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320 lines
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using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class MemoryAmie : Form
private readonly string[] args = new string[5];
private readonly string[] vartypes = new string[5];
public MemoryAmie(PKM pk)
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
pkm = pk;
cba = new[] { CB_Country0, CB_Country1, CB_Country2, CB_Country3, CB_Country4 };
mta = new[] { CB_Region0, CB_Region1, CB_Region2, CB_Region3, CB_Region4, };
CB_Country0.DisplayMember = CB_Country1.DisplayMember = CB_Country2.DisplayMember = CB_Country3.DisplayMember = CB_Country4.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
CB_Country0.ValueMember = CB_Country1.ValueMember = CB_Country2.ValueMember = CB_Country3.ValueMember = CB_Country4.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
CB_Region0.DisplayMember = CB_Region1.DisplayMember = CB_Region2.DisplayMember = CB_Region3.DisplayMember = CB_Region4.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
CB_Region0.ValueMember = CB_Region1.ValueMember = CB_Region2.ValueMember = CB_Region3.ValueMember = CB_Region4.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
string[] arguments = L_Arguments.Text.Split(new[] {" ; "}, StringSplitOptions.None);
for (int i = 5; i < Math.Min(arguments.Length, vartypes.Length + 5); i++)
if (arguments[i] == null) continue;
vartypes[i - 5] = arguments[i] + ":";
args[0] = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0] ?? "Disabled" : "Disabled";
args[1] = arguments.Length > 1 ? arguments[1] ?? "Never left" : "Never left";
args[2] = arguments.Length > 2 ? arguments[2] ?? "OT" : "OT";
args[3] = arguments.Length > 3 ? arguments[3] ?? "Past Gen": "Past Gen";
args[4] = arguments.Length > 4 ? arguments[4] ?? "Memories with" : "Memories with";
foreach (ComboBox comboBox in cba)
comboBox.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
comboBox.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
Main.SetCountrySubRegion(comboBox, "countries");
private bool init;
private readonly ComboBox[] cba;
private readonly ComboBox[] mta;
private readonly PKM pkm;
// Load/Save Actions
private void LoadFields()
// Load the region/country values.
CB_Country0.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo1_Country;
CB_Country1.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo2_Country;
CB_Country2.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo3_Country;
CB_Country3.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo4_Country;
CB_Country4.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo5_Country;
CB_Region0.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo1_Region;
CB_Region1.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo2_Region;
CB_Region2.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo3_Region;
CB_Region3.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo4_Region;
CB_Region4.SelectedValue = pkm.Geo5_Region;
// Load the Fullness, and Enjoyment
M_Fullness.Text = pkm.Fullness.ToString();
M_Enjoyment.Text = pkm.Enjoyment.ToString();
// Load the CT Memories
M_CT_Friendship.Text = pkm.HT_Friendship.ToString();
M_CT_Affection.Text = pkm.HT_Affection.ToString();
CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, pkm.HT_Intensity - 1);
CB_CTMemory.SelectedValue = pkm.HT_Memory;
CB_CTVar.SelectedValue = pkm.HT_TextVar;
CB_CTFeel.SelectedIndex = pkm.HT_Feeling;
// Load the OT Memories
M_OT_Friendship.Text = pkm.OT_Friendship.ToString();
M_OT_Affection.Text = pkm.OT_Affection.ToString();
CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, pkm.OT_Intensity - 1);
CB_OTMemory.SelectedValue = pkm.OT_Memory;
CB_OTVar.SelectedValue = pkm.OT_TextVar;
CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex = pkm.OT_Feeling;
CB_Handler.Items.AddRange(new object[] {$"{pkm.OT_Name} ({args[2]})"}); // OTNAME : OT
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkm.HT_Name))
pkm.CurrentHandler = 0;
tabControl1.SelectedIndex = CB_Handler.SelectedIndex = pkm.CurrentHandler;
GB_M_OT.Enabled = GB_M_CT.Enabled = GB_Residence.Enabled =
BTN_Save.Enabled = M_Fullness.Enabled = M_Enjoyment.Enabled =
L_Fullness.Enabled = L_Enjoyment.Enabled = !pkm.IsEgg;
if (!pkm.IsEgg)
bool enable;
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
// Previous Generation Mon
GB_M_OT.Text = $"{args[3]} {pkm.OT_Name}: {args[2]}"; // Past Gen OT : OTNAME
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{args[4]} {pkm.HT_Name}"; // Memories with : HTNAME
enable = false;
// Reset to no memory -- don't reset affection as ORAS can raise it
CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex = CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_OTVar.SelectedValue = CB_OTMemory.SelectedValue = 0;
enable = true;
GB_M_OT.Text = $"{args[4]} {pkm.OT_Name} ({args[2]})"; // Memories with : OTNAME
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{args[4]} {pkm.HT_Name}"; // Memories with : HTNAME
if (pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0)
CB_Country1.Enabled = CB_Country2.Enabled = CB_Country3.Enabled = CB_Country4.Enabled =
CB_Region1.Enabled = CB_Region2.Enabled = CB_Region3.Enabled = CB_Region4.Enabled =
GB_M_CT.Enabled = false;
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{args[1]} {args[2]} - {args[0]}"; // Never Left : OT : Disabled
GB_M_CT.Text = $"{args[4]} {pkm.HT_Name}";
RTB_OT.Visible = CB_OTQual.Enabled = CB_OTMemory.Enabled = CB_OTFeel.Enabled = CB_OTVar.Enabled = enable;
M_OT_Affection.Enabled = true;
GB_M_OT.Text = GB_M_CT.Text = $"N/A: {GameInfo.Strings.eggname}";
init = true;
// Manually load the Memory Parse
RTB_CT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, pkm.HT_Name);
RTB_OT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, pkm.OT_Name);
private void SaveFields()
// Save Region & Country Data
pkm.Geo1_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region0);
pkm.Geo2_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region1);
pkm.Geo3_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region2);
pkm.Geo4_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region3);
pkm.Geo5_Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region4);
pkm.Geo1_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country0);
pkm.Geo2_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country1);
pkm.Geo3_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country2);
pkm.Geo4_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country3);
pkm.Geo5_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country4);
// Save 0-255 stats
pkm.HT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Friendship.Text);
pkm.HT_Affection = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Affection.Text);
pkm.OT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Friendship.Text);
pkm.OT_Affection = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Affection.Text);
pkm.Fullness = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Fullness.Text);
pkm.Enjoyment = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Enjoyment.Text);
// Save Memories
pkm.HT_Memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTMemory);
pkm.HT_TextVar = CB_CTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTVar) : 0;
pkm.HT_Intensity = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
pkm.HT_Feeling = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;
pkm.OT_Memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTMemory);
pkm.OT_TextVar = CB_OTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTVar) : 0;
pkm.OT_Intensity = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
pkm.OT_Feeling = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;
// Event Actions
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GetLangStrings()
var strings = GameInfo.Strings.Memories;
CB_OTMemory.DisplayMember = CB_CTMemory.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
CB_OTMemory.ValueMember = CB_CTMemory.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
CB_OTMemory.DataSource = new BindingSource(strings.Memory, null);
CB_CTMemory.DataSource = new BindingSource(strings.Memory, null);
// Quality Chooser
foreach (var q in strings.GetMemoryQualities())
// Feeling Chooser
foreach (var q in strings.GetMemoryFeelings())
private void UpdateMemoryDisplay(object sender)
int memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox) sender);
var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory);
var argvals = GameInfo.Strings.Memories.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);
int index = (int) memIndex - 1;
if (sender == CB_CTMemory)
CB_CTVar.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
CB_CTVar.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
CB_CTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
if (index >= 0)
LCTV.Text = vartypes[index];
LCTV.Visible = CB_CTVar.Visible = CB_CTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
CB_OTVar.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
CB_OTVar.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
CB_OTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
if (index >= 0)
LOTV.Text = vartypes[index];
LOTV.Visible = CB_OTVar.Visible = CB_OTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
private string GetMemoryString(ComboBox m, Control arg, Control q, Control f, string tr)
string result;
bool enabled;
int mem = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(m);
if (mem == 0)
result = GameInfo.Strings.memories[38];
enabled = false;
string nn = pkm.Nickname;
string a = arg.Text;
result = string.Format(GameInfo.Strings.memories[mem + 38], nn, tr, a, f.Text, q.Text);
enabled = true;
// Show labels if the memory allows for them.
if (q == CB_CTQual)
L_CT_Quality.Visible = L_CT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
L_OT_Quality.Visible = L_OT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
// Show Quality and Feeling.
q.Visible = q.Enabled = f.Visible = f.Enabled = enabled;
return result;
private void ChangeMemory(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox m = (ComboBox)sender;
if (m == CB_CTMemory || m == CB_OTMemory)
if (!init) return;
RTB_OT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, pkm.OT_Name);
RTB_CT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, pkm.HT_Name);
private void ChangeCountryIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
int index = Array.IndexOf(cba, sender);
int val;
if (sender is ComboBox c && (val = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(c)) > 0)
Main.SetCountrySubRegion(mta[index], $"sr_{val:000}");
mta[index].Enabled = true;
mta[index].DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "", Value = 0 } };
mta[index].Enabled = false;
mta[index].SelectedValue = 0;
private void ChangeCountryText(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(sender is ComboBox cb) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cb.Text))
cb.SelectedValue = 0;
ChangeCountryIndex(sender, e);
private void Update255_MTB(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(sender is MaskedTextBox tb)) return;
if (Util.ToInt32(tb.Text) > byte.MaxValue)
tb.Text = "255";
private void ClickResetLocation(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label[] senderarr = { L_Geo0, L_Geo1, L_Geo2, L_Geo3, L_Geo4, };
int index = Array.IndexOf(senderarr, sender);
cba[index].SelectedValue = 0;
mta[index].DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
mta[index].ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
mta[index].DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "", Value = 0 } };
mta[index].SelectedValue = 0;
private void B_ClearAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cba[i].SelectedValue = 0;
} |