PlayedHours}ː{PlayedMinutes:00}ː{PlayedSeconds:00}"; // not :
public abstract string Extension { get; }
public virtual string[] PKMExtensions => PKM.Extensions.Where(f =>
int gen = f.Last() - 0x30;
return 3 <= gen && gen <= Generation;
// General SAV Properties
public byte[] Write(ExportFlags flags = ExportFlags.None)
byte[] data = GetFinalData();
if (Footer.Length > 0 && flags.HasFlagFast(ExportFlags.IncludeFooter))
return data.Concat(Footer).ToArray();
if (Header.Length > 0 && flags.HasFlagFast(ExportFlags.IncludeHeader))
return Header.Concat(data).ToArray();
return data;
protected virtual byte[] GetFinalData()
return Data;
#region Metadata & Limits
public virtual string MiscSaveInfo() => string.Empty;
public virtual GameVersion Version { get; protected set; }
public abstract bool ChecksumsValid { get; }
public abstract string ChecksumInfo { get; }
public abstract int Generation { get; }
#region Savedata Container Handling
public byte[] GetData(int offset, int length) => GetData(Data, offset, length);
public byte[] GetData(byte[] data, int offset, int length) => data.Slice(offset, length);
public void SetData(byte[] input, int offset) => SetData(Data, input, offset);
public void SetData(byte[] dest, byte[] input, int offset)
input.CopyTo(dest, offset);
Edited = true;
public abstract string GetString(byte[] data, int offset, int length);
public string GetString(int offset, int length) => GetString(Data, offset, length);
public abstract byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0);
public virtual void CopyChangesFrom(SaveFile sav) => SetData(sav.Data, 0);
// Offsets
protected int Trainer1 { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
#region Stored PKM Limits
public abstract PersonalTable Personal { get; }
public abstract int OTLength { get; }
public abstract int NickLength { get; }
public abstract int MaxMoveID { get; }
public abstract int MaxSpeciesID { get; }
public abstract int MaxAbilityID { get; }
public abstract int MaxItemID { get; }
public abstract int MaxBallID { get; }
public abstract int MaxGameID { get; }
public virtual int MinGameID => 0;
#region Event Work
public virtual bool HasEvents => EventFlags.Length != 0;
protected virtual int EventFlagMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
protected virtual int EventConstMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
protected int EventFlag { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int EventConst { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
/// <summary> All Event Flag values for the savegame </summary>
public bool[] EventFlags
if (EventFlagMax < 0)
return Array.Empty<bool>();
bool[] Flags = new bool[EventFlagMax];
for (int i = 0; i < Flags.Length; i++)
Flags[i] = GetEventFlag(i);
return Flags;
if (EventFlagMax < 0)
if (value.Length != EventFlagMax)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
SetEventFlag(i, value[i]);
/// <summary> All Event Constant values for the savegame </summary>
public virtual ushort[] EventConsts
if (EventConstMax <= 0)
return Array.Empty<ushort>();
ushort[] Constants = new ushort[EventConstMax];
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.Length; i++)
Constants[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, EventConst + (i * 2));
return Constants;
if (EventConstMax <= 0)
if (value.Length != EventConstMax)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
BitConverter.GetBytes(value[i]).CopyTo(Data, EventConst + (i * 2));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="bool"/> status of a desired Event Flag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flagNumber">Event Flag to check</param>
/// <returns>Flag is Set (true) or not Set (false)</returns>
public virtual bool GetEventFlag(int flagNumber)
if (flagNumber >= EventFlagMax)
throw new ArgumentException($"Event Flag to get ({flagNumber}) is greater than max ({EventFlagMax}).");
return GetFlag(EventFlag + (flagNumber >> 3), flagNumber & 7);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the <see cref="bool"/> status of a desired Event Flag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flagNumber">Event Flag to check</param>
/// <param name="value">Event Flag status to set</param>
/// <remarks>Flag is Set (true) or not Set (false)</remarks>
public virtual void SetEventFlag(int flagNumber, bool value)
if (flagNumber >= EventFlagMax)
throw new ArgumentException($"Event Flag to set ({flagNumber}) is greater than max ({EventFlagMax}).");
SetFlag(EventFlag + (flagNumber >> 3), flagNumber & 7, value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="bool"/> status of the Flag at the specified offset and index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to read from</param>
/// <param name="bitIndex">Bit index to read</param>
/// <returns>Flag is Set (true) or not Set (false)</returns>
public virtual bool GetFlag(int offset, int bitIndex) => FlagUtil.GetFlag(Data, offset, bitIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the <see cref="bool"/> status of the Flag at the specified offset and index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to read from</param>
/// <param name="bitIndex">Bit index to read</param>
/// <param name="value">Flag status to set</param>
/// <remarks>Flag is Set (true) or not Set (false)</remarks>
public virtual void SetFlag(int offset, int bitIndex, bool value) => FlagUtil.SetFlag(Data, offset, bitIndex, value);
public virtual InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get; set; } = Array.Empty<InventoryPouch>();
#region Mystery Gift
protected virtual int GiftCountMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
protected virtual int GiftFlagMax { get; } = 0x800;
protected int WondercardData { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
public bool HasWondercards => WondercardData > -1;
protected virtual bool[] MysteryGiftReceivedFlags { get => Array.Empty<bool>(); set { } }
protected virtual DataMysteryGift[] MysteryGiftCards { get => Array.Empty<DataMysteryGift>(); set { } }
public virtual MysteryGiftAlbum GiftAlbum
get => new MysteryGiftAlbum(MysteryGiftCards, MysteryGiftReceivedFlags);
MysteryGiftReceivedFlags = value.Flags;
MysteryGiftCards = value.Gifts;
#region Player Info
public virtual int Gender { get; set; }
public virtual int Language { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int Game { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int TID { get; set; }
public virtual int SID { get; set; }
public virtual string OT { get; set; } = "PKHeX";
public virtual int PlayedHours { get; set; }
public virtual int PlayedMinutes { get; set; }
public virtual int PlayedSeconds { get; set; }
public virtual uint SecondsToStart { get; set; }
public virtual uint SecondsToFame { get; set; }
public virtual uint Money { get; set; }
public abstract int BoxCount { get; }
public virtual int SlotCount => BoxCount * BoxSlotCount;
public virtual int MultiplayerSpriteID { get => 0; set { } }
public int TrainerID7 { get => (int)((uint)(TID | (SID << 16)) % 1000000); set => SetID7(TrainerSID7, value); }
public int TrainerSID7 { get => (int)((uint)(TID | (SID << 16)) / 1000000); set => SetID7(value, TrainerID7); }
public virtual int Country { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int ConsoleRegion { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int SubRegion { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int MaxMoney => 9999999;
public virtual int MaxCoins => 9999;
public int DisplayTID
get => Generation >= 7 ? TrainerID7 : TID;
set { if (Generation >= 7) TrainerID7 = value; else TID = value; }
public int DisplaySID
get => Generation >= 7 ? TrainerSID7 : SID;
set { if (Generation >= 7) TrainerSID7 = value; else SID = value; }
private void SetID7(int sid7, int tid7)
var oid = (sid7 * 1_000_000) + (tid7 % 1_000_000);
TID = (ushort)oid;
SID = oid >> 16;
#region Party
public virtual int PartyCount { get; protected set; }
protected int Party { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
public virtual bool HasParty => Party > -1;
public abstract int GetPartyOffset(int slot);
public bool IsPartyAllEggs(params int[] except)
if (!HasParty)
return false;
var party = PartyData;
return party.Count == party.Where(t => t.Species != 0).Where((t, i) => t.IsEgg || except.Contains(i)).Count();
public IList<PKM> PartyData
PKM[] data = new PKM[PartyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = GetPartySlot(PartyBuffer, GetPartyOffset(i));
return data;
if (value.Count == 0 || value.Count > 6)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expected 1-6, got {value.Count}");
if (value.Any(pk => PKMType != pk.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException($"Not {PKMType} array.");
if (value[0].Species == 0)
Debug.WriteLine($"Empty first slot, received {value.Count}.");
int ctr = 0;
foreach (var exist in value.Where(pk => pk.Species != 0))
SetPartySlot(exist, PartyBuffer, GetPartyOffset(ctr++));
for (int i = ctr; i < 6; i++)
SetPartySlot(BlankPKM, PartyBuffer, GetPartyOffset(i));
// Varied Methods
protected abstract void SetChecksums();
public virtual int GameSyncIDSize { get; } = 8;
public virtual string GameSyncID { get => string.Empty; set { } }
#region Daycare
public bool HasDaycare => DaycareOffset > -1;
protected int DaycareOffset { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
public virtual int DaycareSeedSize { get; } = 0;
public int DaycareIndex = 0;
public virtual bool HasTwoDaycares => false;
public virtual int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) => -1;
public virtual uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) => null;
public virtual string GetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc) => string.Empty;
public virtual bool? IsDaycareHasEgg(int loc) => null;
public virtual bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) => null;
public virtual void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { }
public virtual void SetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc, string seed) { }
public virtual void SetDaycareHasEgg(int loc, bool hasEgg) { }
public virtual void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { }
public PKM GetPartySlotAtIndex(int index) => GetPartySlot(PartyBuffer, GetPartyOffset(index));
public void SetPartySlotAtIndex(PKM pkm, int index, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
// update party count
if (index <= -1)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Party offset provided; unable to resolve party slot index.");
if (pkm.Species != 0)
if (PartyCount <= index)
PartyCount = index + 1;
else if (PartyCount > index)
PartyCount = index;
int offset = GetPartyOffset(index);
SetPartySlot(pkm, PartyBuffer, offset, trade, dex);
public void SetSlotFormatParty(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
UpdatePKM(pkm, trade, dex);
SetPartyValues(pkm, isParty: true);
WritePartySlot(pkm, data, offset);
public void SetPartySlot(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
UpdatePKM(pkm, trade, dex);
SetPartyValues(pkm, isParty: true);
WritePartySlot(pkm, data, offset);
public void SetSlotFormatStored(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
UpdatePKM(pkm, trade, dex);
SetPartyValues(pkm, isParty: false);
WriteSlotFormatStored(pkm, data, offset);
public void SetBoxSlot(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
UpdatePKM(pkm, trade, dex);
SetPartyValues(pkm, isParty: false);
WriteBoxSlot(pkm, data, offset);
public void DeletePartySlot(int slot)
int newEmpty = PartyCount - 1;
if ((uint)slot > newEmpty) // beyond party range (or empty data already present)
// Move all party slots down one
for (int i = slot + 1; i <= newEmpty; i++) // Slide slots down
var current = GetPartySlotAtIndex(i);
SetPartySlotAtIndex(current, i - 1, PKMImportSetting.Skip, PKMImportSetting.Skip);
SetPartySlotAtIndex(BlankPKM, newEmpty, PKMImportSetting.Skip, PKMImportSetting.Skip);
// PartyCount will automatically update via above call. Do not adjust.
#region Slot Storing
public static PKMImportSetting SetUpdateDex { protected get; set; } = PKMImportSetting.Update;
public static PKMImportSetting SetUpdatePKM { protected get; set; } = PKMImportSetting.Update;
public abstract Type PKMType { get; }
protected abstract PKM GetPKM(byte[] data);
protected abstract byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data);
public abstract PKM BlankPKM { get; }
public abstract int SIZE_STORED { get; }
protected abstract int SIZE_PARTY { get; }
public abstract int MaxEV { get; }
public virtual int MaxIV => 31;
public abstract IReadOnlyList<ushort> HeldItems { get; }
protected virtual byte[] BoxBuffer => Data;
protected virtual byte[] PartyBuffer => Data;
public virtual bool IsPKMPresent(byte[] data, int offset) => PKX.IsPKMPresent(data, offset);
public virtual PKM GetDecryptedPKM(byte[] data) => GetPKM(DecryptPKM(data));
public virtual PKM GetPartySlot(byte[] data, int offset) => GetDecryptedPKM(GetData(data, offset, SIZE_PARTY));
public virtual PKM GetStoredSlot(byte[] data, int offset) => GetDecryptedPKM(GetData(data, offset, SIZE_STORED));
public virtual PKM GetBoxSlot(int offset) => GetStoredSlot(BoxBuffer, offset);
public virtual byte[] GetDataForFormatStored(PKM pkm) => pkm.EncryptedBoxData;
public virtual byte[] GetDataForFormatParty(PKM pkm) => pkm.EncryptedPartyData;
public virtual byte[] GetDataForParty(PKM pkm) => pkm.EncryptedPartyData;
public virtual byte[] GetDataForBox(PKM pkm) => pkm.EncryptedBoxData;
public virtual void WriteSlotFormatStored(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset) => SetData(data, GetDataForFormatStored(pkm), offset);
public virtual void WriteSlotFormatParty(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset) => SetData(data, GetDataForFormatParty(pkm), offset);
public virtual void WritePartySlot(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset) => SetData(data, GetDataForParty(pkm), offset);
public virtual void WriteBoxSlot(PKM pkm, byte[] data, int offset) => SetData(data, GetDataForBox(pkm), offset);
protected virtual void SetPartyValues(PKM pkm, bool isParty)
if (!isParty)
if (pkm.PartyStatsPresent) // Stats already present
pkm.Stat_Level = pkm.CurrentLevel;
protected void UpdatePKM(PKM pkm, PKMImportSetting trade, PKMImportSetting dex)
if (GetTradeUpdateSetting(trade))
if (GetDexUpdateSetting(dex))
private static bool GetTradeUpdateSetting(PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (trade == PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
trade = SetUpdatePKM;
return trade == PKMImportSetting.Update;
private static bool GetDexUpdateSetting(PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
if (trade == PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
trade = SetUpdateDex;
return trade == PKMImportSetting.Update;
protected virtual void SetPKM(PKM pkm) { }
protected virtual void SetDex(PKM pkm) { }
#region Pokédex
public int PokeDex { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public virtual bool HasPokeDex => PokeDex > -1;
public virtual bool GetSeen(int species) => false;
public virtual void SetSeen(int species, bool seen) { }
public virtual bool GetCaught(int species) => false;
public virtual void SetCaught(int species, bool caught) { }
public int SeenCount => HasPokeDex ? Enumerable.Range(1, MaxSpeciesID).Count(GetSeen) : 0;
public int CaughtCount => HasPokeDex ? Enumerable.Range(1, MaxSpeciesID).Count(GetCaught) : 0;
public decimal PercentSeen => (decimal) SeenCount / MaxSpeciesID;
public decimal PercentCaught => (decimal)CaughtCount / MaxSpeciesID;
public bool HasBox => Box > -1;
public virtual int BoxSlotCount => 30;
public virtual int BoxesUnlocked { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual byte[] BoxFlags { get => Array.Empty<byte>(); set { } }
public virtual int CurrentBox { get; set; }
#region BoxData
protected int Box { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
public IList<PKM> BoxData
PKM[] data = new PKM[BoxCount * BoxSlotCount];
for (int box = 0; box < BoxCount; box++)
AddBoxData(data, box, box * BoxSlotCount);
return data;
if (value.Count != BoxCount * BoxSlotCount)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expected {BoxCount * BoxSlotCount}, got {value.Count}");
if (value.Any(pk => PKMType != pk.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException($"Not {PKMType} array.");
for (int b = 0; b < BoxCount; b++)
SetBoxData(value, b, b * BoxSlotCount);
public int SetBoxData(IList<PKM> value, int box, int index = 0)
int skipped = 0;
for (int slot = 0; slot < BoxSlotCount; slot++)
var pk = value[index + slot];
if (!pk.StorageFlags.IsOverwriteProtected())
SetBoxSlotAtIndex(pk, box, slot);
return skipped;
public PKM[] GetBoxData(int box)
var data = new PKM[BoxSlotCount];
AddBoxData(data, box, 0);
return data;
public void AddBoxData(IList<PKM> data, int box, int index)
var boxName = GetBoxName(box);
for (int slot = 0; slot < BoxSlotCount; slot++)
int i = slot + index;
data[i] = GetBoxSlotAtIndex(box, slot);
data[i].Identifier = $"{boxName}:{slot + 1:00}";
data[i].Box = box + 1;
data[i].Slot = slot + 1;
data[i].StorageFlags = GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
#region Storage Health & Metadata
protected int[] TeamSlots = Array.Empty<int>();
protected virtual IList<int>[] SlotPointers => new[] { TeamSlots };
public virtual StorageSlotFlag GetSlotFlags(int index) => StorageSlotFlag.None;
public StorageSlotFlag GetSlotFlags(int box, int slot) => GetSlotFlags((box * BoxSlotCount) + slot);
public bool IsSlotLocked(int box, int slot) => GetSlotFlags(box, slot).HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked);
public bool IsSlotLocked(int index) => GetSlotFlags(index).HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked);
public bool IsSlotOverwriteProtected(int box, int slot) => GetSlotFlags(box, slot).IsOverwriteProtected();
public bool IsSlotOverwriteProtected(int index) => GetSlotFlags(index).IsOverwriteProtected();
public bool IsSlotOverwriteProtected(PKM pkm) => GetSlotFlags(pkm.Box, pkm.Slot).IsOverwriteProtected();
private const int StorageFullValue = -1;
public bool IsStorageFull => NextOpenBoxSlot() == StorageFullValue;
public int NextOpenBoxSlot(int lastKnownOccupied = -1)
var storage = BoxBuffer;
int count = BoxSlotCount * BoxCount;
for (int i = lastKnownOccupied + 1; i < count; i++)
int offset = GetBoxSlotOffset(i);
if (!IsPKMPresent(storage, offset))
return i;
return StorageFullValue;
protected virtual bool IsSlotSwapProtected(int box, int slot) => false;
private bool IsRegionOverwriteProtected(int min, int max)
return SlotPointers.SelectMany(z => z)
.Where(z => GetSlotFlags(z).IsOverwriteProtected())
.Any(slot => ArrayUtil.WithinRange(slot, min, max));
public bool IsAnySlotLockedInBox(int BoxStart, int BoxEnd)
return SlotPointers.SelectMany(z => z)
.Where(z => GetSlotFlags(z).HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked))
.Any(slot => ArrayUtil.WithinRange(slot, BoxStart * BoxSlotCount, (BoxEnd + 1) * BoxSlotCount));
#region Storage Offsets and Indexing
public abstract int GetBoxOffset(int box);
public virtual int GetBoxSlotOffset(int box, int slot) => GetBoxOffset(box) + (slot * SIZE_STORED);
public PKM GetBoxSlotAtIndex(int box, int slot) => GetBoxSlot(GetBoxSlotOffset(box, slot));
public void GetBoxSlotFromIndex(int index, out int box, out int slot)
box = index / BoxSlotCount;
if (box >= BoxCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
slot = index % BoxSlotCount;
public PKM GetBoxSlotAtIndex(int index)
GetBoxSlotFromIndex(index, out int box, out int slot);
return GetBoxSlotAtIndex(box, slot);
public int GetBoxSlotOffset(int index)
GetBoxSlotFromIndex(index, out int box, out int slot);
return GetBoxSlotOffset(box, slot);
public void SetBoxSlotAtIndex(PKM pkm, int box, int slot, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
=> SetBoxSlot(pkm, BoxBuffer, GetBoxSlotOffset(box, slot), trade, dex);
public void SetBoxSlotAtIndex(PKM pkm, int index, PKMImportSetting trade = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault, PKMImportSetting dex = PKMImportSetting.UseDefault)
=> SetBoxSlot(pkm, BoxBuffer, GetBoxSlotOffset(index), trade, dex);
#region Storage Manipulations
public bool MoveBox(int box, int insertBeforeBox)
if (box == insertBeforeBox) // no movement required
return true;
if (box >= BoxCount || insertBeforeBox >= BoxCount) // invalid box positions
return false;
MoveBox(box, insertBeforeBox, BoxBuffer);
return true;
private void MoveBox(int box, int insertBeforeBox, byte[] storage)
int pos1 = BoxSlotCount * box;
int pos2 = BoxSlotCount * insertBeforeBox;
int min = Math.Min(pos1, pos2);
int max = Math.Max(pos1, pos2);
int len = BoxSlotCount * SIZE_STORED;
byte[] boxdata = storage.Slice(GetBoxOffset(0), len * BoxCount); // get all boxes
string[] boxNames = new int[BoxCount].Select((_, i) => GetBoxName(i)).ToArray();
int[] boxWallpapers = new int[BoxCount].Select((_, i) => GetBoxWallpaper(i)).ToArray();
min /= BoxSlotCount;
max /= BoxSlotCount;
// move all boxes within range to final spot
for (int i = min, ctr = min; i < max; i++)
int b = insertBeforeBox; // if box is the moved box, move to insertion point, else move to unused box.
if (i != box)
if (insertBeforeBox == ctr)
b = ctr++;
Buffer.BlockCopy(boxdata, len * i, storage, GetBoxOffset(b), len);
SetBoxName(b, boxNames[i]);
SetBoxWallpaper(b, boxWallpapers[i]);
SlotPointerUtil.UpdateMove(box, insertBeforeBox, BoxSlotCount, SlotPointers);
public bool SwapBox(int box1, int box2)
if (box1 == box2) // no movement required
return true;
if (box1 >= BoxCount || box2 >= BoxCount) // invalid box positions
return false;
if (!IsBoxAbleToMove(box1) || !IsBoxAbleToMove(box2))
return false;
SwapBox(box1, box2, BoxBuffer);
return true;
private void SwapBox(int box1, int box2, byte[] boxData)
int b1o = GetBoxOffset(box1);
int b2o = GetBoxOffset(box2);
int len = BoxSlotCount * SIZE_STORED;
byte[] b1 = new byte[len];
Buffer.BlockCopy(boxData, b1o, b1, 0, len);
Buffer.BlockCopy(boxData, b2o, boxData, b1o, len);
Buffer.BlockCopy(b1, 0, boxData, b2o, len);
// Name
string b1n = GetBoxName(box1);
SetBoxName(box1, GetBoxName(box2));
SetBoxName(box2, b1n);
// Wallpaper
int b1w = GetBoxWallpaper(box1);
SetBoxWallpaper(box1, GetBoxWallpaper(box2));
SetBoxWallpaper(box2, b1w);
// Pointers
SlotPointerUtil.UpdateSwap(box1, box2, BoxSlotCount, SlotPointers);
private bool IsBoxAbleToMove(int box)
int min = BoxSlotCount * box;
int max = min + BoxSlotCount;
return !IsRegionOverwriteProtected(min, max);
/// <summary>
/// Sorts all <see cref="PKM"/> present within the range specified by <see cref="BoxStart"/> and <see cref="BoxEnd"/> with the provied <see cref="sortMethod"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BoxStart">Starting box; if not provided, will iterate from the first box.</param>
/// <param name="BoxEnd">Ending box; if not provided, will iterate to the end.</param>
/// <param name="sortMethod">Sorting logic required to order a <see cref="PKM"/> with respect to its peers; if not provided, will use a default sorting method.</param>
/// <param name="reverse">Reverse the sorting order</param>
/// <returns>Count of repositioned <see cref="PKM"/> slots.</returns>
public int SortBoxes(int BoxStart = 0, int BoxEnd = -1, Func<IEnumerable<PKM>, IEnumerable<PKM>>? sortMethod = null, bool reverse = false)
var BD = BoxData;
int start = BoxSlotCount * BoxStart;
var Section = BD.Skip(start);
if (BoxEnd >= BoxStart)
Section = Section.Take(BoxSlotCount * (BoxEnd - BoxStart + 1));
Func<PKM, bool> skip = IsSlotOverwriteProtected;
Section = Section.Where(z => !skip(z));
var Sorted = (sortMethod ?? PKMSorting.OrderBySpecies)(Section);
if (reverse)
Sorted = Sorted.ReverseSort();
var result = Sorted.ToArray();
var boxclone = new PKM[BD.Count];
BD.CopyTo(boxclone, 0);
int count = result.CopyTo(boxclone, skip, start);
SlotPointerUtil.UpdateRepointFrom(boxclone, BD, 0, SlotPointers);
// clear storage flags to ensure all data is written back
foreach (var pk in result)
pk.StorageFlags = StorageSlotFlag.None;
BoxData = boxclone;
return count;
/// <summary>
/// Compresses the <see cref="BoxData"/> by pulling out the empty storage slots and putting them at the end, retaining all existing data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storedCount">Count of actual <see cref="PKM"/> stored.</param>
/// <param name="slotPointers">Important slot pointers that need to be repointed if a slot moves.</param>
/// <returns>True if <see cref="BoxData"/> was updated, false if no update done.</returns>
public bool CompressStorage(out int storedCount, params IList<int>[] slotPointers) => this.CompressStorage(BoxBuffer, out storedCount, slotPointers);
/// <summary>
/// Removes all <see cref="PKM"/> present within the range specified by <see cref="BoxStart"/> and <see cref="BoxEnd"/> if the provied <see cref="deleteCriteria"/> is satisfied.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BoxStart">Starting box; if not provided, will iterate from the first box.</param>
/// <param name="BoxEnd">Ending box; if not provided, will iterate to the end.</param>
/// <param name="deleteCriteria">Criteria required to be satisfied for a <see cref="PKM"/> to be deleted; if not provided, will clear if possible.</param>
/// <returns>Count of deleted <see cref="PKM"/> slots.</returns>
public int ClearBoxes(int BoxStart = 0, int BoxEnd = -1, Func<PKM, bool>? deleteCriteria = null)
var storage = BoxBuffer;
if (BoxEnd < 0)
BoxEnd = BoxCount - 1;
var blank = GetDataForBox(BlankPKM);
int deleted = 0;
for (int i = BoxStart; i <= BoxEnd; i++)
for (int p = 0; p < BoxSlotCount; p++)
if (IsSlotOverwriteProtected(i, p))
var ofs = GetBoxSlotOffset(i, p);
if (!IsPKMPresent(storage, ofs))
if (deleteCriteria != null)
var pk = GetBoxSlotAtIndex(i, p);
if (!deleteCriteria(pk))
SetData(storage, blank, ofs);
return deleted;
/// <summary>
/// Modifies all <see cref="PKM"/> present within the range specified by <see cref="BoxStart"/> and <see cref="BoxEnd"/> with the modification routine provided by <see cref="action"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">Modification to perform on a <see cref="PKM"/></param>
/// <param name="BoxStart">Starting box; if not provided, will iterate from the first box.</param>
/// <param name="BoxEnd">Ending box; if not provided, will iterate to the end.</param>
/// <returns>Count of modified <see cref="PKM"/> slots.</returns>
public int ModifyBoxes(Action<PKM> action, int BoxStart = 0, int BoxEnd = -1)
if (BoxEnd < 0)
BoxEnd = BoxCount - 1;
var storage = BoxBuffer;
int modified = 0;
for (int b = BoxStart; b <= BoxEnd; b++)
for (int s = 0; s < BoxSlotCount; s++)
if (IsSlotOverwriteProtected(b, s))
var ofs = GetBoxSlotOffset(b, s);
if (!IsPKMPresent(storage, ofs))
var pk = GetBoxSlotAtIndex(b, s);
SetBoxSlot(pk, storage, ofs, PKMImportSetting.Skip, PKMImportSetting.Skip);
return modified;
#region Storage Name & Decoration
public virtual bool HasBoxWallpapers => GetBoxWallpaperOffset(0) > -1;
public virtual bool HasNamableBoxes => HasBoxWallpapers;
public abstract string GetBoxName(int box);
public abstract void SetBoxName(int box, string value);
protected virtual int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) => -1;
public virtual int GetBoxWallpaper(int box)
int offset = GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
if (offset < 0 || box > BoxCount)
return box;
return Data[offset];
public virtual void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value)
int offset = GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
if (offset < 0 || box > BoxCount)
Data[offset] = (byte)value;
#region Box Binaries
public byte[] GetPCBinary() => BoxData.SelectMany(GetDataForBox).ToArray();
public byte[] GetBoxBinary(int box) => GetBoxData(box).SelectMany(GetDataForBox).ToArray();
public bool SetPCBinary(byte[] data)
if (IsRegionOverwriteProtected(0, SlotCount))
return false;
int expectLength = SlotCount * GetDataForBox(BlankPKM).Length;
return SetConcatenatedBinary(data, expectLength);
public bool SetBoxBinary(byte[] data, int box)
int start = box * BoxSlotCount;
int end = start + BoxSlotCount;
if (IsRegionOverwriteProtected(start, end))
return false;
int expectLength = BoxSlotCount * GetDataForBox(BlankPKM).Length;
return SetConcatenatedBinary(data, expectLength, start);
private bool SetConcatenatedBinary(byte[] data, int expectLength, int start = 0)
if (data.Length != expectLength)
return false;
var BD = BoxData;
var entryLength = GetDataForBox(BlankPKM).Length;
var pkdata = ArrayUtil.EnumerateSplit(data, entryLength);
pkdata.Select(GetPKM).CopyTo(BD, IsSlotOverwriteProtected, start);
BoxData = BD;
return true;
public static class StorageUtil
public static bool CompressStorage(this SaveFile sav, byte[] storage, out int storedCount, IList<int>[] slotPointers)
// keep track of empty slots, and only write them at the end if slots were shifted (no need otherwise).
var empty = new List<byte[]>();
bool shiftedSlots = false;
ushort ctr = 0;
int size = sav.SIZE_STORED;
int count = sav.BoxSlotCount * sav.BoxCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int offset = sav.GetBoxSlotOffset(i);
if (sav.IsPKMPresent(storage, offset))
if (ctr != i) // copy required
shiftedSlots = true; // appending empty slots afterwards is now required since a rewrite was done
int destOfs = sav.GetBoxSlotOffset(ctr);
Buffer.BlockCopy(storage, offset, storage, destOfs, size);
SlotPointerUtil.UpdateRepointFrom(ctr, i, slotPointers);
// pop out an empty slot; save all unused data & preserve order
byte[] data = new byte[size];
Buffer.BlockCopy(storage, offset, data, 0, size);
storedCount = ctr;
if (!shiftedSlots)
return false;
for (int i = ctr; i < count; i++)
var data = empty[i - ctr];
int offset = sav.GetBoxSlotOffset(i);
data.CopyTo(storage, offset);
return true;