Kurt ebf20d927b More transfer implications
Totems are downsized to regular
araquanid, togedemaru, and ribombee totems can't transfer (at the moment)
2020-02-11 20:11:33 -08:00

185 lines
7.6 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the transfer data for a <see cref="PKM"/> that has been irreversably transferred forward.
/// </summary>
public sealed class TransferVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Encounter;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
throw new Exception("Don't call via this.");
public void VerifyTransferLegalityG12(LegalityAnalysis data)
private void VerifyTransferVCNatureEXP(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var met = pkm.Met_Level;
if (met == 100) // check for precise match, can't receive EXP after transfer.
var nature = Experience.GetNatureVC(pkm.EXP);
if (nature != pkm.Nature)
if (met <= 2) // Not enough EXP to have every nature -- check for exclusions!
var pi = pkm.PersonalInfo;
var growth = pi.EXPGrowth;
var nature = pkm.Nature;
bool valid = VerifyVCNature(growth, nature);
if (!valid)
private static bool VerifyVCNature(int growth, int nature)
// exp % 25 with a limited amount of EXP does not allow for every nature
return growth switch
0 => // MediumFast -- Can't be Brave, Adamant, Naughty, Bold, Docile, or Relaxed
(nature < (int) Nature.Brave || nature > (int) Nature.Relaxed),
4 => // Fast -- Can't be Gentle, Sassy, Careful, Quirky, Hardy, Lonely, Brave, Adamant, Naughty, or Bold
(nature < (int) Nature.Gentle && nature > (int) Nature.Bold),
5 => // Slow -- Can't be Impish or Lax
(nature != (int) Nature.Impish && nature != (int) Nature.Lax),
_ => true
public void VerifyTransferLegalityG3(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Format == 4) // Pal Park (3->4)
if (pkm.Met_Location != Locations.Transfer3)
else // Transporter (4->5)
if (pkm.Met_Location != Locations.Transfer4)
public void VerifyTransferLegalityG4(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
int loc = pkm.Met_Location;
if (loc == Locations.Transfer4)
// Crown met location must be present if transferred via lock capsule
switch (pkm.Species)
case (int)Species.Celebi:
if (loc != Locations.Transfer4_CelebiUnused && loc != Locations.Transfer4_CelebiUsed)
case (int)Species.Raikou:
case (int)Species.Entei:
case (int)Species.Suicune:
if (loc != Locations.Transfer4_CrownUnused && loc != Locations.Transfer4_CrownUsed)
public void VerifyTransferLegalityG8(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
int species = pkm.Species;
var pi = (PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH.GetFormeEntry(species, pkm.AltForm);
if (!pi.IsPresentInGame) // Can't transfer
else if (data.Info.Generation < 8 && pkm is PK8 pk)
if (!pk.GG)
if (pk.HeightScalar != 0)
if (pk.WeightScalar != 0)
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
if (data.Info.Generation == 7 && FormConverter.IsTotemForm(enc.Species, enc.Form, 7))
if (Legal.Totem_NoTransfer.Contains(data.EncounterMatch.Species))
if (pkm.AltForm != FormConverter.GetTotemBaseForm(enc.Species, enc.Form))
if (pk.Tracker == 0) // Tracker value?
public IEnumerable<CheckResult> VerifyVCEncounter(PKM pkm, IEncounterable encounter, ILocation transfer, IList<CheckMoveResult> Moves)
// Check existing EncounterMatch
if (encounter is EncounterInvalid || transfer == null)
yield break; // Avoid duplicate invalid message
if (encounter is EncounterStatic v && (GameVersion.GBCartEraOnly.Contains(v.Version) || v.Version == GameVersion.VCEvents))
bool exceptions = false;
exceptions |= v.Version == GameVersion.VCEvents && encounter.Species == (int)Species.Mew && pkm.TID == 22796;
if (!exceptions)
yield return GetInvalid(LG1GBEncounter);
if (pkm.Met_Location != transfer.Location)
yield return GetInvalid(LTransferMetLocation);
if (pkm.Egg_Location != transfer.EggLocation)
yield return GetInvalid(LEggLocationNone);
// Flag Moves that cannot be transferred
if (encounter is EncounterStatic s && s.Version == GameVersion.C && s.EggLocation == 256) // Dizzy Punch Gifts
FlagIncompatibleTransferMove(pkm, Moves, 146, 2); // can't have Dizzy Punch at all
bool checkShiny = pkm.VC2 || (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.WasTradeback && pkm.VC1);
if (!checkShiny)
yield break;
if (pkm.Gender == 1) // female
if (pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender == 31 && pkm.IsShiny) // impossible gender-shiny
yield return GetInvalid(LEncStaticPIDShiny, CheckIdentifier.PID);
else if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Unown)
if (pkm.AltForm != 8 && pkm.AltForm != 21 && pkm.IsShiny) // impossibly form-shiny (not I or V)
yield return GetInvalid(LEncStaticPIDShiny, CheckIdentifier.PID);
private static void FlagIncompatibleTransferMove(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> Moves, int move, int gen)
int index = Array.IndexOf(pkm.Moves, move);
if (index < 0)
return; // doesn't have move
var chk = Moves[index];
if (chk.Generation == gen) // not obtained from a future gen
Moves[index] = new CheckMoveResult(chk.Source, chk.Generation, Severity.Invalid, LTransferMove, CheckIdentifier.Move);