Kurt ba5cc26e83 Add indication to which blocks changed
Use reflection to grab all const declarations (private and public), and grab the name of that const. Whenever that block is mentioned in our diff, use the name instead of the key.

Helps identify what changed / remove noise if you don't care about that block.
2020-01-22 17:06:23 -08:00

103 lines
5.2 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class SaveBlockAccessorSWSH : ISaveBlockAccessor<SCBlock>, ISaveBlock8Main
public IReadOnlyList<SCBlock> BlockInfo { get; }
public Box8 BoxInfo { get; }
public Party8 PartyInfo { get; }
public MyItem Items { get; }
public MyStatus8 MyStatus { get; }
public Misc8 Misc { get; }
public Zukan8 Zukan { get; }
public BoxLayout8 BoxLayout { get; }
public PlayTime8 Played { get; }
public Fused8 Fused { get; }
public Daycare8 Daycare { get; }
public Record8 Records { get; }
public TrainerCard8 TrainerCard{ get; }
public FashionUnlock8 Fashion { get; }
public RaidSpawnList8 Raid { get; }
public TitleScreen8 TitleScreen { get; }
public SaveBlockAccessorSWSH(SAV8SWSH sav)
BlockInfo = sav.AllBlocks;
BoxInfo = new Box8(sav, GetBlock(KBox));
PartyInfo = new Party8(sav, GetBlock(KParty));
Items = new MyItem8(sav, GetBlock(KItem));
Zukan = new Zukan8(sav, GetBlock(KZukan));
MyStatus = new MyStatus8(sav, GetBlock(KMyStatus));
Misc = new Misc8(sav, GetBlock(KMisc));
BoxLayout = new BoxLayout8(sav, GetBlock(KBoxLayout));
TrainerCard = new TrainerCard8(sav, GetBlock(KTrainerCard));
Played = new PlayTime8(sav, GetBlock(KPlayTime));
Fused = new Fused8(sav, GetBlock(KFused));
Daycare = new Daycare8(sav, GetBlock(KDaycare));
Records = new Record8(sav, GetBlock(KRecord), Core.Records.MaxType_SWSH);
Fashion = new FashionUnlock8(sav, GetBlock(KFashionUnlock));
Raid = new RaidSpawnList8(sav, GetBlock(KRaidSpawnList));
TitleScreen = new TitleScreen8(sav, GetBlock(KTitleScreenTeam));
/* To dump key list of current format, use the following in the immediate window, and update Meta8
var blocks = BlockInfo.Where(z => z.Data.Length != 0).Select(z => new KeyValuePair<uint, int>(z.Key, z.Data.Length)).Select(z => $"{z.Key:X8}, {z.Value:X5},");
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("blank.txt", blocks.ToArray());
// Objects (Blocks)
private const uint KBox = 0x0d66012c; // Box Data
private const uint KMysteryGift = 0x112d5141; // Mystery Gift Data
private const uint KItem = 0x1177c2c4; // Items
private const uint KCoordinates = 0x16aaa7fa; // Coordinates?
private const uint KBoxLayout = 0x19722c89; // Box Names
private const uint KMisc = 0x1b882b09; // Money
private const uint KParty = 0x2985fe5d; // Party Data
private const uint KDaycare = 0x2d6fba6a; // Daycare slots (2 daycares)
private const uint KRecord = 0x37da95a3;
private const uint KZukan = 0x4716c404; // PokeDex
private const uint KTrainerCard = 0x874da6fa; // Trainer Card
private const uint KPlayTime = 0x8cbbfd90; // Time Played
private const uint KRaidSpawnList = 0x9033eb7b; // Nest current values (hash, seed, meta)
private const uint KFused = 0xc0de5c5f; // Fused PKM (*3)
private const uint KFashionUnlock = 0xd224f9ac; // Fashion unlock bool array (owned for (each apparel type) * 0x80, then another array for "new")
private const uint KTitleScreenTeam = 0xE9BE28BF; // Title Screen Team details
private const uint KMyStatus = 0xf25c070e; // Trainer Details
// Values
public const uint KGameLanguage = 0x0BFDEBA1; // U32 Game Language
public const uint KRepel = 0x9ec079da; // U16 Repel Steps remaining
public const uint KRotoRally = 0x38548020; // U32 Roto Rally Score (99,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerSinglesVictory = 0x436CAF2B; // U32 Singles victories (9,999,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerDoublesVictory = 0x0D477836; // U32 Doubles victories (9,999,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerSinglesStreak = 0x6226F5AD; // U16 Singles Streak (255 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerDoublesStreak = 0x5F74FCEE; // U16 Doubles Streak (255 cap)
public object GetBlockValue(uint key) => GetBlock(key).GetValue();
public void SetBlockValue(uint key, object value) => GetBlock(key).SetValue(value);
// Rather than storing a dictionary of keys, we can abuse the fact that the SCBlock[] is stored in order of ascending block key.
// Binary Search doesn't require extra memory like a Dictionary would; also, we only need to find a few blocks.
public SCBlock GetBlock(uint key) => BinarySearch(BlockInfo, key);
private static SCBlock BinarySearch(IReadOnlyList<SCBlock> arr, uint key)
int min = 0;
int max = arr.Count - 1;
int mid = (min + max) / 2;
var entry = arr[mid];
var ek = entry.Key;
if (key == ek)
return entry;
if (key < ek)
max = mid - 1;
min = mid + 1;
} while (min <= max);
throw new KeyNotFoundException(nameof(key));