PKHeX/PKHeX.WinForms/Controls/SAV Editor/ContextMenuSAV.cs
Kurt 021ecbfe47 move pkm load compat check to pkmconverter
closes #1550 , mgdb/pkmdb throw unconverted files which need conversion;
move main file load conversion to a reusable method and have pkmeditor
call it on every load.

add skip argument to ignore the conversion check (ie if the file is
loaded from an undoubtedly same type source).
2017-10-28 14:26:27 -07:00

195 lines
7.1 KiB

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
public partial class ContextMenuSAV : UserControl
public ContextMenuSAV()
public event LegalityRequest RequestEditorLegality;
public delegate void LegalityRequest(object sender, EventArgs args, PKM pkm);
public void OmniClick(object sender, EventArgs e, Keys z)
switch (z)
case Keys.Control: ClickView(sender, e); break;
case Keys.Shift: ClickSet(sender, e); break;
case Keys.Alt: ClickDelete(sender, e); break;
private static void ClickView(object sender, EventArgs e)
SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info);
if (m == null)
if ((sender as PictureBox)?.Image == null)
{ System.Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; }
m.SE.PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(m.GetPKM(info), false, true);
m.SetColor(info.Box, info.Slot, Resources.slotView);
private static void ClickSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info);
if (m == null)
var editor = m.SE.PKME_Tabs;
var sav = m.SE.SAV;
if (info.IsParty && editor.IsEmptyOrEgg && sav.IsPartyAllEggs(info.Slot - 30) && !m.SE.HaX)
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't have empty/egg party."); return; }
if (m.SE.SAV.IsSlotLocked(info.Box, info.Slot))
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't set to locked slot."); return; }
PKM pk = editor.PreparePKM();
string[] errata = sav.IsPKMCompatible(pk);
if (errata.Length > 0 && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errata), "Continue?"))
if (info.Slot >= 30)
info.Box = -1;
if (info.Slot >= 30 && info.Slot < 36) // Party
// If info.Slot isn't overwriting existing PKM, make it write to the lowest empty PKM info.Slot
if (sav.PartyCount < info.Slot + 1 - 30)
info.Slot = sav.PartyCount + 30;
info.Offset = m.SE.GetPKMOffset(info.Slot);
m.SetPKM(pk, info, true, Resources.slotSet);
else if (info.Slot < 30 || m.SE.HaX)
if (info.Slot < 30)
m.SE.UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange
Box = info.Box,
Slot = info.Slot,
Offset = info.Offset,
PKM = sav.GetStoredSlot(info.Offset)
m.SE.Menu_Undo.Enabled = true;
m.SetPKM(pk, info, true, Resources.slotSet);
editor.LastData = pk.Data;
m.SE.RedoStack.Clear(); m.SE.Menu_Redo.Enabled = false;
private static void ClickDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info);
if (m == null)
if ((sender as PictureBox)?.Image == null)
{ System.Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; }
var sav = m.SE.SAV;
if (info.IsParty && sav.IsPartyAllEggs(info.Slot - 30) && !m.SE.HaX)
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't delete this slot."); return; }
if (sav.IsSlotLocked(info.Box, info.Slot))
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't delete locked slot."); return; }
if (info.Slot >= 30 && info.Slot < 36) // Party
m.SetPKM(sav.BlankPKM, info, true, Resources.slotDel);
if (info.Slot < 30 || m.SE.HaX)
if (info.Slot < 30)
m.SE.UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange
Box = info.Box,
Slot = info.Slot,
Offset = info.Offset,
PKM = sav.GetStoredSlot(info.Offset)
m.SE.Menu_Undo.Enabled = true;
m.SetPKM(sav.BlankPKM, info, true, Resources.slotDel);
else return;
m.SE.RedoStack.Clear(); m.SE.Menu_Redo.Enabled = false;
private void ClickShowLegality(object sender, EventArgs e)
SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info);
if (m == null)
var pk = m.GetPKM(info);
RequestEditorLegality?.Invoke(sender, e, pk);
private void MenuOpening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
var items = ((ContextMenuStrip)sender).Items;
object ctrl = ((ContextMenuStrip)sender).SourceControl;
GetSenderInfo(ref ctrl, out SlotChange info);
bool SlotFull = (ctrl as PictureBox)?.Image != null;
bool Editable = info.Slot < 36;
bool legality = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control;
ToggleItem(items, mnuSet, Editable);
ToggleItem(items, mnuDelete, Editable && SlotFull);
ToggleItem(items, mnuLegality, legality && SlotFull && RequestEditorLegality != null);
ToggleItem(items, mnuView, SlotFull || !Editable, true);
if (items.Count == 0)
e.Cancel = true;
private static SlotChangeManager GetSenderInfo(ref object sender, out SlotChange loc)
loc = new SlotChange();
var ctrl = WinFormsUtil.GetUnderlyingControl(sender);
var obj = ctrl.Parent.Parent;
if (obj is BoxEditor b)
loc.Box = b.CurrentBox;
loc.Slot = b.GetSlot(sender);
loc.Offset = b.GetOffset(loc.Slot, loc.Box);
loc.Parent = b.FindForm();
sender = ctrl;
return b.M;
obj = obj.Parent.Parent;
if (obj is SAVEditor z)
loc.Box = z.Box.CurrentBox;
loc.Slot = z.GetSlot(sender);
loc.Offset = z.GetPKMOffset(loc.Slot, loc.Box);
loc.Parent = z.FindForm();
sender = ctrl;
return z.M;
return null;
private static void ToggleItem(ToolStripItemCollection items, ToolStripItem item, bool visible, bool first = false)
if (visible)
if (first)
items.Insert(0, item);
else if (items.Contains(item))