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synced 2025-03-06 16:27:24 +00:00
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134 lines
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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Swarm and other overworld info
/// </summary>
public sealed class Encount6 : SaveBlock
public Encount6(SaveFile SAV, int offset) : base(SAV) => Offset = offset;
public ushort RepelItemUsed { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Offset + 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Offset + 0x00); }
public byte RepelSteps { get => Data[Offset + 0x02]; set => Data[Offset + 0x02] = value; }
// 0x04
public PokeRadar6 Radar
get => new(Data.Slice(Offset + 0x04, PokeRadar6.SIZE));
set => value.Data.CopyTo(Data, Offset + 0x04);
// 0x1C
public Roamer6 Roamer
get => new(Data.Slice(Offset + 0x1C, Roamer6.SIZE));
set => value.Data.CopyTo(Data, Offset + 0x1C);
// 0x44
// 4 bytes at end??
public sealed class PokeRadar6
public const int SIZE = 2 + (RecordCount * PokeRadarRecord.SIZE); // 0x18
private const int MaxCharge = 50;
private const int RecordCount = 5;
public readonly byte[] Data;
public PokeRadar6(byte[] data) => Data = data;
public override string ToString() => ((Species)PokeRadarSpecies).ToString();
public ushort PokeRadarSpecies { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x00); }
private ushort PokeRadarPacked { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x02); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x02); }
public int PokeRadarCharge { get => PokeRadarPacked & 0x3FFF; set => PokeRadarPacked = (ushort)((PokeRadarPacked & ~0x3FFF) | Math.Min(MaxCharge, value)); }
public bool PokeRadarFlag1 { get => PokeRadarPacked >> 14 != 0; set => PokeRadarPacked = (ushort)((PokeRadarPacked & ~(1 << 14)) | (value ? (1 << 14) : 0)); }
public bool PokeRadarFlag2 { get => PokeRadarPacked >> 15 != 0; set => PokeRadarPacked = (ushort)((PokeRadarPacked & ~(1 << 15)) | (value ? (1 << 15) : 0)); }
public PokeRadarRecord GetRecord(int index) => PokeRadarRecord.ReadRecord(Data, GetRecordOffset(index));
public void SetRecord(PokeRadarRecord record, int index) => record.WriteRecord(Data, GetRecordOffset(index));
private static int GetRecordOffset(int index)
if ((uint) index >= RecordCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
return 6 + (index * 2);
public PokeRadarRecord Record1 { get => GetRecord(0); set => SetRecord(value, 0); }
public PokeRadarRecord Record2 { get => GetRecord(1); set => SetRecord(value, 1); }
public PokeRadarRecord Record3 { get => GetRecord(2); set => SetRecord(value, 2); }
public PokeRadarRecord Record4 { get => GetRecord(3); set => SetRecord(value, 3); }
public PokeRadarRecord Record5 { get => GetRecord(4); set => SetRecord(value, 4); }
public sealed class PokeRadarRecord
public const int SIZE = 4;
public override string ToString() => ((Species)Species).ToString();
public ushort Species { get; set; }
public ushort Count { get; set; }
private PokeRadarRecord(ushort species, ushort count)
Species = species;
Count = count;
public static PokeRadarRecord ReadRecord(byte[] data, int ofs)
var species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, ofs);
var count = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, ofs + 2);
return new PokeRadarRecord(species, count);
public void WriteRecord(byte[] data, int ofs)
BitConverter.GetBytes(Species).CopyTo(data, ofs);
BitConverter.GetBytes(Count).CopyTo(data, ofs + 2);
public sealed class Roamer6
public const int SIZE = 0x28;
public readonly byte[] Data;
public Roamer6(byte[] data) => Data = data;
public override string ToString() => ((Species)Species).ToString();
private ushort SpecForm { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x00); }
public int Species { get => SpecForm & 0x3FF; set => SpecForm = (ushort)((SpecForm & ~0x3FF) | (value & 0x3FF)); }
public bool Flag1 { get => SpecForm >> 14 != 0; set => SpecForm = (ushort)((SpecForm & 0xBFFF) | (value ? (1 << 14) : 0)); }
public bool Flag2 { get => SpecForm >> 15 != 0; set => SpecForm = (ushort)((SpecForm & 0x7FFF) | (value ? (1 << 15) : 0)); }
public int CurrentLevel { get => Data[0x04]; set => Data[0x04] = (byte)value; }
private int Status { get => Data[0x07]; set => Data[0x07] = (byte)value; }
public Roamer6State RoamStatus { get => (Roamer6State)((Status >> 4) & 0xF); set => Status = (Status & 0x0F) | (((int)value << 4) & 0xF0); }
public uint TimesEncountered { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x24); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x24); }
public enum Roamer6State