Kurt 5bdc6b9ef8
Privatize some static fields, more robust legal helper classes. (#3865)
* Uses LearnSource more throughout the codebase when appropriate, rather than loosely coupled pivot methods.
* Hides Learnset/EggMove data inside the LearnSource classes.
* Extracts functionality from the large Legal class & partial Table*.cs files into better performing helper classes.
* Cleans up some code from prior LearnSource commits.
2023-04-20 21:23:15 -07:00

328 lines
11 KiB

using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Static Encounter Data
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Static Encounters are fixed position encounters with properties that are not subject to Wild Encounter conditions.
/// </remarks>
public abstract record EncounterStatic(GameVersion Version) : IEncounterable, IMoveset, IEncounterMatch, IFatefulEncounterReadOnly
public ushort Species { get; init; }
public byte Form { get; init; }
public virtual byte Level { get; init; }
public virtual byte LevelMin => Level;
public virtual byte LevelMax => Level;
public abstract int Generation { get; }
public abstract EntityContext Context { get; }
public virtual int Location { get; init; }
public AbilityPermission Ability { get; init; }
public Shiny Shiny { get; init; }
public Nature Nature { get; init; } = Nature.Random;
public sbyte Gender { get; init; } = -1;
public ushort HeldItem { get; init; }
public bool Gift { get; init; }
public bool FatefulEncounter { get; init; }
public byte EggCycles { get; init; }
public byte FlawlessIVCount { get; init; }
public byte Ball { get; init; } = 4; // Only checked when is Gift
public int EggLocation { get; init; }
public Ball FixedBall => Gift ? (Ball)Ball : Core.Ball.None;
public Moveset Moves { get; init; }
public IndividualValueSet IVs { get; init; }
public virtual bool EggEncounter => EggLocation != 0;
private const string _name = "Static Encounter";
public string Name => _name;
public string LongName => $"{_name} ({Version})";
public bool IsShiny => Shiny.IsShiny();
protected virtual PKM GetBlank(ITrainerInfo tr) => EntityBlank.GetBlank(Generation, Version);
public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo tr) => ConvertToPKM(tr, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted);
public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria)
var pk = GetBlank(tr);
ApplyDetails(tr, criteria, pk);
return pk;
protected virtual void ApplyDetails(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria, PKM pk)
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.Rand32();
pk.Species = Species;
pk.Form = Form;
var version = this.GetCompatibleVersion((GameVersion)tr.Game);
int lang = (int)Language.GetSafeLanguage(Generation, (LanguageID)tr.Language, version);
int level = GetMinimalLevel();
pk.Version = (int)version;
pk.Language = lang = GetEdgeCaseLanguage(pk, lang);
pk.Nickname = SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, lang, Generation);
pk.CurrentLevel = level;
pk.HeldItem = HeldItem;
pk.OT_Friendship = pk.PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship;
var today = DateTime.Today;
SetMetData(pk, level, today);
if (EggEncounter)
SetEggMetData(pk, tr, today);
SetPINGA(pk, criteria);
SetEncounterMoves(pk, version, level);
if (FatefulEncounter)
pk.FatefulEncounter = true;
if (pk.Format < 6)
if (this is IRelearn relearn)
if (pk is IScaledSize { HeightScalar: 0, WeightScalar: 0 } s)
s.HeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar();
s.WeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar();
if (this is IGigantamaxReadOnly g && pk is PK8 pg)
pg.CanGigantamax = g.CanGigantamax;
if (this is IDynamaxLevelReadOnly d && pk is PK8 pd)
pd.DynamaxLevel = d.DynamaxLevel;
protected virtual void ApplyDetailsBall(PKM pk) => pk.Ball = Ball;
protected virtual int GetMinimalLevel() => LevelMin;
protected virtual void SetPINGA(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria)
var pi = pk.PersonalInfo;
int gender = criteria.GetGender(Gender, pi);
int nature = (int)criteria.GetNature(Nature);
int ability = criteria.GetAbilityFromNumber(Ability);
var pidtype = GetPIDType();
PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, pk.Format, nature, ability, gender, pidtype);
pk.StatNature = pk.Nature;
private void SetEggMetData(PKM pk, ITrainerInfo tr, DateTime today)
pk.Met_Location = Math.Max(0, EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEggMetLocation(pk));
pk.Met_Level = EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEncounterEggMetLevel(pk);
if (Generation >= 4)
bool traded = (int)Version == tr.Game;
pk.Egg_Location = EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEncounterEggLocationEgg(Generation, Version, traded);
pk.EggMetDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(today);
pk.Egg_Location = EggLocation;
pk.EggMetDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(today);
protected virtual void SetMetData(PKM pk, int level, DateTime today)
if (pk.Format <= 2)
pk.Met_Location = Location;
pk.Met_Level = level;
if (pk.Format >= 4)
pk.MetDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(today);
protected virtual void SetEncounterMoves(PKM pk, GameVersion version, int level)
if (Moves.HasMoves)
Span<ushort> moves = stackalloc ushort[4];
var source = GameData.GetLearnSource(version);
source.SetEncounterMoves(Species, Form, level, moves);
protected void SetIVs(PKM pk)
if (IVs.IsSpecified)
pk.SetRandomIVsTemplate(IVs, FlawlessIVCount);
else if (FlawlessIVCount > 0)
pk.SetRandomIVs(minFlawless: FlawlessIVCount);
private int GetEdgeCaseLanguage(PKM pk, int lang)
switch (this)
// Cannot trade between languages
case IFixedGBLanguage { Language: EncounterGBLanguage.Japanese } when lang != 1:
pk.OT_Name = "ゲーフリ";
return (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
case IFixedGBLanguage { Language: not EncounterGBLanguage.Japanese } when lang == 1:
pk.OT_Name = "GF";
return (int)LanguageID.English;
// E-Reader was only available to Japanese games.
case EncounterStaticShadow { EReader: true } when lang != 1:
// Old Sea Map was only distributed to Japanese games.
case EncounterStatic3 { Species: (int)Core.Species.Mew } when lang != 1:
pk.OT_Name = "ゲーフリ";
return (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
// Deoxys for Emerald was not available for Japanese games.
case EncounterStatic3 { Species: (ushort)Core.Species.Deoxys, Version: GameVersion.E } when lang == 1:
pk.OT_Name = "GF";
return (int)LanguageID.English;
return lang;
private PIDType GetPIDType()
switch (Generation)
case 3 when this is EncounterStatic3 {Roaming: true, Version: not GameVersion.E}: // Roamer IV glitch was fixed in Emerald
return PIDType.Method_1_Roamer;
case 4 when Shiny == Shiny.Always: // Lake of Rage Gyarados
return PIDType.ChainShiny;
case 4 when Species == (int)Core.Species.Pichu: // Spiky Eared Pichu
case 4 when Location == Locations.PokeWalker4: // Pokéwalker
return PIDType.Pokewalker;
case 5 when Shiny == Shiny.Always:
return PIDType.G5MGShiny;
default: return PIDType.None;
public virtual bool IsMatchExact(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo)
if (Nature != Nature.Random && pk.Nature != (int) Nature)
return false;
if (!IsMatchEggLocation(pk))
return false;
if (!IsMatchLocation(pk))
return false;
if (!IsMatchLevel(pk, evo))
return false;
if (!IsMatchGender(pk))
return false;
if (!IsMatchForm(pk, evo))
return false;
if (!IsMatchIVs(pk))
return false;
if (this is IContestStatsReadOnly es && pk is IContestStatsReadOnly s && s.IsContestBelow(es))
return false;
// Defer to EC/PID check
// if (e.Shiny != null && e.Shiny != pk.IsShiny)
// continue;
// Defer ball check to later
// if (e.Gift && pk.Ball != 4) // PokéBall
// continue;
return true;
private bool IsMatchIVs(PKM pk)
if (!IVs.IsSpecified)
return true; // nothing to check, IVs are random
if (Generation <= 2 && pk.Format > 2)
return true; // IVs are regenerated on VC transfer upward
return Legal.GetIsFixedIVSequenceValidSkipRand(IVs, pk);
protected virtual bool IsMatchForm(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo)
return Form == evo.Form || FormInfo.IsFormChangeable(Species, Form, pk.Form, Context, pk.Context);
// override me if the encounter type has any eggs
protected virtual bool IsMatchEggLocation(PKM pk)
var expect = pk is PB8 ? Locations.Default8bNone : 0;
return pk.Egg_Location == expect;
private bool IsMatchGender(PKM pk)
if (Gender == -1 || Gender == pk.Gender)
return true;
if (Species == (int) Core.Species.Azurill && Generation == 4 && Location == 233 && pk.Gender == 0)
return EntityGender.GetFromPIDAndRatio(pk.PID, 0xBF) == 1;
return false;
protected virtual bool IsMatchLocation(PKM pk)
if (EggEncounter)
return true;
if (Location == 0)
return true;
if (!pk.HasOriginalMetLocation)
return true;
return Location == pk.Met_Location;
protected virtual bool IsMatchLevel(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo)
return pk.Met_Level == Level;
public virtual EncounterMatchRating GetMatchRating(PKM pk)
if (IsMatchPartial(pk))
return EncounterMatchRating.PartialMatch;
return IsMatchDeferred(pk);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the provided <see cref="pk"/> might not be the best match, or even a bad match due to minor reasons.
/// </summary>
protected virtual EncounterMatchRating IsMatchDeferred(PKM pk) => EncounterMatchRating.Match;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the provided <see cref="pk"/> is not an exact match due to minor reasons.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool IsMatchPartial(PKM pk)
if (pk is { Format: >= 5, AbilityNumber: 4 } && this.IsPartialMatchHidden(pk.Species, Species))
return true;
return pk.FatefulEncounter != FatefulEncounter;