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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Common logic for <see cref="PKM"/> data providing and manipulation.
/// </summary>
public static class PKX
internal static readonly PersonalTable Personal = PersonalTable.SWSH;
public const int Generation = 8;
private static readonly HashSet<int> Sizes = new()
PokeCrypto.SIZE_1JLIST, PokeCrypto.SIZE_1ULIST,
PokeCrypto.SIZE_2ULIST, PokeCrypto.SIZE_2JLIST, PokeCrypto.SIZE_2STADIUM,
PokeCrypto.SIZE_3STORED, PokeCrypto.SIZE_3PARTY,
PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED, PokeCrypto.SIZE_4PARTY,
PokeCrypto.SIZE_6STORED, PokeCrypto.SIZE_6PARTY,
PokeCrypto.SIZE_8STORED, PokeCrypto.SIZE_8PARTY,
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the given length is valid for a <see cref="PKM"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="len">Data length of the file/array.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> indicating whether or not the length is valid for a <see cref="PKM"/>.</returns>
public static bool IsPKM(long len) => Sizes.Contains((int)len);
/// <summary>
/// Gets randomized EVs for a given generation format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="generation">Generation specific formatting option</param>
/// <returns>Array containing randomized EVs (H/A/B/S/C/D)</returns>
public static int[] GetRandomEVs(int generation = Generation)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
if (generation > 2)
var evs = new int[6];
int max = 510;
for (int i = 0; i < evs.Length - 1; i++)
max -= evs[i] = (byte)Math.Min(rnd.Next(Math.Min(300, max)), 252);
evs[5] = max;
} while (evs[5] > 252);
return evs;
var evs = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < evs.Length; i++)
evs[i] = rnd.Next(ushort.MaxValue + 1);
return evs;
/// <summary>
/// Translates a Gender string to Gender integer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">Gender string</param>
/// <returns>Gender integer</returns>
public static int GetGenderFromString(string s)
if (s.Length != 1)
return 2;
return s[0] switch
'♂' or 'M' => 0,
'♀' or 'F' => 1,
_ => 2,
/// <summary>
/// Gets the nature modification values and checks if they are equal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nature">Nature</param>
/// <param name="incr">Increased stat</param>
/// <param name="decr">Decreased stat</param>
/// <returns>True if nature modification values are equal or the Nature is out of range.</returns>
public static bool GetNatureModification(int nature, out int incr, out int decr)
incr = (nature / 5) + 1;
decr = (nature % 5) + 1;
return incr == decr || nature >= 25; // invalid
/// <summary>
/// Updates stats according to the specified nature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stats">Current stats to amplify if appropriate</param>
/// <param name="nature">Nature</param>
public static void ModifyStatsForNature(ushort[] stats, int nature)
if (GetNatureModification(nature, out int incr, out int decr))
stats[incr] *= 11; stats[incr] /= 10;
stats[decr] *= 9; stats[decr] /= 10;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a random PID according to specifications.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rnd">RNG to use</param>
/// <param name="species">National Dex ID</param>
/// <param name="gender">Current Gender</param>
/// <param name="origin">Origin Generation</param>
/// <param name="nature">Nature</param>
/// <param name="form">Form</param>
/// <param name="oldPID">Current PID</param>
/// <remarks>Used to retain ability bits.</remarks>
/// <returns>Rerolled PID.</returns>
public static uint GetRandomPID(Random rnd, int species, int gender, int origin, int nature, int form, uint oldPID)
// Gen6+ (and VC) PIDs do not tie PID to Nature/Gender/Ability
if (origin >= 24)
return Util.Rand32(rnd);
// Below logic handles Gen3-5.
int gt = Personal[species].Gender;
bool g34 = origin <= 15;
uint abilBitVal = g34 ? oldPID & 0x0000_0001 : oldPID & 0x0001_0000;
bool g3unown = origin <= 5 && species == (int)Species.Unown;
bool singleGender = gt is 0 or 254 or 255; // single gender, skip gender check
while (true) // Loop until we find a suitable PID
uint pid = Util.Rand32(rnd);
// Gen 3/4: Nature derived from PID
if (g34 && pid%25 != nature)
// Gen 3 Unown: Letter/form derived from PID
if (g3unown)
var pidLetter = GetUnownForm(pid);
if (pidLetter != form)
else if (g34)
if (abilBitVal != (pid & 0x0000_0001)) // keep ability bits
if (abilBitVal != (pid & 0x0001_0000)) // keep ability bits
if (singleGender) // Set Gender(less)
return pid; // PID can be anything
// Gen 3/4/5: Gender derived from PID
if (gender == GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(pid, gt))
return pid;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Unown Forme ID from PID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid">Personality ID</param>
/// <remarks>Should only be used for 3rd Generation origin specimens.</remarks>
/// <returns></returns>
public static int GetUnownForm(uint pid)
var val = (pid & 0x3000000) >> 18 | (pid & 0x30000) >> 12 | (pid & 0x300) >> 6 | (pid & 0x3);
return (int)(val % 28);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the gender ID of the species based on the Personality ID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="species">National Dex ID.</param>
/// <param name="pid">Personality ID.</param>
/// <returns>Gender ID (0/1/2)</returns>
/// <remarks>This method should only be used for Generations 3-5 origin.</remarks>
public static int GetGenderFromPID(int species, uint pid)
int gt = Personal[species].Gender;
return GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(pid, gt);
public static int GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(uint pid, int gr) => gr switch
255 => 2,
254 => 1,
0 => 0,
_ => (pid & 0xFF) < gr ? 1 : 0
/// <summary>
/// Gets an array of valid <see cref="PKM"/> file extensions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxGeneration">Maximum Generation to permit</param>
/// <returns>Valid <see cref="PKM"/> file extensions.</returns>
public static string[] GetPKMExtensions(int maxGeneration = Generation)
var result = new List<string>();
int min = maxGeneration is <= 2 or >= 7 ? 1 : 3;
for (int i = min; i <= maxGeneration; i++)
if (maxGeneration >= 3)
result.Add("ck3"); // colosseum
result.Add("xk3"); // xd
if (maxGeneration >= 4)
result.Add("bk4"); // battle revolution
if (maxGeneration >= 7)
result.Add("pb7"); // let's go
return result.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Roughly detects the PKM format from the file's extension.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ext">File extension.</param>
/// <param name="prefer">Preference if not a valid extension, usually the highest acceptable format.</param>
/// <returns>Format hint that the file is.</returns>
public static int GetPKMFormatFromExtension(string ext, int prefer)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext))
return prefer;
return GetPKMFormatFromExtension(ext[ext.Length - 1], prefer);
/// <summary>
/// Roughly detects the PKM format from the file's extension.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="last">Last character of the file's extension.</param>
/// <param name="prefer">Preference if not a valid extension, usually the highest acceptable format.</param>
/// <returns>Format hint that the file is.</returns>
public static int GetPKMFormatFromExtension(char last, int prefer)
if (last is >= '1' and <= '9')
return last - '0';
return last == 'x' ? 6 : prefer;
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGB(byte[] data, int offset) => data[offset] != 0;
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGC(byte[] data, int offset) => BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset) != 0;
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGBA(byte[] data, int offset) => (data[offset + 0x13] & 0xFB) == 2; // ignore egg flag, must be FlagHasSpecies.
internal static bool IsPKMPresent(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset) != 0) // PID
return true;
ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 8);
return species != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a function that can check a byte array (at an offset) to see if a <see cref="PKM"/> is possibly present.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blank"></param>
/// <returns>Function that checks if a byte array (at an offset) has a <see cref="PKM"/> present</returns>
public static Func<byte[], int, bool> GetFuncIsPKMPresent(PKM blank)
if (blank.Format >= 4)
return IsPKMPresent;
if (blank.Format <= 2)
return IsPKMPresentGB;
if (blank.Data.Length <= PokeCrypto.SIZE_3PARTY)
return IsPKMPresentGBA;
return IsPKMPresentGC;
/// <summary>
/// Reorders (in place) the input array of stats to have the Speed value last rather than before the SpA/SpD stats.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Input array to reorder</param>
/// <returns>Same array, reordered.</returns>
public static int[] ReorderSpeedLast(int[] value)
var spe = value[3];
value[3] = value[4];
value[4] = value[5];
value[5] = spe;
return value;