Kurt cd12962a50 Remove Tradeback state caching in PKM data
Since we have more metadata with move learn sourcing, we can check if it was traded to gen2 to get new moves / deleted.

Adjust call sites appropriately
might have some issues, to be ironed out maybe
2021-08-20 15:59:54 -07:00

732 lines
34 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.ParseSettings;
using static PKHeX.Core.MoveSource;
using static PKHeX.Core.Severity;
using static PKHeX.Core.CheckIdentifier;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Logic to verify the current <see cref="PKM.Moves"/>.
/// </summary>
public static class VerifyCurrentMoves
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the current moves of the <see cref="pkm"/> data based on the provided <see cref="info"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Data to check</param>
/// <param name="info">Encounter conditions and legality info</param>
/// <returns>Validity of the <see cref="PKM.Moves"/></returns>
public static CheckMoveResult[] VerifyMoves(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info)
var currentMoves = pkm.Moves;
var res = ParseMovesForEncounters(pkm, info, currentMoves);
// Duplicate Moves Check
VerifyNoEmptyDuplicates(currentMoves, res);
if (currentMoves[0] == 0) // Can't have an empty move slot for the first move.
res[0] = new CheckMoveResult(res[0], Invalid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CurrentMove);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesForEncounters(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, int[] currentMoves)
if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Smeargle) // special handling for Smeargle
return ParseMovesForSmeargle(pkm, currentMoves, info); // Smeargle can have any moves except a few
// gather valid moves for encounter species
info.EncounterMoves = new ValidEncounterMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMatch, info.EvoChainsAllGens);
var res = info.Generation < 6
? ParseMovesPre3DS(pkm, currentMoves, info)
: ParseMoves3DS(pkm, currentMoves, info);
if (res.All(x => x.Valid))
return res;
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesForSmeargle(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
if (!pkm.IsEgg)
return ParseMovesSketch(pkm, currentMoves);
// can only know sketch as egg
var levelup = new int[info.EvoChainsAllGens.Length][];
levelup[pkm.Format] = new[] {166};
info.EncounterMoves = new ValidEncounterMoves(levelup);
var source = new MoveParseSource { CurrentMoves = currentMoves };
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e)
var EventEggMoves = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch);
bool notEvent = EventEggMoves.Count == 0;
// Level up moves could not be inherited if Ditto is parent,
// that means genderless species and male only species (except Nidoran-M and Volbeat; they breed with Nidoran-F and Illumise) could not have level up moves as an egg
var pi = pkm.PersonalInfo;
var AllowLevelUp = notEvent && !pi.Genderless && !(pi.OnlyMale && Breeding.MixedGenderBreeding.Contains(e.Species));
int BaseLevel = AllowLevelUp ? 100 : e.LevelMin;
var LevelUp = MoveList.GetBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version, BaseLevel);
var TradebackPreevo = pkm.Format == 2 && info.EncounterMatch.Species > 151;
var NonTradebackLvlMoves = TradebackPreevo
? MoveList.GetExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(pkm, info.EncounterMatch.Species, info.EvoChainsAllGens[2], 2, e.Version).Where(m => m > Legal.MaxMoveID_1).ToArray()
: Array.Empty<int>();
var Egg = MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm.PersonalInfo, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version, e.Generation);
if (info.Generation < 3 && pkm.Format >= 7 && pkm.VC1)
Egg = Array.FindAll(Egg, m => m <= Legal.MaxMoveID_1);
bool volt = (info.Generation > 3 || e.Version == GameVersion.E) && Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species);
var specialMoves = volt && notEvent ? new[] { (int)Move.VoltTackle } : Array.Empty<int>(); // Volt Tackle for bred Pichu line
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = specialMoves,
NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves = NonTradebackLvlMoves,
EggLevelUpSource = LevelUp,
EggMoveSource = Egg,
EggEventSource = EventEggMoves,
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesSketch(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var move = currentMoves[i];
res[i] = Legal.IsValidSketch(move, pkm.Format)
? new CheckMoveResult(Sketch, pkm.Format, CurrentMove)
: new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, pkm.Format, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalidSketch, CurrentMove);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves3DS(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
info.EncounterMoves.Relearn = info.Generation >= 6 ? pkm.RelearnMoves : Array.Empty<int>();
return info.EncounterMatch is IMoveset
? ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, currentMoves, info)
: ParseMovesRelearn(pkm, currentMoves, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesPre3DS(PKM pkm, int[] currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
if (info.EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg e)
return pkm.IsEgg
? VerifyPreRelearnEggBase(currentMoves, e)
: ParseMovesWasEggPreRelearn(pkm, currentMoves, info, e);
// Not all games have a re-learner. Initial moves may not fill out all 4 slots.
int gen = info.EncounterMatch.Generation;
if (gen == 1 || (gen == 2 && !AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm)))
return ParseMovesGenGB(pkm, currentMoves, info);
return ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(pkm, currentMoves, info);
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesGenGB(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
var enc = info.EncounterMatch;
var level = pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation ? pkm.Met_Level : enc.LevelMin;
var InitialMoves = Array.Empty<int>();
var SpecialMoves = GetSpecialMoves(enc);
var games = enc.Generation == 1 ? GBRestrictions.GetGen1Versions(enc) : GBRestrictions.GetGen2Versions(enc, pkm.Korean);
foreach (var ver in games)
var VerInitialMoves = MoveLevelUp.GetEncounterMoves(enc.Species, 0, level, ver);
if (VerInitialMoves.Intersect(InitialMoves).Count() == VerInitialMoves.Length)
return res;
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = SpecialMoves,
Base = VerInitialMoves,
res = ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
// Must have a minimum count of moves, depending on the tradeback state.
if (pkm is PK1 pk1)
int count = GBRestrictions.GetRequiredMoveCount(pk1, source.CurrentMoves, info, source.Base);
if (count == 1)
return res;
for (int m = 0; m < count; m++)
var move = source.CurrentMoves[m];
if (move == 0)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, Invalid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CurrentMove);
if (res.All(r => r.Valid))
return res;
InitialMoves = VerInitialMoves;
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesSpecialMoveset(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch),
return ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
private static IReadOnlyList<int> GetSpecialMoves(IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (enc is IMoveset mg)
return mg.Moves;
return Array.Empty<int>();
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMovesRelearn(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, LegalInfo info)
var source = new MoveParseSource
CurrentMoves = currentMoves,
SpecialSource = GetSpecialMoves(info.EncounterMatch),
if (info.EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg e)
source.EggMoveSource = MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm.PersonalInfo, e.Species, e.Form, e.Version, e.Generation);
var res = ParseMoves(pkm, source, info);
var relearn = pkm.RelearnMoves;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ((pkm.IsEgg || res[i].IsRelearn) && !relearn.Contains(currentMoves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveRelearnFMiss_0, res[i].Comment), res[i].Identifier);
return res;
private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
bool AllParsed() => res.All(z => z != null);
// Special considerations!
const int NoMinGeneration = 0;
int minGeneration = NoMinGeneration;
if (pkm is IBattleVersion {BattleVersion: not 0} v)
minGeneration = ((GameVersion) v.BattleVersion).GetGeneration();
// Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
var move = source.CurrentMoves[m];
if (move == 0)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CurrentMove);
else if (minGeneration == NoMinGeneration && info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Relearn, info.Generation, Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, CurrentMove);
if (AllParsed())
return res;
// Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm, source);
// Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
int[] generations = GenerationTraversal.GetVisitedGenerationOrder(pkm, info.EncounterOriginal.Generation);
if (pkm.Format <= 2)
generations = Array.FindAll(generations, z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length);
if (minGeneration != NoMinGeneration)
generations = Array.FindAll(generations, z => z >= minGeneration);
if (generations.Length != 0)
int lastgen = generations[^1];
foreach (var gen in generations)
ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, moveInfo, lastgen);
if (AllParsed())
return res;
if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && info.Generation <= 4)
ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, res, source.CurrentMoves, info.EvoChainsAllGens);
// ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
res[m] ??= new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, info.Generation, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, CurrentMove);
return res;
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo, int last)
GetHMCompatibility(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, out bool[] HMLearned, out bool KnowDefogWhirlpool);
ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, learnInfo);
if (gen == last)
ParseMovesByGenerationLast(pkm, res, learnInfo, info.EncounterMatch);
switch (gen)
case 1 or 2:
ParseMovesByGeneration12(pkm, res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, info, learnInfo);
case 3 or 4:
if (pkm.Format > gen)
FlagIncompatibleTransferHMs45(res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, HMLearned, KnowDefogWhirlpool);
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
bool native = gen == pkm.Format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated with another generation
int move = moves[m];
if (move == 0)
if (gen <= 2)
if (gen == 2 && !native && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1 && pkm.VC1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, gen, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, CurrentMove);
if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEgg, CurrentMove);
else if (learnInfo.Source.Base.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Initial, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceDefault : string.Format(LMoveFDefault_0, gen), CurrentMove);
if (info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(LevelUp, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceLevelUp : string.Format(LMoveFLevelUp_0, gen), CurrentMove);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(TMHM, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTMHM : string.Format(LMoveFTMHM_0, gen), CurrentMove);
else if (info.EncounterMoves.TutorMoves[gen].Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Tutor, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTutor : string.Format(LMoveFTutor_0, gen), CurrentMove);
else if (gen == info.Generation && learnInfo.Source.SpecialSource.Contains(move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Special, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceSpecial, CurrentMove);
else if (gen >= 8 && MoveEgg.GetIsSharedEggMove(pkm, gen, move))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Shared, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceShared : string.Format(LMoveSourceSharedF, gen), CurrentMove);
if (gen >= 3 || !IsCheckValid(res[m]))
// Gen1/Gen2 only below
if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves.Contains(m))
else if (gen == 1)
if (learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves.Count != 0)
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
private static void ParseMovesByGeneration12(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
// Mark the gen 1 exclusive moves as illegal because the pokemon also have Non tradeback egg moves.
if (learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback)
foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen1Moves)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1MoveExclusive, CurrentMove);
foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1TradebackPreEvoMove, CurrentMove);
if (gen == 1 && pkm.Format == 1 && !AllowGen1Tradeback)
ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves);
ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves, info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[1]);
private static void ParseMovesByGenerationLast(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo, IEncounterTemplate enc)
int gen = enc.Generation;
ParseEggMovesInherited(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
ParseEggMoves(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
ParseEggMovesRemaining(pkm, res, learnInfo, enc);
private static void ParseEggMovesInherited(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
// Check higher-level moves after all the moves but just before egg moves to differentiate it from normal level up moves
// Also check if the base egg moves is a non tradeback move
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
var r = res[m];
if (IsCheckValid(r)) // already validated
if (gen == 2 && r.Generation != 1)
int move = moves[m];
if (move == 0)
if (!learnInfo.Source.EggLevelUpSource.Contains(move)) // Check if contains level-up egg moves from parents
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, CurrentMove);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Valid, LMoveEggLevelUp, CurrentMove);
if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Contains(m))
private static void ParseEggMoves(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
// Check egg moves after all the generations and all the moves, every move that can't be learned in another source should have preference
// the moves that can only be learned from egg moves should in the future check if the move combinations can be breed in gens 2 to 5
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m]))
int move = moves[m];
if (move == 0)
bool wasEggMove = learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move);
if (wasEggMove)
// To learn exclusive generation 1 moves the pokemon was tradeback, but it can't be trade to generation 1
// without removing moves above MaxMoveID_1, egg moves above MaxMoveID_1 and gen 1 moves are incompatible
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, CurrentMove);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEgg, CurrentMove);
if (!learnInfo.Source.EggEventSource.Contains(move))
if (!wasEggMove)
if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(SpecialEgg, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, CurrentMove);
learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(SpecialEgg, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEggEvent, CurrentMove);
private static void ParseEggMovesRemaining(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo, IEncounterTemplate enc)
// A pokemon could have normal egg moves and regular egg moves
// Only if all regular egg moves are event egg moves or all event egg moves are regular egg moves
var RegularEggMovesLearned = learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.FindAll(learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains);
if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Count != 0)
// Moves that are egg moves or event egg moves but not both
var IncompatibleEggMoves = RegularEggMovesLearned.Except(learnInfo.EventEggMoves).Union(learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Except(RegularEggMovesLearned));
foreach (int m in IncompatibleEggMoves)
bool isEvent = learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m);
if (isEvent)
if (!learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatibleEvent, CurrentMove);
if (learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatible, CurrentMove);
else if (learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEventEggLevelUp, CurrentMove);
else if (enc is not EncounterEgg)
// Event eggs cannot inherit moves from parents; they are not bred.
var gift = enc is EncounterStatic {Gift: true}; // otherwise, EncounterInvalid
foreach (int m in RegularEggMovesLearned)
if (learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, gift ? LMoveEggMoveGift : LMoveEggInvalidEvent, CurrentMove);
else if (learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, gift ? LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUpGift : LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUp, CurrentMove);
private static void ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
var incompatible = GetIncompatibleRBYMoves(pkm, currentMoves);
if (incompatible.Count == 0)
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatible.Contains(currentMoves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1MoveLearnSameLevel, CurrentMove);
private static IList<int> GetIncompatibleRBYMoves(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves)
// Check moves that are learned at the same level in Red/Blue and Yellow, these are illegal because there is no Move Reminder in Gen1.
// There are only two incompatibilities for Gen1; there are no illegal combination in Gen2.
switch (pkm.Species)
// Vaporeon in Yellow learns Mist and Haze at level 42, Mist can only be learned if it leveled up in the daycare
// Vaporeon in Red/Blue learns Acid Armor at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
case (int)Species.Vaporeon when pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && currentMoves.Contains((int)Move.AcidArmor):
var incompatible = new List<int>(3);
if (currentMoves.Contains((int)Move.Mist))
if (currentMoves.Contains((int)Move.Haze))
if (incompatible.Count != 0)
return incompatible;
// Flareon in Yellow learns Smog at level 42
// Flareon in Red Blue learns Leer at level 42 and level 47 in Yellow
case (int)Species.Flareon when pkm.CurrentLevel < 47 && currentMoves.Contains((int)Move.Leer) && currentMoves.Contains((int)Move.Smog):
return new[] { (int)Move.Leer, (int)Move.Smog };
default: return Array.Empty<int>();
private static void ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int> tmhm)
GBRestrictions.GetIncompatibleEvolutionMoves(pkm, moves, tmhm,
out var prevSpeciesID,
out var incompatPrev,
out var incompatCurr);
if (prevSpeciesID == 0)
var prev = SpeciesStrings[prevSpeciesID];
var curr = SpeciesStrings[pkm.Species];
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (incompatCurr.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFLower, curr, prev), CurrentMove);
if (incompatPrev.Contains(moves[m]))
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFHigher, curr, prev), CurrentMove);
private static void ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(PKM pkm, IList<CheckMoveResult> res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>> evos)
var ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned = new List<int>();
var format = pkm.Format;
for (int gen = Math.Min(format, 4); gen >= 3; gen--)
if (evos[gen].Count != 2)
continue; // Was not evolved in this generation
if (gen == 4 && pkm.Ball != 4)
continue; // Was definitively evolved in Gen3
var maxLevel = pkm.CurrentLevel;
var ninjaskMoves = MoveList.GetShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, gen, maxLevel);
bool native = gen == format;
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated
if (!ninjaskMoves.Contains(currentMoves[m]))
var msg = native ? LMoveNincadaEvo : string.Format(LMoveNincadaEvoF_0, gen);
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(ShedinjaEvo, gen, Valid, msg, CurrentMove);
if (ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned.Count == 0)
if (ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned.Count > 1)
// Can't have more than one Ninjask exclusive move on Shedinja
foreach (int m in ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveNincada, CurrentMove);
// Double check that the Ninjask move level isn't less than any Nincada move level
int move = ShedinjaEvoMovesLearned[0];
int g = res[move].Generation;
int levelJ = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Ninjask, currentMoves[move], g);
for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
if (m != move)
if (res[m].Source != LevelUp)
int levelS = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Shedinja, currentMoves[m], res[m].Generation);
if (levelS > 0)
int levelN = MoveList.GetShedinjaMoveLevel((int)Species.Nincada, currentMoves[m], res[m].Generation);
if (levelN > levelJ)
res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, string.Format(LMoveEvoFHigher, SpeciesStrings[(int)Species.Nincada], SpeciesStrings[(int)Species.Ninjask]), CurrentMove);
private static void GetHMCompatibility(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<CheckResult> res, int gen, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, out bool[] HMLearned, out bool KnowDefogWhirlpool)
HMLearned = new bool[4];
// Check if pokemon knows HM moves from generation 3 and 4 but are not valid yet, that means it cant learn the HMs in future generations
if (gen == 4 && pkm.Format > 4)
IsHMSource(HMLearned, Legal.HM_4_RemovePokeTransfer);
KnowDefogWhirlpool = moves.Where((m, i) => IsDefogWhirl(m) && IsCheckInvalid(res[i])).Count() == 2;
KnowDefogWhirlpool = false;
if (gen == 3 && pkm.Format > 3)
IsHMSource(HMLearned, Legal.HM_3);
void IsHMSource(IList<bool> flags, ICollection<int> source)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
flags[i] = IsCheckInvalid(res[i]) && source.Contains(moves[i]);
private static bool IsDefogWhirl(int move) => move is (int)Move.Defog or (int)Move.Whirlpool;
private static bool IsCheckInvalid(CheckResult? chk) => !(chk?.Valid ?? false);
private static bool IsCheckValid(CheckResult? chk) => chk?.Valid ?? false;
private static void FlagIncompatibleTransferHMs45(CheckMoveResult[] res, IReadOnlyList<int> currentMoves, int gen, IReadOnlyList<bool> HMLearned, bool KnowDefogWhirlpool)
// After all the moves from the generations 3 and 4,
// including egg moves if is the origin generation because some hidden moves are also special egg moves in gen 3
// Check if the marked hidden moves that were invalid at the start are now marked as valid, that means
// the hidden move was learned in gen 3 or 4 but was not removed when transfer to 4 or 5
if (KnowDefogWhirlpool)
int invalidCount = currentMoves.Where((m, i) => IsDefogWhirl(m) && IsCheckValid(res[i])).Count();
if (invalidCount == 2) // can't know both at the same time
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // flag both moves
if (IsDefogWhirl(currentMoves[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, LTransferMoveG4HM, CurrentMove);
// Flag moves that are only legal when learned from a past-gen HM source
for (int i = 0; i < HMLearned.Count; i++)
if (HMLearned[i] && IsCheckValid(res[i]))
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, string.Format(LTransferMoveHM, gen, gen + 1), CurrentMove);
private static CheckMoveResult[] VerifyPreRelearnEggBase(int[] currentMoves, EncounterEgg e)
CheckMoveResult[] result = new CheckMoveResult[4];
_ = VerifyRelearnMoves.VerifyEggMoveset(e, result, currentMoves, CurrentMove);
return result;
private static void VerifyNoEmptyDuplicates(IReadOnlyList<int> moves, CheckMoveResult[] res)
bool emptySlot = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var move = moves[i];
if (move == 0)
emptySlot = true;
// If an empty slot was noted for a prior move, flag the empty slots.
if (emptySlot)
FlagEmptySlotsBeforeIndex(moves, res, i);
emptySlot = false;
// Check for same move in next move slots
FlagDuplicateMovesAfterIndex(moves, res, i, move);
private static void FlagDuplicateMovesAfterIndex(IReadOnlyList<int> moves, CheckMoveResult[] res, int index, int move)
for (int i = index + 1; i < 4; i++)
if (moves[i] != move)
res[index] = new CheckMoveResult(res[index], Invalid, LMoveSourceDuplicate);
private static void FlagEmptySlotsBeforeIndex(IReadOnlyList<int> moves, CheckMoveResult[] res, int index)
for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (moves[i] != 0)
res[i] = new CheckMoveResult(res[i], Invalid, LMoveSourceEmpty);