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synced 2025-02-25 20:07:09 +00:00
These are really old bloated parts of the original legality checking logic; separating for now to rewrite.
898 lines
43 KiB
898 lines
43 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityAnalysis;
using static PKHeX.Core.MoveSource;
using static PKHeX.Core.Severity;
using static PKHeX.Core.CheckIdentifier;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Logic to verify the current <see cref="PKM.Moves"/>.
/// </summary>
public static class VerifyCurrentMoves
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the current moves of the <see cref="pkm"/> data based on the provided <see cref="info"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Data to check</param>
/// <param name="info">Encounter conditions and legality info</param>
/// <returns>Validity of the <see cref="PKM.Moves"/></returns>
public static CheckMoveResult[] VerifyMoves(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info)
var currentMoves = pkm.Moves;
var res = ParseMovesForEncounters(pkm, info, currentMoves);
// Duplicate Moves Check
VerifyNoEmptyDuplicates(currentMoves, res);
if (currentMoves[0] == 0) // Can't have an empty move slot for the first move.
res[0] = new CheckMoveResult(res[0], Invalid, LMoveSourceEmpty, Move);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesForEncounters(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Smeargle) // special handling for Smeargle
return ParseMovesForSmeargle(pkm, currentMoves, info); // Smeargle can have any moves except a few
// gather valid moves for encounter species
var restrict = new LevelUpRestriction(pkm, info);
info.EncounterMoves = new ValidEncounterMoves(pkm, restrict, info.EncounterMatch);
IReadOnlyList<int> defaultG1LevelMoves = Array.Empty<int>();
IReadOnlyList<int> defaultG2LevelMoves = Array.Empty<int>();
var defaultTradeback = pkm.TradebackStatus;
bool gb = false;
int gen = info.EncounterMatch.Generation;
if (gen <= 2)
gb = true;
defaultG1LevelMoves = info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[1];
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2))
defaultG2LevelMoves = info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[2];
// Generation 1 can have different minimum level in different encounter of the same species; update valid level moves
UpdateGen1LevelUpMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMoves, restrict.MinimumLevelGen1, gen, info);
// The same for Generation 2; if move reminder from Stadium 2 is not allowed
if (!ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm) && pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2))
UpdateGen2LevelUpMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMoves, restrict.MinimumLevelGen2, gen, info);
var res = info.Generation < 6
? ParseMovesPre3DS(pkm, currentMoves, info)
: ParseMoves3DS(pkm, currentMoves, info);
if (res.All(x => x.Valid))
return res;
// not valid
if (gb) // restore generation 1 and 2 moves
info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[1] = defaultG1LevelMoves;
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2))
info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[2] = defaultG2LevelMoves;
pkm.TradebackStatus = defaultTradeback;
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesForSmeargle(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
if (!pkm.IsEgg)
return ParseMovesSketch(pkm, currentMoves);
// can only know sketch as egg
var levelup = new int[info.EvoChainsAllGens.Length][];
levelup[pkm.Format] = new[] {166};
info.EncounterMoves = new ValidEncounterMoves(levelup);
var source = new MoveParseSource { CurrentMoves = currentMoves, };
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesIsEggPreRelearn(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, EncounterEgg e)
var infoset = new EggInfoSource(pkm, e);
return VerifyPreRelearnEggBase(pkm, currentMoves, infoset);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e)
var EventEggMoves = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch);
bool notEvent = EventEggMoves.Count == 0;
// Level up moves could not be inherited if Ditto is parent,
// that means genderless species and male only species (except Nidoran-M and Volbeat; they breed with Nidoran-F and Illumise) could not have level up moves as an egg
var pi = pkm.PersonalInfo;
var AllowLevelUp = notEvent && !pi.Genderless && !(pi.OnlyMale && Legal.MixedGenderBreeding.Contains(e.Species));
int BaseLevel = AllowLevelUp ? 100 : e.LevelMin;
var LevelUp = MoveList.GetBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version, BaseLevel);
var TradebackPreevo = pkm.Format == 2 && info.EncounterMatch.Species > 151;
var NonTradebackLvlMoves = TradebackPreevo
? MoveList.GetExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMatch.Species, info.EvoChainsAllGens[2], 2, e.Version).Where(m => m > Legal.MaxMoveID_1).ToArray()
: Array.Empty<int>();
var Egg = MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version);
if (info.Generation < 3 && pkm.Format >= 7 && pkm.VC1)
Egg = Egg.Where(m => m <= Legal.MaxMoveID_1).ToArray();
bool volt = (info.Generation > 3 || e.Version == GameVersion.E) && Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species);
var Special = volt && notEvent ? new[] { 344 } : Array.Empty<int>(); // Volt Tackle for bred Pichu line
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = Special,
NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves = NonTradebackLvlMoves,
EggLevelUpSource = LevelUp,
EggMoveSource = Egg,
EggEventSource = EventEggMoves,
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesSketch(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
res[i] = Legal.InvalidSketch.Contains(currentMoves[i])
? new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, pkm.Format, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalidSketch, Move)
: new CheckMoveResult(Sketch, pkm.Format, Move);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves3DS(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
info.EncounterMoves.Relearn = info.Generation >= 6 ? pkm.RelearnMoves : Array.Empty<int>();
return info.EncounterMatch is IMoveset
? ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, currentMoves, info)
: ParseMovesRelearn(pkm, currentMoves, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesPre3DS(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
if (info.EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg e)
return pkm.IsEgg
? ParseMovesIsEggPreRelearn(pkm, currentMoves, e)
: ParseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(pkm, currentMoves, info, e);
int gen = info.EncounterMatch.Generation;
if (gen <= 2 && (gen == 1 || (gen == 2 && !ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm)))) // fixed encounter moves without relearning
return ParseMovesGenGB(pkm, currentMoves, info);
return ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, currentMoves, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesGenGB(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
var G1Encounter = info.EncounterMatch;
if (G1Encounter == null)
return ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, currentMoves, info);
var InitialMoves = Array.Empty<int>();
var SpecialMoves = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch);
var games = info.EncounterMatch.Generation == 1 ? GBRestrictions.GetGen1Versions(info) : GBRestrictions.GetGen2Versions(info, pkm.Korean);
foreach (var ver in games)
var VerInitialMoves = MoveLevelUp.GetEncounterMoves(G1Encounter.Species, 0, G1Encounter.LevelMin, ver);
if (VerInitialMoves.Intersect(InitialMoves).Count() == VerInitialMoves.Length)
return res;
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = SpecialMoves,
Base = VerInitialMoves,
res = ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
if (res.All(r => r.Valid))
return res;
InitialMoves = VerInitialMoves;
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch),
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static IReadOnlyList<int> GetSpecialMoves(IEncounterable EncounterMatch)
if (EncounterMatch is IMoveset mg)
return mg.Moves;
return Array.Empty<int>();
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesRelearn(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch),
if (info.EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg e)
source.EggMoveSource = MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version);
var res = ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
var relearn = pkm.RelearnMoves;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ((pkm.IsEgg || res[i].Flag) && !relearn.Contains(currentMoves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveRelearnFMiss_0, res[i].Comment), res[i].Identifier);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
bool AllParsed() => res.All(z => z != null);
var required = pkm.Format != 1 ? 1 : GBRestrictions.GetRequiredMoveCount(pkm, source.CurrentMoves, info, source.Base);
// Special considerations!
int reset = 0;
if (pkm is IBattleVersion v && v.BattleVersion != 0)
reset = ((GameVersion) v.BattleVersion).GetGeneration();
source.EggEventSource = Array.Empty<int>();
source.Base = Array.Empty<int>();
source.EggLevelUpSource = Array.Empty<int>();
source.EggMoveSource = Array.Empty<int>();
source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves = Array.Empty<int>();
source.SpecialSource = Array.Empty<int>();
// Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (source.CurrentMoves[m] == 0)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, m < required ? Fishy : Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, Move);
else if (reset == 0 && info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(source.CurrentMoves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Relearn, info.Generation, Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, Move) { Flag = true };
if (AllParsed())
return res;
// Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm, source);
// Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
int[] generations = GetGenMovesCheckOrder(pkm);
if (pkm.Format <= 2)
generations = generations.Where(z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length).ToArray();
if (reset != 0)
generations = generations.Where(z => z >= reset).ToArray();
int lastgen = generations.LastOrDefault();
foreach (var gen in generations)
ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, moveInfo, lastgen);
if (AllParsed())
return res;
if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && info.Generation <= 4)
ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, res, source.CurrentMoves, info.EvoChainsAllGens);
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (res[m] == null)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, info.Generation, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, Move);
return res;
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo, int last)
GetHMCompatibility(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, out bool[] HMLearned, out bool KnowDefogWhirlpool);
ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, learnInfo);
if (gen == last)
ParseMovesByGenerationLast(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
switch (gen)
case 1:
case 2:
ParseMovesByGeneration12(pkm, res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, info, learnInfo);
case 3:
case 4:
if (pkm.Format > gen)
FlagIncompatibleTransferHMs45(res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, HMLearned, KnowDefogWhirlpool);
// Pokemon that evolved by leveling up while learning a specific move
// This pokemon could only have 3 moves from preevolutions that are not the move used to evolved
// including special and eggs moves before relearn generations
if (Legal.SpeciesEvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species))
ParseEvolutionLevelupMove(pkm, res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, info);
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
bool native = gen == pkm.Format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated with another generation
int move = moves[m];
if (move == 0)
if (gen <= 2)
if (gen == 2 && !native && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1 && pkm.VC1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, gen, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, Move);
if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEgg, Move);
else if (learnInfo.Source.Base.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Initial, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceDefault : string.Format(LMoveFDefault_0, gen), Move);
if (info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(LevelUp, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceLevelUp : string.Format(LMoveFLevelUp_0, gen), Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(TMHM, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTMHM : string.Format(LMoveFTMHM_0, gen), Move);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.TutorMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Tutor, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTutor : string.Format(LMoveFTutor_0, gen), Move);
else if (gen == info.Generation && learnInfo.Source.SpecialSource.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Special, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceSpecial, Move);
else if (gen >= 8 && MoveEgg.GetIsSharedEggMove(pkm, gen, move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Shared, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceShared : string.Format(LMoveSourceSharedF, gen), Move);
if (gen >= 3 || !IsCheckValid(res[m]))
// Gen1/Gen2 only below
if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves.Contains(m))
else if (gen == 1)
if (learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves.Count != 0)
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && info.Generation != gen)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration12(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
// Mark the gen 1 exclusive moves as illegal because the pokemon also have Non tradeback egg moves.
if (learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback)
foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen1Moves)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1MoveExclusive, Move);
foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1TradebackPreEvoMove, Move);
if (gen == 1 && pkm.Format == 1 && pkm.Gen1_NotTradeback)
ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves);
ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves, info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[1]);
private static void ParseMovesByGenerationLast(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
ParseEggMovesInherited(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
ParseEggMoves(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
ParseEggMovesRemaining(pkm, res, learnInfo);
private static void ParseEggMovesInherited(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
// Check higher-level moves after all the moves but just before egg moves to differentiate it from normal level up moves
// Also check if the base egg moves is a non tradeback move
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated
if (moves[m] == 0)
if (!learnInfo.Source.EggLevelUpSource.Contains(moves[m])) // Check if contains level-up egg moves from parents
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, Move);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Valid, LMoveEggLevelUp, Move);
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
private static void ParseEggMoves(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
// Check egg moves after all the generations and all the moves, every move that can't be learned in another source should have preference
// the moves that can only be learned from egg moves should in the future check if the move combinations can be breed in gens 2 to 5
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m]))
int move = moves[m];
if (move == 0)
bool wasEggMove = learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move);
if (wasEggMove)
// To learn exclusive generation 1 moves the pokemon was tradeback, but it can't be trade to generation 1
// without removing moves above MaxMoveID_1, egg moves above MaxMoveID_1 and gen 1 moves are incompatible
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, Move);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEgg, Move) { Flag = true };
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
if (!learnInfo.Source.EggEventSource.Contains(move))
if (!wasEggMove)
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(SpecialEgg, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, Move);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(SpecialEgg, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEggEvent, Move);
if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
private static void ParseEggMovesRemaining(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo)
// A pokemon could have normal egg moves and regular egg moves
// Only if all regular egg moves are event egg moves or all event egg moves are regular egg moves
var RegularEggMovesLearned = learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Union(learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves).ToList();
if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Count != 0)
// Moves that are egg moves or event egg moves but not both
var IncompatibleEggMoves = RegularEggMovesLearned.Except(learnInfo.EventEggMoves).Union(learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Except(RegularEggMovesLearned)).ToList();
if (IncompatibleEggMoves.Count == 0)
foreach (int m in IncompatibleEggMoves)
if (learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && !learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatibleEvent, Move);
else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatible, Move);
else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEventEggLevelUp, Move);
else if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && (pkm.WasGiftEgg || pkm.WasEventEgg))
// Event eggs cannot inherit moves from parents; they are not bred.
foreach (int m in RegularEggMovesLearned)
if (learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? LMoveEggMoveGift : LMoveEggInvalidEvent, Move);
else if (learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUpGift : LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUp, Move);
private static void ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
var incompatible = GetIncompatibleRBYMoves(pkm, currentMoves);
if (incompatible.Count == 0)
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatible.Contains(currentMoves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1MoveLearnSameLevel, Move);
private static IList<int> GetIncompatibleRBYMoves(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
// Check moves that are learned at the same level in Red/Blue and Yellow, these are illegal because there is no Move Reminder in Gen1.
// There are only two incompatibilities for Gen1; there are no illegal combination in Gen2.
switch (pkm.Species)
// Vaporeon in Yellow learns Mist and Haze at level 42, Mist can only be learned if it leveled up in the daycare
// Vaporeon in Red/Blue learns Acid Armor at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
case (int)Species.Vaporeon when pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && currentMoves.Contains(151):
var incompatible = new List<int>(3);
if (currentMoves.Contains(54))
if (currentMoves.Contains(114))
if (incompatible.Count != 0)
return incompatible;
// Flareon in Yellow learns Smog at level 42
// Flareon in Red Blue learns Leer at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
case (int)Species.Flareon when pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && currentMoves.Contains(43) && currentMoves.Contains(123):
return new[] {43, 123};
default: return Array.Empty<int>();
private static void ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int> tmhm)
GBRestrictions.GetIncompatibleEvolutionMoves(pkm, moves, tmhm,
out var prevSpeciesID,
out var incompatPrev,
out var incompatCurr);
if (prevSpeciesID == 0)
var prev = SpeciesStrings[prevSpeciesID];
var curr = SpeciesStrings[pkm.Species];
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatCurr.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFLower, curr, prev), Move);
if (incompatPrev.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFHigher, curr, prev), Move);
private static void ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>> evos)
var ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned = new List<int>();
var format = pkm.Format;
for (int gen = Math.Min(format, 4); gen >= 3; gen--)
if (evos[gen].Count != 2)
continue; // Was not evolved in this generation
if (gen == 4 && pkm.Ball != 4)
continue; // Was definitively evolved in Gen3
var maxLevel = pkm.CurrentLevel;
var ninjaskMoves = MoveList.GetShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, gen, maxLevel);
bool native = gen == format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated
if (!ninjaskMoves.Contains(currentMoves[m]))
var msg = native ? LMoveNincadaEvo : string.Format(LMoveNincadaEvoF_0, gen);
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(ShedinjaEvo, gen, Valid, msg, Move);
if (ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned.Count == 0)
if (ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned.Count > 1)
// Can't have more than one Ninjask exclusive move on Shedinja
foreach (int m in ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveNincada, Move);
// Double check that the Ninjask move level isn't less than any Nincada move level
int move = ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned[0];
int g = res[move].Generation;
int levelJ = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Ninjask, currentMoves[move], g);
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (m != move)
if (res[m].Source != LevelUp)
int levelS = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Shedinja, currentMoves[m], res[m].Generation);
if (levelS > 0)
int levelN = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Nincada, currentMoves[m], res[m].Generation);
if (levelN > levelJ)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFHigher, SpeciesStrings[(int)Species.Nincada], SpeciesStrings[(int)Species.Ninjask]), Move);
private static void ParseEvolutionLevelupMove(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
// Ignore if there is an invalid move or an empty move, this validation is only for 4 non-empty moves that are all valid, but invalid as a 4 combination
// Ignore Mr. Mime and Sudowodoo from generations 1 to 3, they cant be evolved from Bonsly or Munchlax
// Ignore if encounter species is the evolution species, the pokemon was not evolved by the player
if (info.EncounterMatch.Species == pkm.Species)
if (!res.All(r => r?.Valid ?? false) || currentMoves.Any(m => m == 0) || (Legal.BabyEvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species) && info.Generation <= 3))
var ValidMoves = MoveList.GetValidPostEvolutionMoves(pkm, pkm.Species, info.EvoChainsAllGens, GameVersion.Any);
// Add the evolution moves to valid moves in case some of these moves could not be learned after evolving
switch (pkm.Species)
case (int)Species.MrMime: // Mr. Mime (Mime Jr with Mimic)
case (int)Species.Sudowoodo: // Sudowoodo (Bonsly with Mimic)
case (int)Species.Ambipom: // Ambipom (Aipom with Double Hit)
case (int)Species.Lickilicky: // Lickilicky (Lickitung with Rollout)
case (int)Species.Tangrowth: // Tangrowth (Tangela with Ancient Power)
case (int)Species.Yanmega: // Yanmega (Yanma with Ancient Power)
case (int)Species.Mamoswine: // Mamoswine (Piloswine with Ancient Power)
case (int)Species.Sylveon: // Sylveon (Eevee with Fairy Move)
// Add every fairy moves without cheking if eevee learn it or not, pokemon moves are determined legal before this function
case (int)Species.Tsareena: // Tsareena (Steenee with Stomp)
if (currentMoves.Any(m => ValidMoves.Contains(m)))
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFCombination_0, SpeciesStrings[pkm.Species]), Move);
private static void GetHMCompatibility(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<CheckResult> res, int gen, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, out bool[] HMLearned, out bool KnowDefogWhirlpool)
HMLearned = new bool[4];
// Check if pokemon knows HM moves from generation 3 and 4 but are not valid yet, that means it cant learn the HMs in future generations
if (gen == 4 && pkm.Format > 4)
IsHMSource(HMLearned, Legal.HM_4_RemovePokeTransfer);
KnowDefogWhirlpool = moves.Where((m, i) => IsDefogWhirl(m) && IsCheckInvalid(res[i])).Count() == 2;
KnowDefogWhirlpool = false;
if (gen == 3 && pkm.Format > 3)
IsHMSource(HMLearned, Legal.HM_3);
void IsHMSource(IList<bool> flags, ICollection<int> source)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
flags[i] = IsCheckInvalid(res[i]) && source.Contains(moves[i]);
private static bool IsDefogWhirl(int move) => move == 250 || move == 432;
private static bool IsCheckInvalid(CheckResult chk) => !(chk?.Valid ?? false);
private static bool IsCheckValid(CheckResult chk) => chk?.Valid ?? false;
private static void FlagIncompatibleTransferHMs45(CheckMoveResult[] res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, int gen, IReadOnlyList<bool> HMLearned, bool KnowDefogWhirlpool)
// After all the moves from the generations 3 and 4,
// including egg moves if is the origin generation because some hidden moves are also special egg moves in gen 3
// Check if the marked hidden moves that were invalid at the start are now marked as valid, that means
// the hidden move was learned in gen 3 or 4 but was not removed when transfer to 4 or 5
if (KnowDefogWhirlpool)
int invalidCount = currentMoves.Where((m, i) => IsDefogWhirl(m) && IsCheckValid(res[i])).Count();
if (invalidCount == 2) // can't know both at the same time
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // flag both moves
if (IsDefogWhirl(currentMoves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, LTransferMoveG4HM, Move);
// Flag moves that are only legal when learned from a past-gen HM source
for (int i = 0; i < HMLearned.Count; i++)
if (HMLearned[i] && IsCheckValid(res[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, string.Format(LTransferMoveHM, gen, gen + 1), Move);
/* Similar to verifyRelearnEgg but in pre relearn generation is the moves what should match the expected order but only if the pokemon is inside an egg */
private static CheckMoveResult[] VerifyPreRelearnEggBase(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, EggInfoSource infoset)
CheckMoveResult[] res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
var gen = pkm.GenNumber;
// Obtain level1 moves
var reqBase = GetRequiredBaseMoveCount(currentMoves, infoset);
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// Check if the required amount of Base Egg Moves are present.
for (int i = 0; i < reqBase; i++)
if (infoset.Base.Contains(currentMoves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(Initial, gen, Valid, LMoveRelearnEgg, Move);
// mark remaining base egg moves missing
for (int z = i; z < reqBase; z++)
res[z] = new CheckMoveResult(Initial, gen, Invalid, LMoveRelearnEggMissing, Move);
// provide the list of suggested base moves for the last required slot
sb.Append(string.Join(", ", GetMoveNames(infoset.Base)));
if (sb.Length != 0)
res[reqBase > 0 ? reqBase - 1 : 0].Comment = string.Format(Environment.NewLine + LMoveFExpect_0, sb);
// Inherited moves appear after the required base moves.
var AllowInheritedSeverity = infoset.AllowInherited ? Valid : Invalid;
for (int i = reqBase; i < 4; i++)
if (currentMoves[i] == 0) // empty
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(None, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, Move);
else if (infoset.Egg.Contains(currentMoves[i])) // inherited egg move
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, AllowInheritedSeverity, infoset.AllowInherited ? LMoveEggInherited : LMoveEggInvalidEvent, Move);
else if (infoset.LevelUp.Contains(currentMoves[i])) // inherited lvl moves
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, AllowInheritedSeverity, infoset.AllowInherited ? LMoveEggLevelUp : LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUp, Move);
else if (infoset.TMHM.Contains(currentMoves[i])) // inherited TMHM moves
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(TMHM, gen, AllowInheritedSeverity, infoset.AllowInherited ? LMoveEggTMHM : LMoveEggInvalidEventTMHM, Move);
else if (infoset.Tutor.Contains(currentMoves[i])) // inherited tutor moves
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(Tutor, gen, AllowInheritedSeverity, infoset.AllowInherited ? LMoveEggInheritedTutor : LMoveEggInvalidEventTutor, Move);
else // not inheritable, flag
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, gen, Invalid, LMoveEggInvalid, Move);
return res;
private static int GetRequiredBaseMoveCount(IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, EggInfoSource infoset)
int baseCt = infoset.Base.Count;
if (baseCt > 4) baseCt = 4;
// Obtain Inherited moves
var inherited = currentMoves.Where(m => m != 0 && infoset.IsInherited(m)).ToList();
int inheritCt = inherited.Count;
// Get required amount of base moves
int unique = infoset.Base.Union(inherited).Count();
int reqBase = inheritCt == 4 || baseCt + inheritCt > 4 ? 4 - inheritCt : baseCt;
if (currentMoves.Count(m => m != 0) < Math.Min(4, infoset.Base.Count))
reqBase = Math.Min(4, unique);
return reqBase;
private static void VerifyNoEmptyDuplicates(IReadOnlyList<int> moves, CheckMoveResult[] res)
bool emptySlot = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (moves[i] == 0)
emptySlot = true;
else if (emptySlot)
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, LMoveSourceEmpty, res[i].Identifier);
else if (moves.Count(m => m == moves[i]) > 1)
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, LMoveSourceDuplicate, res[i].Identifier);
private static void UpdateGen1LevelUpMoves(PKM pkm, ValidEncounterMoves EncounterMoves, int defaultLvlG1, int generation, LegalInfo info)
if (generation >= 3)
var lvlG1 = info.EncounterMatch.LevelMin + 1;
if (lvlG1 == defaultLvlG1)
EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[1] = MoveList.GetValidMoves(pkm, info.EvoChainsAllGens[1], generation: 1, minLvLG1: lvlG1, LVL: true, Tutor: false, Machine: false, MoveReminder: false).ToList();
private static void UpdateGen2LevelUpMoves(PKM pkm, ValidEncounterMoves EncounterMoves, int defaultLvlG2, int generation, LegalInfo info)
if (generation >= 3)
var lvlG2 = info.EncounterMatch.LevelMin + 1;
if (lvlG2 == defaultLvlG2)
EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[2] = MoveList.GetValidMoves(pkm, info.EvoChainsAllGens[2], generation: 2, minLvLG2: defaultLvlG2, LVL: true, Tutor: false, Machine: false, MoveReminder: false).ToList();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the generation numbers in descending order for iterating over.
/// </summary>
public static int[] GetGenMovesCheckOrder(PKM pkm)
if (pkm.Format < 3)
return GetGenMovesCheckOrderGB(pkm, pkm.Format);
if (pkm.VC)
return GetGenMovesOrderVC(pkm);
return GetGenMovesOrder(pkm.Format, pkm.GenNumber);
private static int[] GetGenMovesOrderVC(PKM pkm)
// VC case: check transfer games in reverse order (8, 7..) then past games.
int[] xfer = GetGenMovesOrder(pkm.Format, 7);
int[] past = GetGenMovesCheckOrderGB(pkm, pkm.GenNumber);
int end = xfer.Length;
Array.Resize(ref xfer, xfer.Length + past.Length);
past.CopyTo(xfer, end);
return xfer;
private static readonly int[] G2 = {2};
private static readonly int[] G12 = {1, 2};
private static readonly int[] G21 = {2, 1};
private static int[] GetGenMovesCheckOrderGB(PKM pkm, int originalGeneration)
if (originalGeneration == 2)
return pkm.Korean ? G2 : G21;
return G12; // RBY
private static int[] GetGenMovesOrder(int start, int end)
if (end < 0)
return Array.Empty<int>();
if (start <= end)
return new[] {start};
var order = new int[start - end + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
order[i] = start - i;
return order;