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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM"/> Ribbon values.
/// </summary>
public sealed class RibbonVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Ribbon;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
// Flag VC (Gen1/2) ribbons using Gen7 origin rules.
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
var pkm = data.pkm;
// Check Unobtainable Ribbons
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (GetIncorrectRibbonsEgg(pkm, enc))
var result = GetIncorrectRibbons(pkm, data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens, enc);
if (result.Count != 0)
var msg = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result);
private static List<string> GetIncorrectRibbons(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evos, IEncounterTemplate enc)
List<string> missingRibbons = new();
List<string> invalidRibbons = new();
var ribs = GetRibbonResults(pkm, evos, enc);
foreach (var bad in ribs)
(bad.Invalid ? invalidRibbons : missingRibbons).Add(bad.Name);
var result = new List<string>();
if (missingRibbons.Count > 0)
result.Add(string.Format(LRibbonFMissing_0, string.Join(", ", missingRibbons).Replace(RibbonInfo.PropertyPrefix, string.Empty)));
if (invalidRibbons.Count > 0)
result.Add(string.Format(LRibbonFInvalid_0, string.Join(", ", invalidRibbons).Replace(RibbonInfo.PropertyPrefix, string.Empty)));
return result;
private static bool GetIncorrectRibbonsEgg(PKM pkm, IEncounterTemplate enc)
var names = ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesStartWithPrefix(pkm.GetType(), RibbonInfo.PropertyPrefix);
if (enc is IRibbonSetEvent3 event3)
names = names.Except(event3.RibbonNames());
if (enc is IRibbonSetEvent4 event4)
names = names.Except(event4.RibbonNames());
foreach (var value in names.Select(name => ReflectUtil.GetValue(pkm, name)))
if (value is null)
if (HasFlag(value) || HasCount(value))
return true;
static bool HasFlag(object o) => o is true;
static bool HasCount(object o) => o is > 0;
return false;
internal static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonResults(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evos, IEncounterTemplate enc)
return GetInvalidRibbons(pkm, evos, enc)
.Concat(GetInvalidRibbonsEvent1(pkm, enc))
.Concat(GetInvalidRibbonsEvent2(pkm, enc));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evos, IEncounterTemplate enc)
// is a part of Event4, but O3 doesn't have the others
if (pkm is IRibbonSetOnly3 {RibbonWorld: true})
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonWorld));
if (pkm is IRibbonSetUnique3 u3)
if (enc.Generation != 3)
if (u3.RibbonWinning)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonWinning));
if (u3.RibbonVictory)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonVictory));
if (u3.RibbonWinning && !CanHaveRibbonWinning(pkm, enc, 3))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonWinning));
if (u3.RibbonVictory && !CanHaveRibbonVictory(pkm, 3))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonVictory));
int gen = enc.Generation;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetUnique4 u4)
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species, pkm.Form, 4) || gen > 4)
foreach (var z in GetInvalidRibbonsNone(u4.RibbonBitsAbility(), u4.RibbonNamesAbility()))
yield return z;
var c3 = u4.RibbonBitsContest3();
var c3n = u4.RibbonNamesContest3();
var iter3 = gen == 3 ? GetMissingContestRibbons(c3, c3n) : GetInvalidRibbonsNone(c3, c3n);
foreach (var z in iter3)
yield return z;
var c4 = u4.RibbonBitsContest4();
var c4n = u4.RibbonNamesContest4();
var iter4 = (gen is 3 or 4) && IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species, pkm.Form) ? GetMissingContestRibbons(c4, c4n) : GetInvalidRibbonsNone(c4, c4n);
foreach (var z in iter4)
yield return z;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon4 s4)
bool inhabited4 = gen is 3 or 4;
var iterate = GetInvalidRibbons4Any(pkm, evos, s4, gen);
if (!inhabited4)
if (pkm.BDSP) // Allow Sinnoh Champion. ILCA reused the Gen4 ribbon for the remake.
iterate = iterate.Concat(GetInvalidRibbonsNoneSkipIndex(s4.RibbonBitsOnly(), s4.RibbonNamesOnly(), 1));
iterate = iterate.Concat(GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s4.RibbonBitsOnly(), s4.RibbonNamesOnly()));
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
bool inhabited6 = gen is >= 3 and <= 6;
var iterate = inhabited6
? GetInvalidRibbons6Any(pkm, s6, gen, enc)
: pkm.Format >= 8
? GetInvalidRibbons6AnyG8(pkm, s6)
: GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s6.RibbonBits(), s6.RibbonNamesBool());
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (!inhabited6)
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest > 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle > 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle));
// Gen8+ replaced with Max Friendship. Gen6/7 uses affection.
if (pkm is IAffection a && s6.RibbonBestFriends) // can't lower affection
if (a.OT_Affection < 255 && pkm.IsUntraded)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBestFriends));
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon7 s7)
bool inhabited7 = gen <= 7 && !pkm.GG;
var iterate = inhabited7 ? GetInvalidRibbons7Any(pkm, s7) : GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s7.RibbonBits(), s7.RibbonNames());
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon3 s3)
if (s3.RibbonChampionG3 && gen != 3)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonChampionG3)); // RSE HoF
if (s3.RibbonArtist && gen != 3)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonArtist)); // RSE Master Rank Portrait
if (s3.RibbonEffort && gen == 5 && pkm.Format == 5) // unobtainable in Gen 5
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonEffort));
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon8 s8)
bool inhabited8 = gen <= 8;
var iterate = inhabited8 ? GetInvalidRibbons8Any(pkm, s8, enc) : GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s8.RibbonBits(), s8.RibbonNames());
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetMissingContestRibbons(IReadOnlyList<bool> bits, IReadOnlyList<string> names)
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Count; i += 4)
bool required = false;
for (int j = i + 3; j >= i; j--)
if (bits[j])
required = true;
else if (required) yield return new RibbonResult(names[j], false);
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons4Any(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evos, IRibbonSetCommon4 s4, int gen)
if (s4.RibbonRecord)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s4.RibbonRecord)); // Unobtainable
if (s4.RibbonFootprint && !CanHaveFootprintRibbon(pkm, evos, gen))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s4.RibbonFootprint));
bool visitBDSP = pkm.BDSP;
bool gen34 = gen is 3 or 4;
bool not6 = pkm.Format < 6 || gen is > 6 or < 3;
bool noDaily = !gen34 && not6 && !visitBDSP;
bool noSinnoh = pkm is G4PKM { Species: (int)Species.Pichu, Form: 1 }; // Spiky Pichu
bool noCosmetic = (!gen34 && (not6 || (pkm.XY && pkm.IsUntraded)) && !visitBDSP) || noSinnoh;
if (noSinnoh)
if (s4.RibbonChampionSinnoh)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s4.RibbonChampionSinnoh));
if (noDaily)
foreach (var z in GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s4.RibbonBitsDaily(), s4.RibbonNamesDaily()))
yield return z;
if (noCosmetic)
foreach (var z in GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s4.RibbonBitsCosmetic(), s4.RibbonNamesCosmetic()))
yield return z;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons6Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6, int gen, IEncounterTemplate enc)
foreach (var p in GetInvalidRibbons6Memory(pkm, s6, gen, enc))
yield return p;
bool untraded = pkm.IsUntraded || (enc is EncounterStatic6 {Species:(int)Species.Pikachu, Form: not 0}); // Disallow cosplay pikachu from XY ribbons
var iter = untraded ? GetInvalidRibbons6Untraded(pkm, s6) : GetInvalidRibbons6Traded(pkm, s6);
foreach (var p in iter)
yield return p;
var contest = s6.RibbonBitsContest();
bool allContest = contest.All(z => z);
if ((allContest != s6.RibbonContestStar) && !(untraded && pkm.XY)) // if not already checked
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar), s6.RibbonContestStar);
// Each contest victory requires a contest participation; each participation gives 20 OT affection (not current trainer).
// Affection is discarded on PK7->PK8 in favor of friendship, which can be lowered.
if (pkm is IAffection a)
var affect = a.OT_Affection;
var contMemory = s6.RibbonNamesContest();
int contCount = 0;
var present = contMemory.Where((_, i) => contest[i] && affect < 20 * ++contCount);
foreach (var rib in present)
yield return new RibbonResult(rib);
// Gen6 can get the memory on those who did not participate by being in the party with other participants.
// This includes those who cannot enter into the Maison; having memory and no ribbon.
const int memChatelaine = 30;
bool hasChampMemory = enc.Generation == 7 && pkm.Format == 7 && pkm is ITrainerMemories m && (m.HT_Memory == memChatelaine || m.OT_Memory == memChatelaine);
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species))
if (hasChampMemory || s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful) // having memory and not ribbon is too rare, just flag here.
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful));
if (s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerExpert));
yield break;
if (!hasChampMemory || s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful || s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)
yield break;
var result = new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful), false);
result.Combine(new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)));
yield return result;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons6AnyG8(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
if (!pkm.BDSP)
var none = GetInvalidRibbonsNone(s6.RibbonBits(), s6.RibbonNamesBool());
foreach (var x in none)
yield return x;
yield break;
if (s6.RibbonChampionKalos)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionKalos));
if (s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn));
//if (s6.RibbonBestFriends)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBestFriends));
if (s6.RibbonTraining)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonTraining));
if (s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful));
if (s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerExpert));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest != 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle != 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle));
// Can get contest ribbons via BD/SP contests.
//if (s6.RibbonContestStar)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar));
//if (s6.RibbonMasterCoolness)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCoolness));
//if (s6.RibbonMasterBeauty)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterBeauty));
//if (s6.RibbonMasterCuteness)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCuteness));
//if (s6.RibbonMasterCleverness)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCleverness));
//if (s6.RibbonMasterToughness)
// yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterToughness));
var contest = s6.RibbonBitsContest();
bool allContest = contest.All(z => z);
if (allContest != s6.RibbonContestStar) // if not already checked
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar), s6.RibbonContestStar);
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons6Memory(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6, int gen, IEncounterTemplate enc)
int contest = 0;
int battle = 0;
switch (gen)
case 3:
contest = IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species, pkm.Form) ? 40 : 20;
battle = IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species) ? CanHaveRibbonWinning(pkm, enc, 3) ? 8 : 7 : 0;
case 4:
contest = IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species, pkm.Form) ? 20 : 0;
battle = IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species) ? 6 : 0;
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest > contest)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle > battle)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons6Untraded(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
if (pkm.XY)
if (s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn));
if (s6.RibbonContestStar)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCoolness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCoolness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterBeauty)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterBeauty));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCuteness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCuteness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCleverness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCleverness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterToughness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterToughness));
else if (pkm.AO)
if (s6.RibbonChampionKalos)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionKalos));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons6Traded(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
// Medal count is wiped on transfer to pk8
if (s6.RibbonTraining && pkm.Format <= 7)
const int req = 12; // only first 12
int count = ((ISuperTrain)pkm).SuperTrainingMedalCount(req);
if (count < req)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonTraining));
const int memChampion = 27;
bool hasChampMemory = pkm is ITrainerMemories m && ((pkm.Format < 8 && m.HT_Memory == memChampion) || (pkm.Gen6 && m.OT_Memory == memChampion));
if (!hasChampMemory || s6.RibbonChampionKalos || s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)
yield break;
var result = new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionKalos), false);
result.Combine(new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)));
yield return result;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons7Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon7 s7)
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species))
if (s7.RibbonBattleRoyale)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleRoyale));
if (s7.RibbonBattleTreeGreat && !pkm.USUM && pkm.IsUntraded)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleTreeGreat));
if (s7.RibbonBattleTreeMaster)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleTreeMaster));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbons8Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon8 s8, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (!pkm.InhabitedGeneration(8) || !((PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[pkm.Species]).IsPresentInGame || pkm.BDSP)
if (s8.RibbonChampionGalar)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonChampionGalar));
if (s8.RibbonTowerMaster && !(pkm.SWSH || pkm.BDSP) && pkm.IsUntraded)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonTowerMaster));
if (s8.RibbonMasterRank)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonMasterRank));
const int memChampion = 27;
bool hasChampMemory = (pkm.Format == 8 && pkm is IMemoryHT {HT_Memory: memChampion}) ||
(enc.Generation == 8 && pkm is IMemoryOT {OT_Memory: memChampion});
if (hasChampMemory && !s8.RibbonChampionGalar)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonChampionGalar));
// Legends cannot compete in Ranked, thus cannot reach Master Rank and obtain the ribbon.
// Past gen Pokemon can get the ribbon only if they've been reset.
if (s8.RibbonMasterRank && !CanParticipateInRankedSWSH(pkm, enc))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonMasterRank));
if (s8.RibbonTowerMaster)
if (!(pkm.SWSH || pkm.BDSP) && pkm.IsUntraded)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonTowerMaster));
// If the Tower Master ribbon is not present but a memory hint implies it should...
// This memory can also be applied in Gen6/7 via defeating the Chatelaines, where legends are disallowed.
const int strongest = 30;
if (pkm is IMemoryOT {OT_Memory: strongest} or IMemoryHT {HT_Memory: strongest})
if (enc.Generation == 8 || !IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species) || pkm is IRibbonSetCommon6 {RibbonBattlerSkillful: false})
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonTowerMaster));
// can be expanded upon if SWSH gets updated with the new ribbon when HOME has BDSP support
if (s8.RibbonTwinklingStar && (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon6 {RibbonContestStar:false} || !pkm.BDSP))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonTwinklingStar));
// new ribbon likely from Legends: Arceus; inaccessible until then
if (s8.RibbonPioneer)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s8.RibbonPioneer));
private static bool CanParticipateInRankedSWSH(PKM pkm, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (!pkm.SWSH && pkm is IBattleVersion {BattleVersion: 0})
return false;
// Clamp to permitted species
var species = pkm.Species;
if (species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8_R2)
return false;
if (Legal.Legends.Contains(species))
// Box Legends were only allowed for a single rule-set until May 1st.
// This rule-set disallowed Mythicals, but everything else present in the game was usable.
if (Legal.Mythicals.Contains(species))
return false;
if (enc.Version == GameVersion.GO) // Capture date is global time, and not console changeable.
if (pkm.MetDate >= new DateTime(2022, 2, 1))
return false;
var pi = (PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[species];
return pi.IsPresentInGame;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbonsEvent1(PKM pkm, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pkm is not IRibbonSetEvent3 set1)
yield break;
var names = set1.RibbonNames();
var sb = set1.RibbonBits();
var eb = enc is IRibbonSetEvent3 e3 ? e3.RibbonBits() : new bool[sb.Length];
if (enc.Generation == 3)
eb[0] = sb[0]; // permit Earth Ribbon
if (pkm.Version == 15 && enc is EncounterStaticShadow s)
// only require national ribbon if no longer on origin game
bool untraded = s.Version == GameVersion.XD
? pkm is XK3 {RibbonNational: false}
: pkm is CK3 {RibbonNational: false};
eb[1] = !untraded;
for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] != eb[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i], !eb[i]); // only flag if invalid
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbonsEvent2(PKM pkm, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pkm is not IRibbonSetEvent4 set2)
yield break;
var names = set2.RibbonNames();
var sb = set2.RibbonBits();
var eb = enc is IRibbonSetEvent4 e4 ? e4.RibbonBits() : new bool[sb.Length];
if (enc is EncounterStatic7 {Species: (int)Species.Magearna})
eb[1] = true; // require Wishing Ribbon
for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] != eb[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i], !eb[i]); // only flag if invalid
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbonsNone(IReadOnlyList<bool> bits, IReadOnlyList<string> names)
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Count; i++)
if (bits[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i]);
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetInvalidRibbonsNoneSkipIndex(IReadOnlyList<bool> bits, IReadOnlyList<string> names, int skipIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Count; i++)
if (bits[i] && i != skipIndex)
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i]);
private static bool IsAllowedInContest4(int species, int form) => species switch
// Disallow Unown and Ditto, and Spiky Pichu (cannot trade)
(int)Species.Ditto => false,
(int)Species.Unown => false,
(int)Species.Pichu when form == 1 => false,
_ => true,
private static bool IsAllowedBattleFrontier(int species) => !Legal.BattleFrontierBanlist.Contains(species);
private static bool IsAllowedBattleFrontier(int species, int form, int gen)
if (gen == 4 && species == (int)Species.Pichu && form == 1) // spiky
return false;
return IsAllowedBattleFrontier(species);
private static bool CanHaveFootprintRibbon(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evos, int gen)
if (gen <= 4) // Friendship Check unnecessary - can decrease after obtaining ribbon.
return true;
// Gen5: Can't obtain
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return false;
// Gen6/7: Increase level by 30 from original level
if (gen != 8 && !pkm.GG && (pkm.CurrentLevel - pkm.Met_Level >= 30))
return true;
// Gen8-BDSP: Variable by species Footprint
if (pkm.BDSP)
if (evos[8].Any(z => z.Species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4 && !HasFootprintBDSP[z.Species]))
return true; // no footprint
if (pkm.CurrentLevel - pkm.Met_Level >= 30)
return true; // traveled well
// Gen8: Can't obtain
return false;
private static bool CanHaveRibbonWinning(PKM pkm, IEncounterTemplate enc, int gen)
if (gen != 3)
return false;
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species))
return false;
if (pkm.Format == 3)
return pkm.Met_Level <= 50;
// Most encounter types can be below level 50; only Shadow Dragonite & Tyranitar, and select Gen3 Event Gifts.
// These edge cases can't be obtained below level 50, unlike some wild Pokémon which can be encountered at different locations for lower levels.
if (enc.LevelMin <= 50)
return true;
return enc is not (EncounterStaticShadow or WC3);
private static bool CanHaveRibbonVictory(PKM pkm, int gen)
return gen == 3 && IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species);
// Footprint type is not Type 5, requiring 30 levels.
private static readonly bool[] HasFootprintBDSP =
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, false,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true,
false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
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