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synced 2025-02-26 04:17:24 +00:00
PreparePKM had the opportunity to be recursive (preparation -> validating*N -> preparation*N), lock out preview sprite updating (which calls PreparePKM via Main.cs) while validating all controls remove uncallable paths (format is checked prior, and checksum check is never called as fieldsInitialized is forced false) move gui toggling to loading methods when appropriate
443 lines
16 KiB
443 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
public partial class PKMEditor
private void LoadNickname(PKM pk)
CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = pk.IsNicknamed;
TB_Nickname.Text = pk.Nickname;
private void SaveNickname(PKM pk)
pk.IsNicknamed = CHK_Nicknamed.Checked;
pk.Nickname = TB_Nickname.Text;
private void LoadSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
// Do first
pk.Stat_Level = PKX.GetLevel(pk.Species, pk.EXP);
if (pk.Stat_Level == 100 && !HaX)
pk.EXP = PKX.GetEXP(pk.Stat_Level, pk.Species);
CB_Species.SelectedValue = pk.Species;
TB_Level.Text = pk.Stat_Level.ToString();
TB_EXP.Text = pk.EXP.ToString();
private void SaveSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
pk.Species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
pk.EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text);
private void LoadOTID(PKM pk)
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null;
TB_OT.Text = pk.OT_Name;
Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[pk.OT_Gender];
Label_OTGender.ForeColor = GetGenderColor(pk.OT_Gender);
TB_TID.Text = $"{pk.TID:00000}";
TB_SID.Text = $"{pk.SID:00000}";
private void SaveOTID(PKM pk)
pk.OT_Name = TB_OT.Text;
pk.OT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_OTGender.Text);
pk.TID = Util.ToInt32(TB_TID.Text);
pk.SID = Util.ToInt32(TB_SID.Text);
private void LoadPKRS(PKM pk)
Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = CHK_Infected.Checked = pk.PKRS_Strain != 0;
Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = pk.PKRS_Days != 0;
CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = pk.PKRS_Strain;
CHK_Cured.Checked = pk.PKRS_Strain > 0 && pk.PKRS_Days == 0;
CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_PKRSDays.Items.Count - 1, pk.PKRS_Days); // to strip out bad hacked 'rus
private void SavePKRS(PKM pk)
pk.PKRS_Days = CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex;
pk.PKRS_Strain = CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex;
private void LoadPartyStats(PKM pk)
Stat_HP.Text = pk.Stat_HPCurrent.ToString();
Stat_ATK.Text = pk.Stat_ATK.ToString();
Stat_DEF.Text = pk.Stat_DEF.ToString();
Stat_SPA.Text = pk.Stat_SPA.ToString();
Stat_SPD.Text = pk.Stat_SPD.ToString();
Stat_SPE.Text = pk.Stat_SPE.ToString();
private void SavePartyStats(PKM pk)
int size = pk.SIZE_PARTY;
if (pk.Data.Length != size)
Array.Resize(ref pk.Data, size);
pk.Stat_HPCurrent = Util.ToInt32(Stat_HP.Text);
pk.Stat_HPMax = Util.ToInt32(Stat_HP.Text);
pk.Stat_ATK = Util.ToInt32(Stat_ATK.Text);
pk.Stat_DEF = Util.ToInt32(Stat_DEF.Text);
pk.Stat_SPE = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPE.Text);
pk.Stat_SPA = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPA.Text);
pk.Stat_SPD = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPD.Text);
pk.Stat_Level = HaX
? (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(MT_Level.Text), byte.MaxValue)
: Util.ToInt32(TB_Level.Text);
private void LoadContestStats(PKM pk)
Contest.Cool = pk.CNT_Cool;
Contest.Beauty = pk.CNT_Beauty;
Contest.Cute = pk.CNT_Cute;
Contest.Smart = pk.CNT_Smart;
Contest.Tough = pk.CNT_Tough;
Contest.Sheen = pk.CNT_Sheen;
private void SaveContestStats(PKM pk)
pk.CNT_Cool = Contest.Cool;
pk.CNT_Beauty = Contest.Beauty;
pk.CNT_Cute = Contest.Cute;
pk.CNT_Smart = Contest.Smart;
pk.CNT_Tough = Contest.Tough;
pk.CNT_Sheen = Contest.Sheen;
private void LoadIVs(PKM pk)
TB_HPIV.Text = pk.IV_HP.ToString();
TB_ATKIV.Text = pk.IV_ATK.ToString();
TB_DEFIV.Text = pk.IV_DEF.ToString();
TB_SPEIV.Text = pk.IV_SPE.ToString();
TB_SPAIV.Text = pk.IV_SPA.ToString();
TB_SPDIV.Text = pk.IV_SPD.ToString();
CB_HPType.SelectedValue = pk.HPType;
private void SaveIVs(PKM pk)
pk.IV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPIV.Text);
pk.IV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKIV.Text);
pk.IV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFIV.Text);
pk.IV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEIV.Text);
pk.IV_SPA = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAIV.Text);
pk.IV_SPD = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPDIV.Text);
private void LoadEVs(PKM pk)
TB_HPEV.Text = pk.EV_HP.ToString();
TB_ATKEV.Text = pk.EV_ATK.ToString();
TB_DEFEV.Text = pk.EV_DEF.ToString();
TB_SPEEV.Text = pk.EV_SPE.ToString();
TB_SPAEV.Text = pk.EV_SPA.ToString();
TB_SPDEV.Text = pk.EV_SPD.ToString();
private void SaveEVs(PKM pk)
pk.EV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPEV.Text);
pk.EV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKEV.Text);
pk.EV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFEV.Text);
pk.EV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEEV.Text);
pk.EV_SPA = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAEV.Text);
pk.EV_SPD = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPDEV.Text);
private void LoadMoves(PKM pk)
CB_Move1.SelectedValue = pk.Move1;
CB_Move2.SelectedValue = pk.Move2;
CB_Move3.SelectedValue = pk.Move3;
CB_Move4.SelectedValue = pk.Move4;
CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = pk.Move1_PPUps;
CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = pk.Move2_PPUps;
CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = pk.Move3_PPUps;
CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = pk.Move4_PPUps;
TB_PP1.Text = pk.Move1_PP.ToString();
TB_PP2.Text = pk.Move2_PP.ToString();
TB_PP3.Text = pk.Move3_PP.ToString();
TB_PP4.Text = pk.Move4_PP.ToString();
private void SaveMoves(PKM pk)
pk.Move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
pk.Move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
pk.Move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
pk.Move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);
pk.Move1_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP1.Text) : 0;
pk.Move2_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP2.Text) : 0;
pk.Move3_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP3.Text) : 0;
pk.Move4_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP4.Text) : 0;
pk.Move1_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move2_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move3_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move4_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex : 0;
private void LoadShadow3(IShadowPKM ck3)
NUD_ShadowID.Value = ck3.ShadowID;
FLP_Purification.Visible = ck3.ShadowID > 0;
if (ck3.ShadowID > 0)
int value = ck3.Purification;
if (value < NUD_Purification.Minimum)
value = (int)NUD_Purification.Minimum;
NUD_Purification.Value = value;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = value > 0;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = Math.Max(ck3.ShadowID, 0);
NUD_Purification.Value = 0;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = false;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = 0;
private void SaveShadow3(IShadowPKM ck3)
ck3.ShadowID = (int)NUD_ShadowID.Value;
if (ck3.ShadowID > 0)
ck3.Purification = (int)NUD_Purification.Value;
private void LoadRelearnMoves(PKM pk)
CB_RelearnMove1.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove1;
CB_RelearnMove2.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove2;
CB_RelearnMove3.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove3;
CB_RelearnMove4.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove4;
private void SaveRelearnMoves(PKM pk7)
pk7.RelearnMove1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove1);
pk7.RelearnMove2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove2);
pk7.RelearnMove3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove3);
pk7.RelearnMove4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove4);
private void LoadMisc1(PKM pk)
private void SaveMisc1(PKM pk)
private void LoadMisc2(PKM pk)
CHK_IsEgg.Checked = pk.IsEgg;
CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = pk.HeldItem;
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = CB_Form.Items.Count > pk.AltForm ? pk.AltForm : CB_Form.Items.Count - 1;
TB_Friendship.Text = pk.CurrentFriendship.ToString();
Label_HatchCounter.Visible = CHK_IsEgg.Checked && pkm.Format > 1;
Label_Friendship.Visible = !CHK_IsEgg.Checked && pkm.Format > 1;
private void SaveMisc2(PKM pk)
pk.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
pk.HeldItem = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);
pk.AltForm = (MT_Form.Enabled ? Convert.ToInt32(MT_Form.Text) : CB_Form.Enabled ? CB_Form.SelectedIndex : 0) & 0x1F;
pk.CurrentFriendship = Util.ToInt32(TB_Friendship.Text);
private void LoadMisc3(PKM pk)
TB_PID.Text = $"{pk.PID:X8}";
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[pk.Gender];
Label_Gender.ForeColor = GetGenderColor(pk.Gender);
CB_Nature.SelectedValue = pk.Nature;
CB_Language.SelectedValue = pk.Language;
CB_GameOrigin.SelectedValue = pk.Version;
CB_Ball.SelectedValue = pk.Ball;
CB_MetLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Met_Location;
TB_MetLevel.Text = pk.Met_Level.ToString();
CHK_Fateful.Checked = pk.FatefulEncounter;
// Load Extrabyte Value
TB_ExtraByte.Text = pk.Data[Convert.ToInt32(CB_ExtraBytes.Text, 16)].ToString();
private void SaveMisc3(PKM pk)
pk.PID = Util.GetHexValue(TB_PID.Text);
pk.Nature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature);
pk.Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);
pk.FatefulEncounter = CHK_Fateful.Checked;
pk.Ball = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ball);
pk.Version = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin);
pk.Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);
pk.Met_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_MetLevel.Text);
pk.Met_Location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_MetLocation);
private void LoadMisc4(PKM pk)
CAL_MetDate.Value = pk.MetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
if (pk.Egg_Location == 0)
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = false;
CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = 0;
CAL_EggDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);
// Was obtained initially as an egg.
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = true;
CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Egg_Location;
CAL_EggDate.Value = pk.EggMetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
private void SaveMisc4(PKM pk)
pk.MetDate = CAL_MetDate.Value;
// Default Dates
DateTime? egg_date = null;
int egg_location = 0;
if (CHK_AsEgg.Checked) // If encountered as an egg, load the Egg Met data from fields.
egg_date = CAL_EggDate.Value;
egg_location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_EggLocation);
// Egg Met Data
pk.EggMetDate = egg_date;
pk.Egg_Location = egg_location;
if (pk.IsEgg && pk.Met_Location == 0) // If still an egg, it has no hatch location/date. Zero it!
pk.MetDate = null;
pk.Ability = (byte)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(HaX ? DEV_Ability : CB_Ability);
private void LoadMisc6(PKM pk)
TB_EC.Text = $"{pk.EncryptionConstant:X8}";
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = pk.AbilityNumber < 6 ? pk.AbilityNumber >> 1 : 0; // with some simple error handling
DEV_Ability.SelectedValue = pk.Ability;
TB_AbilityNumber.Text = pk.AbilityNumber.ToString();
private void SaveMisc6(PKM pk)
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text);
pk.AbilityNumber = Util.ToInt32(TB_AbilityNumber.Text);
private void LoadGeolocation(PKM pk)
CB_Country.SelectedValue = pk.Country;
CB_SubRegion.SelectedValue = pk.Region;
CB_3DSReg.SelectedValue = pk.ConsoleRegion;
private void SaveGeolocation(PKM pk)
pk.Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
pk.Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_SubRegion);
pk.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
private void LoadHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
TB_OTt2.Text = pk.HT_Name;
int gender = pk.HT_Gender & 1;
// Set CT Gender to None if no CT, else set to gender symbol.
Label_CTGender.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk.HT_Name) ? string.Empty : gendersymbols[gender];
Label_CTGender.ForeColor = GetGenderColor(gender);
// Indicate who is currently in posession of the PKM
if (pk.CurrentHandler == 0) // OT
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = mixedHighlight;
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = null;
else // Handling Trainer
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = mixedHighlight;
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null;
private void SaveHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
pk.HT_Name = TB_OTt2.Text;
pk.HT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_CTGender.Text) & 1;
// Misc
private void CheckTransferPIDValid()
if (pkm.Version >= 24)
uint EC = Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text);
uint PID = Util.GetHexValue(TB_PID.Text);
uint SID = Util.ToUInt32(TB_SID.Text);
uint TID = Util.ToUInt32(TB_TID.Text);
uint LID = PID & 0xFFFF;
uint HID = PID >> 16;
uint XOR = TID ^ LID ^ SID ^ HID;
// Ensure we don't have a shiny.
if (XOR >> 3 == 1) // Illegal, fix. (not 16<XOR>=8)
// Keep as shiny, so we have to mod the PID
TB_PID.Text = PID.ToString("X8");
TB_EC.Text = PID.ToString("X8");
else if ((XOR ^ 0x8000) >> 3 == 1 && PID != EC)
TB_EC.Text = (PID ^ 0x80000000).ToString("X8");
else // Not illegal, no fix.
TB_EC.Text = PID.ToString("X8");
private void LoadAbility4(PKM pk)
int[] abils = pk.PersonalInfo.Abilities;
int abil = Array.IndexOf(abils, pk.Ability);
if (abil < 0)
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (abil == 2)
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = 2;
else if (abils[0] == abils[1] || abils[1] == 0)
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = pk.PIDAbility;
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = abil >= CB_Ability.Items.Count ? 0 : abil;