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synced 2025-03-01 05:47:14 +00:00
With the new version of Visual Studio bringing C# 12, we can revise our logic for better readability as well as use new methods/APIs introduced in the .NET 8.0 BCL.
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333 lines
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using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Contains a collection of methods that mutate the input Pokémon object, usually to obtain a <see cref="PIDType"/> correlation.
/// </summary>
public static class PIDGenerator
private static void SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
var A = LCRNG.Next(seed);
var B = LCRNG.Next(A);
var skipBetweenPID = type is PIDType.Method_3 or PIDType.Method_3_Unown;
if (skipBetweenPID) // VBlank skip between PID rand() [RARE]
B = LCRNG.Next(B);
var swappedPIDHalves = type is >= PIDType.Method_1_Unown and <= PIDType.Method_4_Unown;
if (swappedPIDHalves) // switched order of PID halves, "BA**"
pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | (B >> 16);
pk.PID = (B & 0xFFFF0000) | (A >> 16);
var C = LCRNG.Next(B);
var skipIV1Frame = type is PIDType.Method_2 or PIDType.Method_2_Unown;
if (skipIV1Frame) // VBlank skip after PID
C = LCRNG.Next(C);
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var skipIV2Frame = type is PIDType.Method_4 or PIDType.Method_4_Unown;
if (skipIV2Frame) // VBlank skip between IVs
D = LCRNG.Next(D);
Span<int> IVs = stackalloc int[6];
MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, C >> 16, D >> 16);
if (type == PIDType.Method_1_Roamer)
// Only store lowest 8 bits of IV data; zero out the other bits.
IVs[1] &= 7;
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
IVs[i] = 0;
private static void SetValuesFromSeedBACD(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
bool shiny = type is PIDType.BACD_R_S or PIDType.BACD_U_S;
uint X = shiny ? LCRNG.Next(seed) : seed;
var A = LCRNG.Next(X);
var B = LCRNG.Next(A);
var C = LCRNG.Next(B);
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
if (shiny)
uint PID = (X & 0xFFFF0000) | ((X >> 16) ^ pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16);
PID |= (B >> 16) & 0x7; // lowest 3 bits
pk.PID = PID;
else if (type is PIDType.BACD_R_AX or PIDType.BACD_U_AX)
uint low = B >> 16;
pk.PID = ((A & 0xFFFF0000) ^ ((low ^ pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16) << 16)) | low;
pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | (B >> 16);
Span<int> IVs = stackalloc int[6];
MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, C >> 16, D >> 16);
bool antishiny = type is PIDType.BACD_R_A or PIDType.BACD_U_A;
while (antishiny && pk.IsShiny)
pk.PID = unchecked(pk.PID + 1);
private static void SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG(PKM pk, uint seed)
var species = pk.Species;
switch (species)
case (int)Species.Umbreon or (int)Species.Eevee: // Colo Umbreon, XD Eevee
pk.TID16 = (ushort)XDRNG.Next16(ref seed);
pk.SID16 = (ushort)XDRNG.Next16(ref seed);
seed = XDRNG.Next2(seed); // fake PID
case (int)Species.Espeon: // Colo Espeon
var tid = pk.TID16 = (ushort)XDRNG.Next16(ref seed);
var sid = pk.SID16 = (ushort)XDRNG.Next16(ref seed);
LockFinder.SkipValidColoStarter(ref seed, tid, sid);
seed = XDRNG.Next2(seed); // fake PID
var A = XDRNG.Next(seed); // IV1
var B = XDRNG.Next(A); // IV2
var C = XDRNG.Next(B); // Ability
if (species is (int)Species.Umbreon or (int)Species.Espeon)
// Reuse existing logic.
pk.PID = LockFinder.GenerateStarterPID(ref C, pk.TID16, pk.SID16);
// Generate PID.
var D = XDRNG.Next(C); // PID
var E = XDRNG.Next(D); // PID
pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | (E >> 16);
Span<int> IVs = stackalloc int[6];
MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, A >> 16, B >> 16);
public static void SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG_EReader(PKM pk, uint seed)
var D = XDRNG.Prev3(seed); // PID
var E = XDRNG.Next(D); // PID
pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | (E >> 16);
private static void SetValuesFromSeedChannel(PKM pk, uint seed)
var O = XDRNG.Next(seed); // SID16
var A = XDRNG.Next(O); // PID
var B = XDRNG.Next(A); // PID
var C = XDRNG.Next(B); // Held Item
var D = XDRNG.Next(C); // Version
var E = XDRNG.Next(D); // OT Gender
const ushort TID16 = 40122;
pk.ID32 = (O & 0xFFFF0000) | TID16;
var SID16 = O >> 16;
var pid1 = A >> 16;
var pid2 = B >> 16;
var pid = (pid1 << 16) | pid2;
if ((pid2 > 7 ? 0 : 1) != (pid1 ^ SID16 ^ TID16))
pid ^= 0x80000000;
pk.PID = pid;
pk.HeldItem = (int)(C >> 31) + 169; // 0-Ganlon, 1-Salac
pk.Version = (int)(D >> 31) + 1; // 0-Sapphire, 1-Ruby
pk.OT_Gender = (int)(E >> 31);
Span<int> ivs = stackalloc int[6];
XDRNG.GetSequentialIVsInt32(E, ivs);
public static void SetValuesFromSeed(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed)
var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type);
method(pk, seed);
private static Action<PKM, uint> GetGeneratorMethod(PIDType t)
switch (t)
case PIDType.Channel:
return SetValuesFromSeedChannel;
case PIDType.CXD:
return SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG;
case PIDType.Method_1 or PIDType.Method_2 or PIDType.Method_3 or PIDType.Method_4:
case PIDType.Method_1_Unown or PIDType.Method_2_Unown or PIDType.Method_3_Unown or PIDType.Method_4_Unown:
case PIDType.Method_1_Roamer:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(pk, t, seed);
case PIDType.BACD_R:
case PIDType.BACD_R_A:
case PIDType.BACD_R_S:
case PIDType.BACD_R_AX:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed & 0xFFFF);
case PIDType.BACD_U:
case PIDType.BACD_U_A:
case PIDType.BACD_U_S:
case PIDType.BACD_U_AX:
return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed);
case PIDType.PokeSpot:
return SetRandomPokeSpotPID;
case PIDType.G5MGShiny:
return SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny;
case PIDType.Pokewalker:
return (pk, seed) =>
var pid = pk.PID = PokewalkerRNG.GetPID(pk.TID16, pk.SID16, seed % 24, pk.Gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender);
pk.RefreshAbility((int)(pid & 1));
// others: unimplemented
case PIDType.CuteCharm:
case PIDType.ChainShiny:
return SetRandomChainShinyPID;
case PIDType.G4MGAntiShiny:
return (_, _) => { };
public static void SetRandomChainShinyPID(PKM pk, uint seed)
pk.PID = ClassicEraRNG.GetChainShinyPID(ref seed, pk.ID32);
Span<int> IVs = stackalloc int[6];
var rand1 = LCRNG.Next16(ref seed);
var rand2 = LCRNG.Next16(ref seed);
MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, rand1, rand2);
private static void SetRandomPokeSpotPID(PKM pk, uint seed)
var D = XDRNG.Next(seed); // PID
var E = XDRNG.Next(D); // PID
pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | (E >> 16);
public static void SetRandomPokeSpotPID(PKM pk, int nature, int gender, int ability, int slot)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
while (true)
var seed = rnd.Rand32();
if (!MethodFinder.IsPokeSpotActivation(slot, seed, out var newSeed))
SetRandomPokeSpotPID(pk, newSeed);
if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender))
public static uint GetMG5ShinyPID(uint gval, uint av, ushort TID16, ushort SID16)
uint PID = ((gval ^ TID16 ^ SID16) << 16) | gval;
if ((PID & 0x10000) != av << 16)
PID ^= 0x10000;
return PID;
public static void SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(PKM pk, uint seed)
var gv = seed >> 24;
var av = seed & 1; // arbitrary choice
pk.PID = GetMG5ShinyPID(gv, av, pk.TID16, pk.SID16);
public static void SetRandomWildPID4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType type)
pk.Gender = gender;
var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type);
var rnd = Util.Rand;
while (true)
method(pk, rnd.Rand32());
if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender))
public static bool IsValidCriteria4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender)
if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender)
return false;
if (pk.Nature != nature)
return false;
if ((pk.EncryptionConstant & 1) != ability)
return false;
return true;
public static void SetRandomWildPID5(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None)
var tidbit = (pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16) & 1;
pk.Gender = gender;
pk.Nature = nature;
if (ability == 2)
ability = 0;
var rnd = Util.Rand;
while (true)
uint seed = rnd.Rand32();
if (specific == PIDType.G5MGShiny)
SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(pk, seed);
seed = pk.PID;
var bitxor = (seed >> 31) ^ (seed & 1);
if (bitxor != tidbit)
seed ^= 1;
if (((seed >> 16) & 1) != ability)
pk.PID = seed;
if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender)
private static void SetRandomIVs(PKM pk)