PKHeX/PKHeX.Core/Saves/Substructures/Battle Videos/BattleVideo4.cs

192 lines
7.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Extra-data block for Hall of Fame records.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Raw">Chunk of memory storing the structure.</param>
public sealed class BattleVideo4(Memory<byte> Raw) : IBattleVideo
private const int SIZE = 0x1D50;
private const int SIZE_FOOTER = 0x10;
private const int SIZE_USED = SIZE + SIZE_FOOTER;
public const int SIZE_BLOCK = 0x2000;
private Span<byte> Data => Raw.Span[..SIZE_USED];
public bool IsDecrypted;
private const int CryptoStart = 0xE8;
private const int CryptoEnd = 0x1D4C;
private Span<byte> CryptoData => Data[CryptoStart..CryptoEnd];
public byte Generation => 4;
public IEnumerable<PKM> Contents => GetTeam(0).Concat(GetTeam(1)); // don't bother with multi-battles
public static bool IsValid(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => data.Length == SIZE_USED && ReadUInt32LittleEndian(data[^8..]) == SIZE;
// Structure:
// 0x00: u32 Key
// 0x04... ???
// 0xE8 - 0x1D4C: encrypted region
// 0x1D4C: u16 cryptoSeed ~~ inflate to 32 via seed |= (seed ^ 0xFFFF) << 16;
// u16 alignment
// extdata 0x10 byte footer
// Encrypted Region:
// 0xE8... ???
// 0x1238: u16 count Max, u16 count Present, (6 * sizeof(0x70)) pokemon -- 0x2A4
// 0x14DC: u16 count Max, u16 count Present, (6 * sizeof(0x70)) pokemon -- 0x2A4
// 0x1780: u16 count Max, u16 count Present, (6 * sizeof(0x70)) pokemon -- 0x2A4
// 0x1A24: u16 count Max, u16 count Present, (6 * sizeof(0x70)) pokemon -- 0x2A4
// 0x1CC8: char[8] OT, 16 bytes trainer info
// 0x1CE8: char[8] OT, 16 bytes trainer info
// 0x1D08: char[8] OT, 16 bytes trainer info
// 0x1D28: char[8] OT, 16 bytes trainer info
// 0x1D48: 4 bytes ???
public const int SizeVideoPoke = 0x70;
public uint Key { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Data, value); }
public ushort Seed { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data[0x1D4C..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data[0x1D4C..], value); }
public void Decrypt() => SetDecryptedState(true);
public void Encrypt() => SetDecryptedState(false);
public void SetDecryptedState(bool state)
if (state == IsDecrypted)
PokeCrypto.CryptArray(CryptoData, GetEncryptionSeed());
IsDecrypted = state;
public uint GetEncryptionSeed()
uint seed = Seed;
return seed | (~seed << 16);
#region Footer
public bool SizeValid => BlockSize == SIZE;
public bool ChecksumValid => Checksum == GetChecksum();
public uint Magic { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Footer); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Footer, value); }
public uint Revision { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Footer[0x4..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Footer[0x4..], value); }
public int BlockSize { get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Footer[0x8..]); set => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Footer[0x8..], value); }
public ushort BlockID { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Footer[0xC..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Footer[0xC..], value); }
public ushort Checksum { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Footer[0xE..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Footer[0xE..], value); }
private ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetRegion() => Data[..(SIZE + SIZE_FOOTER)];
private Span<byte> Footer => Data.Slice(SIZE, SIZE_FOOTER);
private ushort GetChecksum() => Checksums.CRC16_CCITT(GetRegion()[..^2]);
public void RefreshChecksum() => Checksum = GetChecksum();
#region Conversion
private const int TrainerCount = 4;
private const int TrainerLength = 0x2A4;
public Span<byte> Trainer1 => Data.Slice(0x1238, TrainerLength);
public Span<byte> Trainer2 => Data.Slice(0x14DC, TrainerLength);
public Span<byte> Trainer3 => Data.Slice(0x1780, TrainerLength);
public Span<byte> Trainer4 => Data.Slice(0x1A24, TrainerLength);
public PK4[] GetTeam(int trainer)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThanOrEqual<uint>((uint)trainer, TrainerCount);
var span = trainer switch
0 => Trainer1,
1 => Trainer2,
2 => Trainer3,
3 => Trainer4,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(trainer)),
int count = span[2];
if (count > 6)
count = 6;
var result = new PK4[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var ofs = 4 + (i * SizeVideoPoke);
var segment = span.Slice(ofs, SizeVideoPoke);
var entity = new PK4();
InflateToPK4(segment, entity.Data);
result[i] = entity;
return result;
public static void InflateToPK4(ReadOnlySpan<byte> video, Span<byte> entity)
VerifySpanSizes(entity, video);
video[..6].CopyTo(entity[..6]); // PID & Sanity -- skip checksum.
video[6..0xA].CopyTo(entity[8..0xC]); // Species & Held Item
// 10,11 unused alignment
video[0xC..0x16].CopyTo(entity[0xC..0x16]); // OTID, Experience, Friendship, Ability
// Skip PK4 Marking and Language
video[0x16..0x1C].CopyTo(entity[0x18..0x1E]); // EVs
// Skip PK4 contest stats and first u32 ribbon.
video[0x1C..0x30].CopyTo(entity[0x28..0x3C]); // Moves & IVs
// Skip second u32 ribbon.
entity[0x40] = video[0x30]; // Fateful & OT Gender & Form
// 0x31 alignment, skip shiny leaf & extended met location fields
video[0x32..0x48].CopyTo(entity[0x48..0x5E]); // Nickname (0x16)
// Skip Version and Ribbons
video[0x48..0x58].CopyTo(entity[0x68..0x78]); // OT Name (0x10)
// Ball
entity[0x83] = video[0x58];
// Language
entity[0x17] = video[0x59];
// u16 alignment
// Battle Stats
// We're still missing things like Version and Met Location, but this is all we can recover.
// Recalculate checksum.
ushort checksum = Checksums.Add16(entity[8..PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED]);
WriteUInt16LittleEndian(entity[6..], checksum);
public static void DeflateFromPK4(ReadOnlySpan<byte> entity, Span<byte> video)
VerifySpanSizes(entity, video);
entity[..6].CopyTo(video[..6]); // PID & Sanity -- skip checksum.
// 10,11 unused alignment
entity[0xC..0x16].CopyTo(video[0xC..0x16]); // OTID, Experience, Friendship, Ability
// Skip PK4 Marking and Language
entity[0x18..0x1E].CopyTo(video[0x16..0x1C]); // EVs
// Skip PK4 contest stats and first u32 ribbon.
entity[0x28..0x3C].CopyTo(video[0x1C..0x30]); // Moves & IVs
// Skip second u32 ribbon.
video[0x30] = entity[0x40]; // Fateful & OT Gender & Form
// 0x31 alignment, skip shiny leaf & extended met location fields
entity[0x48..0x5E].CopyTo(video[0x32..0x48]); // Nickname (0x16)
// Skip Version and Ribbons
entity[0x68..0x78].CopyTo(video[0x48..0x58]); // OT Name (0x10)
// Ball
video[0x58] = entity[0x83];
// Language
video[0x59] = entity[0x17];
// u16 alignment
// Battle Stats
private static void VerifySpanSizes(ReadOnlySpan<byte> entity, ReadOnlySpan<byte> video)
if (video.Length < SizeVideoPoke)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(video), "Video size is too small.");
if (entity.Length < PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(entity), "Entity size is too small.");